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In #142, Amy Rose and Tekno travelled to the dawn of life on Mobius. It was discovered that all life in the universe was created by a team of scientific dinosaurs in spacesuits, who worked for what was hinted to be God Himself; the dinosaurs also built the Eternity Ring as a means of dimensional transport.
Best. Origins. Ever.
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Oh and how about the PC S+K music:

That's just the same as the normal Marble Garden music only...made slightly muter due to the difference in audio format. This happens with most old game to PC ports (and I was just playing FFVII for the PC not minutes ago, so I should know). They're never as good as the original. :@

Hill Top Zone's music is half of the reason why I hate the level in the first place. Bloody screeching nonsense...

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Because Knuckles being attacked by Robotnik BREAKS KAYFABE~!

At least, I presume that's the reason. Like just some rogue/defective Badnik from the Sky Sanctuary Zone pissed Knuckles off one day, and he went on a rampage to twat him back in the face - which could presumably still occur as a perculiar side-adventure to the main Sonic storyline.

But whatever. There's no good reason really.

It does however remind me of the first time I got to Sky Sanctuary Zone as Knuckles. Beat Metallix - woo, yeah, easy as. Then he suddenly wakes back up and hops on the Master Emerald.

As a 9 year old boy, I had never proverbially shit myself as much as I did when Super Metallix appeared before my eyes. >_>

Edited by stokeriño
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Scratch and Grounder only 7th :o They should be above Tails in my opinion, if only for Tails' god-awful ability in defeating The Marble Garden Zone Boss, but maybe that's just me being a novice at boss beatings.

Speaking of those two 'bumbling numb-bot skulls', I recently got the entire series of Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog on DVD - it was a great buy, apart from Tails who is just plain annoying throughout. "The World's Largest Paperweight" "Scrap Metal" "Breakaway Bumpkin" Grounder "The Genius" is one of my favourite characters of all time. I also find it funny that, given they were portrayed as so dumb, they were placed on the higher levels of Mean Bean Machine.

As a 9 year old boy, I had never proverbially shit myself as much as I did when Super Metallix appeared before my eyes.
Edited by andrethegiantstopfan
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I refuse to admit that Scratch and Grounder exist. Doing so would in turn force me to admit to myself that I spent a good portion of my childhood watching that bilge, and THAT I am not willing to do.

"I'm waaaaaiiiiiitiiiiing"...*shudders*

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I was intrigued by Sonic X for approximately 4 episodes, then it died. Then I saw some of the dubbed versions on TV, and it died further still. Originally, Knuckles was bitching and moaning and making snide remarks and all sorts, but in the dub 90% of his lines were replaced with "What the?". Next. (N)

However, none of these are as bad as those ones where they bust out electric guitars. Sonic Underground, or whatever it's called.

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I was intrigued by Sonic X for approximately 4 episodes, then it died. Then I saw some of the dubbed versions on TV, and it died further still. Originally, Knuckles was bitching and moaning and making snide remarks and all sorts, but in the dub 90% of his lines were replaced with "What the?". Next. (N)

However, none of these are as bad as those ones where they bust out electric guitars. Sonic Underground, or whatever it's called.

Bwahaha, that was hilarious, with Sonic's brothers/cousins/whatever? The green dude was so cheesey. It's all about the SatAM and AoStH!

EDIT: And you guys claimed to be Sonic geeks <_< I forgot how much I watched/read/played >_<

Edited by Benji
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I was a Sonic Geek from 1993 - 1997. At that point the Star Wars movies were re-released, and I became a Star Wars Geek.

My entire childhood can be defined by separate eras of obsessions. It's only relatively recently that I obtained the extra mental capacity to allow more than one obsession (e.g. anime and wrestling, etc.) in at the same time. >_>

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Sonic was one of the few things I liked when I was little, the other thing I can think of which comes close is, believe it or not, Countdown.

I tend to go through phases, and I was a Sonic nut from 1996 to, well, I'd say around 1999/2000 when I started to get into wrestling. Recently I've got back into Sonic again (can't say the same for wrestling), and I suddenly have the urge to get a MegaDrive again, because it's just not the same on Mega Collection is it?

Oh, and as for AoSTH:

"Booby Traps? HA! Who do they think we are? Boobs!?" - Grounder The Genius

"We almost had Sonic but thanks to Grounder we..." - Scratch

"You don't HAVE to tell me... I can see what happened! - Robotnik

"Hey, you really are getting smarter!" - Grounder

Hilarity in itself.

Oh and the bit in Grounder the Genius where Robotnik is turned into a basketball, tennis ball and rugby ball still makes me laugh.

Scratch waffles Robotnik with the racquet "Whoa, Nasty Slice!"

I feel it was truly the badniks in AoSTH that made it anything decent - Sonic and Tails were just plain annoying.

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Oh, and I just remembered that I owned a couple of Sonic novels. One was called, I think, "Sonic The Hedgehog in the Fourth Dimension", and one was kind of vampire-themed. I remember very little else about them. A job for Wiki, methinks.

Wiki confirms that they are indeed Sonic The Hedgehog In The 4th Dimension, and Sonic The Hedgehog In Castle Robotnik. Beyond that, I have but the vaguest of memories.

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