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Shows in the same 'universe'


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This was posted YEARS ago...as there was some really fucked up one. Basically, I'm bored, I can't sleep, I want something to entertain myself. A few years back, someone posted a website that had a list of TV shows/films and the like that all happened within the same 'universe', and which ones tied together, and how they tied together. I've searched google, found nothing. So anyone know what it was?

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I've been watching the Fresh Prince lately and started thinking of how many various series tied into each other in some capacity. Diff'rent Strokes and The Jeffersons struck with the series finale. Then connected with that you got All In The Family and subsequently Maude... and it just continues.

Really obvious if you connect all of the sitcoms on the networks. Especially CBS and NBC.

It's actually pretty damn cool how so many shows connect in some ways.

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I don't understand that jpeg at all. How exactly are shows like Red Dwarf or the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy meant to be even remotely related to Doctor Who? Despite being a) British and b) IN SPACE, of course. And if being next to each other isn't meant to be an indication of their relation, what the fuck is the point of it? That they have similar themes? Do I have a different understanding of the word 'crossover' to these people? ¬_¬

Edited by stokeriño
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All I know is Friends and Mad About You. EDIT: Oh, and Joey of course.

And that site is really cool.

I think Seinfeld is in the Mad About Youniverse as well. I remember an episode where the Mad About You Wife was mad at Mad About You Guy because he still owned his own apartment, so he went to check it out and his tenant was Kramer?

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