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Videogame Music


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What do you prefer on your video game music? Original stuff or a compilation? Do you turn off the sound altogether and listen to your own music? Do you listen to OTHER games' music whilst playing games?

I was having this discussion with someone the other day, they hate original soundtracks, insisting they lack heart, which I just couldn't buy. Obviously FF came into the argument, which I think (especially with Uematsu) had some of the most heartfelt music I've heard, and not just in context of soundtrack. Does anyone agree with his statement? Am I completely mistaken and am in a minority here?

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Depends on the game. If I'm playing a Final Fantasy game, I usually give the soundtrack a whirl, but for most other games I just throw something on the stereo and listen to it while I play, muting when dialogue comes up. >_>

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I love Nintendo's first party soundtracks. Pokémon, Mario, Donkey Kong, etc. They're generally great.

But then, the custom soundtrack for GTA III annoys the hell out of me and the music compilations in the later games fit so much better.

I think my rule of thumb is that I like either, as long as it's not shit. -_-

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Oh yeah, GTA's something I forgot - usually, when I play any GTA game I just find a station I like (Radio Los Santos, Radio X, etc.) and keep it there.

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SVR soundstracks generally grate on me because... a bit of Hip-Hop? Sure. Hip-Hop non-stop? My ears start to bleed. Same with Fight Night 3.

GTA definitely has one of the best soundtracks, Scarface is alright and even though it's less 'soundtrack' and more backing music, Metal Gear ALWAYS has good backing music at the right time. Possibly my favourite.

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SVR soundstracks generally grate on me because... a bit of Hip-Hop? Sure. Hip-Hop non-stop? My ears start to bleed. Same with Fight Night 3.

GTA definitely has one of the best soundtracks, Scarface is alright and even though it's less 'soundtrack' and more backing music, Metal Gear ALWAYS has good backing music at the right time. Possibly my favourite.

SvR I wish they'd go back to a rock leniency with hip hop/rock combos, that way more people are happy.

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I generally tune out most game soundtracks. I find them grating a lot of the time, especially licensed soundtracks. I just usually can't stand most of the music.

Even the GTA's aren't innocent. I found myself putting it on the talk radio shows instead of the music stations, and even at that I only found 3 or 4 stations decent enough to listen to.

Normally I just pay attention to TV or listen to other music while playing most games.

However, when it comes to certain series, I tend to want to listen to the in game soundtrack. Mostly stuff that are immersive. Like the Final Fantasy's for example. They're actually just overall good soundtracks. My girlfriend's listened to them and liked them, yet she's never really bothered with the games themselves.

Nintendo, as has been said, is also good for their in game music. I just wish they'd continue going orchestral instead of sticking to archaic midi's.

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It really depends on what I'm playing and what I'm doing in the game.

If I'm just gaining levels in Kingdom Hearts II for example, I'll just usually switch on iTunes and turn down the volume, but if I have some storyline etc. to listen to, or a boss battle with cool music to go, I'll switch the sound back on.

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SVR soundstracks generally grate on me because... a bit of Hip-Hop? Sure. Hip-Hop non-stop? My ears start to bleed. Same with Fight Night 3.

Since when has SVR been all hip-hop? The last soundtrack included Nonpoint, Chevelle, Sevendust and Hellyeah. I'm pretty sure there's a few others on there too. If anything it's more rock than hip-hop. Maybe it justs seems like there's more hip-hop because the hip-hop songs they have are so annoying.

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