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Top 50 Albums Of The Year


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There is quite a lot of stuff I've missed out, like I forgot about it when compiling the list (Wolf Parade and Ben Folds spring to mind), or I have changed my mind on...but I can say that Vampire Weekend would definitely not be there for me. I just don't particularly like them. "A Punk" is a good club track, but that's all I really like from what I've heard.

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You know, ordinarily I can't get into a lot of bands that YI mentions, but Mike Hale is amazing. Right now I can only listen to "Most Beautiful" off that album but it's amazing. His voice is awesome and I've always enjoyed acoustic music.

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No love for Vampire Weekend :crying:

lol vampire weekend being deserving of a spot on a best albums of the year list.

It´s my fav. Album of the last year. :-p

Sigur Ros, i can suport, but the rest of this list i either don´t know or don´t like (seriusly, the killers? coldplay? gas light anthem? ...)

What about "Get well soon", "Portishead", "The Kills" or "Tv on the Radio"?

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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The Gaslight Anthem - "Sink Or Swim" is one of the best albums I have heard in recent memory. "The '59 Sound" is nowhere near that level, but it's still a great album from a great band (who yes, thieve and ripoff songs...but they do it 'on purpose' and are open about it) and it's an album that's a really nostalgic listen, yes it's a faux-nostalgia, but it's still really soothing and relaxing, and an album you can both get lost into and at times rock your face off.

The Killers, have finally put out an album that's not just singles plus random fodder. It's really good from top to bottom. Yes, going with a "Forever Young" knockoff for a lead single was probably not the greatest idea, but there's all sorts of fabulous stuff on here. And the Of Montreal style bonus track is a lovely touch too. It's an album I honestly feel the band can be completely proud of. Yes, it may not have the strength of singles that the debut had ("Bones" on the 2nd was a fucking awful choice of single, should of went with "Bling...") "Spaceman" is HUUUGE. But yeah, really good album. Not ashamed of liking it.

Coldplay. I actually liked two Coldplay tunes before this album ("The Scientist" and "In My Place"), but there's not a single song on here I don't like. And it's one of the albums I find myself just falling back to, because, believe it or not, I LIKE LISTENING TO IT. Yes, it's still pretty much middle of the road stuff, but at times that's good, I just want an album that will make me feel good, with very little effort.

I've honestly never heard Get Well Soon.

Portishead are one of the bands I forgot when compiling the list. I was racking my brain making sure I didn't forgot some 'obscurer' stuff, that I forgot the obvious bands. Great album. But I thought if I started messing about with the list then I'd never get it finished.

"Midnight Boom" was alright, but I wasn't a MASSIVE fan. It would have probably made my 100 cut, but 50, no.

TV On The Radio. Same again. They're a band I just don't 'get'. I mean I enjoy them, but I just don't look at them as the amazing band others seem to. I remember "...Cookie Mountain" placing mid-range in my 2006 top 100 list, and that year I'd listened to probably half of what I listened to last year. If I'm to be honest, I think I've only listened to "Dear Science" once all the way through...I'm a junkie for new music, I always want more, so stuff that doesn't particularly strike a chord with me finds itself tossed to the side until I have the urge to listen to it again, and I've never felt that with "Dear Science", as when I have TV On The Radio urges I return to "...Cookie Mountain" (:shifty:).

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To be fair, I think as a whole "Return to Cookie Mountain" is a lot better than "Dear Science," and honestly think that the latter is a tad overrated and this is coming from a big TV on the Radio fan. That said, it's not a bad album I probably just wouldn't rank it as a Top 5 album of the year.

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