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RIDE Snowboard Contest Submissions


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RIDE is holding their annual snowboard design competition this year, and lucky for me my instructor is having us send in submissions. After an all-nighter I think I've come up with some pretty decent stuff - but what do you guys think? These are lower resolution .jpegs as I just quickly fucked around with them in photoshop after completing the designs in illustrator.



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What is the top, and what is the base?

I'm going to assume left is top and right is base, so you don't lose too much art to the bindings.

Graphically, the second one is absolute quality. Maybe submit the first one as a variation -- or something -- but the second one is definitely the strongest, and you should lead with that.

My only real gripe with the second is that I can see that the handprints are all the same, but flipped horizontally. Perhaps consider making a separate left and right hand? I dunno. It's a small thing, but it stands out to me.

I really like the monster arm, though I'd be inclined to taper the edges of the lines on the palm, as at the moment they're stylistically different from the rest of it.

Conceptually I would wonder why there were bloody handprints on it at all? Like.. whose are they? Are they the riders? Shouldn't they be footprints?

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They look awesome.

Agreed with Keith on pretty much everything.

Would have suggested the only noteable plus the first one has over the second one, was better care and consideration for where the wheels would go and being able to incorporate that into the design. But then I realised it was for a snowboard, not a skateboard. Whoops!

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