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Co-op shooter PS2 games?

Tits McGee

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So me and my bro are looking for a PS2 game where we can do co-op in game and play with each other. We are looking for a full campaign of co-op pretty much. Also, a game that is online as well for when we want to play by ourselves. Does anyone have any good games to recommend like this?

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Seriously, one of my favourite franchises of all time they NEED to do a next-gen version!), probably the most fun I've ever had multiplayer - on any console, nevermind just PS2, even if our quadrants of the screen were tiny for deathmatch and objective games. The storylines are funny, levels well-designed, graphics are wonderful and it doesn't take itself seriously, you really can't go wrong. I'd definitely check out Future Perfect, although the other two are well worth a go. Oh, and there's plenty of single palyer challenges and stuff to unlock a fuckton of characters. And a heckuva map editor.

Just buy it already.

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I have been told to get it but we were looking for more realistic war scenario like Brothers In Arms or Full Spectrum Warrior. Any of these decent? Or any nice WW2 or modern war ones?

Strangely...a game that I found fun as Co-op (I suggest maybe a rental because it's not really worth owning necessarily) was Conflict: Desert Storm (Actually I'd go with Conflict Desert Storm 2)...now it's actually a pretty piss-poor game in the grand theme of things...it sucks horribly on single player...but co-op is a lot of fun for a little while. My brother and I would play it....tanks are absolutely devastating on it...I remember one time we ran into a tank and didn't have an anti-tank rocket....so I gave him my detonator, and he threw out smoke as I ran towards the tank....I got to it, killed the machine gunner, and then planted c4 on it. He then detonated the c4 with my detonator, killing the tank and me. Then he ran in and revived me (two players...you have to reach a dead player within 2 minutes to revive them or it's game over).

I dunno...that just struck me as a fun ps2 game for multiplayer.

I know the SOCOM series was popular in some circles for online multiplayer...there's no split screen multi though...

Other than that...there's not a ton of options for cooperative military shooters on ps2. I was always on the lookout for a good co-op multiplayer game on the ps2, and i rarely found any at all...in any genre. Generally not a lot of thought or effort was put into multiplayer modes....at least that's how it seemed to me.

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Full Spectrum Warrior is squad-ordering, not really traditional FPS by the way. Not a lot of realistic options past the Conflict series, co-op wasn't much cop in the days of the PS2, I'm guessing because the console wasn't really strong enough to support two screens' worth of stuff. I know a bunch of stuff on split-screen really scaled back on the detail, and the pop-in was horrendous.

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I prefered Time Splitters 2 to Future Perfect personally, but both are TOP, TOP quality. I'd also recomend Red Faction 2, I had so much damn fun playing that with my mates.

Ah yes...Red Faction 2. Not really a military/realistic shooter....but still pretty good as far as FPS on the PS2 goes. FPS is hard to come by on the PS2 as well. For some reason they just didn't make many of them. I enjoyed Red Faction II with my friends though. I dont' remember there being a Co-Op mode....but maybe there was...I haven't played it in years.

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