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Lord of the Rings Online

Chris the Human

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Why is there no topic dedicated to this? I picked it up cheap as an alternative to WoW (which is a bit of a mess right now until they tweak things post Lich King) and I've found it most enjoyable. As long as you approach it as 'not WoW', it's got a good feel and it's certainly fun to run around the places you recognise from the books/films.

If anyone does play, I'm on Brandywine. We should form some kind of EWB Kinship if numbers are there. It's definitely a game made easier by having a few friends on call.

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Was it you who I tried to convince to get the free trial ages ago, but you never got around to it?

Anyway, I downloaded the free trial off an unmetered site, but because it was outdated they wanted to download over a gig more in updates AND the Moria expansion pack as well. If I have nothing better to do in Canberra in a few months (likely) I might give it a go then. Played the trial ages ago and it was great, but it was on my old PC so it eventually lagged too much and became unplayable <_<

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  • 11 years later...

Sorry to resurrect an old topic, but I figure there's no need to start a new one just to discuss the game.

Is anybody else playing this one? While I know it is old as shit and its graphics can be a bit potato, I've been playing pretty consistently for the last few years. There's something really relaxing about wandering around Middle Earth, doing the semi-regular festivals for cosmetics etc. and interacting with the world.

With so many MMOs very much about the grind to the top, I like to alternate between my more competitive games (WoW and Neverwinter, with a bit of DDO mixed in) with something more laid back.

If anybody is playing and on Laurelin, feel free to hit me up!

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Typical hobbits, always sneaking and hiding.

With the recent purchase of Daybreak Games and the rumoured graphical improvements, it's a much needed boost for the game. It still turns a tidy profit despite its relatively low profile, so it's good to see it getting a bit of love.

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2 minutes ago, Meacon Keaton said:

I’ll have to look into it. I’ve never done the MMORPG thing but if anything was to get me to try it, it’d be LOTR.

They do a really good job of being (largely) faithful to the books. The depth of the lore and the quality of the writing is really good, and it's fun to follow along just behind the Fellowship as they travel to Mordor.

The narrative has actually gone beyond the books now, with the One Ring being destroyed two years ago and Aragorn & Arwen's wedding being a big event midway through the year. We're now helping the dwarves reclaim Gundabad in the upcoming expansion.

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I wonder if my lifetime subscription is still relevant in some way 🤣 My laptop can't really handle too much so not tried installing it but it was a good little MMO, fond memories of watching PC bands playing in the Prancing Pony way back when though. Curious to see how the changes and game has developed since then.

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6 minutes ago, lanky316 said:

I wonder if my lifetime subscription is still relevant in some way 🤣 My laptop can't really handle too much so not tried installing it but it was a good little MMO, fond memories of watching PC bands playing in the Prancing Pony way back when though. Curious to see how the changes and game has developed since then.

It is! I believe you still get every content release for free, including the controversial recent one (War of the Three Peaks) that was a mini-expansion that cost money, where before they have been free for subscribers.

But lifetime membership is still definitely a thing. Shit, I'd pay good money for a lifetime account haha

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