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"Three nights ago, two sports entertainers disappeared in the woods near Ames, Iowa while shooting a documentary. Yesterday afternoon, their footage was found."

So began the infamous Blonde Bytch Project... or, at least, so began the one and only promo for the infamous Blonde Bytch Project. Briefly, the background: Stevie Richards and the Blue Meanie had recently arrived in the WWF, and Sable had only recently left. The Blonde Bytch Project was meant to be a spoof of the ultra-popular film The Blair Witch Project and was meant to rip into the departing Sable. Look it up.

Long story short: the vignettes were cut short after just one week since Vince McMahon had never seen The Blair Witch Project. Vince Russo, author of the skits, was disappointed, as he has said he believed they could've been used to springboard Richards and Meanie.

Only in this scenario, the vignettes weren't cancelled, the Blonde Bytch was discovered, and Stevie Richards and the Blue Meanie became one of the hottest tag teams in the WWF.

Your assignment:

1. We know how the Blonde Bytch Project would've likely gone. Parodies of this film had been done to death. Therefore, you will begin by writing ending to the Blonde Bytch Project vignettes, in which Meanie and Richards discover the Blonde Bytch. You may use any blonde woman who worked for the WWF any time that year, including Ryan Shamrock, Terri Runnels, Debra, Luna Vachon, Barbara Bush, and the debuting Miss Kitty. Alternatively, the Blonde Bytch may be a male manager in drag. Either way, the vignettes must be used as a means to introduce a new third member to the Stevie/Meanie entourage.

2. Write an ending to the New Age Outlaws vs. Edge & Christian WWF Tag Team Title match at Unforgiven. Richards, the Meanie, and the Blonde Bytch must play a role in the ending as the Meanie and Richards (or all three) make a play for the WWF Tag Team Titles.

3. Write a promo on the next night's Raw in which the new stable announces its intentions. The WWF Tag Team Champions (either the heel New Age Outlaws or a pre-nerd turn babyface Edge & Christians) must be the targets; they may or may not be involved in the promo.

4. Map out Stevie & The Meanie's rise to the top contendership over the next four months. At least three of the WWF's other tag teams must be involved in some way (The Acolytes, the New Age Outlaws, the New Brood [Hardy Boyz], Edge & Christian, Hardcore & Crash Holly, the Dudleyz, Mankind & Al Snow, the Mean Street Posse, and Too Cool are all possibilities).

5. Write out in full a four-team match at the 2000 Royal Rumble in which some combination of Stevie, Meanie, and the Blonde Bytch win the WWF Tag Team Titles. Whichever member of the team isn't wrestling must be involved in the finish.

6. Provide a brief wrap-up that in some way leads to a ladder match at WrestleMania 2000 between some combination of your Stevie/Meanie/Bytch team and two of these three teams: Edge & Christian, the Hardy Boyz, and the Dudleyz.

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I had a few in mind, here, I list one of them:

Kane's Reign Lasts Longer Than 24 Hours

Step 1: Recap the weeks leading from the first Raw after the King Of The Ring 1998, where Kane won the WWF Title from Steve Austin. The main focus is of course, Kane and Austin, however, you must include Kane alligning with his brother, The Undertaker in an attempt to decimate Austin.

Step 2: Recap the Fully Loaded 1998 Main Event, where Austin and Kane must face eachother in a No DQ Match with the WWF Title on the line. The Undertaker must interfere during the match, however, it is up to you if he has any effect on the outcome of the match. Kane must retain his Title.

Step 3: Recap the weeks leading up to Summerslam 1998 from Fully Loaded 1998, with Kane and The Undertaker beginning to drift apart. During this time, The Undertaker must demand a WWF Title Shot. You'll also have to include Vince McMahon announcing Kane vs. The Undertaker vs. Steve Austin for the WWF Title at Summerslam.

Step 4: Write out the whole of the Summerslam Triple Threat Match for the WWF Title between Kane, 'Taker and Austin. It's up to you who wins.

Edited by Jay*
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Re-write the Royal Rumble's.

I haven't seen all of the Blair Witch Project, and I'm not too bothered about my scenario. So yeah, Ashley F's scenario it is.

What about the deadline? I was thinking in a week's time, if that's okay with you.

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You send your entries to Starr. He sets up a poll, and everyone can vote with the winner earning Arena points things.

What he said.

Alternatively, you can post them yourselves just for giggles. People still vote, but then there's no potential for King of the Dome points, which can lead to assorted perks yet to be determined.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was thinking about dropping out, and I even mentioned it to Jay. And asked if he still wanted to do this. (Because I had a feeling he was going to no show) Jay said he was still going to do his, which I said "Go for it and goodluck." and then I guess he decided not to go forth with his entry.

But, if SRN wants to take his spot. Than I guess I'll go back to writing mine.

Edit: I'll even be up to a new set of rules, if you want.

Edited by Disturbed
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