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They should sign Forsberg too. Knuble-Forsberg-Ovechkin=License To Print Money.

I really hope they play him with Ovie this season. Knuble's exactly the kind of guy who can take some of the physical heat off of the star player and help open up some room, while at the same time, being fully capable of keeping up with him.

Good signing. Really good.

EDIT: Habs sign D Jaroslav Spacek for three years at more than $3 million per. Hi Bob, you do have a lot of cap space... but you need to use it to fill out half of a team.

EDIT 2: Khabibulin signs a four year deal, for less than $4 million a year, to play for the Edmonton Oilers. Really good fit for him. From one team that rebuilt through youth, to another team who is in the process of doing the same thing. I like the addition... hate that we'll have to play him 6 times next year.

Edited by Gabriel
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Grrrrrrrrraarrwwrrrrrrr. Fuck you, Bob Gainey. And where does this leave Anderson? He played alright in Florida last year.

Craig Anderson will be the number one goaltender for the Colorado Avalanche. He signed with them earlier today.

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Hahaha. Sweet. Oh yeah, and supposedly Montreal signed Hal Gill, too. If he's not overpriced as shit, this may actually be good.

Edit: Roughly two million a year. I don't mind Gill for being slow, but I just don't know about any of these signings, especially Gomez. Sorry to sound like I'm bitching, but Gainey is really fucking with what Montreal had and I don't think it's for the better at all.

Edited by Willing in the Name Of
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To be fair to Bob, he was put in a tough position by his outright refusal to negotiate contract extensions during the season... :shifty:

Seriously though... these signings he's making... none of them seem like Montreal Canadiens players. None of them feel right. Danny Briere or Simon Gagne would have been a good move instead of Gomez, because at least they would feel right to me as Habs.

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What shit move by the Rangers? Gomez? Brashear?
Brashear. I don't see him being what they need, or fitting in with the new coahing style.
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What shit move by the Rangers? Gomez? Brashear?
Brashear. I don't see him being what they need, or fitting in with the new coahing style.

He's essentially a replacement for Colton Orr, and he's a personable guy who markets the game very well. In a media city like New York, that's a plus. I don't mind it at all.

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It would've been cheaper to try and resign Colton Orr, who in my mind, is a much better player than Brashear. 2 year deal, 2.8 mil for brashear? They don't need an enforcer. Colton Orr, didn't get much ice time and wasn't in the line up every game. After the shit he pulled on Betts.. it was a stupid move for the rangers.

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TSN says Pavel Kubina to Atlanta for a package including Garnet Exelby.

No trade call made yet, but the deal has been agreed to by both sides.

I'm not sure what I think yet... I'll have to wait until I see what all is involved.

EDIT: Gainey makes his first good move of the off-season, signing Cammalleri to a 5 year, $30 million contract.

First, Cammy's going to benefit from being in the Eastern Conference, where the game isn't as physical, because he's a smaller guy. Second, I'm interested in seeing who he plays with, and whether or not he can perform again. He seems like the kind of guy who needs people dishing it to him to set up his beautiful finish. If Gainey and Lemaire can give him that, then awesome for everyone there.

Wait...Lemaire... Cammalleri... this does not compute. Mr Defense First is going to coach a guy who is 95% offense minded?

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Mike Cammalleri to the habs (didn't see it listed.. maybe i overlooked it here)

EDIT: I posted while Gab was editting his post. :(

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Leafs get Colin Stuart and Garnet Exelby for Pavel Kubina and Tim Stapleton.

Burkie is also making a strong pitch for The Komisaurus.

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Leafs get Colin Stuart and Garnet Exelby for Pavel Kubina and Tim Stapleton.

Burkie is also making a strong pitch for The Komisaurus.

That seems...rather crap. On it's own, at least. Exelby makes less than two million, so if this isn't accompanied by a bid or two of legendary proportions I'll go with "rather crap".

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