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Breaking Point Poster

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at first glance I love it, the finlay cut is really good but when I look closer I find things I don't like.

first off I don't like the finlay duplicates on the side, I don't think they are really needed.

Then you used the same X texture that you used in the MIZ sig u made a while back which seems a lil lazy and well un-needed

and finally while I love the pics across the top, if u were goin for WWE style, they would use up to date pics, IE Jericho with short hair but thats just me being picky

great poster, very crisp over all 7/10

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I agree with nufan in that when you first look at it, it looks pretty good but when you look closer there are some things that bring it down. Like he said, the Finlay pictures in the background are unnecessary. Two other things that I don't like though, one is the main Finlay cut being cut off. I like that you haven't just randomly cut it off but it cuts off into a very thin line which just looks weird and would look much better if it faded away. The other thing is the text. That thin style is fine for the 'WWE Presents' thing at the top but for the important event information at the bottom it doesn't fit. The bottom text needs to be thicker, needs to stand out more. Not so much that it drowns out the logo but certainly more than it is at the moment.

Not a bad effort but could be improved with a few tweaks here and there.

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You're from Ireland, I get that, I just don't like Finlay as the poster boy, especially for an event like Breaking Point.

Irrelevant point aside, I do like the images in the windows at the top though, even if the Jericho one is outdated. And I agree with AD about the event info text. As for the background behind Finlay, I don't like it at all. It looks like there's lots of different things blended into one another and it doesn't really fit.

So, with work, this one could be really good. I would definitely give this a high mark for "standing out" at you when you look at it. Like nufan said, it's when you look closer that things start to look off.

Edited by Baddar D
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