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Dwarf Fortress


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Where is there not more DF support on EWB? I mean, I would have thought that a game with nearly endless possibilities and also the option to drown everything in magma if you feel like it, would be the perfect choice for a good past time for gamer EWB'ers. To get you all hooked go find Tim Denee's Oilfurnace ocartoon; everything that happened in that one can, and mostly likely will, happen in the game.

It has a somewhat steep learning curve but there are some great tutorials out there (CaptainDuck's video tutorial, for example), but once you get the hang of the basics the game is pretty straight forward until you run out of food or, more importantly, booze; or you get besieged by a gezillion goblins flying on bats.

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Yeah, it is very confusing on first sight. However, this tutorial basically sets you up with everything you need to take the baby steps. It is a really good tutorial on how to get into Dwarf Fortress. Although it hasn't been updated for the last 2010 version, everything it deals with hasn't been revised all that much for the new version; I still recommend going through CaptainDuck's updated video tutorials for the 2010 version. Combine that with the linked tut and you should be all ready to play your first fortress.

Seriously, do it, I need someone else I can moan too about those god damn goblin ambushes, zombie whales beaching themselves on my dwarfs and accidental flooding of my entire fortress. :shifty:

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Get some aboveground crop then! Strawberries, whip vine so you can brew copious amount of beautiful beer and also other stuff. Dwarf Fortress Wiki is your friend in times of need, I can't play without having it open. Also farming outside is much easier but it is not nearly as safe as underground farming.

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Hm. I possibly could make a farm on the ground above where I'm digging? I'm digging into the side of a cliff so there's land up above everything. Could I make some kind of stairs going up to the surface and put a farm up there? >_>

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Well, if you are digging into a cliff, you dwarfs can easily climb up a level because of hills. Unless you had them dug away. Just remember to wall off your outside farming. :P The Complete and Utter Newby Tutorial for Dwarf Fortress leads you through this, though, just follow it step by step and chapter by chapter and you'll learn fast.

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I just epic failed at flooding a room to make a farm. Not a fan of the whole "underground farms have to be muddy" stuff. >_>

For in the love of god remember floodgates strung to a lever. Underground farming depends on it. Just install a floodgate, have ypur mechanic person link it to a lever and then you can open and close at will. Made the use of channels and stuff like that completely useless once I found out.

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I actually failed because I couldn't figure out how to work a channel from a lake to the room, which was two levels down. I ended up digging through the side of the lake and releasing all of the water onto the ground around it. :\

I also don't have a mechanic. This game sucks if you don't know what you're doing ahead of time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love Dwarf Fortress but I never get far in it. i get to the point where I start farming then realize I messed up my fort or something and eventually restart. I wish the mouse was implemented more. I like the arena mode in the new version its fun to hold tourneys and see who wins.

Is there a way to run the new version in a window that way i can have the tutorials open at the same time ?

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I love Dwarf Fortress but I never get far in it. i get to the point where I start farming then realize I messed up my fort or something and eventually restart. I wish the mouse was implemented more. I like the arena mode in the new version its fun to hold tourneys and see who wins.

Is there a way to run the new version in a window that way i can have the tutorials open at the same time ?

It always runs in a window for me.

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Well i learned this game the hard way >_<

I dug around inside a cliff face and everything was going well with food going good and having good stock. But the bell should have rung when i had no stone at all.

Well i found that out the hard way as i settled on top of an aquifier and it destroyed my whole fort. And then the surviving dwarfs got killed by those bloody carp's and Goblins.

Back to the drawing board.

And i tried Adventure mode but it is even more confuzzling than Fortress mode.

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If I remember correctly adventure mode is still incomplete and buggy.

has anyone been able to download the big pdf file with all the beginner tutorials in it ? Complete Dwarf Fortress tutorials in one big PDF

Every time I try to download it it stops at about 6%

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