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Lite Versions ?

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ok im using a netbook or notebook as you know is a small laptop and im having a problem with updates cause they run very very slow on ewrevenge

so i need a lite version with below 1000 wrestlers in year 2005-2010

please i need it im bored of playing with before 2005 updates

btw i searched for lite version the links are all broken so if anyone can give me a link for it or be very kind and make one it will make me happy and other people happy

HAVE A NICE DAYsmile.gif

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it slows down and runtime error appears and its too much if they made an update without needless promotions it will be alot better

yeah clearly removing WWE and TNA would clear that problem up

seriously their isnt that many problems that occur going into the editor do you could easilly "fix" the data to your own needs because to you you may only want name people where as people like me would rather have a choice from a wide rande of independents

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What is basically said is that people like the vast variety the updates currently on offer and as such have no motivation to create a "Lite" version of the database updates.

The Who basically took what you said about needless promotions and said WWE and TNA were needless as a joke.

What is being said to you is that if you don't like the larger database you will personally have to edit the data so it is of a much more managable size by deleting anything in it you see as unneccesary from promotions to workers, belts to staff, from the database so you can play it as you want, which any sane, normal and not lazy person would do.

You just have to be methodical about deleting everything from the database and then you don't run in to the errors you suggest you run in to, deleting all the relevant compossit parts from the database and then make sure you have no contracts set up to non-existant federations. To eliminate run time errors you have to reduce the frequency of the route causes fo the errors.

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That is very well put, in an in-depth way Rich. (Y)

@ Thewood

To put it simply, using an example..

If you and I were to make a lite version of our own, We would end up with a very different database.

Because only you know what you'd want in it, you should do it...

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Its not like its rocket science, its just everytime the dude posts its requests for a lite database noone has and when he wants something to work in a particular way he expects others to come running and use their spare time to do it, seems selfish and ignorant to me. Its not like the data editor is hard to use, just time consuming and if he has the time to bitch and moan about his "small laptop" not being quick enough to run the thing, then he has time to size and personalize the database as he feels fit :angry:

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Guest batsnumbereleven

how come?

I would say that's the wrong question: if it works, we don't ask why, we're normally happy that it works! :) You'd be better off asking someone who can't get it to work whattheir problems with it are to see if you are/might encounter(ing) the same things.

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