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EWR 2010 Stats Update: November

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Menacing is requiered for the following Gimmicks:

Body Guard, Bounty Hunter, Bully, Convict, Demon, Gangsta, Hired Gun, Machine, Man Beast, Monster & Occult

Tyler Reks as Body Guard? Sure...

Bounty Hunter? He was made for this one.

Bully? Isn't that the way he re-debuted on smackdown?

Convict? Same as Bounty Hunter

Demon? With the right gimmicks, damn sure

Gangsta? Not so much, but that's cause he is white. Imagine him as a black dude and it works.

Hired Gun? Imagine him with a Gene SImmons Facepaint and he would be the perfect fit to be LoBo

Machine? Oh yeah!

Man Beast? If he would act more furious it worked

Monster? Difficult because of the missing built up ...

Occult? Never understood in the firstplace why you need to be menacing to be Occult (Kevin Sullivan never looked Menacing to me, though)

I can't see Edge embody any of those Gimmicks, hardly I can see Stevens in that role.

You shouldn't compare him with guys like Edge, you should compare him with guys like Rellik, Kevin Nash, Rhino or Heidenreich - who all got Menacing ticked and are pumped up the same way he is (besides of Nash, though).

Look at his face - it's always like it is hidden in the shadows, you can't see his eyes and his mouth is hidden behind his bad ass beared.

I'm pretty sure that if I'm caught in the middle of a fight between Reks and Edge, I know who I would hide behind. (if thats a real arguing thing, not a booked match)

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Guest The Phenomenal Red

Menacing is requiered for the following Gimmicks:

Body Guard, Bounty Hunter, Bully, Convict, Demon, Gangsta, Hired Gun, Machine, Man Beast, Monster & Occult

Tyler Reks as Body Guard? Sure...

Bounty Hunter? He was made for this one.

Bully? Isn't that the way he re-debuted on smackdown?

Convict? Same as Bounty Hunter

Demon? With the right gimmicks, damn sure

Gangsta? Not so much, but that's cause he is white. Imagine him as a black dude and it works.

Hired Gun? Imagine him with a Gene SImmons Facepaint and he would be the perfect fit to be LoBo

Machine? Oh yeah!

Man Beast? If he would act more furious it worked

Monster? Difficult because of the missing built up ...

Occult? Never understood in the firstplace why you need to be menacing to be Occult (Kevin Sullivan never looked Menacing to me, though)

I can't see Edge embody any of those Gimmicks, hardly I can see Stevens in that role.

You shouldn't compare him with guys like Edge, you should compare him with guys like Rellik, Kevin Nash, Rhino or Heidenreich - who all got Menacing ticked and are pumped up the same way he is (besides of Nash, though).

Look at his face - it's always like it is hidden in the shadows, you can't see his eyes and his mouth is hidden behind his bad ass beared.

I'm pretty sure that if I'm caught in the middle of a fight between Reks and Edge, I know who I would hide behind. (if thats a real arguing thing, not a booked match)

Thanks for making that opening for me to logic bomb you. Rellik, Rhino and Heidenreich looks like killers. Reks just dirty. Looking dirty does not a menacing guy make.

Tyler Reks as Body Guard: For Edge or something, he looks like a metal/punk rocker body guard more so than a man in black type bodyguard.

Bounty Hunter: perhaps

Bully: Maybe

Convict: He could work as it.

Demon: Not really

Gangsta: No, he couldn't even pass as a wanksta.

Hired Gun: Perhaps

Machine: A surfer terminator perhaps but not a Goldberg/Brock Lesnar/Lashley/Taz machine

Man Beast: No, don't have the fire or the build.

Monster: No doesn't have the build.

Occult: Maybe with the current look.

I don't see Tyler Reks as a menacing guy but just like the Orton charisma deal, the people have spoken.

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Not sure where I am going wrong but when I try to click anything in the File Editor, it comes up with 'Run Time Error 75' and then shuts off the game, any ideas what is going on here guys? Other updates and scenarios seem to be working okay but just this one. :/

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Thanks for continuing to do this as a huge service to EWB, Bill. It means a lot.

Anyway, I was skimming this thread, and I really don't like some of the reasoning used, but I suppose people will use whatever criteria they want. For example, saying because Swagger uses an ankle lock "out of nowhere and really makes me mark out" isn't a valid reason, in my opinion, to up his technical stat. Tech has to do with your ability to wrestle a tech-based match, and I think Swagger is fine around a 74-75 in that respect. I wouldn't raise Ziggler higher than a 72 in technical, either.

I do think Del Rio's charisma should be in the upper 70s.

Edited by Master Shakespeare
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I'll link to it just in case it is unnoticed otherwise.

I posted about several workers you wished to have stats and more information for in NCW Femmes Fatales.

Here's a direct link to it: http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=81266&view=findpost&p=2178112

I could provide more detail and will try to help further.

Thanks again for the updates Bill1996. (Y)

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Not sure how you work these but a discussion about some wrestlers not being on shows for a while lead to "ukp" (one half of the UK Pitbulls is all I can make out) posting the following about Sam Slam:

When i last saw Sam he said he was concentrating on his business and training for strongman.

It appears that Sam Slam is taking time out of wrestling to focus on other things... However a return has not been ruled out.

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- Don West should be removed as Amazing Red's manager as they have not appeared together in quite some time.

- Chelsea should be removed as Abyss's manager as they have not appeared together in quite some time.

- Chelsea should be made manager to Brutus Magnus, she has accompanied him to the ring during dark matches and his return this week on Xplosion.

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Guest The Phenomenal Red

- Chelsea should be made manager to Brutus Magnus, she has accompanied him to the ring during dark matches and his return this week on Xplosion.

On a side-note make the other half of London Brawling, Desmond Wolfe a non-worker for the time being. There is some sort of issue with him that is keeping him out of the ring. PWInsider.com has talked about some issue regarding Wolfe but TNA wont disclose the exact nature of it so just make him a non-worker.

Psicosis III has left AAA, remove him from The Militia and should be renamed Toxico.

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- Chelsea should be made manager to Brutus Magnus, she has accompanied him to the ring during dark matches and his return this week on Xplosion.

On a side-note make the other half of London Brawling, Desmond Wolfe a non-worker for the time being. There is some sort of issue with him that is keeping him out of the ring. PWInsider.com has talked about some issue regarding Wolfe but TNA wont disclose the exact nature of it so just make him a non-worker.

The worlds most *cough*reliable*cough* source, wikipedia has it listed as medical related (or at least did have when I last looked at it a couple of days ago)

EDIT - This is the related part of the article

[London Brawling] were at the last minute pulled from the event, with TNA citing a "personal issue" as the reason. It was later reported that Wolfe was pulled from the event due to an undisclosed medical situation that would sideline him for the next few months
Edited by Muppet92
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Eric Young has reportedly parted ways with TNA Wrestling after his contract expired late last month and the two sides couldn't come to terms on a new agreement.

Young was reportedly offered a significant pay cut, but declined.

Remove Eric Young from TNA

Raven was written out of TNA Wrestling storylines as a result of a loss to Jeff Hardy that will air on next week's episode of iMPACT!. It was stipulated that if Raven lost to the World Heavyweight Champion, he would be fired.

Hulk Hogan publicly fired him following the loss, saying, "Raven, you are fired, quote the Hulkster, Nevermore."

Raven is legitimately parting ways with the organization.

Remove Raven from TNA

Edited by ndesu
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Guest ~GanGreL~

Some Notes:

-Boost Robbie E overness to about 35-40 since he won the X-Title.

-Turn Matt Morgan face obviously

-I dont know about this but I think I heard that Sting and Nash are leaving TNA. dont remove them yet until I find the source.

-You might wanna turn Edge face since he's battling heel's

-Boost Jesse Neal over to 60-65

-Boost Lacey Von Erich over to 60-65

-Kaval over to 60

-Gail Kim over to 60

TNA Impact! Spoilers

- Thanks to Eric for these live TNA iMPACT spoilers, to air this Thursday:

* Immortal comes out with Jeff Hardy. Hulk Hogan presents Hardy with a new TNA Title belt and throw the old one away. Pope is in the crowd and wants Eric Bischoff. Samoa Joe also appears and wants Jeff Jarrett. Rob Van Dam appears by the stage and wants Hardy. Matt Morgan comes out and wants a rematch with Hardy.

* Robbie E and Cookie beat Taylor Wilde and Jay Lethal

* Kazarian beat RVD when Rhino attacked RVD. Rhino also laid out Tommy Dreamer in the back.

* Eric Bischoff was yelling at the referee from the Turning Point main event.

* Team 3D came out for their retirement farewell. Brother Ray turned on Devon.

* AJ Styles beat Stevie Richards.

* Samoa Joe beat Gunner and Murphy, the security, in a handicap match. After the match, Jarrett attacked Joe but Kurt Angle made the save.

* The Pope put Eric Bischoff in a casket backstage and brought him to the ring. Abyss attacked and made the save. They put Pope in the casket.

* Matt Morgan beat Douglas Williams and Beer Money. Hardy appeared on the big screen but really attacked Morgan from behind. Hardy hit the Twist of Hate to end the show on Morgan.

* Robbie E and Cookie vs. Lethal and Wilde was re-taped for some reason.

- Thanks to John Benoit and PWInsider.com for these TNA iMPACT spoilers, airing next week, November 18th:

*TNA X-Division champ Robbie E. & Cookie & Generation Me defeated Jay Lethal & Velvet Sky & The Motor City Machineguns.

*Backstage, Jeff Jarrett is giving instructions to Murphy and Gunner to make sure Kurt Angle doesn't show up and stop his MMA presentation tonight. Jeremy Borash comes in and tries to object to something regarding Jeff Hardy and Jarrett goes off on him, saying he didn't sell out.

*Abyss issued an open challenge to anyone for a Casket Match and Shannon Moore took him up on it.

*Jeff Jarrett comes out for his MMA demonstration, bringing a lot of people out as sparring partners. Jeremy Borash reads a prepared statement saying that TNA asks everyone not to try this at home. Jarrett shows everyone an armbar and walks everyone through the move. He then shows a Japanese Kneelock, then an anklelock. Fans start chanting for Kurt Angle and Jarrett responds that he learned this move from Ken Shamrock. He then shows a rear naked choke and people chant for Samoa Joe. Angle says he learned the choke from Royce Gracie. Joe comes out and says he wants Jarrett. Jarrett says he has two students left and if Joe can get through them, he can have Jarrett tonight. Joe destroys them and they tease a submission match but Jarrett leaves the students and runs off. Joe kills them.

*TNA champion Jeff Hardy defeated Raven in a match where Raven would be fired if he lost. Hulk Hogan came out and said "Raven, you are fired, quote the Hulkster, Nevermore." Tommy Dreamer, Brian Kendrick and Stevie Richards came out and put over Raven similar to how they praised Sabu when he finished up at the PPV. Dreamer then demanded that Rhino get out there and explain what he did last week. Rhino came out and said that his TNA contract was expiring and the only way Eric Bischoff would sign him to a new deal is if he turned on them and he did what he had to do. He told Dreamer that he and Rob Van Dam only cared about themselves, not anyone else. It got physical and Rob Van Dam got involved but Rhino lays them out.

*Abyss challenged anyone to a Casket Match. Out came Shannon Moore, who accepted. They have a back and forth match. Abyss almost gets put in the casket but fights off Moore. Moore tries several more times and finally slams the casket shut, then does a backwards flip over the casket onto Abyss. Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam and opens the casket, but there's the Pope inside (apparently he has supernatural pimpin' powers) and attacks Abyss. The referee calls for the bell (in a casket match?) and Abyss escaped.

*Angelina Love vs. Mickie James for the first time ever with the winner getting a TNA Knockouts title match. Mickie wins. Great back and forth match.

*Brother Ray comes out and explains why he turned on Devon. He says he invented the Dudley Death Drop and begins naming everyone who fell to it. He says that the only reason Chris Sabin kicked out of the move at Turning Point is because Devon is, was, and always will be the weak link. Bubba said, "I am Shawn Michaels and Devon is Marty Jannetty." He says that any of his brothers could have been his partner because he made 3D.

*The main event is Ric Flair vs. Matt Morgan. Ric Flair came out and drank an entire Snirnoff even though he didn't get "iced." Morgan had the early advantage. Flair gains control after a low blow. They brawl around ringside. Flair is busted open maybe three minutes in. Fortune comes out and works on Morgan after he chokeslams Flair, but Douglas Williams turned babyface, attacks Fortune and leaves. Morgan nails the Carbon Footprint on Flair and scores the pin. Fortune and Flair are pissed about Williams as Morgan celebrates.

-Turn Rhino heel or tweener atleast.

-Turn Brother Ray heel, Devon face and don't make them non-wrestlers

-Dont make Kurt Angle non-wrestler yet

-Remove Raven from TNA

-Turn Douglas Williams Babyface

Also I didn't watch NXT but reading from the reports is Aksana turned heel?

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