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Pokéfest 2010


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Someone remind me at what point it is that the guards will stop complaining about being thirsty and actually take a drink from you, allowing you to get to Saffron City?

I thought it was at the point where I'm at now, having got 5 badges (the latest of which from Fuchsia), done the trip into the Safari Zone to get Surf and the Gold Teeth to exchange for Strength. Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly, or it's different for Leaf Green than R/B/Y, I dunno.

Edit: SECONDS AFTER POSTING THIS, I wandered into Celadon Mansion where some old woman gave me Tea. I thought "Huh..." and lo and behold, this is apparently the drink of choice for the guards. They never used to be this picky. <_<

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So keeping in mind that Plubby has requested no spoilers, I will not spoil anything specific here.

Beat the main game in White earlier. The whole game has been awesome, but the endgame - from the Elite Four onwards - is fucking epic. I've also been very impressed by my team, including training a Dragon-type for the first time ever, which was been quite satisfying (Dragon Dance once, then Dragon Claw everything is the best strategy ever).

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Current team (having just been through Silph Co. and beaten Sabrina)...







All of them are between Lv.37 and Lv.44.

You know I just realised. A dual Bug/Water challenge actually works quite well in terms of covering weaknesses. Bug resists both of Water's weaknesses, and Water is strong against (or can learn moves strong against, in the case of Flying) Bug's weaknesses.

While you're hamstrung a little by the fact that every GenI Bug Pokemon sucks, the fact that you have a Gyarados should offset that a little bit. Agatha will be interesting though.

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Hey. Venonat's Sleep Powder/Psybeam combo can take out nearly anything. :@

Yeah I suppose Venomoth is OK. It sorta overlaps with Butterfree though, so you have two Pokemon that basically do the same thing.

And I stand corrected, with Psychic on Butterfree and/or Venomoth Agatha shouldn't be too hard.

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They are virtually identical, yes. At the moment the only other pokemon I have that could take a spot in my team is a Goldeen I caught, but I'm not sure that's especially worthwhile either. Plus I'd have to go find somewhere to level its Lv 20 ass up, and I'm probably better off waiting until I find a Staryu.

(It's at this point I realise that I can't get a Scyther as they're Fire Red exclusive. Boooo.)

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You have a Gyarados. It does everything Seaking can do, but better. The only party trick Seaking has that Gyarados does not is Megahorn, but that's it.

Starmie though will make a fantastic addition to your team.

Also just realised, this would be an interesting challenge to do in a Black or White game. GenV is the generation of Bugs. Bug/Grass, Bug/Steel, Bug/Electric, Bug/Fire, there's bugs everywhere!

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Guest JukeboxHero

The Rustboro Gym was easy as all hell. Mudkip utterly destroyed Roxanne's team.

Moving onwards, I'm in a tunnel I can't get through. My team:

Marshtomp, Lvl. 18

Taillow, Lvl 12

Zigagoon, Lvl 10

Poocheyna, Lvl 7

Lotad, Lvl 4

Wurmple, Lvl 4

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So, Day Two of my current game and my situation is:

Tsutarja, Lv. 15

Yooterii, Lv. 15

Hiyappu, Lv. 14

Munna, Lv. 14

Mamepato, Lv. 13

Shimama, Lv. 13

In short: BLACK FTW~! Yeah, it's in Japanese and it's difficult to understand half the time (I keep on having to rush to Serebii or Bulbapedia to work out what moves they're trying to learn) but walkthroughs are making it easier. For the sake of everyone I guess I'll spoiler what's happened so far:

Alright, so beating Bel & Cheren was easy as hell at the start. Caught Yooterii and then Minezumi with the intention of only keeping one of them on my team, and Yooterii is by far and away the better of the two I've found. Got a Choroneko as well, but he has god-awful defense and got a chore to level up after a while because he learns no good Dark moves for ages, so him and Minezumi are in the PC. N was a walkover pretty much, and really the only big challenge so far has been Poddo, who managed to take out Tsutarja and Choroneko before Hiyappu pretty much destroyed Baoppu. Shimama and Mamepato were my latest catches...I'll probably stick with this time for a while until I get a stronger water type, or failing that something to inevitably replace Yooterii. Which'll be sad since the little guy is so friggin' cute.

Overall I'm finding it probably the most fun I've had with a Pokemon game in a long time. The fact it's all brand new Pokemon and perhaps even the added challenge that it's in Japanese is making it exciting again...plus they've upped the difficulty I feel. Maybe it's just because some idiot decided to bump Tackle up and a 50 power STAB move on Yooterii and Minezumi right from the get go makes things a bit more difficult. Still...thank God for Tabunne :P

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So, Day Two of my current game and my situation is:

Tsutarja, Lv. 15

Yooterii, Lv. 15

Hiyappu, Lv. 14

Munna, Lv. 14

Mamepato, Lv. 13

Shimama, Lv. 13

In short: BLACK FTW~! Yeah, it's in Japanese and it's difficult to understand half the time (I keep on having to rush to Serebii or Bulbapedia to work out what moves they're trying to learn) but walkthroughs are making it easier. For the sake of everyone I guess I'll spoiler what's happened so far:

Alright, so beating Bel & Cheren was easy as hell at the start. Caught Yooterii and then Minezumi with the intention of only keeping one of them on my team, and Yooterii is by far and away the better of the two I've found. Got a Choroneko as well, but he has god-awful defense and got a chore to level up after a while because he learns no good Dark moves for ages, so him and Minezumi are in the PC. N was a walkover pretty much, and really the only big challenge so far has been Poddo, who managed to take out Tsutarja and Choroneko before Hiyappu pretty much destroyed Baoppu. Shimama and Mamepato were my latest catches...I'll probably stick with this time for a while until I get a stronger water type, or failing that something to inevitably replace Yooterii. Which'll be sad since the little guy is so friggin' cute.

Overall I'm finding it probably the most fun I've had with a Pokemon game in a long time. The fact it's all brand new Pokemon and perhaps even the added challenge that it's in Japanese is making it exciting again...plus they've upped the difficulty I feel. Maybe it's just because some idiot decided to bump Tackle up and a 50 power STAB move on Yooterii and Minezumi right from the get go makes things a bit more difficult. Still...thank God for Tabunne :P

Good to know I'm not the only one here enjoying Black and White.

Yeah, Choroneko's not very good, neither is its evolution for that matter. I would say keep Yooterii, as Muurando is quite the beast, particularly if it winds up with Intimidate (いかく). How has using Smugleaf been going for you? It's the worst offensively on paper of the three starters, but it looks so fucking cool that I wouldn't mind using one in a future game.

At a guess you're up to the second gym, but have yet to take on the leader? Since she has a Miruhoggu (Minezumi's evolution) I would suggest finding a Fighting type before taking her on - you can find Dageki and Dokkoraa in the grass to the west of the city, near Yaguruma Forest, but it's up to you. I managed without a Fighting type - I just spammed Dangoro :P.

My team at the moment is: (can't remember levels, 54 or 55)













Ononokusu is a total beast. Soloed an Elite Four member by itself.

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I've not got to the second gym yet, I'm just outside it by the double-battle grass. Tsutarja is pretty good I've found, he gains exp. like crazy so it's been easy to keep him at a high-ish level and therefore he doesn't suffer too much from the fact he doesn't get any good STAB moves to begin with (Vine Whip is a bit pathetic unless you have Overgrow in effect). Grass Mixer is at Lv. 16 though if I'm right so I'm cool with that and hopefully the evo in to Jalorda will be good.

So far I've caught one of every Pokemon that I've encountered (barring Tabunne), need to train up Koromori and Dangoro. Couldn't find a Mogurew which is a bit annoying, since Doryuzu looks like a beast.

Also, so that this just doesn't become a complete spoiler-fest:


So cuuuuuuuute!

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Hm. I dunno if it's a bug or there's something you're meant to do that I couldn't decipher, but in the wild double battles if both your Pokemon get knocked out it seems that you get sort of stuck and have to reboot, which sucks when you don't save your game in a while. Anyway, team and general goings on:

Lv. 22 Shimama

Lv. 21 Janovy

Lv. 21 Haderia

Lv. 21 Koromori

Lv. 21 Hiyappu

Lv. 21 Dageki

Just beaten Arty at the third gym in easily the closest battle so far of the entire game. Started with Janovy who fell quick to Hoyga, but I knew that next to Hiyappu he'd be my weakest on the team in this battle. Koromori came out, two Air Cutter's later and it was fine. Then he sends out Ishizumai who OHKO's Koromori and suddenly I'm in a bit of a tighter spot; Hiyappu is able to Water Gun Ishizumai though and it's 4-on-1. Then comes Hahakomori, who wipes out Hiyappu in a OHKO, then manages to survive two Nitro Charge's from Shimama and KO's him...then Haderia, so I'm left with Dageki. He manages to take Hahakomori in to the red whilst, thankfully, I was able to revive Shimama who burst out of the gate at the end with a final Nitro Charge to KO for the win. Biggest challenge in some way since I fought Red at the end of SS.

Still loving the game though, so, so much. I thought I was having fun playing Soul Silver but I've never levelled as many Pokemon up as I've been doing on this game. Got Munna, Otamoro, Dokkora, Mamepato and Dangoro all at about Lv. 18-17, and then got Choroneko, Minezuma, Monmen, Churine, Kurumiru and Fushide all in the 10-15 range. Pretty happy with the team I have at the moment though; Shimama is freaking awesome in general, Janovy's really strong with Grass Mixer and Miracle Seed, Haderia is a beast with STAB Take Down and his attack stat and Koromori is pretty good cover with Confusion + Air Cutter. Hiyappu's a bit bleh but he's the only water Pokemon I have available ATM, and Dageki, while quick and with good attack, has a shit movepool ATM - those two are the ones most likely to get shifted out at some point.

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I honestly have no idea how anybody plays a game this text heavy in a language they don't understand. Surely it'd take out a lot of the experience. Even though I'm proficient enough in another language, I couldn't see myself playing a game with so much reading in it that's not in my mothertongue.

Though I doubt anybody would make a game in Irish anyway. >_<

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Guest JukeboxHero

The additions of Rock Band 3, SVR 2011, and CoD: Black Ops to my XBox 360 library have meant less time to donate to Pokemon Emerald. But I managed to put in a little time this weekend.

After having a tough time at the last gym, I didn't know how well I'd fare at the next one since I didn't do a whole lot to improve the team. Luckily, the next gym was Mauville's gym, in which I faced the electric leader Wattson. Marshtomp rolled his entire team.

As of now my team stands like this:

Marshtomp, Lvl 27

Swellow, Lvl 23

Zigazoon, Lvl 13

Poocheyna, Lvl 10

Zubat, Lvl 10

Geodude, Lvl 8

I need to raise up a few of these, obviously.

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It's not exactly easy to play, I'm not gonna lie, since I sort of always need access to Serebii/Bulbapedia for moves (although I've now logged all immediate move changes etc. in a word document) but I'm enjoying it just as much as I would a normal Pokemon game. Translation guides etc. and walkthroughs are helping with the story, but I'll follow the story a lot more when I get White in English, me thinks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've now beaten the Elite Four Round 2, and the two strongest trainers in the game. I'm now considering possibly restarting the game so I can run through with a different team, but there's one thing I've learned in this game.

Ononokusu + Dragon Dance + Outrage = total easymode. Took out the Gamefreak guy on its own, completely swept the Ghost Elite Four person. It's ridiculous. So as a result I'll be looking at possibly weaker stuff next time around for a bit more of a challenge.

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