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TEW05 Real World Update: April 2010

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I don't think Teddy's ever really been a "spot monkey" as he's always had a mat game from when I've watched him but Jack Evans hasn't been a spot monkey in years since he rounded out his style with all the ROH and Japan work.

The choices i'd got for them would either be Spot Monkey, Cruiserweight or Luchadore so which one?

Can you make sure Lethal Lockdown has 3v3, 4v4 and 5v5 as the old match set missed 5v5 out.

Plus, how about a Cage Elimination match? (Pin & Submit) For things like Xscape in TNA...

Lethal Lockdown is set for all types now and i'll add in a Cage Elimination match

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I would guess they're both "luchadores", but to be honest I have no idea what those particular terms mean to TEW and I can't find a guide. To me "spot monkey" just says someone who does big flashy stuff but can't work a match. Big flash stuff is obviously a part of Teddy and Evan's games but I do think both are wholly capable of working a good, or even great, match. So cruiserweights or luchadores? Luchadores sounds to me like an emphasis on high flying but with a more or less round game, but I have no idea if that's true for TEW.

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Its based on what promotions will employ them really here is some info from the in game guide

Regular Wrestler: This worker doesn't have a specific style, he just wrestles.

Entertainer: This worker is an entertainer first and foremost, so he plays to the crowd a lot.

Strong Style: This worker uses realistic looking blows and holds, in a very Japanese manner.

Spot Monkey: This worker uses lots of super high flying moves and crazy dives, and doesn't spend a lot of time doing transition moves.

Cruiserweight: This is a wrestler, usually a small guy, who uses a lot of high flying moves, but with more transitions and logic than a Spot Monkey would use.

Luchadore: This is the traditional Mexican style of wrestler, usually very fast with good technique.

Super Junior: This is a Japanese-style smaller wrestler, who mixes high flying with great technical skills.

Technician: This is a worker who primarily uses holds and suplexes to beat people, rather than strikes.

MMA Crossover: This is a worker who used to be involved in Mixed Martial Arts, and so uses a hyper-realistic style of fighting, with strikes and submissions.

Brawler: This is a worker who likes to use his fists to brawl his way to victory.

Psychopath: This is a worker who is crazy, and uses weapons based brawling. Very often they have no regard for their own well being, and will hurt themselves during moves.

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Evans and Hart are spotmonkeys in every sense of the word, it has negative connotations to some people, but they're certainly spot monkeys. If you feel they are both good at mat work that can be reflected in their skills, but that's not their style. As for them improving themselves, that tends to do both in game and RL with who they're working with, they adjust their game for who they are facing, but their base style is still spotmonkey.

Bare in mind that making them spot monkey's won't hinder them getting over in cutting edge promotions (IE most indies) and shouldn't overly limit them lucha promotions.

On the subject Slim J should also be a spot monkey.

Edited by xstraightedgex
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Shimmer Tapings Spoiler

Madison Eagles is the new Shimmer Champion. She pinned MsChif on Vol. 31. She also turned heel

add a tag team with Allison Danger and Jennifer Blake, founded April 2010, exp. F

add a tag team with Melanie Cruise and Annie Social, call them the Social Club, founded April 2010, exp. F

turn Daizee Haze heel

the MsChif and Cheerleader Melissa tag team should be set to inactive, Melissa announced that they should focus more on their single runs

the Ashley Lane/Nevaeh tag team should be set to semi-active since Ashley is more involved in TNA now and does only sporadic apperances in Shimmer

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- Mick Foley said he's done with TNA for the time being. "It feels nice to be off for a little while. I enjoyed being part of the show, but I had been on there for quite a while in a heavily featured role," Foley said during an interview with The Pain Clinic radio show out of Rochester,

NY. "I think there's a reason why TV shows do better when they have a hiatus every now and then. I guess that's what I'm taking right now - a hiatus." He also talked about recently shooting a web show pilot with Ken Anderson for Black20.com.


-Remove Mick Foley from TNA and change his status to On Hiatus

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- Make Kazuchika Okada's TNA contract name just Okada. Probably make him a heel as he teamed with Homicide, but it is TNA so who the hell knows.

- Make xOMGx active again, his hiatus was pretty short. He is wrestling by the name of Kyle Threat in Insanity Pro so maybe change his name to that.

- Alicia should also be taken off hiatus, as she was on the WSU shows recently.

- The Giant Pharaoh can be removed from FCW.

- Carter Gray should be set back to active & signed to CZW as a lower midcard face.

Edited by DoubleJ13
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- Make Bobby Eaton a semi-active wrestler.

- Remove Japan as a area where Goldberg can work or possibly remove the color commentary.

- Make Dennis Condrey a semi-active wrestler sometimes, & road agent usually.

- Make Human Tornado a active wrestler again, or semi-active.

- Set James Gibson to never for wrestler.

- Marty Jannetty should be set to semi-active wrestler.

- Maybe set Ashley Massaro to on hiatus, she seems like she wants to eventually come back.

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- In a recent interview with ESPN, the current UFC Heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar said that he won't rule out a WWE return even if it was for just one night. "I had a great run with WWE. WWE gave me great visibility, I met my wife there, and I got paid a lot of money, it was just my time to go. I sensed it. I was smart enough to leave. That's the bottom line," Lesnar said. When he was asked if he'd be up to guest host Monday Night RAW, Lesnar gave a surprisingly positive reply. "I wouldn't be opposed to it. I'm still focused on my fighting right now, but if the opportunity arose some day, I'd never say never." The former WWE champion also described his former boss Vince McMahon as "ruthless" when compared to Dana White, who he said is "diligent and somewhat brilliant." (thanks to Colin Vassallo)


-Based on this, I'd change Lesnar's status to On Hiatus.

-Croft & Beretta have been teaming as The Dudebusters on WWE House shows. Maybe rename Croft and Beretta to that.

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