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Got CS4?

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I actually just got this, and I'm hoping to install it soon onto my actual computer since I'm only able to use my mom's and sister's computer. Plus, just from seeing that video, I'm pretty psyched to work on that a little bit. When I heard about that, I thought it was the ordinary one where it just sat there, but being able to actually move it around and mess with it is immensly awesome.

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Had a play around with it just now. You need a computer processor the size of a mainframe to work comfortably in it. Ah well.

Also getting Adobe Bridge CS4, Adobe Drive CS4 and Adobe Version Cue CS4 to work in harmony is bloody impossible.

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Version Cue is pretty cool. It's a file management system. Instead of saving as you go, you "Check In" Which saves a copy to a server (Or your drive, if you're server-less) only instead of saving over the top of it, it creates a copy, so you can have multiple versions of the same file. This is useful when you're working with an indecisive client because, should they decide... "actually, I've gone off the last four proofs you sent me, can we go back to that one from last week?" You can just promote that old version of the file to current, and pick up from there, rather than having to edit your current document back to the way it used to be.

It's like a GIANT history pallet.

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I still haven't tried it out, will try to on Friday though, so I'm just wondering, does it take tons of space where it's nearly impossible to have it running smoothly? I mean, right now I need to clean out my Hard Drive since it's infested with a virus that killed tons of space, so taking unused items seems like the way to go, but sometimes it still seems to be slow when using things like this. Take note that this was last year when my computer had minimal problems.

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The best thing about it is that the toolboxes and what not can be docked out of the way of your image. Them getting in my way really got on my nerves on CS2. Haven't really noticed anything else really, except that the window title thing has gone like with Google Chrome.

What is annoying me at the moment though is the fact there is no shortcut for brightness/contrast, like for instance Ctrl+L is for levels.

Edited by TheModernWay
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The Ctrl+Alt+- it lists doesn't work for me, it only zooms out. Dunno why I didn't think of adding my shortcut for it until now though. Hello Ctrl+random pointless key to the number 1 key!

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When you have a picture and reduce the size, but instead of say reducing it so things become thinner, it'll make a "seam" from edge to edge of the picture of the lowest "energy" pixels and remove it.

So you can essentially make it appear as if two objects in an image are closer together without compromising the size ratio or cutting out parts of the image.

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So anyway. I got CS4 when it first came out. Haven't messed around with 3D in Flash, but I plan on doing so. At the moment, and doing a flash site for a local beer distributor. I'm pretty happy with it.

Thought I would ask this though:

Why the fook does text make my working space run so slow in Flash? :(

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