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The Killzone Thread

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It's not homing, if the reticle turns red, you charge at them. You have to be relatively close. It's also hella easy to avoid, with either another energy sword, or by killing the fucker before he gets near enough, it's not like he has a projectile weapon or anything. With regards to Halo in general, it's like anything that gets popular, it's always going to end up with bandwagoners and people proclaiming it to be the greatest of all time even if it's undeserving. Myself, I missed out on 1 and 2 because the foundations in my house couldn't possibly have supported an Xbox and one of those controllers. But I got Halo 3 with my tree siddy and had a hella ace time with it. No, the guns don't feel amazingly powerful and there are a lot of jackasses online (but hey, that makes it more fun when you batter them, right?), but it was the first game I really experienced online, and also where I got to know a bunch of EWB'ers, so naturally I'll hold it in higher regard than perhaps it really should be.

I digress, this is not a Halo topic, nor a general FPS one, so I'll clam up.

Not much more to add as I haven't played KZ2 since I last posted about it, but I will say that that machine gun you can pick up in the first mission/chapter/level makes it nigh-on impossible to see where you're shooting, especially when you look down the sights.

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Unreal Tournament has been THE quality shooter for multiplayer in my eyes for years. 2004 is still one of the best shooters to play with friends...fantastic stuff.

Hammered away at Killzone 2 for another thirty minutes. I find I can play for around a half hour before getting bored so it should last me a while. This sucker has ALL the FPS cliches, some of which have been around since Doom. I really hate exploding barrels...really hate them.

The whole scenario in this game reminds me of Quake 2. Invading the alien home world after they invaded us. Sadly the Helghast aren't as cool and interesting as the Strogg. The weapons are pretty boring too. I'm not asking for laser rifles but do we really need three assault rifles, and two SMGs?

Gotta love that cover system though. The one thing this game does game play wise that stands out...and man is it a breath of fresh air.

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You can coo over the guns all you like, but so far, they've all proved utterly useless for me. Yeah, the SMG is powerful as hell....at a range of 2-6 feet. Oh, now the enemy has backed off, I'll just switch to my...shit, pistol (which has to be the least useful weapon in the history of shooters), guess I'll have to give chase or ran back to the last supply point and pick up the assault rifle. Next time, I'll just stick with that. Also, I haven't figured out a use for the rifle yet, it's inaccurate, slow and about as effective as spitting frozen peas at them. I guess it's a mild irritant at best.

Edited by Major Dragsy
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I am hoping for some more variety in the weapons. The Helghast SMG is my favourite so far, but I would really love to see a shotgun or something.

On Halo, I was not overjoyed or overly impressed by the 3rd one, but I had the XBOX on launch and had Halo, and that game blew me away.

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You can coo over the guns all you like, but so far, they've all proved utterly useless for me. Yeah, the SMG is powerful as hell....at a range of 2-6 feet. Oh, now the enemy has backed off, I'll just switch to my...shit, pistol (which has to be the least useful weapon in the history of shooters), guess I'll have to give chase or ran back to the last supply point and pick up the assault rifle. Next time, I'll just stick with that. Also, I haven't figured out a use for the rifle yet, it's inaccurate, slow and about as effective as spitting frozen peas at them. I guess it's a mild irritant at best.

Oh, I'm not saying they're overly effective at killing anything. I just found they have the sound and look that I like...feels like I'm carrying something with some kick to it.

Until you shoot something fifty times and it doesn't die. When I shoot the fucking helmet off someone's head, they really should go down. What makes it worse is a fucking melee attack kills in one hit...but a point blank shot to the skull with a high powered rifle doesn't?

And why the fuck don't enemies in shooters act correctly when shot anymore? If someone gets shot in the legs they should limp...they should be crawling along the ground; trying to pull themselves to safety. Instead we get the typical bullet sponges. Killzone 2 isn't the only game guilty of this either.

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Found out you can play music from the PS3 whilst you're playing, without a built in method like Burnout. Just press the PS button and pick a song, then it'll tell you "Cannot play at the moment, but will begin to play in a short while". Start a game, and it'll begin.

I gather it works on all modes, but I tested it out on skirmish

Now all we need is Last.FM support on the PS3. :pervert:

Edited by TheModernWay
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Taken directly from Official PlayStation Forums:

* Boost -- We've identified and fixed the bug to do with the boost medal not being awarded. It will go into a patch we are working on at present, but there is a workaround in the mean time to get it. Simply ensure that you are the Game Creator rather than client and you'll be awarded it.

* Network Errors/Honor Ranks -- We are also looking at fixing a good bunch of the network errors and are looking into the complaints about the Honor Ranks as well as a couple of other bits and pieces. We'll provide a list of fixes when we are close to releasing the patch.

* Bots -- We're working on a permanent solution for the bots stat padding and have some internal solutions that we're going to work on implementing. We'll let you know what those are when we've got the patch together and the solution implemented. We will NOT be wiping ALL stats and padders will be looked at individually by the moderators.

* www.kz.com -- www.killzone.com is being sorted out today to deal with the massive traffic it's been facing and hope to have some long-term solutions in place shortly. The stats are currently empty on the site and will be repopulated today.

* Controller Issues -- We have not stopped looking into the complaints and will see what we can do about it. Any possible changes will have to be carefully implemented and tested before being deployed though.

* Charge disarming -- We have identified the issue where sometimes the C4 charge in Search and Destroy will not disarm. Will be fixed with the next update.

* Shotgun Aim Assist -- Investigating the problem and will patch it up.

* Clan Games -- Sometimes the clan that does not turn up for a match is awarded the win under specific circumstances. Will be patched ASAP.

* Battle Replay for Map 8 - Corinth Crossing -- The BR on www.killzone.com is not quite right and will be fixed soon.

* Ignore list -- Was found not to be functioning correctly. Will be fixed in the next patch.

* Crashes -- Crash when using Saboteur disguise in certain situations. Will be fixed in the next patch. Infrequent crash when trying to start a game with an empty game name. Will be fixed soon.

* Medic/Assassination -- There is an issue with the Assassination target HUD icon displaying when playing as a Medic. Investigating and will be fixed.

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Split-screen co-op got nixed a bit back because of supposedly how taxing it would be on the system. I believe Guerrilla have stated before that they're looking into some form of co-op DLC though.

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Somewhat similar to something Dragsy said, and something I also felt with Resistance 2, is that I feel that I should be able to see more on screen. Its not really that the gun is too big, and I can't really put my finger on it, but yeah, a small issue.

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Split-screen co-op got nixed a bit back because of supposedly how taxing it would be on the system. I believe Guerrilla have stated before that they're looking into some form of co-op DLC though.

Some form of coop has to come out, seeing how 90% of the campaign has you fighting alongside an AI buddy. The enemy AI is pretty good, but friendly AI is dumb as shit; it's best to not revive them because they'll stand out in the open and be knocked out seconds later.

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Yeah that was fun, having my buddy run into the open and got shot to shit, so I have to deal with 8000 Helghast troops out for blood with him yelling "HEY, I NEED SOME FUCKIN' HELP HERE" ad nauseum.

I had two buddies fall in front of Heavys and beg for help while I tried to take two down on my own. Cunts.

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Fuck the last stage. It's one of the worst stages ever.

You're trapped in a room with Rico, fighting wave after wave of Higs. The first section is easy, they attack from one position at the beginning. Later on they begin to attack from all sides.

Section 2 has you fighting from a balcony. It's easy at first, the Higs are below you, so you got an advantage. After a while, the Higs start storming both sides of the balcony. Rico dies within seconds, leaving you alone to fight Higs from the right and left all at the same fucking time. It's fucking hard as hell, because once you take down the Higs in front of you, you turn around and either get blasted by two or more Higs or get knifed by an Elite.

What makes it worse is that the damn checkpoint doesn't kick in until you start the next section, which takes about 10+ minutes.

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