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Epic Mickey


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Okay so Epic Mickey is the codename for an upcoming Disney game that appears to be steampunk\zombie based. No shit.

Here's Zombie\wooden Goofie;


And sea tranportation, which looks like the whale from Pinnochio with the Epcot Center on the back.


The castle atop a high spire surrounded by ?



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I don't think there's any idea what the game will be yet in terms of gameplay, but jesus christ all of that looks amazing. Everything that is know is just from the guy who is doing the design art, and some confirmation thereafter.

Fucking sucks that it's a Wii exclusive though (I mean really, nightmare fuel for that system? Boo.) and consists of older and forgotten characters trying to take their revenge on Mickey.

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But if its on the Wii it will have horrible graphics and annoying motion controls. way to ruin a good idea...

Well if the leaked details are anything to go by the graphics probably won't suffer from the Wii's lackluster engine. If it is indeed like Okami we'll probably see a graphics engine that is vibrantly colorful but lacks rich detail to items that aren't directly in the player's sight.

You also can't just assume that because it's a Wii title the graphics are going to suck, developers are finally starting to push the envelope on the hardware instead of focusing on cramming novelty controls into every game. It's kind of the same concept we had in the later years of the Gamecube. It was pretty much dead and written off when Resident Evil 4 came out and really showed off some impressive stuff for the console.

Anyways Epic Mickey, I'll need to see some gameplay footage before I start getting excited.

where you paint your way through levels using the Wii Remote. This 'painting your way' involves you drawing, etching and erasing whole or parts of levels as you go. Capcom's Okami immediately springs to mind but we've not got enough info to go on to make any kind of informed judgement.


Okami Gameplay

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