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The Anime Thread


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Guest strongarm85

I know this a manga but I can't find a thread specifically for manga so I'll post it here.

First some back story.

Anyhow Sasuke and his three stooges, started fighting the guy who contains the 8 tails. Now this guy still hasn't been named yet, but he is easily the most unique character in the Manga to date. He is a tall rapping black man with blond dread locks who has so far only referred to himself as the Killer Bee, which is probably a reference to the MMA fighter.

So anyhow these guys showed up and at first Sasuke has the only two of his lackies who seems to be any good close combat attack him at the beginning and they are beaten pretty soundly off panel.

So Sasuke ran in and attacked him and the beginning of the next chapter and ended up being skewered by 7 swords, only one of which the guy was actually holding with his hand.

So with Sasuke near death the rest of his team worked together for a few minutes and managed to drag Sasuke out of the battle and she had him bite him on the arm which healed him completely of all his injuries. Sasuke immediately jumps back into the fight with the other two and even working together the Killer Bee managed to easily back off to get some distance without any of them even realizing that he left.

So anyhow, the fight has picked up again and 8-tails has started to transform and nearly killed Sasuke for a second time, this time with a fucking Lariot. That Lariot destroyed most of the internal organs in his chest and his throat, so to try to save him, one of his lackies seems to actually be trying to fuse his body into Sasuke's so that he wont die. But thats not all, unlike any other character who has contained a demon in them, this guy is able to fully transform into his demon and still maintain control.

Its a total mark fest right now.

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Anyone catch that last killer episode of Bible Black?

What? He said "all such related things"... I thought maybe DMN would appreciate the sentiment >_>

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This thread aedquately covers anime, manga and all such related things, for those wondering. (Y)

Hey. HEY!

I made this thread, I'll decide what goes in this thread. :angry:

In this thread there shall be talks of anime, manga, and all such related things.

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This thread aedquately covers anime, manga and all such related things, for those wondering. (Y)

Hey. HEY!

I made this thread, I'll decide what goes in this thread. :angry:

In this thread there shall be talks of anime, manga, and all such related things.

... so, anyone catch that last killer episode of Bible Black? :shifty:

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More Geass stuff. Some interviews with the director of the series about how R2's current direction isn't what was originally planned and because of timeslot fuckery in Japan, they've had to change a lot of things about the show. They're interesting reads and may contain some spoilers so..



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Geass Turn 20 spoilers. No subs for the turn yet, only the raws currently floating around. So yeah. DON'T CLICK IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE SPOILED.

So, after everyone thinking (or, well, most people) Anya = the real Nunnally, FUCKING SWERVE. Anya = MARIANNE. What the hell. Anya-Marianne unlocks the "true" CC and she gives Anya-Marianne a geass (I think), and seems really disinterested in what happens to Lelouch. Which is kind of odd. I guess Marianne wasn't the loving mother Lelouch remembers her to be? Oh, and Suzaku asks Schneizel to order him to kill the Emperor. There's a coup, Suzaku is foiled in his assassination attempt by Bismarck, war happens blah blah blah. Also, Charles is trying to rebuild the Sword of Akasha but Lelouch blows the entrance up and they're trapped in there now with Lelouch exclaiming that they'll suffer together.

Also, Lelou is surprisingly sane in this turn. And kind of badass.

EDIT: Now that I watch the raw again it looks more like Anya was geassed and possessed (maybe?) by Marianne. It definitely appears that in one scene she's geassed. Won't know until subs are out, though..

It also looks like Bismarck has a Geass underneath his sewn eye. Also, episode titles for turns 23, 24 and 25 are out. "Schneizel's Mask", "Sky of Damocles" and "Re:" respectively.


A lot of sites are saying that Schneizel is gonna be the "finally boss" in Geass. If that's true then uh, wow.


Edited by Cloudy Remembers Ira Hayes
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and turn 20 spoilers

I do NOT think Anya is Marianne, notice the geass on her? my prediction is Marianne put a geass on her daughter Anya so she could control/possessl her when the time came. Suzaku loses it but I can still somehow see him helping Lelouch vs Charles. Knight of One seemed to have geass to which isn't surprising considering he's the knight of one.

so everyone is heading to that island, to start the 3 possibly 4 way war? xing ke / kaguya don't seem to trust the others after they didn't even tell them what happened. kallen seemed to do nothing and lose her resolve this episode what was up with that? overall it didn't seem like much happened, just setting the stage for the next few episodes. Lelouch was pretty badass this episode, not caring anymore if he dies if he can take charles down with him. I have a feeling Charles isn't all he seems though, we still don't know what Ragnarok exactly is and what/who/ these gods are he plans on killing. what is Charles motivation?

Edited by mystikz
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Fuck, I am in love with crazy Maka. Seriously, she looks so fucking badass, and the way they're handling SOUL being the one tethering them to sanity is just amazing and hilarious. I can't wait for this fight, seriously... when Maka blocked Krona's attack, I was like "FUCK. YES."

Krona's story is so sad and sympathetic too, it really makes you wish something good would happen for the character because of how badly scarred he is.

I'm not too thrilled about Black Star fighting the Werewolf and the witch, to be honest... I was hoping for a good Krona vs. Black Star showdown since I thought that would be too awesome. Still, though... he's at least fighting alongside of Kid, that should add an amusing element. Plus, now we get Dark Maka and Soul vs. Krona, and that's a fight I don't want to miss.
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and turn 20 spoilers

I do NOT think Anya is Marianne, notice the geass on her? my prediction is Marianne put a geass on her daughter Anya so she could control/possessl her when the time came. Suzaku loses it but I can still somehow see him helping Lelouch vs Charles. Knight of One seemed to have geass to which isn't surprising considering he's the knight of one.

so everyone is heading to that island, to start the 3 possibly 4 way war? xing ke / kaguya don't seem to trust the others after they didn't even tell them what happened. kallen seemed to do nothing and lose her resolve this episode what was up with that? overall it didn't seem like much happened, just setting the stage for the next few episodes. Lelouch was pretty badass this episode, not caring anymore if he dies if he can take charles down with him. I have a feeling Charles isn't all he seems though, we still don't know what Ragnarok exactly is and what/who/ these gods are he plans on killing. what is Charles motivation?

Okay, man, Suzaku and Lelouch were both kinda badass in this episode now that I watch the subs.

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