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EliteXC on CBS Live Thread

Guest Mr. Potato Head

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Man, I don't like the hype machine behind Kimbo as much as the next guy but he still had a fun aura around him and his fights. You could also tell that he legitimately wants to become a good fighter, and his heart is in it for the right reasons. But man, oh man I feel nothing but sorrow for him after that. I think he even may have had a few tears in his eyes. Where the hell can he go from here? Petruzelli is a far, far cry from a household name and after that embarrassing loss his entire hype, and image is gone. Fucking GONE. If EliteXC folds, I don't see him being signed anywhere else. Fuck, I don't see him doing much after this anyway. Tough break :(

I think that what Kimbo can do is maybe take a long period of time to just work on his overall game. At this point, he's still just a street fighter in an MMA match. I think that if he really wants to become a great fighter (which I'm SURE he wants to be), he just has to work on improving his overall game.

I don't like Kimbo, but it's mainly because of all the hype around him. I think that with proper training for a long time, he could legit live up to his hype.

As far as Elite XC being dead goes, the more I think about it, I highly doubt this will kill Elite XC. However, it's certainly a critical hit.

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Please, the hype and everything gone ? It was a punch, one fucking punch. That happens in fights ... if you're caught just right it doesn't matter. That's all that happened. Nothing more.

Wow, talk about overreacting. Hell, the rematch would sell out quicker than all fuck. Elite now has a ready made script with Kimbo and the pink haired fucker. Oh, and not to mention Tito is signing.

Seriously, what the fuck people.

Edited by HailtotheKing
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Guest Mr. Potato Head

There's still a Kimbo/Shamrock match that can draw well enough, because they got people wanting to see it anyhow.

And I love Krone's idea of Petruzelli/Tito...if Tito wins (which he likely well), he's legit enough that it ends the streak of undeserving EXC poster boys. In the unlikely even Petru beats Tito, it solidifies him well enough.

Unfortunately, those (and Cyborg/Carano) are really the only two matches I can think of that will draw ANYTHING on CBS...they've got plenty more talent in the lower divisions (especially LW), but none of them have any mainstream name value yet.

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Please, the hype and everything gone ? It was a punch, one fucking punch. That happens in fights ... if you're caught just right it doesn't matter. That's all that happened. Nothing more.

Wow, talk about overreacting. Hell, the rematch would sell out quicker than all fuck. Elite now has a ready made script with Kimbo and the pink haired fucker.

Seriously, what the fuck people.

Are you blind to what Kimbo was living off of? The reputation? Hype? Any of it? There is no overreacting to this loss to Kimbo's career.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
Please, the hype and everything gone ? It was a punch, one fucking punch. That happens in fights ... if you're caught just right it doesn't matter. That's all that happened. Nothing more.

Wow, talk about overreacting. Hell, the rematch would sell out quicker than all fuck. Elite now has a ready made script with Kimbo and the pink haired fucker. Oh, and not to mention Tito is signing.

Seriously, what the fuck people.

It wasn't some Superman punch though. Rua/Radach had several punches much stronger than that, and if you go back to the original Smith/Lawler match, it makes it look like Petru hit Kimbo with a jab.

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Please, the hype and everything gone ? It was a punch, one fucking punch. That happens in fights ... if you're caught just right it doesn't matter. That's all that happened. Nothing more.

Wow, talk about overreacting. Hell, the rematch would sell out quicker than all fuck. Elite now has a ready made script with Kimbo and the pink haired fucker.

Seriously, what the fuck people.

Some relative no-name came in and knocked out their biggest draw in 11 seconds. This biggest draw's entire reputation is based on his ability to knock people out. Kimbo Slice was built as the ultimate bad-ass. Tonight, he looked like he didn't even belong in the cage.

I mean, who would want to see a rematch of a fight that was as conclusive as this one? I certainly don't. Kimbo's aura has been destroyed, along with his star power being seriously damaged. It's a critical hit to EliteXC because he's their Hulk Hogan. Imagine if Hulk Hogan had been booked to lose to Jim Powers in the main event of WrestleMania. So, now you can just build the entire WWF around Jim Powers? Sadly, it doesn't work that way.

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Are you blind to what Kimbo was living off of? The reputation? Hype? Any of it? There is no overreacting to this loss to Kimbo's career.

I'm the farthest thing from blind.

Yeah, he was a hype machine. A hype machine that could beat the fuck out of people and did so on two shows already. Are you telling me you're ignorant enough to not see the ultimate hype that can come from this ? Hell, he was already the "ultimate underdog" in terms of breaking into MMA. He was "nothing" but a streetfighter but he found a way to make it work in the cage. So he got hit with a strike that hit the right spot. You telling me that's never happened to someone that is actually versed in MMA ? Give me a break. Now "his back is against the wall" yadda yadda .... the story goes around and around.

Not only do you have Seth as the instant megastar (even if for only until his next fight), Shamrock and Tito in the wings, Carano and the mui tai machine, and the whole pissed off - angry - wants to eat someone's heart Kimbo. Elit XC is just fine after tonight. Kimbo is just fine after this fight. He had a Hollywood rise to this position and now he's got the ultimate Hollywood comeback script waiting for him.

Seriously .... one punch tonight did not end Kimbo's career or Elite XC. Jesus Christ that's blind and ignorant.

and MPH, please ... it doesn't matter how hard the punch was, it's how it lands. That's fact.

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Man, I don't like the hype machine behind Kimbo as much as the next guy but he still had a fun aura around him and his fights. You could also tell that he legitimately wants to become a good fighter, and his heart is in it for the right reasons. But man, oh man I feel nothing but sorrow for him after that. I think he even may have had a few tears in his eyes. Where the hell can he go from here? Petruzelli is a far, far cry from a household name and after that embarrassing loss his entire hype, and image is gone. Fucking GONE. If EliteXC folds, I don't see him being signed anywhere else. Fuck, I don't see him doing much after this anyway. Tough break :(

You know, I really do agree with you, because I do feel for Kimbo. He does have the heart, but damn it, he has had how long to at least improve on something? He just went out there and lost to a Light Heavyweight in 13 seconds. 13 seconds! I mean, to put this in perspective, the 185 lbs. Ikuhisa Minowa lasted longer with a 230 lbs. Mirko Cro Cop... What's that tell ya?

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Please, the hype and everything gone ? It was a punch, one fucking punch. That happens in fights ... if you're caught just right it doesn't matter. That's all that happened. Nothing more.

Wow, talk about overreacting. Hell, the rematch would sell out quicker than all fuck. Elite now has a ready made script with Kimbo and the pink haired fucker.

Seriously, what the fuck people.

Are you blind to what Kimbo was living off of? The reputation? Hype? Any of it? There is no overreacting to this loss to Kimbo's career.

Exactly, I don't think it's over reacting at all. Kimbo drew because he was marketed heavily as abad ass mother fucker who could knock someone out with on punch, and not get knocked out. He was humiliated tonight, by nothing that looked like a heavy knock out punch. The reputation and the hype was just destroyed, thus his drawing power. To use another wrestling analogy, it would have been like Hogan going out and just hitting Goldberg with a big boot, legdrop and pinning him in 13 seconds on Nitro back in the day. Goldberg would have been fucked.

Everyone complained about how Elite XC had been booking around Kimbo's weaknesses and padding his record, but tonight they booked themselves into the ground really. If Petruzelli goes out and loses to Joe Schmoe his next fight, the entire company looks like shit.

EDIT: And I know wrestling is a totally different ballgame, but still you have to say that tonight hurt his drawing power. You also have made a great point in your post above HttK, so maybe I am jumping to a bit of a conclusion. I just feel for Kimbo.

Edited by Sex Panther
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The only way I could see this as the "Hollywood Script" HttK is if Kimbo plays a "Rocky" like Seth and ends up going on to beat him in a rematch somewhere down the line like Rocky did to Apollo Creed.

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This kind of shit can happen to anyone at any given moment. The punch landed just right. Period, that's it. Nothing more.

There's a slew of these kinds of bouts in UFC. I'd argue that Kimbo now has more drawing power (for at least his next fight). I know damn sure that I'll watch to see what he does after getting put on his ass. You know, kinda like when Lidell did the first time.

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This kind of shit can happen to anyone at any given moment. The punch landed just right. Period, that's it. Nothing more.

There's a slew of these kinds of bouts in UFC. I'd argue that Kimbo now has more drawing power (for at least his next fight). I know damn sure that I'll watch to see what he does after getting put on his ass. You know, kinda like when Lidell did the first time.

But Liddell was and is a proven fighter with a proven history with proven ability inside the cage/octagon/ring. Kimbo is a fighter living off of momentum from the internet. Huge difference.

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Yeah, I can somewhat agree with that Httk, because people will wanna see how Kimbo can rebound. But let's be honest here, will the casual MMA fan really say "Wow, this guy just lost in 13 seconds. So let's waste a Saturday night and see if he can beat someone?". I mean no casual MMA fan knew who the fuck Seth Petruzelli was, but they sure as hell knew who Kimbo Slice was.

So I can see both sides here. Kimbo might be able to get that drawing power, but I just don't know. Maybe if Slice works on some stuff then he can get tons better, but the only analogy I can think of that would be good for Kimbo is that this fight was like Gonzaga vs. Cro Cop with Double G knocking out Cro Cop with the high kick. Granted, look at what happened to Cro Cop's career after that, but he sure as hell didn't just die after it. Then again, Kimbo doesn't exactly have the same credentials as Cro Cop.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
Yeah, he was a hype machine. A hype machine that could beat the fuck out of people and did so on two shows already.

Then someone got the bright idea to match him up against a fighter. (Ken Shamrock's walking corpse is not a fighter.) That didn't go so well.

And to anyone thinking people will tune in to see "how he comes back from a loss", they already have their answer - he shrugs it off because he was looking more forward to the afterparty anyhow. Hollywood's got to his head just a little bit.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

And another point to HTTK - none of Kimbo's wins were any amazing domination performances. He beat Cantrell and Tank Abbott in exactly the same fashion he lost tonight, and he only beat James Thompson because of some VERY suspect refereeing.

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I tuned in to watch the fight only after I found out about the opponent change, as I was planning on watching Griffin vs. Rampage despite knowing the outcome. I remember seeing some of Petruzelli's UFC fights, including one where he was bleeding heavily around the eyes but went the distance, so I figured it would be a much better fight than Kimbo vs. Shamrock. As you can imagine, I was laughing my head off when he beat Kimbo, as I like Seth and think Kimbo is about as overrated as they come.

Watched it and the Shields vs. Daley fight.

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Basically this is about the same reaction Lesnar got after his first loss..though it may not be int he same fashion. Lets not forget Kimbo has only been doing this for what..about 6 months? Who long has Petro been in the game? You have to take that in account. You also have to take in the account that Kimbo knew nothing of Petro but I sure as hell know that Petro new a lot more about Kimbo than Kimbo knew about him.

As regard to his interview, Kimbo did what he should have done..he shrugged it off.

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Basically this is about the same reaction Lesnar got after his first loss..though it may not be int he same fashion. Lets not forget Kimbo has only been doing this for what..about 6 months? Who long has Petro been in the game? You have to take that in account. You also have to take in the account that Kimbo knew nothing of Petro but I sure as hell know that Petro new a lot more about Kimbo than Kimbo knew about him.

As regard to his interview, Kimbo did what he should have done..he shrugged it off.

Mir is a former UFC Heavyweight Champ. Seth is a guy who was on the UFC developmental show, and didn't even win that. It's like equating a kid striking out to end a Little League World Series game and striking out with the bases loaded to end Game 7 of the World Series. It's kinda the same, but it's really magnitudes apart.

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