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The Killzone Thread

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I haven't played online yet, hell, I still haven't finished the main campaign, but I'm enjoying it more and more when I do get a chance to play. There's something intensely satisfying about being pinned down by cover fire for what seems like ages right before you get a one-off shot and manage to nail the bastard to a wall with the bolt gun. And then he explodes.

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I haven't played online yet, hell, I still haven't finished the main campaign, but I'm enjoying it more and more when I do get a chance to play. There's something intensely satisfying about being pinned down by cover fire for what seems like ages right before you get a one-off shot and manage to nail the bastard to a wall with the bolt gun. And then he explodes.

The bolt gun kicks ass. Too bad you only use it in that stage.

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So far all I've done is play a round of Skirmish, gonna start the Campaign here in a bit. There's probably a tutorial that would've taught me everything I needed to know to about the game in Campaign, isn't there? I accidentally switched over to my grenades during Skirmish and lobbed one and now I have no idea if I only had that one grenade or if I just don't know how to switch back to them. I've been using triangle to switch between pistol/assault rifle and I think square reloads though. So there's that.

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The last mission is all out epic as fucking anything. The part abundant mentioned was frustrating as all hell, but it's very satisfying to finally put a bullet in that bastard Radec. The game is really fun throughout, the exo-skeleton is so much fun to use, but the last level, you storming the enemies castle with ships buzzing overhead, bullets flying through the air and tons of enemies to kill, was nothing short of epic. A reviewer said that Killzone 2 had no really special moments, like facing the Brumak in Gears or stuff in Halo, which is absurd.

It's not my favouritest game ever, but I like it more and more I play it. The electric gun is cool, but it does make things incredibly easy since it has unlimited ammo and you don't even have to aim the fucking thing, the Bolt gun is almost an exact replica of the one in Half Life 2, but the heavyness of it, the exo-skeleton and the final mission make it more than worth the purchase.

Heh, Dragsy compared it to Gears earlier, this even has a level set on a speeding train like the Gears 1 finale >_>

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Whoever says that this game doesn't have WOW moments like in Gears, Halo, or COD are talking out of their ass. There's some great fight early in the game, but the final three stages (barring the ridiculously hard section at the end of the game) are fucking great. The final stage easily ranks up there with COD in making you believe you're fighting in a war, just epic as hell.

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Okay so multiplayer is fantastic. I've only played four games, and I've already got a kill-streak of 14 and made Sergeant (H)

It gets a bit annoying when your teammate runs in front of you, though I don't think friendly fire was on, or else I'd never have ranked 1st/2nd for most of the games. Worst part was carefully aiming a grenade to bounce through a doorway and kill the pile of enemies on the other side, only for my partner Rambo here to charge at me, push me aside, and cause me to bounce the grenade back at MYSELF.

The map I can't remember the name of, but reminds me of Waterworld sucks major balls. No way of planting the explosives since the only way is a bottleneck basically and the entire team were smart enough to just sit there and wait for us. And the propoganda one is flawed as well, considering all they had to do was sit on the radio drop off, and wait to kill us as we got close, since their drop off point is the exact same fucking spot. It'd be much fairer if we had seperate drop off points like we do in other maps, but eh.

I was disappointed I didn't notice if I killed Cloudy at all, but his team sucked. 5-1 baby.

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Also, is it me or can people not figure out how to use their mics properly? The entire time I was playing with Kaney, in a 32 person game a whopping 1 person came across clearly and for the most part he was just goofing around. Everyone else was all garbled and all I could make out was the ocassional "FUCK".

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Heh, just had a pretty fun couple games, played a few with rvdwannabe as well. If it weren't for the kill notifications it would be even easier to figure out when he killed me, because every time he did he'd try to teabag me and unload bullets in my dead body. >_>

Also, it seems like I'm Helghast allll the time. I'm not complaining, it's just that in 2 days of playing online I've been ISA once. Every game I play it's set to autoselect your alignment. Oh well. Had a pretty fun game on some big-ass desert map as the ISA though - there was some guy on the opposite team named BOOMSHARD or some shit who fancied himself a sniper, and I couldn't help but laugh every time I headshotted the guy. He'd perch somewhere waiting for my teammates, I'd be perched some distance away opposite and BOOM. Headshot!

There was one time at the end of that game, though, where he wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings - left his sides unguarded - and from just a few paces away I sniggered as I headshotted him to bring us within 2-3 kills of winning the game. That's got to be the worst part about snipers, they never pay attention to their surroundings.

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Yeah, I could never change teams either, the Helghast/ISA options were always greyed out. And I've never been able to choose my spawn point either, so maybe it's something you have to unlock, I dunno.

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I dunno either, but


Doesn't seem like it from that list.

EDIT: Hell yes, Clawson. HELL YES. It's even more pleasing when he's barely anything on your screen but a faint, moving blue or red blur and you luck the fuck out and headshot that blur as it moves around.

Edited by KC 'Cloudy' Day
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Heh, just had a pretty fun couple games, played a few with rvdwannabe as well. If it weren't for the kill notifications it would be even easier to figure out when he killed me, because every time he did he'd try to teabag me and unload bullets in my dead body. >_>

Also, it seems like I'm Helghast allll the time. I'm not complaining, it's just that in 2 days of playing online I've been ISA once. Every game I play it's set to autoselect your alignment. Oh well. Had a pretty fun game on some big-ass desert map as the ISA though - there was some guy on the opposite team named BOOMSHARD or some shit who fancied himself a sniper, and I couldn't help but laugh every time I headshotted the guy. He'd perch somewhere waiting for my teammates, I'd be perched some distance away opposite and BOOM. Headshot!

There was one time at the end of that game, though, where he wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings - left his sides unguarded - and from just a few paces away I sniggered as I headshotted him to bring us within 2-3 kills of winning the game. That's got to be the worst part about snipers, they never pay attention to their surroundings.

The first game, I didn't see much of you at all....either getting killed or killing people. We ran into each other a bit more in the last two games, but yeah, I probably just about got the jump on you with regards to kills. And for the record, I wasn't trying to teabag you, but I was shooting your dead corpse, although technically you could have still been revived so I was just doing my job >_>

I was impressed when you strafed past a room and managed to kill me and another member of my team with a grenade out of nowhere. Twas genius, nice bit of play.

Edited by Big Hairy Man Face
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It was more luck than genius. I strafed past and saw two blue folks and was like "yeah, probably not gonna kill them both with my rifle, soooo.. " GRENADE~!

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