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When You Love a Game Too Much


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I have a nasty habit of not beating games, even when I really enjoy them.

I am still playing NHL 08 on a regular basis. At least a game a day it seems. I beat Knights of the Old Republic three times I think. I played the crap out of Civilization 2 in high school. Star Trek: Birth of the Federation was played to death too and I wish I had a copy of it still.

Going back a long way, there are a few games. Donkey Kong Country was super cool bad ass and my brother and I would play it all the time. Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter 2 were played to death and are still fun to this day. Oh, and I have rediscovered my love for WWF No Mercy, although sometimes it is the most fucking frustrating game ever with all the reversals.

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Final Fantasy Tactis...I have beat and played that so much, I wish I could move my TV to my room so I could chill and play it while listening to music....although now I'm realizing I can just put my ipod on my xbox, which is hooked up to the stereo and have that in teh background....I'm going to do that right now!

But I also have a nasty habit of just stopping games mid way though, in fact I've done it with pretty much all my games I've boughten in the last 12 months.

Mass Effect, Blue Dragon and NFS:Carbon are all half done (Well Blue Dragon is maybe 1/4). Overlord I got far in, but douche roomates b/f decided to try it one day and erased me game and I ahven't had the willingness to start over.

Besides Tactics I can't really think of many games I repeatedly play...well Final Fantasy II and III, but I also quit halfway through III last I played it.

Edit: OMG, TimeSplitters 3: Future Perfect, I beat every challenge and got every character in that and played elimination rounds until my eyes bled, the only FPS I like and I love it to death.

Edited by Future-Shock
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Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3. Wasted far to much time on them. I've done two a lot more I think, three is probably the overall better game but the start is a bit dull. I've got a completed save on every difficulty level from Very Easy to Extreme on Metal Gear Solid 2. And yet, I'm only beginning to get the story. :P (No, not really - but it did take two plays to understand everything and I was still picking up new things on the third try. :blush: )

It's funny, because MGS2 could have very easily ended up in the games you've grown to hate thread, I remember quitting and not looking at it for six months after not being able to locate one single C4. I was stupid. >_< Plus, having Substance means I've gone through all the Snake Tales and I think I've probably done about 60-70% of the VR missions. I probably won't be playing it for a while now though, as my copy is scratched beyond belief and won't work. I'll end up picking up a new soon I guess, I don't imagine it'll be to expensive.

Edited by Keith Kannon
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For me the top of the pile has to be Deus Ex. I make a point of replaying the game once a year (which would make it seven times I've gone through it now). THIS is a game more modern games should strive to be like.

Beyond that I've easily sunk 150+ hours into Knights of the Old Republic, and likely 60 or so into it's sequel. Quality RPGs right there.

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Broken Sword as someone mentioned above is one that I play quite a lot (well, the first two, before it went 3D and became shit), and also the Monkey Island games (again, except the 3D one, although that one has it's moments I guess)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I pretty much am playing some installment of Madden about 6-9 months out of any given year, and especially during the NFL's season. Our PS2 bit the dust recently, so that's stalled. I'd get it on the Wii, but I heard there's no create-a-team mode, so I guess I'll have to wait until I either buy a new PS2 or get a 360.

I also like to either be playing some installment of Final Fantasy (6 and 7 especially) or Earthbound, but again, with no PS2, I'm out of luck with FF, and Earthbound isn't available on the Wii yet.

Lately, with only the Wii, I've been playing a lot of Mario3 and Super Mario World over and over. And Star Fox 64, which is incredibly replayable.

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