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Yeah...X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a fucking BLAST. Too long have we been deprived of a great game featuring a character practically tailor fitted for video games.

Outside of the vicious killing at every turn is Logan's healing factor. Nothing is cooler than being blown down to basically just a metallic skeleton, and watching his body stitch itself back together. Every time someone shoots me in the face with a shotgun, I have to swirl the camera around to see Logan's skin healing itself over his metallic skull.

This game won't make you any smarter, but it's sure as fucking hell fun to play.


It sounds fun but I'm pretty sure it has hardly any replay value. I read the single player takes a few hours to complete and you can't play as any other mutant, so you're stuck with Wolverine who's moves will surely start to grow stale after playing it for a while. I just refuse to spend money on games like this, even though I would like to play it for a while.

Because I'm in the X-Men mood after watching the Wolverine movie I decided to download X-Men Legends 2 yesterday and at first I was a bit confused about the gameplay and everything seemed to be going way too fast but it got better as I played on. The awesome thing about this game is that you can control a lot of different mutants, which keeps the gameplay fresh, for example at the start your 4 man team can consist out of these mutants:






Jean Grey





Scarlet Witch







and I think Deadpool, Xavier and Iron Man (with a War Machine suit, yes the other comic character) are unlockable.

My current team consists of Gambit, Magneto, Wolverine and Nightcrawler, 'cause Cyclops died (you can revive him but still) and I don't like Storm for some reason. Sadly I crashed during my first boss fight against Grizzly and I don't know if it's the game at fault here or my pc :shifty:

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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Hey Drifter, how the fuck do you deflect projectiles in Wolverine? I'm assuming this means bullets but it never seems to work for me. Is it just a timing thing?

Awesome game thus far though.

I'm not entirely sure that you CAN deflect regular bullets. I've never tried doing it myself...

To deflect RPGs you need to hit LT (block) just before it hits you. If you time it right he'll deflect the RPG back towards the guy shooting it.

I'd assume if you can deflect bullets it'd be done the same way?

On another note, I just unlocked the blue and yellow costume. Had to fight a Wolverine wearing that costume in a bonus room...fucking EPIC. When I finally killed him he was laying on the floor torn to fucking SHREDS. We ripped one another apart for a good five minutes or so.

This shit just doesn't get old.

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Ahhh....okay, I'm not that far to have to fight RPGs yet. I just fought the first WENDIG0 in the Weapon X Facility so I'm not that far in. The boss battle with Victor Creed is simply amazing though as has been mentioned.

First time attacking a helicopter was an amazing moment too. I nearly shit myself by the awesomeness.

Edited by Clawson
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I’ve got to get in on the lovefest for the Wolverine game, it’s deserving of all the praise it has been getting as it is an absolute joy of a game to play. It may not be a long game but I can tell it is going to be a game I enjoy from beginning till end and I’ll be sure to play through levels again when I am done. The combat is so well done and there are so many jaw dropping moments, a real thrill ride of game.

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Playing Spore, now that I've got a computer that can actually run it. My creations have been fairly lame so far, though. (Anyone plays, I registered as GhostMachine71)

Still playing World of Warcraft, and *finally* hit lvl 80 on my main character last night. :)

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I’ve got to get in on the lovefest for the Wolverine game, it’s deserving of all the praise it has been getting as it is an absolute joy of a game to play. It may not be a long game but I can tell it is going to be a game I enjoy from beginning till end and I’ll be sure to play through levels again when I am done. The combat is so well done and there are so many jaw dropping moments, a real thrill ride of game.

Imagine that plus campaigns with characters like Sabretooth, Gambit, etc, THAT would be the ultimate X-Men game.

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World Snooker Championship 2009

Ugh. I came ever so close to making a 147 break yesterday afternoon. I'd already potted 9 reds and 9 blacks. I knew after about the 5th red that it was on. When I played the 10th red, it was almost touching another, but I knew it still went into the corner pocket. The path of the white would've naturally hit the cushion just to the side of the jaws, and got me on the black again. I potted the red, but the white hit the other one it was next to, and rolled into the pocket.

There was still some way to go after that, but the reds were in decent positions, and I was feeling quite confident of doing it. Annoying.

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So....Wolverine jumped the shark for me right now. That Sentinel button mashing bit is gonna make me through my controller through the fucking TV.

I'm assuming you're at the same part that I just got to? The whole "mash fucking B before you get blown away" BULLSHIT.

You need fucking machine gun thumbs to do this...honest to fucking God. :angry:

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So....Wolverine jumped the shark for me right now. That Sentinel button mashing bit is gonna make me through my controller through the fucking TV.

I'm assuming you're at the same part that I just got to? The whole "mash fucking B before you get blown away" BULLSHIT.

You need fucking machine gun thumbs to do this...honest to fucking God. :angry:

I beat the game today and don't remember any parts where you had to mash B against a sentinel. Are you on the section where you are pressing B to open a door but there's a Sentinel head blasting you? If so, don't go through the door. You walk around to another section instead. As far as the game goes I loved it, it doesn't nearly as rushed as movie tie-ins normally are(I'm sure I heard the game was in development before it was attached to the movie license and it shows) The boss fights are fun as hell and some of the levels felt great to play through(The Casino level for example was epic, it felt like it was never going to end) A little on the short side and beyond the Bonus Wolvie vs Wolvie fights there's not much to do once the campaign is over. I wish I had rented it but my eagerness to play it got the better of me. I'll most likely play through it again now on Harder difficulties.

I was playing through Silent Hill Homecoming and, I got a couple hours into it. It's fun, but doesn't feel like quite the same. It reminds me more of the movie than the previous games. None of the characters have that level of creepiness that was in the other games and the puzzles aren't nearly as interesting so far. The only thing that has been improved on is the combat, which feels more fluid than it has in previous instalments. I am enjoying the aesthetic and the sound is great, definatly worth a rental(at the very least) for fans of the other games.

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I thought that they were talking about the actual boss fight, where the Sentinel picks you up and you have to mash B to blow up his hands. Anyways, the casino stage is one of the stages I was talking about. That and the Weapon X Facility are two of the best stages in the game.

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I beat the game today and don't remember any parts where you had to mash B against a sentinel. Are you on the section where you are pressing B to open a door but there's a Sentinel head blasting you? If so, don't go through the door. You walk around to another section instead.

That's just the part I meant. Didn't know you could walk around anywhere. I just saw "B" come up and starting mashing it.

I'll have to try fiddling around with it.

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I beat the game today and don't remember any parts where you had to mash B against a sentinel. Are you on the section where you are pressing B to open a door but there's a Sentinel head blasting you? If so, don't go through the door. You walk around to another section instead.

That's just the part I meant. Didn't know you could walk around anywhere. I just saw "B" come up and starting mashing it.

I'll have to try fiddling around with it.

Yeah, you can't open that door yet. Just wait until the boss battle against it, you may need to buy a new controller afterwards.

I made my sister's boyfriend do it for me.

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This button mashing sequence is the biggest crock of bullshit I've come across in a long time. I've got my controller against the wall, and am practically HAMMERING it right through the side of my room. You need to be a fucking robot to do this shit. Seriously...FUCK!


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Told you. :P

Anyway, ended up beating Wolverine today and I can safely say that I can't wait to go back through and do it again. Gonna get all the trophies I can on Normal then hopefully beat it on Hard to get my first Platinum.

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Told you. :P

Anyway, ended up beating Wolverine today and I can safely say that I can't wait to go back through and do it again. Gonna get all the trophies I can on Normal then hopefully beat it on Hard to get my first Platinum.

Don't fucking rub it in Clawson. :angry:

How the fuck did your sister's boyfriend actually do this shit? I've tried everything. I've used both my thumbs, my index fingers, put the controller on the floor, put it against the wall, and even tried the pencil trick.

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