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TEW2010 Real World Update: November 2012

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Here is november 2012 update for TEW 2010, standard monthly update, no big changes to the mod

Update https://rapidshare.com/files/3126653818/November2012.rar

People Pack - Same as last months - https://rapidshare.com/files/2657308551/PeopleOct2012.rar

PicPack - same as last months - https://rapidshare.com/files/1899896040/PicPackOct2012.rar

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As always, thank you for your hard work. Some tweaks and suggestions.

Divina Fly, TNA's Rosita, hasn't appeared with them for a long time but fairly recently said she's still with them. So I'd add her back.

Austin Aries should be a heel in TNA, Bully Ray should be a face.

I'd give thought to your Hall of Immortals. Right now you have dozens of wrestlers set to be inducted who don't qualify by the standards. Young world champions like Sheamus, Bobby Roode, and Kaz Okada. I'd change them all from "Future Inductions" to "Not Inducted". They'll keep the points you've given them but need to earn a spot. Meanwhile people who have earned one like Chris Jericho or Kurt Angle will get in anyway by the game's qualifications.

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Christian York should be added to TNA or OVW as he won his Gutcheck contract.

Todd Kennely should also be added to TNA as he's been announcing the first hour of Impact for a few weeks.

I've been fishing around with the ladies in the database and noticed a number of women who should have their statuses changed or other things.

Shazza McKenzie is set as a man, she should be a woman.

Daffney appears to be retired. From the sounds of it she's had serious problems from concussions and has hung up the boots. Although she's still working for Shine in a non wrestling capacity. And her physical levels should probably be affected as well.

I also heard an interview from Lacey recently that suggested she had left the business. She was moving to Japan, I think, to live there for a few years and spoke of wrestling as something from her past she doesn't even really follow anymore. She also spoke of her relationship with Austin Aries as a past thing although they sounded on good terms (she was asked about him recently winning the TNA world title and said she heard and had called him to congratulate him, I think). So their relationship should change from dating to split up, friendship, or just deleted all together.

Traci Brooks doesn't seem to wrestle anymore. She wrestled a few times for TNA in 2011 but was mostly anon wrestler. So perhaps semi-active?

Trish Stratus certainly shouldn't be active. Semi perhaps as she's wrestled a match here or there for WWE since her retirement, but I think Retired would be fitting.

Michelle McCool has been retired for about 18 months now and recently started a family with Taker. So retired at least but perhaps Out Of Business? Candice Michelle and Torrie Wilson are two more who seem very distant from the business or at least in ring action.

Ashley Massaro on the other hand appears to have returned to wrestling in a non-wrestling capacity at least.

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