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*SPOILERS*Official Indiana Jones And The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull Thread*SPOILERS*


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One thing I have noted in the last decade is that Harrison Ford started playing all of his characters the same. They all seemed old and tired and he gave very one note performances. Nothing inspiring like he had done so much early in career. Last night in Indy I saw a spark of the old Harrison Ford during a large part of the movie, which was good to see.

Well, there is that one part where he tells Cate Blanchett to "GET OFF MY PLANE!" and then throws her out the emergency door...

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I did catch that. There were other references to Star Wars in the other Indy films, weren't there?

In Temple of Doom, the club where the opening sequence takes place is called Club Obi Wan or something like that. Don't know if there are any others.

Edited by Brimstone13
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The only thing that ruined it for me was the pointless inclusion of George Lucas' CGI pets but I've already mentioned that a few times on the board so I'm not gonna keep harping on about it. The only other complaint I had was Karen Allen's performance which seemed like a caricature. The most positive thing I can say about it is that it really felt like an Indy film and doesn't look out of place alongside the other three. I had reservations about Shia LaBeouf at first but he was great and it was a nice touch from Speilberg making him look like Marlon Brando in The Wild One when he first appeared, too. The ending was farfetched and ridiculous but aren't all the endings like that in the series?

The backstories given to Indy and Mac previous to this film were pretty cool and it leads me to wonder why Indy 4 couldn't of been done in the 90's revolving around Indiana Jones' involvement in the war.

EDIT: Even though you knew it wasn't going to happen did anybody else secretely hope for a Sean Connery cameo? Even though it never came I'm glad he got a mention because Jones Snr. was one of my favourite characters in the entire series. Shame it was only a mention that he had died :(.

Edited by brenchill
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I did catch that. There were other references to Star Wars in the other Indy films, weren't there?

I don't have a picture on hand (someone might), but in Raiders in the scene where Indy is down in the temple where the Ark was, in the background you can see some hieroglyphics and you can see a crude etching of R2 and Threepio.



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I saw it yesterday and loved it. I felt that they kept true to the other indy movies but gave it its own spin. I'm hoping that the boxoffice success means more indy movies.

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So I saw it again with some big Indiana Jones fans hoping maybe if I was with them I would feed off they're excitement and enjoy the movie this time.

Nope. Hated it even more now, before I liked parts of it but I was distracted by what I disliked I kept feeling annoyed. The people I was with didn't like either and they said they'd just ignore it and watch the other three again.

God I really wanted to like this movie. :angry:

Edited by Snow White and the 7Ups
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I checked it out on IMDB and it's getting surprisingly rave reviews. Of course, one person who posted that they thought it was terrible was met with "IF YOU HATE IT WHY DO YOU COME TALK ABOUT IT?" Apparently negative reviews aren't welcome on a review site...

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I checked it out on IMDB and it's getting surprisingly rave reviews. Of course, one person who posted that they thought it was terrible was met with "IF YOU HATE IT WHY DO YOU COME TALK ABOUT IT?" Apparently negative reviews aren't welcome on a review site...

IMDB boards are a joke so I don't even pay attention to them.

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I didn't mind this movie. I thought it had some pretty good action and the introduction of the CGI and the like into the series helped out with some elements of it. The aliens was not a big problem for me, at first I thought what are aliens doing in Indiana Jones, thats just way out there then I thought "Hmmmm an ark that melts peoples faces, thats not believable either". So now I'm fine with the movie in some respects, the only problem is as Indy is now older I think he should've been stuffing up more now adays which would've been fairly good.

Also at first I didnt make the connection between Mutt and changing his name until I remembered Indiana named himself after his dog and that helped it click for me. Anyway, Mutt almost picking up the hat at the end would've been a good way to lead on to others but ultimately I think Ford taking the hat back off him was probably just as good a move.

The acting in the movie was pretty good too I thought, although I am a massive Shia LaBeouf fan so that kinda helped the movie out lol

All in all I thought a pretty good movie but then again it is just a matter of opinion in the end; either you like it or you don't, and I liked it!

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I think with the other movies, even though the ark, the magic stones, and the cup, are themselves just as strange as Aliens I think in the end because everything was done for real basically that you bought those things as being grounded in reality. The action, the plot, and acting all helped sell those other things as being real. The bad CGI, even if it was an homage to the 50's films, just took me out of the movie so instead instead of just going with it I kept noticing everything I hated.

Having seen it twice it still bothers me how little danger the actors appear to be in. Think back to the first three movies and in nearly every action set piece Indy was literally in mortal danger and you felt he was. Example, the beginning of Raiders when he's trying to escape the cave. In Temple when he and Shortround are in the spike room and Mrs. Spielberg has to reach into the bug infested hole to let them out. Or even Crusades when he's fighting the guy on the tank. All those times Indy was getting beat up and was in a dire situation. I NEVER ONCE felt like he was in anything he knew he would get out of, any of the characters for that example. I mean did Indy even bleed once in the movie? Did anyone actually bleed in this movie? I mean the only people the Russians ever kill on screen are the guards at the gate and they are supposed to be our bad guys?

The more I think about the more I really didn't like this movie and the more I'm inclined to ignore it from the original trilogy. So I'm done now. Unless the DVD comes out loaded with 3 hours of extra features which are fantastic....I think I've seen this movie for the last time.

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Just to point out one thing you did say. They did bleed, I specifically remember seeing Indy bleeding and then on the back of the jeeps (or whatever) Mutt was also struck and began bleeding too. I think there was more danger in this movie on Mutt rather than Indiana, but maybe that is just because they are looking for more sequels or a spin off with Mutt at least

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I find myself enjoying fewer and fewer films these days. This is one of those that I really wanted to enjoy and in the end I actually thought it was OK, not brilliant, but passable.

For someone who normally picks up straight away on things like bad CGI, I didn’t think there was a lot wrong with it. Unless I was missing something major, it was nowhere near as bad as other films in the last few years (King Kong, for example) for over-use of (poor) CGI.

I don’t know what it is but I can’t accept Shia as a replacement Indy. Which is what he essentially was in this film cause short of Indy fighting the big Russian amongst the ants, most of the action was on him. Perhaps he just doesn’t have the look I associate with action stars or perhaps it’s just unfortunate for me that his character (as well as the one he plays in Transformers) comes across a little cocky and just not as likeable as Indiana.

I was kinda sad to see them marry Indiana Jones off and have him settle down at the end. Some might see it as closure, but (as childish and naive as this may be) after the last 3 films I’d like to think Indiana Jones just went on having adventures forever and ever.

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I don't personally get why people are so off about the aliens. Whereas the original Indy films are homages to Serials of the 1930s, this is an homage to the alien movies of the 1950s, hence the aliens.

In terms of what I thought about the movie, having only seen the original 3 Indy movies about 2 weeks ago for the first time, I assume I don't have the nostalgia hang-ups everyone else does, and therefore I really liked this one.

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I don't personally get why people are so off about the aliens. Whereas the original Indy films are homages to Serials of the 1930s, this is an homage to the alien movies of the 1950s, hence the aliens.

I don't think it's the Aliens that are the problem. It's just how CGI'd they were they could of been much more subtle.

Edited by brenchill
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