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Money in the Bank?


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April, 1992. Hoosier Dome, Indianapolis, Indiana. WrestleMania VIII. We open backstage.

Mooney: "Right now I am standing by with some of the participants in the big Money in the Bank match. They may seem to be on good terms now, but in a few minutes it'll be every man for himself."

Hart: "That's right, baby, and when you got seven crazy wrestlers in there fighting it out, you need to lay down the law, and that's where the Mountie's gonna come in, baby! He'll enforce his way tonight and get to the top, baby!"

Mountie: "And with so many people to make serve the hard time, it'll be a great day for Canada's finest! But I'm looking at you, Roddy Piper, most of all! You stole the Intercontinental Title, and for that, I'm going to make sure you pay your debt to society!"

Mooney: "Certainly a lot of individual wars in a match like this, but let's not forget that this is not a conventional match -- you need to climb a ladder in the middle of the ring to obtain the prize."

Michaels: "Sean, I was taking chances before it was cool to be a risktaker. Do you think a little old ladder is going to deter the Heartbreak Kid? I don't THINK so. There's no question who's winning tonight."

Shango: "SILENCE! The spirits of the damned command me to raise them to a higher level. Tonight, six more join the list of the fallen and the doomed... Shango will reign, as the world enters the darkness!"

Sherri: "You don't scare me, freak!"

Michaels: "Easy there, Sherri..."

Mountie: "Watch your mouth!"

Hart: "We're not scared of you, big man!"

Mooney: "...let's go to Gene Okerlund."

Okerlund: "We've already met three of the men who will be in the Money in the Bank battle, now the other four, starting with the current Intercontinental Champion Rowdy Roddy Piper!"

Piper: "Gentlemen... we may be gettin' along now, but in about five minutes, a million people are gonna watch us tear each other apart. There ain't gonna be no friends, just every dog-face for himself, and I've been the loner before bein' a loner was cool! I got the advantage!"

Okerlund: "Former Intercontinental Champion, Tito Santana, the Matador!"

Matador: "I've been around the world and fought the toughest men and the toughest creatures on Earth. This is going to be like the running of the Bulls, and tonight is the night I finally get the long-awaited achievement and my shot at the World Wrestling Federation title. OLE!"

Okerlund: "Former Tag Team superstar, British Bulldog, Davey Boy Smith!"

Davey: "You know, Roddy, it's ironic you say every dog-face for himself. Every dog has its day, and today the Dog Days of the WWF truly begin. You'll see I'm not just all bark when I clamp down on the prize."

Okerlund: "And finally, long-time Intercontinental Champion, Bret the Hitman Hart!"

Hart: "You know, you look around at all the talent in this match, and all of them want a claim to be the best. But in order to do that, they have to go through the Excellence of Execution, and just as with Shawn Michaels, no ladder is going to keep me from my goal. Gentlemen, I'll see you in the ring."

Okerlund: "All right -- we have an incredible contest coming up, let's go back to the arena! Bobby, Gorilla -- take it away!"

We do indeed go back to the arena.

Finkel: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is the Money in the Bank match! In this contest, there are no pinfalls; there are no submissions; there are no countouts; and there are no disqualifications. The only way to win is to be the first man to retrieve the briefcase containing the #1 Contendership that is currently hanging above the ring. As a reminder, the ladders used to retrieve the briefcase are in play."

Gorilla: "Here we go, Bobby!"

Heenan: "This is gonna be a wild one."

Finkel: "Introducing the participants: first, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, weighing 235 pounds, Bret "Hit Man" Hart!"

Gorilla: "The Excellence of Execution, Bret Hitman Hart, coming in first, but in a match like this, all of his technique, all of his quickness... could it be a weakness, Brain?"

Heenan: "You know, as I see it, anybody could win this match. You don't need to wear your opponent down, you just gotta be faster than anyone else. I don't know how this is gonna play out. You ever seen a match where you needed to climb a ladder before?"

Gorilla: "Not in all my years -- this is unprecedented in the World Wrestling Federation, as the Hitman gives his glasses to a lucky young fan at ringside..."

Heenan: "Kid's gonna be like Ray Charles now."

Gorilla: "Will you be serious!"

Finkel: "Accompanied by his manager, the Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart, From Quebec City, Canada, weighing 234 pounds, the Mountie!"

Gorilla: "The Mountie, former Intercontinental Champion, won the belt from Bret Hart, the other man in the ring!"

Heenan: "Never should've lost it either."

Gorilla: "What does that mean?"

Heenan: "He had to defend the belt on short notice. He wasn't prepared for the match."

Gorilla: "Well, that's what will happen with Ric Flair or Randy Savage, whoever is the champion, if the winner of this match so desires. He can name the time and place for his title shot!"

Heenan: "Yeah, like that's fair."

Finkel: "From Tocula, Mejico, weighing 245 pounds, El Matador, Tito Santana!"

Heenan: "You know, Monsoon, in a match like this, you gotta have eyes in the back of your head. You gotta be prepared for anyone. It's like the Royal Rumble. It's every man for himself. And that's where someone like Tito, a veteran like Tito, has a big advantage."

Gorilla: "Santana's been around the block a few times, that's for sure, Brain. He's been at all eight WrestleManias so far, but none bigger for him than this one. He could be a #1 Contender before this is over for the one belt that he's never held."

Heenan: "Maybe he ate some refried beans before the match. Help him fly up the ladder faster."

Gorilla: "Will you stop!"

Finkel: "From Parts Unknown, weighing 320 pounds, Papa Shango!"

Heenan: "This sicko oughta fit in real well in a match like this."

Gorilla: "The voodoo master Papa Shango would certainly have no friends in a match like this. The big guy will be a target early on as he will have the size advantage out of the seven men in this match."

Heenan: "But will his mind games work? You know he loves to play mind games on his opponent, but when there's six of them, can he psych them all out at once?"

Gorilla: "Well, look in the ring, do any of the opponents look intimidated?"

Finkel: "From Manchester, England, weighing 260 pounds, The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith!"

Gorilla: "The Bulldog coming to the ring now! Probably the only man who can match power with Shango in the match... he has to be a favorite right now."

Heenan: "How do you know that, Monsoon? We've never seen anything like this! Anyone could be a favorite! Anyone at all! Jimmy Hart could be the first one up the ladder for all we know."

Gorilla: "That little runt? HA! I'd like to see him try it."

Heenan: "He just might. But this Bulldog -- he's looking real rabid in the ring. That's gonna cost him. He's gonna burn out early. He doesn't have the composure to be the champion."

Finkel: "Accompanied by Sensational Sherri, from San Antonio, Texas, weighing 228 pounds, The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels!"

Gorilla: "Arrogance personified coming to the ring, Brain."

Heenan: "What are you talking about? This man is the future, Monsoon. He's going to be the wearing the championship belt sooner or later, so get used to seeing him around! He's young, he's fresh, he's new -- and man, does he have great taste in women."

Gorilla: "You need to see your oculist, Brain."

Heenan: "My feet are just fine."

Gorilla: "No, your eyes! Ugh... look at the makeup on that woman. Does she use a paintbrush?"

Heenan: "You're just jealous no one like that would ever give you the time of day."

Gorilla: "HA!"

Finkel: "And from Glasgow, Scotland, weighing 225 pounds, the Intercontinental Champion, Rowdy Roddy Piper!"

Gorilla: "A living legend in this business, and what an ovation for the Hot Rod! Currently wearing the only gold he's ever won in his career..."

Heenan: "He didn't deserve it, either. He stole that from the Mountie!"

Gorilla: "Oh, and Ric Flair deserves his title?"

Heenan: "Are you kidding? Did you just compare Ric Flair to Roddy Piper? Now who's arrogant!"

Gorilla: "Hot Rod has to be the wildcard in this match, Brain. He's been battling on his own since he was a kid!"

Heenan: "He's been the man the humanoids have hated, he's been the one they've loved -- if anyone's prepared, he is. But that doesn't make him the favorite!"

Gorilla: "Then who IS the favorite? You're the broadcast journalist, make a prediction!"

Heenan: "I don't know who's the favorite! There is no favorite! Flip a coin, roll a die."

AND WE'RE OFF! Hart and Mountie in one corner, Michaels and Santana in another, Shango and Bulldog in a third, and Piper taking a breather elsewhere. The faces get the advantage, with Michaels and Mountie colliding on a double-whip. Santana gets a headlock takedown on Michaels as Bulldog sends Shango into Piper's corner, where Piper knocks him down with a right. All the heels leave the ring, allowing Piper the chance to ram Santana's head into Hart's.

Heenan: "HERE WE GO! None of this teamwork, it's every man for himself now."

Gorilla: "Nobody does that better than the Intercontinental Champion."

Piper and Bulldog get into a slugfest, which ends when Bulldog swings wildly, allowing Piper an atomic drop. Meanwhile, Shango returns with his staff, which he uses to clock Piper and Hart upside the head. Santana ducks a swing and kicks Shango into the corner, getting a monkey flip on the way out. Michaels, meanwhile, trips Bulldog and pulls him to the outside, where he and Mountie double-team the Brit.

Gorilla: "A lot of action outside the ring as well, Brain."

Heenan: "Hey, there's no countout, right?"

Gorilla: "Absolutely."

Back inside, Piper recovers and grabs Hart in a bulldog. He stomps away on Hart, who gets up slowly. Bulldog races in and pries Piper away from Hart, who then dropkicks Piper before landing awkwardly. Shango smiles an evil grin and walks to the wounded Hart, who reveals he was faking it by kicking Shango between the legs.

Heenan: "He's goldbricking, Monsoon!"

Gorilla: "We've seen the Hitman do that before! And there's no disqualification -- anything goes!"

Bulldog puts a full nelson on Piper, but Mountie enters and attacks Bulldog. Meanwhile, Santana leaves the ring and goes for the first ladder of the match (there are four). He carries it to the ring, but as he stands it up on the outside, Michaels heads over and slides at the ladder, sending it into Santana.

Gorilla: "What kind of shot was that?"

Heenan: "No disqualification!"

Now Michaels tosses the ladder in and sets it in a corner. He grabs Piper and pulls him to the ladder, but Piper pokes Michaels in the eyes and boxes him away. Bulldog gets Mountie up for the powerslam, but Jimmy Hart grabs Bulldog's leg, causing him to drop Mountie. Bulldog lifts Jimmy onto the apron, but Mountie saves the Colonel with a dropkick to Bulldog's leg. Elsewhere, Hart and Santana work on Shango, with Santana getting a bodypress as Hart drops an elbow from the second rope.

Gorilla: "We knew it was just a matter of time before that runt got involved!"

Heenan: "Who, Tito?"

Soon enough, Mountie joins in on taking Hart and Santana down, followed by Bulldog and Michaels piling up in the same corner. Piper, the only one not involved, grabs the ladder in the other corner.


Gorilla: "I don't think he'd get away with it now..."

Piper takes the ladder on his shoulder, yells, and charges, clearing everyone else with a battering ram charge. With everyone down, Piper sets the ladder up in the ring and begins climbing, but Shango gets to him first and pulls him down. Shango beats on Piper before picking him up over his shoulder, but Piper slides out the back just in time for Bulldog to clothesline both men into the ladder and down. Bulldog picks the ladder up, but Mountie dropkicks it and him.

Gorilla: "Boy, you turn your back for a second here and you're in big trouble."

Heenan: "This could go on all night the way they're going, Monsoon!"

Mountie now grabs the ladder and sets it up, then climbs it. Halfway up, he shouts to the crowd, "I AM THE MOU-" before Piper pulls him down from behind and gets a series of mounted punches. As Piper gets up, Hart charges him with a bodypress, sending both men to the floor. Santana and Michaels are left in the ring, and Santana doubles Michaels over with a kick before bouncing off the ropes and nailing Paso de Muerte.

Heenan: "What did you say that was? Extra Hot Pace Picante?"

Gorilla: "Will you stop!"

Santana looks around and sees everyone busy on the outside before climbing. The first to return to the ring is Shango, but he'll be too late... except he begins waving his arms and mumbling as Santana is almost there. Santana reaches for the briefcase, but suddenly begins to lose his balance and, as Shango makes a twisting motion with his arms, teeters off the ladder!

Gorilla: "What was that? Santana had it won! What did Papa Shango just do?"

Heenan: "I don't know! Santana may just have lost his balance! But he hit hard on the mat, Gorilla... I don't know if he's coming back."

Shango smiles wickedly as he picks up Santana, heaving him over his back and delivering the Shoulder Breaker. He tosses Santana unceremoniously out of the ring, then climbs up. However, Bulldog and a second ladder enter the ring. Bulldog jams the ladder into Shango's back, then sandwiches him between the ladders to knock him off. Bulldog tosses the ladder down, then lifts Shango up and gets the Running Powerslam, landing Shango on the ladder!

Heenan: "Someone's gonna get hurt, Monsoon! Someone's getting hurt real bad here!"

Gorilla: "We've already seen Santana disposed of -- could the sick Shango join him?"

Mountie returns with his shock stick and runs at Bulldog, but Bulldog knocks the stick out of the ring. As the two of them brawl, Piper returns and begins knocking heads together. Hart and Michaels see their chance and begin climbing the same ladder, leading to a slugfest on top of the off-center ladder. Michaels wins it and knocks Hart backwards into Piper, causing all four to turn around as Michaels sits atop the ladder, grins wickedly, and dives onto all four men at once!

Gorilla: "What a move by Michaels! Shades of the Superfly there!"

Heenan: "I told you, Gorilla! This man is the future!"

The first man up is Michaels, followed by Piper. The Piper pulls Michaels away from the ladder, and the two slug it out. Piper wins that, landing right after right to Michaels' face, then clotheslines Michaels down. Piper then picks up the second ladder (Shango having rolled outside), smiling as he stands over Michaels. He raises the ladder up when Mountie jumps Piper from behind, cattle prod back in his hand (via Jimmy Hart), and zaps Piper.

Gorilla: "What a disgusting act by the Mountie there!"

Heenan: "Hey, anything to win! You gotta pull out the stops! Are you telling me you never went as far as possible?"

Gorilla: "I never tried to kill a man in the ring."

Heenan: "You wanna swear to that, Ape Man?"

Piper staggers around, allowing Mountie another zap before Piper falls out of the ring. Piper and Santana slowly get up on the outside as Mountie celebrates, but Bulldog grabs Mountie in a press slam position, dumping him onto Piper and Santana! Bulldog then takes the first ladder and puts it under the briefcase, beginning to climb. As he's almost there, though, Michaels shakes the ladder, causing Bulldog to jump down... and instantly get blasted by a superkick!

Gorilla: "Whoa! Crescent kick right in the kisser!"

Heenan: "Well, he's done with! Is anybody gonna be left to take the reward here?"

Michaels looks around and sees Hart still down from the dive, then climbs the ladder. As soon as he does, Hart pops up and pulls him down. Hart pounds away on Michaels, ramming his head into the turnbuckle. Hart tries for a back suplex, but Michaels switches and connects with the Teardrop Suplex on Hart. Michaels again climbs the ladder, but Santana -- long left for dead -- returns to the ring and climbs the other side!

Gorilla: "And now it's just a matter of who's the fresher man!"

Heenan: "You can't win it with another guy up there! You gotta knock him off! He won't let you win!"

Sure enough, a slugfest breaks out on the ladder. Michaels appears to have the better of it, but Hart grabs Michaels' leg and keeps him from reaching up. As Michaels tries to kick Hart away, Santana grabs his other leg and trips him up, getting Michaels tangled in the ladder. Santana climbs up a bit, then wraps his and Michaels' legs around the ladder... it's a figure-four in midair!

Heenan: "Oh my god. Someone's gotta stop him! He's gonna break Michaels' leg so he can never walk again!"

Gorilla: "This crowd is going bananas! Michaels is screaming in pain!"

Heenan: "Somebody, do something!"

That somebody turns out to be Sherri, who begins choking an inverted Santana to pull him down. Sherri pulls Santana up and winds up, but Santana stops it. He grabs her by the hair and begins asking the crowd what he should do.

Gorilla: "Give it to her!"

Heenan: "Be a real gentleman! Let her go!"

Before we get the answer, Hart begins climbing the ladder. Santana drops Sherri and climbs up after Hart, but he's a step behind. Michaels can't pull himself up either, and Hart is waiting for Santana with a big right to stagger him. A second right hand causes Santana to fall off the ladder, and no one can recover in time to stop the Hitman! WE HAVE A WINNER!

Gorilla: "He got it!"

Heenan: "Boy, did he earn it! What a match this was!"

Gorilla: "History has been made here in the Hoosier Dome! Bret Hart now is the #1 Contender for the World Wrestling Federation Championship, and he gets to say when and where that match will be!"

Heenan: "He'd better not go for it tonight, or Flair will tear him apart!"

Gorilla: "What a way to see it end! Let's take a look at the replay!"

Heenan: "Here you see Bulldog with a hold of Papa Shango, one sick man on another -- sends him into a ladder with a powerslam. Shango will be lucky to heal any time soon! Then you got El Matador and Shawn Michaels on the ladder, Matador grabs the legs, wraps them up in a figure-four... Michaels is pretty much done. But the big one was Bret Hart, picking the spot and taking out El Matador just long enough to win the match!"

Gorilla: "You see El Matador congratulating Bret Hart -- a great show of sportsmanship by the veteran, as he once again falls just short of being in the Championship title picture."



* Tatanka defeated Rick Martel.

* Bret Hart won Money in the Bank over Tito Santana, Shawn Michaels, British Bulldog, The Mountie, Roddy Piper, and Papa Shango.

* The Undertaker defeated Jake Roberts.

* Randy Savage defeated Ric Flair for the WWF Championship.

* Big Boss Man, Sgt. Slaughter, and Hacksaw Duggan defeated Repo Man and the Nasty Boys.

* Legion of Doom won the WWF Tag Team Titles over Money Inc. and Natural Disasters when Hawk pinned IRS.

* Hulk Hogan defeated Sid Justice by disqualification when Harvey Whippleman interfered with his doctor's bag. Berzerker and Mr. Fuji led a 3-on-1 on Hogan until Ultimate Warrior made the save.

A great read. Just a pity it had no competition.

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FD, I am pretty damn certain that I PMed you with mine as well. It wouldn't have beaten Dukes regardless, but should have been posted up. Hmm, I'm not sure what happened to be honest, but it's saved on my computer at home so when I get back home I'll re-send or post it. Still not sure what happened, though.

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