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2010/2011 NBA Thread


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I don't think they'd have to give up Chandler/Fields/Gallo, but I'd give up 2 of those, Mozgov, Curry's contract and/or Randolph or a potential 1st rounder for him without a second thought. Chandler plays the same position and is due for a big pay raise soon enough so he's got to go. If I had to choose which guy to keep it would be Fields simply because he plays the 2, rebounds and is on a 2nd rounder rookie contract. Hell, at this point if they have to put Felton in the pot with Chandler and/or Gallo I'd still make the deal because it would free up money for either CP3 or Deron Williams at the end of next season. If the Knicks had Stoudemire and Anthony I'm positive they could lure one of those two elite point guards to MSG. If that didn't work they could always make a run at Dwight Howard since the Magic's window has already slammed shut. At that point it wouldn't really matter who else was on the team since they'd be part of the best Knicks team since 1993 by default.

I'm trying not to put the cart before the horse, but a Big 3 with Stat, 'Melo, Howard/Paul/Williams and a bunch of role players to be named later is a thousand times more exciting as a fan than keeping this current team together, adding on Carmelo and praying we have money to add another piece later.

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I want Carmelo to end up pretty much anywhere outside of the Knicks because sports radio and the back pages will be worth it for the entertainment factor alone. I laughed at friends and cousins who had a "we're back!" attitude earlier in the season. A lot of those people are already transitioning to baseball season.

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It doesn't help that LeBronze can't make his free throws and passes out of single coverage to guys like Mike Miller, Eddie House or Mario Chalmers to hit the last shots.

To be fair, Mike Miller is there because of his ability to make 3's. But yeah, no reason for LeBron to give the ball away in single coverage with the game on the line.

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If a team has LeBron, Wade and that other guy and they still need Eddie House, Mario Chalmers or Mike Miller to hit all the big shots how are they ever going to win championships?

The same way Jordan won championships when guys like Kerr, Paxson and Kukoc were hitting big shots down the stretch. <_< A guy like Mike Miller is going to get better shots off when defenses are focusing on Wade and LeBron.

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If a team has LeBron, Wade and that other guy and they still need Eddie House, Mario Chalmers or Mike Miller to hit all the big shots how are they ever going to win championships?

The same way Jordan won championships when guys like Kerr, Paxson and Kukoc were hitting big shots down the stretch. <_< A guy like Mike Miller is going to get better shots off when defenses are focusing on Wade and LeBron.

Did you see the word I put in bold there? Almost every game that has come down to a single possession for the Heat this season has ended up with Miller, House or Chalmers shooting it. You can't have 2 of the top 5 players on the planet on your team and then rely on roleplayers to have "big balls" every time you need a shot to tie or win late.


The fact that the Heat's record in close games sucks tells me that maybe LeBron or Wade should be the focal point of the offense in critical late game situations.

Edited by naiwf
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People would criticize if he didn't pass it off to a wide open great shooter and forced it himself. When down by 3. It's a lot easier to get a jumper for yourself inside the ark then it is to make space with the ball in your hands for a 3. People would say he's trying to hard to make the big shot, he want's to be a Jordan too bad. He made the right play this game. Bottom line for me.

Edited by rocksta
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Relying on a guy who is 1-4 in the game (in 25 minutes) to hit the big shot when the "non big 3" have accounted for 20 total points out of 82 just seems like fool's gold to me. House, Chalmers and Miller were a combined 3-14. On top of that, Miller was wide open thanks to a nice moving screen by Wade and the game should have ended with an offensive foul called. Sometimes the right play is taking the shot yourself, especially when you're the only guy other than Bosh who shot better than 40% on the day.


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People would criticize if he didn't pass it off to a wide open great shooter and forced it himself. When down by 3. It's a lot easier to get a jumper for yourself inside the ark then it is to make space with the ball in your hands for a 3. People would say he's trying to hard to make the big shot, he want's to be a Jordan too bad. He made the right play this game. Bottom line for me.


I didn't watch the game but based off of that clip I don't think LeBron had a shot. He was immediately going to have two guys in his face if he tried getting in position to take a shot. Passing it off was the right call. You could argue that they should have had something better drawn up but that is a different argument. That is now how the play developed.

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Moving screens are basically the norm in the NBA today but yah I don't know how much of that was a flop it was still an illegal screen. Won't have any argument from me on that. I don't care how Mike Miller is shooting that night I would rather Miller take a WIDE open three then have James either pivot to the corner into a fadeaway with pierce in his face (a bad shot) or take the dribble to the right and take the contested three (a bad shot). James made the right basketball decision. No one in that locker room is blaming James for that play I guarantee you that.

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Moving screens are basically the norm in the NBA today but yah I don't know how much of that was a flop it was still an illegal screen. Won't have any argument from me on that. I don't care how Mike Miller is shooting that night I would rather Miller take a WIDE open three then have James either pivot to the corner into a fadeaway with pierce in his face (a bad shot) or take the dribble to the right and take the contested three (a bad shot). James made the right basketball decision. No one in that locker room is blaming James for that play I guarantee you that.

A wide open three that isn't caused by a flagrant foul is one thing. On that play, Miller was only open because Wade hit Big Baby with a running double thrust to the throat. ESPN had a nice little highlight package of all the missed shots by the Heat at the end of single possession games and neither Wade nor James has taken any of them. That's not going to win them a title.

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Moving screens are basically the norm in the NBA today but yah I don't know how much of that was a flop it was still an illegal screen. Won't have any argument from me on that. I don't care how Mike Miller is shooting that night I would rather Miller take a WIDE open three then have James either pivot to the corner into a fadeaway with pierce in his face (a bad shot) or take the dribble to the right and take the contested three (a bad shot). James made the right basketball decision. No one in that locker room is blaming James for that play I guarantee you that.

A wide open three that isn't caused by a flagrant foul is one thing. On that play, Miller was only open because Wade hit Big Baby with a running double thrust to the throat. ESPN had a nice little highlight package of all the missed shots by the Heat at the end of single possession games and neither Wade nor James has taken any of them. That's not going to win them a title.

James and/or Wade are going to have to take the shots while being covered. They are able to shake defenders normally, but suddenly with the game on the line they decide to pass it. It's not they are some scrubs, they're 2 of the 4 best players of their generation. And 2 of the best shooters in the league. One of them, unless he gets injured regularly, is on a steady path to Kareem's record.

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I haven't watched enough heat games to talk about any other buzzer situation honestly. On the play Lebron did the right thing. It is not easy to shake a man to get an open three. The play they drew up lead to Lebron being smothered with his back to the basket behind the arc. I agree optimally Lebron and Wade should have the last shot but Miller was the right pass in this particular situation. I can't comment on any future situation or any past situation besides this one.

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