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The Thread Where We've All Got Playoff Beards


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About 5 minutes into the second between Canucks and Avs, and the game now has 4 players missing (3 injured, one ejected). Pretty soon it's going to look like Mutant League where you just put out whoever is left alive.

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A - It wasn't his point at all

B - That's not even relevant

C - That wasn't a rip on the leafs, you moron.

D - If you had enough neurons to form a synapse, we wouldn't be in this spot right now.

E - Does Potato Head's superior intellect to yours make you shake with envy, or is it just a mild quiver?

F - On a scale of 1 to "My mild retardation makes me think that Wendel Clark is something *other* than Darcy Tucker viewed through nostalgic goggles", how much do you think Colorado's current supposedly abysmal goaltending situation trumps Colorado's two cup rings in our lifetime? Would you rather have Reimer, or two cups?

G - By the way, the aforementioned JS Giguere is outplaying all of Toronto's goaltenders. Nice call, jackass.

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A - It wasn't his point at all

B - That's not even relevant

C - That wasn't a rip on the leafs, you moron.

D - If you had enough neurons to form a synapse, we wouldn't be in this spot right now.

E - Does Potato Head's superior intellect to yours make you shake with envy, or is it just a mild quiver?

F - On a scale of 1 to "My mild retardation makes me think that Wendel Clark is something *other* than Darcy Tucker viewed through nostalgic goggles", how much do you think Colorado's current supposedly abysmal goaltending situation trumps Colorado's two cup rings in our lifetime? Would you rather have Reimer, or two cups?

G - By the way, the aforementioned JS Giguere is outplaying all of Toronto's goaltenders. Nice call, jackass.

It's a bit rich to go 'no thats not the point' when damn near everything that goes wrong in Toronto comes with a chorus of '1967 LAFFS KESSEL TRADE LOLOL'. Can't chirp us and go 'but thats got nothing to do with it im telling'.

So, your points. A/B/C - I'm quite aware, but 'no cups since 67' is still ripping on the Leafs. D makes no sense, E is beyond ridiculous, F I'm actually quite aware of and it's why I love the man so, also I'd rather have Reimer because both of Colorado's cups came before I was at all interested in hockey, and G no, keeping the veteran who was fairly poor when we had five much younger goaltenders of relatively unassessed potential jockeying for playing time would have been a shitty call. Although given the initial premise (that handing Washington a top ten pick for a player whose skeleton is made from dried pasta is not a good decision), I'm not surprised you can't distinguish between 'good call' and 'bad call'.

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I didn't chirp you, you idiot.

CAMTA provided a stat that was negative, but not one that I thought was overly relevant, as I thought your stat (three in two) was more telling as the leafs had played pretty well over the last two games.

I was trying to illustrate that just because I can produce a negative-sounding statistic, it doesn't mean that things are going badly for the leafs at present.

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I say play Reimer on Friday...we need to give him games, he is our starting goalie. And, if he loses the next game or two, then we put Gus back in.

Edit: And Tucker was great :angry:

True, and when I said Gus had a good game against the Rangers, I didn't mean Reims didn't play good against NJ as well. After the first two goals, he shut the game down for the next two periods and helped them get atleast one of the two points. Tough call, as they're both playing decent but nothing outstanding so far.

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Guest mr. potato head

Yeah Plubby either horrifically underrating Wendel or horiffically overrating Tucker with that one. But we can excuse him for it because he was still growing up oblivious to hockey; frolicking through fertile Aussie farmland while hopping into the pouches of friendly kangaroos.

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I'm a day late to the game (and not a massive hockey fan compared to the rest of you) but I love the new realignment. Every team playing a home-and-home, an emphasis on your own conference, and unique playoff matchups in the final 4. Plus we're guaranteed the first 2 rounds of the playoffs are basically all going to be those coveted rivalry matchups. This is a big development for the NHL and I'm excited to see it come into play next season.

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How long has it been since I've bugged you guy for trade advice? Two weeks?

That changes now!

I've been offered Vanek + Steve Mason

And I would be giving up Fleury and Kulemin

My other goalies are Quick, Smith, and Giggy.

Yes? No?

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