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TEW05 October 2009 Data

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You could use previous results from the last month or so to compile a basic roster then go from there. I recommend using cagematch.de . Just looking quickly the current title holders are:

wXw World Heavyweight: Absolute Andy

wXw World Lightweight: Tommy End

wXw World Tag Team: Jon Moxley & Sami Callihan

wXw Hardcore: Vacant, Inactive.

For DGUSA the latest info on referees that I could get were that they used Mike Kehner and Bryce Remsburg.

Oh, and isn't Steve Corino back in ROH?

Edited by hardyfan123
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Oh, and isn't Steve Corino back in ROH?

http://www.rohwrestling.com/pastresults/ reading over the Ring of Honor results in the past year, i cant see Steve Corino's name, we based the roster on who was actually been wrestling in the company recently, rather than just getting a list of Wikipedia

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The King Of Old School Is Back

Monday, October 05, 2009

By Steve Corino

When ROHWrestling.com asked me for my thoughts on returning to Ring of Honor, I imagined that fans would think I would just going to brag and boast about the things I have done in the past. And honestly I could. The epic feud with Homicide is still talked about today and something I am very proud of. Except one thing. The Bitter End.

With the feud between Homicide and I coming to an end, I wanted to have a match that everyone would talk about for 20 years. Something that you would be able to tell your grandchildren about. But it just didn't click. Looking back at the footage literally a hundred times, I wanted to see what went wrong. Blame can be thrown at everyone and anywhere but the bottom line is that I wanted to give the ROH fans more.

Maybe it was the injuries that caught up with me, maybe it was the weight gain over the years, or maybe it just wasn't meant to be, but the time for excuses is over.

After an eight year run with Pro-Wrestling ZERO1 in Japan and a successful run in Puerto Rico for the WWC I came back to Philadelphia weighing 261 pounds, miserable, and not knowing what I wanted to do with my life. I was at a crossroads. But it was my son and his friend that quickly put a bug in me when they asked me if I had any ROH DVDs because they were big fans. And then in August I took them to a ROH on HDNet TV taping at the Arena and I realized that I wanted, no, NEEDED to be back in ROH.

In November, when I make my return to ROH, the only thing I can promise is that the fans will see a new Steve Corino. 227 pounds, in shape, with a clear mind, and ready to make a true impact in Ring of Honor.

In 2005, I did a "Reinvention Tour" where I changed my look and style. Let us call the end of 2009 into 2010, "Reinvention 2".

To the fans of ROH, one last thing: I will never claim that I am going to wrestle for you and I don't expect you to cheer me. But let it be known that Steve Corino is going hit that ring 110% EVERY time out. Soon enough, by hook or by crook, everyone in the ROH locker room will be on notice that this time I am coming for glory.

Edited by sdailey1
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just a general question/note about WWE weekly shows.

Pretty much every database I've seen has RAW and SmackDown! set for 2 hours, just like in real life.

However it's 2 hours gross, aka the whole timeslot COMMERCIALS INCLUDED, while the average actual airtime for WWE programming is around the 90 minutes mark.

So, as in TEW (2005 at least) commercials aren't included and the whole timeslot has to be booked, wouldn't it be better and more realistic scaling RAW and SD down to 90minutes shows?

To be honest it's quite a chore booking a whole 120 minutes of show without being forced to scrape the bottom of the barrel, and therefore getting awful segments.

Edited by THE Loki
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Just change it to that before you start a game in your own data. When WWE books a show in real life, most of the time there are matches and stuff going on in the commercials. When they're not, they usually have divas shooting t-shirts into the crowds and that sort of thing. So, that's where most people use a sex sells angle with a good looking diva and tada you get a rather easy A segment.

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just a general question/note about WWE weekly shows.

Pretty much every database I've seen has RAW and SmackDown! set for 2 hours, just like in real life.

However it's 2 hours gross, aka the whole timeslot COMMERCIALS INCLUDED, while the average actual airtime for WWE programming is around the 90 minutes mark.

So, as in TEW (2005 at least) commercials aren't included and the whole timeslot has to be booked, wouldn't it be better and more realistic scaling RAW and SD down to 90minutes shows?

To be honest it's quite a chore booking a whole 120 minutes of show without being forced to scrape the bottom of the barrel, and therefore getting awful segments.

well could just use segment as a commercial break, maybe i'll have a word with the cap'in about adding some commercial style segments that could fill this purpose so you as the booker can control what ads you include if you want to pad out your show while leaving the full 2 hours for those who want to play with a tull 2 hour time slot, beyond that nothing against editing you change your own game, im just thinking of the greater good, im guessing most people would rather have 2 hours than 1:30 to cut out adverts

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I think TNA are massively overrated in popularity terms. They get 15,000 people for an Impact taping and I think ROH are slightly overrated in popularity as well.

For ROH I'd drop 10 from all American locations and for TNA 15-20 from each American location.

15,000 people? I've been to a TNA taping and there is definitely not 15,000 people.

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I think TNA are massively overrated in popularity terms. They get 15,000 people for an Impact taping and I think ROH are slightly overrated in popularity as well.

For ROH I'd drop 10 from all American locations and for TNA 15-20 from each American location.

15,000 people? I've been to a TNA taping and there is definitely not 15,000 people.

he was talking about in game, i think right now the TNA TV tapings get an audience of 1,100 and the average TNA away show gets somewhere from 1,000 to 6,000 although they do still have attendances of under 1,000 sometimes

also on a side note, anyone mind the extremly long list of possible NWA new promotions i added, i thought might be useful to pad out the section with generic NWA groups kinda only bring this up since i just added another load for Canada and Mexico

Edited by TheWho87
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just a general question/note about WWE weekly shows.

Pretty much every database I've seen has RAW and SmackDown! set for 2 hours, just like in real life.

However it's 2 hours gross, aka the whole timeslot COMMERCIALS INCLUDED, while the average actual airtime for WWE programming is around the 90 minutes mark.

So, as in TEW (2005 at least) commercials aren't included and the whole timeslot has to be booked, wouldn't it be better and more realistic scaling RAW and SD down to 90minutes shows?

To be honest it's quite a chore booking a whole 120 minutes of show without being forced to scrape the bottom of the barrel, and therefore getting awful segments.

well could just use segment as a commercial break, maybe i'll have a word with the cap'in about adding some commercial style segments that could fill this purpose so you as the booker can control what ads you include if you want to pad out your show while leaving the full 2 hours for those who want to play with a tull 2 hour time slot, beyond that nothing against editing you change your own game, im just thinking of the greater good, im guessing most people would rather have 2 hours than 1:30 to cut out adverts

i can make a commercial style angle if u want, however you still need someone from your roster to be in it, so it gets a good rating

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Some NWA Anarchy notes:

Iceberg should be removed from the NWA Anarchy roster. He lost a match at the beginning of October that was essentially a "retirement match". Rather or not he stays retired is another matter.

Jimmy Rave worked a match for NWA Anarchy but I suspect that was a one-off and not a permanent thing. However, it should be noted that Anarchy does have a pretty good relationship with both FIP and ROH as well as TNA.

Here are a list of tag teams wrestling in the Mega Rumble at Fright Night:

Rowdy Friends (Don Matthews & Jessco Blue), ADD (Manchild & Jamie Lee), Mike Posey & Seth Delay, Hate Junkies (Dany Only & Stryknyn), J-Rod & BJ Hancock, Entourage and New Wave.

Manchild and Jamie Lee are not in the game thusfar and neither are J-Rod and BJ Hancock. Mike Posey and Seth Delay are not listed as a team.

Andrew Alexander should have "jack_ss" listed as his personality and perhaps either selfish or egomaniac listed as his attitude.

Ace Rockwell should have old school face as his face gimmick. There should be a dislike between Andrew and Ace. In addition, Ace is part of the booking team in Anarchy.

When I get more time, I will try to go through and list the gimmicks for the guys and gals on the Anarchy roster.

Speaking of gals on the Anarchy roster, Melissa Coates is still on the Anarchy roster. She is not being used currently due to some issues with bringing in women for her to face. Two other women that are on the Anarchy roster. One is "Mercedes Mosley" who is serving as the valet for Mike Mosely and The Entourage. She is also training to wrestle and is surprisingly decent on the mic considering her newness to the business. (Her mic skills are better than her valet skills, in my opinion.) The other female is Crystal Rose. She should be listed as semi-active as her main role (it seems) is backstage doing production work as far as Anarchy goes, but she has worked a few matches this year. There was a promo/angle cut back at DragonCon highlighting the fact that Crystal (under the name Mary Jane) and Mercedes were part of the Anarchy roster as is Melissa. The reason being that Christy Hemme was not able to make it to DragonCon to defend the DCW Women's Cup. Christy Whiplash has worked two shows for Anarchy under the name Christy Turner. However, presumably due to the same factors that are keeping Melissa getting booked, she has not worked for Anarchy recently.

Dragon Con Wrestling is an event done at Dragon*Con every year. Most of the guys working the show are NWA Anarchy guys and a few other regional guys. They will usually bring in a few TNA talent to work a match or two and then have some legends there for autographs. The "Titles" are referred to as "Cups" and are basically the "Heavyweight", "Tag Team", "Light Heavyweight" and "Women's" Cups. I'm not sure that it should be listed a NWA Anarchy event or as a separate "tour" given that its a once a year annual event. It's been going on for ten years or so. I know a handful of other wrestlers from outside the region who have been interested in working that show but thus far have not.

Edited by wgh_2001
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