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TEW05 Real World Update: May 2011

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To my knowledge their isn't any big shows planned for today so here is the data early.

Everything has been updated to my knowledge from the previous topic and I've cleaned up some tag teams (mainly those set to no promotion who are already listed under a promotion) and have gone through setting some tag teams who are not active in a promotion to inactive (mostly those who still technically are active but no longer in that promotion) mainly for WWE and TNA.



Belts & Logos: MEGAUPLOAD

Angles & Storylines: MEGAUPLOAD

Previous databaseshosted on Eddie F'n G's site at GNETWORK.TK and Idols's at EWWAREHOUSE.INFO along with other EWR and TEW databases.

Stats still needed for for following.


- Buddy Stetcher

- DeSean Bishop

- DT Porter

- Erick Rowan

- Jarrod Locke

- Jason Mullen

- Russell Walker


- Chris Colen

- Jörg Guth

- Lucky Kid

- Mexx

- Pascal Spalter

- Steve The Chief

- X-Dream

Edited by TheWho87
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Extreme Rules:

-Michelle McCool lost the Loser Leaves WWE, remove her from SmackDown! roster?

-Amazing Kong debuted after the match under the alias Kharma and hit Michelle with the Implant Buster and started laughing.

-Add Amazing Kong to SmackDown! (?) roster, Female Monster


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-Change Amy Dumas / CM Punk relationship from Dating to Split Up. Or remove it.

-Nick Gage was sentenced for five (?) years, set him to On Hiatus/Inactive Wrestler and either remove him from CZW & JAPW or set him to Inactive wrestler on the contracts.

-Change all of Dylan Postl's gimmicks to Comedy Midget. They are all set to none atm.

-Shiloh Jones should be Shiloh Jonze

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Although he's only scheduled for one appearence at this time, but Jay Lethal is going to be appearing for ROH.

Michelle McCool's leg health should be lowered to 70 or 60%.

Edited by tougie
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Another IMPACT! Spoiler

*Beer Money cut a promo and pretty much intimate that they are waiting for Matt Hardy to call Jeff Hardy to face them at Sacrifice without using Jeff's name. Matt comes out and says they showed guts when they dared call out Hulk Hogan, but they still make him sick and are worthless. Matt says he and Jeff Hardy were raised to be champions and he and his partner are going to take the belts at Sacrifice. But, his partner isn't Jeff Hardy. Out comes, I swear to God, Chris Harris. It's Harris and Hardy vs. Beer Money.

*Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair come out immediately after the match. Flair kicks Suicide low. Hogan says that he runs the show and he's tired of waiting. He wants to know who is running games for the network right now or else. Out comes Mick Foley. Foley said that Hulk may have conned his way into the company and they might think that they were the smartest men in wrestling, but now things are going to start to unravel. He said that on 3/3, Jeff Hardy was the champ but then the Network saw what what happening and brought Sting back to TNA and now he's the champion. Foley said that Hogan won't be able to ruin this show and more because this show is called "Impact Wrestling" because it's supposed to be about wrestling. He announces a Battle Royal to determine the number one contender to the TNA title and then says he'd like to introduce Kurt Angle's partner at Sacrifice. A video appears, eventually spelling the word Chyna and she comes out on the stage with Foley. She got, seriously, a MONSTER pop. Everyone chanted her name.

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Jackson Andrews and Brett DiBiase (the brother of Ted DiBiase Jr.) were both removed from WWE’s Florida Championship Wrestling website. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter has confirmed that DiBiase was released. DiBiase, who is 23, was scheduled to be brought up to the main roster until he blew out his knee. The original plan was to form a faction involving Brett, his brother Ted and Joe Hennig (Michael McGillicutty) called The Fortunate Sons, but was dropped before he could return to action.


-Remove Steven Slocum from FCW aswell. Also, lower Brett DiBiase's legs condition.

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Make the OVW Heavyweight Championship vacant.

Brandon Tolle should have Announcer set to sometimes or usually, he's a commentator for ECWA.

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- Former WWE star Shane Helms and his girlfriend are currently hospitalized after being involved in a motorcycle accident last night in North Carolina. We hope to have more details soon.

Big Daddy Donnie of Tha O Show reports that Helms and his girlfriend had to be airlifted to a hospital and in addition to Helms suffering a broken leg and broken ankle, his nose is also broken, and his jaw may have been dislocated. Helms has received over 200 stitches. Donnie also reports that his girlfriend Karen broke her neck.

-Lower Gregory Helms' leg & head condition.

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