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Survivor: South Pacific

GoGo Yubari

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Shame this game has gone from crazy to predictable the last few episodes, but hopefully it will go crazy again now. I expected Coach to protect Edna and take her to the final, but I guess that's something Boston Rob would have done. What is Coach actually thinking? He could still have a great shot if he brings Rick and Brandon but I have a feeling this will end up with Brandon going home next week.

Brandon's father was hilarious. He just went into Russell mode and started to intimidate Coach a bit. I hate to say it, but he'd be an interesting contestant on the show as well. Brandon is such a dumbass.

Finally Edna shows some personality. I liked her fire. Shame she wasn't like this the entire game, instead of the stereotypical shy woman who tries to fly under the radar. Them teasing she's going to win the duel next week makes me believe she won't.

Sophie is in the best position right now easily. Well, you could say Ozzy but he needs to win a few duels first. I'd hate to see Ozzy win via Redemption Island.

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Speculative spoiler ahoy...

With rumors that Redemption Island isn't returning next season, I don't think Ozzy wins. I mean, no way would the producers of the show, who clearly love Ozzy, not bring back Redemption Island after Ozzy exiled himself there twice, came back and managed to win the game. If that happened, there experiment would have been successful and they'd bring it back. I'm thinking this is another "Matt almost makes it to the finals but comes up short" situations that leaves the producers with egg on their face. Ozzy makes it so close, but doesn't make it to the finals.

Additionally, I forgot to mention, Coach's deal with Ozzy was insanely dumb, for two reasons. First, he can't beat Ozzy in the finals, so he shouldn't even think of taking him. Second, if he decides not take Ozzy, he's already did his Christian promise and now he's going to break it? Pissing off a Savaii member like that is a horrible idea, considering tribes who are Pagonged tend to vote in blocks (for example, Samoa, Gabon & Heroes vs. Villians, par example) and pissing off Ozzy will only hurt his jury chances. Coach was doing well early on when the easy moves were in front of him - Christine, Stacey, Mikaelya and than Savaii were all easy boots. After that, he's proved to be so incompetent.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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Last post on the subject, but thinking about it, this is exactly what Coach did in Tocantins. His plan to vote off Sierra and Erin, who were on the outs, for the most part not overly well liked and the obvious goats, and his ultimate end-game was probably to bring people to the end who would obviously beat him - Debbie, Tyson and JT.

EDIT: Yeah, his ideal final 5 was Debbie, Tyson, JT and Stephen. Meaning he would have voted off Sierra, Erin and Taj, the people he may have had a slight chance of beating.

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Just before Tribal Council and I have to say, barring Ozzy slipping into the finals:

Congratulations Sophie on winning Survivor South Pacific.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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As things progress:

Congratulations Erik R, you've got a new friend in the club!

It doesn't happen often on Survivor when you see two people who are close to the finals literally lose the game in front of your very eyes in the same episode.. That's what we saw tonight with Coach and Albert. The editing sold that so clearly. The shock and disgust on the jury members faces said it all. Coach and Albert manipulated a 19 year old kid with faith and fucked him over for a million dollars. Sophie and Rick are both so close to winning the game. They just need to take out Ozzy first, than take the other one out and they've won.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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One of my absolute favorite Survivor episodes. It's probably not quite on par with Gretchen's boot in Borneo, Ozzy's and Erik's boot in Micronesia, John's boot in Marquesas and Edgardo's boot in Fiji but hoooooooly fuck.

Sophie Clarke and Rick Nelson? Survivor geniuses. No one can talk shit on either, they ran that episode.

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As things progress:

Congratulations Erik R, you've got a new friend in the club!

It doesn't happen often on Survivor when you see two people who are close to the finals literally lose the game in front of your very eyes in the same episode.. That's what we saw tonight with Coach and Albert. The editing sold that so clearly. The shock and disgust on the jury members faces said it all. Coach and Albert manipulated a 19 year old kid with faith and fucked him over for a million dollars. Sophie and Rick are both so close to winning the game. They just need to take out Ozzy first, than take the other one out and they've won.

I also need to give props to show itself for making me CARE about Brandon through this. At the beginning of the season and after his Mikayla shit, I was really disgusted looking at him. But then through the edits that he has been getting the past few weeks, I started sympathizing with him. I mean he's a really screwed up dude, and he literally thinks that these people will do him no harm. And to watch Coach squirm the entire tribal, you KNEW he was voting him out and that the kid was walking right into it. I just think this whole episode made me a Brandon fan, as stupid as his move was.

And please don't let Sophie win. She has been one of my least favorite the entire season. I'd much rather see Rick win it in the end, but she is in the best possible position and there is very few ways that she can't win it (If Ozzy .... or now BRANDON gets to the final being about it).

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Basically I'm living in fear that Ozzy is going to make it to Final Jury and be the single least-deserving Survivor winner ever.

I don't think that's even remotely true. While I would have hated Ozzy winning it about midway, his domination of and at Redemption to me shows that he is worthy. Even when the duels seem to be stacked in favor of the other person winning as they were the last two weeks, he pulls it out. I don't want him to win mind you, and truly Sophie is the most deserving bar none, but I really don't see him as the least deserving ever.

As for Brandon......wow and damn. This kid is a fucked up nightmare. I think I witnessed the dumbest move ever in all the 20+ seasons I have watched when he gave that Idol to Albert.

I will agree now that Albert and Coach just totally fucked themselves and regardless of who they could be sitting with in the finals, it won't be them winning.

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As things progress:

Congratulations Erik R, you've got a new friend in the club!

It doesn't happen often on Survivor when you see two people who are close to the finals literally lose the game in front of your very eyes in the same episode.. That's what we saw tonight with Coach and Albert. The editing sold that so clearly. The shock and disgust on the jury members faces said it all. Coach and Albert manipulated a 19 year old kid with faith and fucked him over for a million dollars. Sophie and Rick are both so close to winning the game. They just need to take out Ozzy first, than take the other one out and they've won.

I wouldn't say it was so much Albert's doing as it was Coach's, though, yeah he was pretty selfish in keeping the Immunity Necklace, and yeah he may of knew that Brandon could have been on the chopping block, but his body language post-vote suggests he was seriously shocked, the facial expressions to the taking the necklace off as Brandon walked into the night to me suggested Coach may have led him just as much as he led Brandon on, to be honest, now only has he solidified himself as an outsider by voting against the alliance, but due to the outburst with Rick earlier that day and being outted as a sneak, there's no chance of him rebuilding the bridges his burned.. At least, thats how I took everything at the end of TC.

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As things progress:

Congratulations Erik R, you've got a new friend in the club!

It doesn't happen often on Survivor when you see two people who are close to the finals literally lose the game in front of your very eyes in the same episode.. That's what we saw tonight with Coach and Albert. The editing sold that so clearly. The shock and disgust on the jury members faces said it all. Coach and Albert manipulated a 19 year old kid with faith and fucked him over for a million dollars. Sophie and Rick are both so close to winning the game. They just need to take out Ozzy first, than take the other one out and they've won.

I wouldn't say it was so much Albert's doing as it was Coach's, though, yeah he was pretty selfish in keeping the Immunity Necklace, and yeah he may of knew that Brandon could have been on the chopping block, but his body language post-vote suggests he was seriously shocked, the facial expressions to the taking the necklace off as Brandon walked into the night to me suggested Coach may have led him just as much as he led Brandon on, to be honest, now only has he solidified himself as an outsider by voting against the alliance, but due to the outburst with Rick earlier that day and being outted as a sneak, there's no chance of him rebuilding the bridges his burned.. At least, thats how I took everything at the end of TC.

He didnt take it off, the necklace fell off.

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I don't think that's even remotely true. While I would have hated Ozzy winning it about midway, his domination of and at Redemption to me shows that he is worthy. Even when the duels seem to be stacked in favor of the other person winning as they were the last two weeks, he pulls it out. I don't want him to win mind you, and truly Sophie is the most deserving bar none, but I really don't see him as the least deserving ever.

How have the prior two challenges been stacked against Ozzy? He got a massive lead against Cochran, which Cochran has confirmed in post-show interviews, because Cochran had no clue how to use the hook and rope (and yeah, Albert's advice helped but still, there's a learning curve there for Cochran that Ozzy didn't need). It was only close because Ozzy wasn't great at the actual maze part and Cochran played balls-to-the-wall to catch up.

Edna was a bit different because, yeah, the rest of Upolu were actively trying to help her and it was something where the extra eyes was useful, but it's not like the challenge in and of itself was stacked against Ozzy. He's good at basically everything.

And he'd be the least-deserving ever because in my opinion, even if it's part of the season mechanics, you can't get voted out twice and be a deserving winner. I mean, I don't know, maybe he'd still be a better winner than Danni Boatwright and Bob Crowley but that's pretty bottom of the barrel.

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Albert didn't think Brandon was staying. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you. Albert kept the necklace because he knew he was going home if he took it off and really couldn't have given a shit if Brandon got voted off. The plan has always been Coach, Sophie and Albert in the finals. Albert admitted it last night. There is no way he didn't know Coach was going to cast his vote for Brandon.

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Unlike a lot of Survivor fans, I was never really anti-Brandon, although I admit he was edited to look like a creeper at first he grew on me with each passing episode. Its clear his intentions where in the right place, and its a shame he was unable to realize he was playing a game for 1,000,000 dollars and he'd have to lie and backstab at some point. Hopefully he gets called back at some point, I'd take him over just about an other cast member from this season - Cochran included.

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Hugh mistake keeping Sophie around, she played the victim card to a tee and if makes it to the finals, depending on who is with her, that's going to factor into the voting for sure. Rick telling Coach to take a seat was just awesome, wheres this bad ass been hiding all season?

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