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EWR 2012 Stats Update: October ***PLEASE USE SPOILER TAGS***

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ROH spoilers

Rename Guardian of Truth 1 to Mosh; change gimmick to Metalhead; set manager to None; remove from House of Truth

Rename Guardian of Truth 2 to Thrasher; change gimmick to Metalhead; set manager to None; remove from House of Truth

Rename tag team Guardians of Truth to The Headbangers

Other random notes:

Change Johnny Smith to non-wrestler (retired in 2003 as per Cagematch)

Change Lash LeRoux to non-wrestler (as per this article I stumbled across)

Add "Flapjack Norton" as an alter-ego for Scott Norton

Add an inactive tag team for Ron Simmons and 2 Cold Scorpio called "Faarooq and Scorpio," 15 exp

Edited by Dan B.
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More HIAC Spoilers:

Turn Brad Maddox heel.

If he isnt already, have his gimmick be corrupt referee, and add to the WWE main roster (maybe Raw)

I reckon wait till RAW tomorrow night. It may turn out that the ref thing was just a farce. He could end up being a lackey for Punk. If tomorrow night they still portray him as a ref, rather than another Ace up Punk's sleeve, then definitely go for Corrupt Official or whatever it's called.


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I think we should lower Jim Ross' announcing talent to about 77 or 78. He's not nearly as good as he used to be... He stutters a lot, makes mistakes often, doesn't really know what he's talking about at times and can mess up names, moves, and details. I know he used to be the best, but he's no longer even near that level.

Correct - this is the exact line of argument sensible people make for lowering the stats of the Undertaker.

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After watching Raw and more closely paying attention to JR, I'd say he had a fine outing, and still excels at adding drama to the match. I'd put him at 86.

-Kevin Steen is the 2CW Heavyweight Champion.

-I'd raise Brad Maddox's overness to the 57-62 range.

-How long do we have to wait til we remove Joey Mercury from the workers and add him to staff?

-Raise John Cone's talent to 91.

-Lower Darrick Moore's talent to 70.

-Raise Ryback's wages to 38,000.

-Remove "The" from the name of Romantic Egotist CorVus' secondary finisher.

-Change AJ Lee's gimmick to Psycho, Weirdo, Crazy, or Split Personality. Uncheck SS Look.

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1st = Angelo Dawkins

2nd = Denton Blackwell (Tye Rexrode from Booker T's wrestling school, loyalty with Booker)

3rd = Enzo Amore

4th = Louis Fontaine (french wrestler Lucas Di Leo)

5th = Knuckles Madsen (a.k.a. Killer Nikels from Memphis area indies)

6th = Sawyer Fultong (Two time NCAA All-American from Ohio)

7th = Travis Tyler

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Add Manabu Soya:

Manabu Soya

Manabu Soya


Birth Month December

Age 27


Brawling 65

Speed 63

Technical 71

Stiffness 55

Selling 70

Over 12

Charisma 50

Attitude 95

Behaviour 95

Check High Spots

Wage 5000

Speaks Yes

Nationality Japaneses

Finisher Death Valley Driver(Impact) and Wild Bomber(Impact)

Employer None


Gimmick Foreign Star

- Image: http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh108/king-lobo/EWR%20Roster%20Pics/M-N/Manabu_Soya.jpg

- Add to AJPW(Japan touring schedule)

Tag Team between him and Seiya Sanada. 5 exp.

Loyalties between him, Seiji Sakaguchi(if in-game), Scott D'Amore, and Osamu Nishimura. Friendship with Seiya Sanada

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Change Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal & Heath Slater's gimmick to Rock Star.

For the Rock Star gimmick to work, Charisma must be over 80... Of these three, only McIntyre meets the requirement.

-Remove "The" from the name of Romantic Egotist CorVus' secondary finisher.

His finishers are "House Of Atreus" and "This Side Of Paradise." Neither have the word "The" in them.

-Change AJ Lee's gimmick to Psycho, Weirdo, Crazy, or Split Personality. Uncheck SS Look.

Changed her gimmick to "Crazy." I would disagree about unchecking Superstar look, but feel free to discuss.

Name: CorVus

Age: 27

Birth month: June

Nationality: American

Gender: Male

Weight: Lightweight

Overness: 09

Brawl: 42

Speed: 66

Technique: 61

Charisma: 69

Finisher: Cross Armbar (Submission)

Gimmick: Lackey

Speaks: Yes

Superstar Look, Fonz Factor: Check

If something's missing, he got a profile on cagematch too: http://www.cagematch...&gimmick=CorVus

He's already in the game as "Romantic Egotist CorVus." I can adjust some of the stats to closer resemble your suggestions, though.

Does this update have everyone on the NXT websites roster?

To be honest, I'm not sure. I try to get everyone in their correct spots, but sometimes, I miss them. Also, keep in mind that last month's update was a "lighter" update compared to normal, because of my laptop issues.

For those wondering, the November Update will be up withn the next few days... I haven't had a lot of time to update, but am gonna try to get as much as possible updated (and added) before releasing November's update. A good amount of the backlog is worker adds, so I'm hoping to cut into that some as well.


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What does she have that deserves SS Look? Being in decent shape isn't what defines SS Look, it is looking like a superstar. Sure, she is cute in a nerdy way and deserves Diva checked, but by no means does she deserve SS Look.

-Raise Doug Gilbert's brawl to 62, charisma to 72, and overness to 44. Lower his speed to 34, technical to 53, attitude to 63, and his behavior to 78. Make him a heavyweight.

-Raise Shane Douglas' behavior to 62.

Edited by KrisClassic
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