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MEG's PS3 UFC League

Mr Evil Guy

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Just so you all know, I vote that we prepare lists and hand them in, then let MEG or whoever else give out fighters based on who signed up first.


TKz's List:

Chuck Lidell

Rampage Jackson

Tito Ortiz

Shogun Rua

Benji's List:

Chuck Lidell

Rampage Jackson

Tito Ortiz

Shogun Rua



Chuck Lidell

Tito Ortiz


Rampage Jackson

Shogun Rua

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I think we go for a mix of CAF and UFC, and then I second the whole 'preparing a list' way of drafting, even though we'd have to snake around to make it so that it isn't just the person who signed up 1st who gets all the first picks.

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You guys can send your lists in whenever. That was originally what I was going to do. Don't send me a list 'til you have the game non-gamers, or inform me when you will when you draft(if you want to draft before you get the feel of things, all the power to ya. Just let me know)

Also this is a great amount of people, won't drag on at all(2-3 matches a week). Even though there's one person who I'm fairly sure I'll have to cut/replace. I'll random.org numbers until I get the order(it'll be serpentine, obv.), so if anyone wants to join they have until like, tomorrow.

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TBH, it's really up to you guys. As long as everyone faces everyone I don't give a shit. If you guys wanna have all like 9 matches in a week, go for it.

EDIT: Draft order, remember - it's serpentine.

1. Captain Kirk

2. Liam

3. MrSticks

4. Benji

5. TheModernWay

6. Perfecshaun

7. Me


9. Blaze

10. TKz

Edited by Mr Evil Guy
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Send it in preference order(via PM, kirk.). So if no matter what you want a good welterweight, something like this

So like

1. GSP

2. BJ Penn - Welterweight (so if GSP is taken and Penn isn't, you'll get Penn. If GSP isn't taken and you get him, you can no longer draft Penn at Welterweight.)

3. Brock Lesnar(so if both are taken, you get your favorite heavyweight and you will draft your Welterweight guy later on.)

Is that clear enough? if all of the guys on your list are taken I'll just ask you to take another when it comes up to be your turn, not a big deal.

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I'm pretty sure I PM'ed you telling you it didn't make sense. Might just be me though.

You listed your top in each weight class, I need to know which guys you'd prefer and all that(cause I can't tell if you'd want your top middleweight guy first, or your top heavyweight guy 5th, etc.). Like the example listed above. Make sure there's atleast 2-3 guys for every division and your preference of which guy in which division goes first and if I need more I'll let you know.

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Yeah. Just list your favorite fighters in every weight class by preference, but make sure you have at least 2-3 in each weight class. if I need you to pick anymore I'll let you.

So like, as an example

1. Keith Jardine

2. Tim Sylvia

3. Rashad Evans(so if Jardine and Sylvia is taken first round, you'll get Evans. If you get Jardine and Sylvia you'll skip this pick and go onto your 4th selection as you'll already have a light heavy in Jardine.)

4. Anderson Silva(Middleweight)

5. BJ Penn(Lightweight)

6. BJ Penn(Welterweight)

More clear? then like, times that by 2/3 with another person in each weight class so if your first picks are taken you can go ahead and take your other selections.

EDIT: BTW, I'm waiting on 4 lists after Benji sends in his. ;)

Edited by Mr Evil Guy
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