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Guest Mr. Potato Head

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You don't understand the big deal about Ellen Page, but you haven't seen Juno, the movie which made her a big deal. And you can't even bother to Google search to find Jonah Hill's name, or the correct name of the movie out now, Forgetting Sarah Marshall. And you complain about his acting but the only thing making The Marine from being "not horrible" was the amount of explosions?

Considering a lot of the comments have been "Shagging Ellen" I wasn't talking about what makes her a big deal in the movie. I haven't seen the Movie, but I know who she is, so i wanted to know why so many people are obsessed with the way she looks (And I'm not even talking about just here on EWB, I read it everywhere about guys wanting to bang her)

I didn't google the guys name, and added savig instead of forgetting, is that a big deal? yeah, the only thing I complained about in the Marine was how stupid the explosions were; The Marine wasn't a horrible movie. I'm entitled to that opinion, and I never claimed that Juno, Superbad, Knocked up, or any movie with Jonah Hill has sucked. I simple find Jonah annoying.

I also know Ellen isn't as young as she looks, but since so many people are obsessed with her and like girls who look young, and since I don't see why people are into her appearance, I said "Go to the mall, you'll see better".

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I gotta say I'm not enamored with Ellen Page. I mean, I wouldn't say no, but then I wouldn't go out of my way to either. She's one of those girls you would take them up on the offer if it's there but wouldn't lose any sleep over if it never.

As for Juno, haven't seen it but I will give it a go at some point.

Who's that fat guy in Superbad? I don't know if he's in Knocked up as well, but he's pretty much every new comedy being released, or released recently. (He's in that Saving Sarah one coming out) Anyway, everything about him annoys me; The acting, his face, the way he delivers his lines, the sound of his voice - ALL ANNOYING!

I also agree. All he seems to have a talent of is to be fat and obnoxiously annoying. That's not an acting talent. That's just good casting.

Edited by 'Wildcat' BSIG
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I think the fact that he's missing is not that its about Ellen Page's look, its about her personality in Juno. Thats what I dug. Of course I can go to the mall and see 'hotter' chicks, I live in fucking Southern California, that place where hot chicks go to become legitimate actresses and end up amateur porn stars, but thats not the point. Its about personality for me, not looks.

And The Marine is a bad movie, but its so bad that its enjoyable to me. The black guy is funny as hell.

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I thought Juno was alright. Nothing to bust a nut over like all the critics did, but it wasn't anything offensive. Just an alright movie that was overhyped by everyone. I could say the exact same thing for No Country for Old Men too.

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If Juno was real, I wouldn't mind stabbing her. Her performance was fine but if I ever met a girl like that, I might stab her. Annoying as all hell.

I don't get the hate on Superbad, it's a fucking funny movie, nothing more. Knocked Up, as with most Apatow movies, was perfectly fine but about 25 minutes too long.

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I think a lot of the critiscm generated towards Juno is warranted, but I think in spite of that, it was a good movie. The performances were top notch, as stated earlier. The script was good, but weighed down a bit by HEAVY cultural references. It did try a bit too much to be hip, but they must have done something right.

All in all, though, I think that given the demographics of this board, it is bound that a lot of people are going to dislike it. I don't think the movie was necessarily made with this demographic in mind. It was a very woman-orientated movie, and I'll tell you must people who I know that loved it were females.

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I think Ellen Page has Molly Holly Syndrome, meaning while she may not be hot, she's cute and thus she's more approachable than other hot girls and thus you believe you actually have a chance.

If you liked the Cracked.com article, check out Something Awful's version of the script: "Quotey".

With all of that said, you can't pay me enough money to watch that movie.

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I think a lot of the critiscm generated towards Juno is warranted, but I think in spite of that, it was a good movie. The performances were top notch, as stated earlier. The script was good, but weighed down a bit by HEAVY cultural references. It did try a bit too much to be hip, but they must have done something right.

All in all, though, I think that given the demographics of this board, it is bound that a lot of people are going to dislike it. I don't think the movie was necessarily made with this demographic in mind. It was a very woman-orientated movie, and I'll tell you must people who I know that loved it were females.

Oh, I'll agree with that. A lot of the girls I am around at school love the movie. And a lot of ranges of girls, too. From ones who would've actually gotten the whole emotions of it, to a girl who described it as "the shit" (or maybe as "the shiz") and "pimp". (Yeah, that particular girl I can't stand to not end.)

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I just watched Juno last week for the first time. Reading that fake script posted two posts up sums up what I felt like I was watching. It wasn't bad. In fact it's actually a pretty good movie. My only problem with it, and I think this is fair to say even to people who adore this movie... it was so backed up with the aforementioned cultural references and general modern day campiness, I had to stop the movie a few times take a break from it. I think it's the type of movie I would loved if I was still in grade eight. Good movie, but it's almost as if somebody wrote it, then went back and pumped it full of "cultural references and general modern campiness."

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I watched again late last night and I found 100% better and was able to sit through it completely without stopping. I think I was looking for a reason to knock it the first time. I'll be the first to admit my initial feelings about Juno may have been exaggerated a bit and I still feel the same to an extent, it was almost like the movie forced me to change how I felt about it.

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On the subject of those WWE films, I've not seen The Marine nor have I seen See No Evil, but I watched the Condemned and honestly? That movie was fucking incredible, compared to what I thought I was going to see.

Seriously, just an amazingly well pulled off film that really fucks with you as you watch it. This is as close to an Americanized "Battle Royale" as you're going to get unless they go through with actually Americanizing Battle Royale, and instead of kids, you have convicts on death row taken and placed on an island.

There were some scenes that were fairly stupid, but overall, the movie was just a great movie, I thought.

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