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Smallville The Final Season


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Rather glad this is the final season. It seems like the show has been phoning it in for a while now with rather weak storylines/storytelling and some rather facepalm moments (one major one was the hype of characters like Cyborg and other heroes returning for an episode, when all they did was appear via a video screen for one short scene). The show started off pretty nice with the freak of the week thing, then matured nicely into something more, but it's been running too long and needed to end, so it ending with this season gets a sigh of relief for me. Hopefully it takes the route of Scrubs and goes all out to being one of the best seasons yet. Judging from the pictures, if it means we get more of

Jonathan, Lionel, and Lex, then yes please.

Oh, and PLEASE let them finally let the fucker fly, because I would not be one bit surprised if the flying stuff from the video is just another bait and switch from them <_<

Edited by Vitamin E
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Are you fucking kidding me? The last two seasons have been the best. Espeically the last season with Zodd, which has been the best Smallville has ever been.

God I love you!

Seriously seasons 8 & 9 just got better and better considering the lacklustre seasons 6 & 7, the loss of Lana to the show actually provided the show with so much room for growth it was untrue.

This iseason looks amazing, I actually like the fact we haven't seen Clark properly fly yet, mainly due to they stuck to the creators guns for 10 years! "No flights, NO TIGHTS!" Jesus I can't believe I am going to be away and miss this season, it is going to be one fo the first things I hunt down when I get back, I am so excited... to steal a line from the end of another cult hit:

"I wanna see how it ends"

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tI really should properly watch this show someday I guess. Watching like 6 or 7 episodes of season one and then randonly another 5 or so over the next 7 seasons might not be the best way to judge if the show is any good I guess.

Other spoilers:

Geoff Johns DC Comic Book writer who wrote the JSA stuff last year and the Legion Of SuperHero stuff the year before has announced this year he will be doing an episode that features Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. Also the big bad for this season is apparently well known I guess?

Potentially bigger spoiler on Big Bad:


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The majority of the last couple seasons has been better than ones previous, but i still wasn't blown away or anything. Season 9 seemed to drag for me at the beginning and didn't properly pick up until we really got past the whole "oh no Lois is having a vision" crap. I'll agree that getting rid of Lana was a very wise decision, since there is really only so much you can do with her and Clark. I just havent found the show to be all that great as the seasons kept coming, even if the previous two or so seasons (the majority anyway) have been the best/better than previous ones.

Like I said, though, judging from the pictures and the videos from that site, this season has potential to be great if they go all out solely because it's the last season.

And I dont mind that they havent had the guy fly yet. It's more that they've teased it on more than one occasion and then it ended up just being Clark doing his little super jump.

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry for bringing up an old thread, but as a fan of this show this is pretty big news about the finale for anyone interested.

After nearly a year of will-he-or-won’t-he speculation, Michael Rosenbaum has inked a deal to reprise his role as Smallville‘s Lex Luthor in the two-hour season finale airing May 13, TVLine has learned.

“I’m delighted to return for the series finale,” Rosenbaum tells TVLine exclusively. “I’m simply doing it for all of the fans out there who made Smallville the great success it is. I appreciate all of their passion, their relentlessness, and even their threats. Ha ha.

The final season has been really good in my opinion. Eight episodes left since the series finale will be two-hours. It's kind of weird seeing it end because i've been basically watching it through all ten seasons.

Edited by The Sandman
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

So the final episode airs next week, and I have to say I will miss the show. Though I may have been skeptical or not cared for certain seasons/writing decisions, I think in retrospect it isnt nearly as bad as I once thought. It's amazing how far Clark Kent has come in this show, as I still remember when high schooler Clark was busy battling the freak of the week and drooling over Lana. A lot of great moments from the series and Im hoping the finale is something that can satisfy my taste buds much like the (proper) Scrubs finale did.

Im glad that they are finally wrapping up the series as it seems like the right time to do so.

After watching tonights episode I ended up youtubing for random Superman/Smallville montages, I ended up coming across a montage for Clark and Alicia. It amazes me how long ago it seems to have been, but I remember when watching the episodes with her how much I had wanted the writers to make her the person to be with Clark and how her death seemed like a huge moment, and still does considering the reaction Clark has to her death compared to the deaths of others around him from the seasons that followed.

Anybody else have favorite moments from over the years?

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Crazy this is coming to an end. A show I have enjoyed from the start (though had its ups and downs) and I will miss also. One of my favorite episodes/moments was when Chloe found that red kryptonite and it was exposed to Clark and Pete and all three were like a band of misfits. A scene that always made me laugh when was when they were all in the car and Chloe went to the back to which Pete made a comment about her backside, "didn't know you had all that!" but yeah one of the episodes that stick out the most (no pun intended). I also always wanted Clark to be with Chloe. They seemed like the perfect couple and maybe that's what made me enjoy that episode even more.

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The finale is finally here and I think for the first time this season I will watch it "live". Have been looking forward to this for a very long time and all the interviews and leaked stuff have me fired up. There is no way they can screw this up right?

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Ill probably start watching at the beginning of the second hour, that way I can fast forward through commercials <_<.

Im really hoping they dont fuck it up with how amped I am for the finale. Like Ive said, if they dont have Clark Kent being called Superman (none of this "you sure are super!" crap), have him actually flying (none of this dream sequence or computer world crap), or have him wearing the actual suit (none of this showing the outfit several times crap), I will be massively disappointed.

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Ill probably start watching at the beginning of the second hour, that way I can fast forward through commercials <_<.

Im really hoping they dont fuck it up with how amped I am for the finale. Like Ive said, if they dont have Clark Kent being called Superman (none of this "you sure are super!" crap), have him actually flying (none of this dream sequence or computer world crap), or have him wearing the actual suit (none of this showing the outfit several times crap), I will be massively disappointed.

They keep saying that the final scene is absolutely fantastic. I would assume that means he's in the suit, flying with the music in the background. Pretty much anything else would be a letdown. I hope they do mention Superman but I was expecting them to call the finale "Superman" but they didn't....it's just called "Finale".

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I read something on Kryptonsite about the first and last 5 minutes being a bit of a big deal. If I can expect at least one of the three things I mentioned, then Ill only hope the entire episode isnt just filler for roughly 10 minutes of epicness. Though I wouldnt exactly mind, since we will be getting Michael Rosenbaum back :wub:

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I read something on Kryptonsite about the first and last 5 minutes being a bit of a big deal. If I can expect at least one of the three things I mentioned, then Ill only hope the entire episode isnt just filler for roughly 10 minutes of epicness. Though I wouldnt exactly mind, since we will be getting Michael Rosenbaum back :wub:

I wonder if they have some unaired scene with Christopher Reeves? If they did it'd probably have been leaked by now but that would be pretty cool. I'm sure we'll get some sort of Jonathan Kent appearance. Does Lana make an appearance? Wouldn't be surprised to see some people from way back sitting in the church. Does Pete show up? So many questions. I have to give them credit for keeping most of it under wraps so far.

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I will say that, regarding last weeks episode, spoilered in case some havent seen it yet:

the fact that Lois broke the marriage off with Clark makes it seem like that this weeks episode regarding a marriage will be more like a dream/future sequence or something. Granted, I DID enjoy that one episode where Clark went to the future and Lois was helping him keep his Superman identity a secret as it gave the whole Superman arc its own spin on things, but I would enjoy a more traditional route with the whole thing.

Also, from what Ive read, the only people from the past that will show up are:

Lex, Jonathan, Martha, and Lionel.

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Way too much time spent on the wedding....

I was thinking the same thing in the first hour bI think they'll pck it up but they have a whole second hour so I think it'll pick up.

Hopefully same applies for commercial breaks too. There have been way too many so far.

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Way too much time spent on the wedding....

I was thinking the same thing in the first hour bI think they'll pck it up but they have a whole second hour so I think it'll pick up.

Hopefully same applies for commercial breaks too. There have been way too many so far.

Yeah, what is up with that? Seems like everyone decided they wanted to advertise during the finale. Nice to see Johnathan Kent up there though and Lex! I am a bit sad that there is no Pete though.

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