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GoGo Yubari

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Him calling out Albert last episode was great, but him putting Coach in his place was just completely on another level of bad ass-ness. Its a shame over he lacked a voice this season, could have easily been the new generation of Rupert, Imo.

On a side note, I really can't see Coach running the entire game at this point. He's burned four bridges in a row now, people will take him to the finals just because odds are it won't be that hard to beat him. Funny thing is, a month ago he was playing a Boston Rob like game with a guaranteed win - how can one fuck themselves over so easily?

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I think Sophie is my least favorite survivor since Vecepia......and now she is going to fucking win.


You still have a chance for your silly wish to come true if Coach is a fucking idiot.

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Yup. It was a good FTC performance, though, easily the best of the three. Albert was a schemier Mick and Sophie was a neurotic wreck.

EDIT: Awww, Dawn's voting confessional. Albert confirmed to be out of the running now since no vote was shown for him.

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Wow, just wow. Part of me is happy for her, and I called it earlier in the episode, keeping Sophie over Rick was a huge mistake.. but wow

Poor Coach, he played a near perfect game (although he kind of got sloppy in his decision making once he had to turn on alliance members), and I kind of feel bad for the guy.

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Coach played his best game ever but he put himself in the driver's seat and played up honor and integrity and so on way too much. Doing that and then cutting people's throats cost Lill Morris and Twila Tanner the game, it did so for Coach too.

The problem for Coach is that they're talking about how it was a mistake to take Sophie, but only Sophie could have beaten Ozzy.

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Watching now:

Coach is such a horrible player. His telling Rick that Sophie is turning on him... horrible! Listen to Ozzy! Send Sophie home!

Quit breaking down Sophie!

EDIT: Maybe breaking down for Sophie was a good idea. Definitely humanizes her alongside idiots like Coach, Albert and Ozzy.

EDIT2: As I said earlier... congratulations Sophie on winning Survivor. Winning immunity just sealed it.

EDIT3: Coach: "after I gave you my word, I felt like you betrayed it". Oh Coach. Final tribal is going to be fun.

EDIT4: Coach is flopping at Final Tribal! Oh God. Compassion and love!? Gag.

EDIT5: Rick is pissed off! Amazing.

EDIT6: Here comes crazzzzzy! Brandon...

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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And Sophie won.

It's a shame when people are blinded by Coach's awful strategy that they can't see what a great game Sophie played. Three immunities won, was very good in challenges, was smart and well spoken, didn't come across as sleazy and desperate for jury votes, didn't invoke honor and integrity in such a hypocritical manner to warrant disgust from the jury, and knew that the key to winning the game was to be standing beside people who are not as smart, likeable or aware as you. Sophie back stabbed people, but like all great Survivors, she knew that you fess up and act genuine. I think a lot of people will chalk it up to "Coach lost the game, Sophie didn't win" when really the case was "Sophie was always dragging Coach to the end because she knew she could beat him". Sophie had confessionals around the merge episode where she said she wanted to be standing beside Coach at the end. The only reason people believe Coach played a different game this time around was the editing and he was blessed with a good pre-merge scenario. In all honesty, he played the same game he played in Toncatins and HvV. He played up the honor and integrity bullshit card when he was doing the complete opposite. He called himself a warrior when he, to be honest, wasn't all that good in challenges. The fact that Coach made deals with Cochran, Edna, Brandon, Rick and Ozzy and than subsequently voted them out when he KNEW all along he was going to the finals with Sophie and Albert just emphasizes the guy doesn't know how to play Survivor. Sophie does. You stick to your plan, see it through and don't apologize unless you mean it.

EDIT: and far from a bad Final Tribal. Her voice cracked a bit, but she knew the right things to say at the right time. She wasn't going to lie or lavish the jury was praise or talk about honor and integrity. Straight up provided the basis for every move she did and for why she should win. It wasn't a Todd level performance with a "I voted you out Jean Robert because you were my competition", but calling Coach a little girl and revealing that he did indeed have the Hidden Immunity idol days before he said he did were ingenious moves.

Edited by RockPaperScissors
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