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VR Presents: The Best Damn Diary Split


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Guest Vince Russo

Smackdown – January 10th 2002New York, NY

The Smackdown introduction sequence plays, showing a revolving series of clips of the numerous wrestlers on the WWF roster, as well as other non-wrestling personalities, such as Ric Flair and Vince McMahon. The camera then switches to a wide shot of Madison Square Gardens, where Smackdown is taking place, and we see a capacity crowd, waving signs and screaming at the top of their lungs. Finally, we pan down the announce position, where we see Michael Cole and Don Callis sitting at ringside

Michael Cole: Hello everyone and welcome to Smackdown, coming hot off the heels of a very wild Raw, where the return of Triple H didn't go down the way anyone expected it to.

Don Callis: (laughs) You got that right Micky, because the Olympic gold medallist himself, Kurt Angle, ensured that all the hype for Triple H's return was for nothing, because Kurt Angle left The Game out cold as Raw went off the air this past Monday.

Michael Cole: Kurt Angle attacked Triple H from behind as The Game was making his entrance; Triple H didn't even make it to the ring. Angle then used Triple H's own signature move, the Pedigree, on The Game, and on a steel chair at that, and Triple H was knocked out cold.

Don Callis: I think the game might be over for Triple H already. Kurt Angle is an Olympic gold medallist, and you just don't mess with someone like that Micky.

Michael Cole: Stop calling me Micky. In any event, Triple H has to be...

It's Time To Play The Game blares out, and the entire arena explodes into cheers as Triple H makes an unexpected appearance. The Game is clearly engraged after Monday, and doesn't bother with his usual entrance. Instead, he marches straight to the ring, and takes the microphone from the ring announcer. With a look of pure rage on his face, and looking like he could explode at any minute, Triple H tries to calm himself down before speaking

Triple H: Seven months. Seven months I was on the disabled list, with a torn quad. And all through that time the only thing that kept me going was the thought of coming back to the World Wrestling Federation, climbing back to the top of the mountain, and winning the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship. And this past Monday, it was my time to return. It was my time Kurt Angle, not yours, and you took it from me! Kurt Angle, this past Monday, you signed your own death warrant, because not only are you a dead man, your career is dead too, because I'm not resting until you pay for upstaging me, and spoiling my return. And now that I'm back, I'm starting right at the top, because right here and now, I'm entering myself into the Royal Rumble, because while I'm dealing with Angle, I'm still not taking my sights off of the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship, because that title belongs to me, and I will have it back. Chris Jericho or Rock, it doesn't matter who holds it after the Rumble, because come WrestleMania, I will be in the main event, and I will become the new Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion. (the crowd roar with approval) And just in case someone is feeling left out, Stone Cold, I've not forgotten about you either. (the crowd "ooh" in unison) I remember what you said just after we lost the tag titles, in the match that I tore my quad in. You tried to put the blame all on me, and, yeah, I made a mistake with the sledgehammer, but you were the one that I had to save when you got put in the Walls Of Jericho, and I had to prevent you from tapping out. Austin, somewhere down the line, maybe not soon, but sometime, we'll cross paths again, so you be careful. I'm not back to make friends, I'm back for one thing; to do what I want, and I will do what I want , when I want, because I am The Game, I am that damn good, and it's my time now, and I refuse to be denied.

Still full of energy, Triple H throws down the microphone, and paces around the ring briefly, before storming out, and walking to the back, the loud cheers of the crowd still echoing throughout the arena

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Triple H with a lot to say, and he had a lot of anger, directed not only towards Kurt Angle, but also Chris Jericho, The Rock, and Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Don Callis: He's not been back five minutes, and already the bitching has begun. Yeah, it's real bad that The Game was on the sidelines for so long, but if he thinks he can just waltz back in to the WWF and go right back at the top, then he's in for a rude awakening. Things have moved on here since Triple H was last around, and he may just find that there are people around here now who are going to make it very hard for him to get back on top of the mountain.

Michael Cole: I have to admit that I was a little surprised with what he had to say towards Stone Cold, because...

Don Callis: You would be Micky, the drive of an athlete is something you'd know nothing about. But it wasn't drive that was behind Triple H's words, but ego and pride. Go back and watch the tape of that tag match, and it was Triple H who cost he and Austin the match, and someone with the sheer ego of Triple H can't stand that. Don't blame Austin, Triple H; blame yourself.

Michael Cole: In any event, Triple H has his sights set wide and open here in the WWF, and he's going to cause a lot of headaches for plenty of people in the weeks to come. When we come back, Kidman takes on Chavo Guerrero Jr, with the winner getting a shot at the WWF Cruiserweight Championship.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to the music of Chavo Guerrero Jr, who is making his way to the ring. This sneaky wrestler slowly slides into the ring, and he almost oozes his way through the ropes. The crowd aren't big fans of Chavo, and make it known with some real good booing. The music of Kidman blares out, and the crowd respond with some loud cheers as this ultra talented cruiserweight wrestler makes his entrance. Kidman is all smiles as he tags hand with some fans as he walks to the ring. Kidman turns to acknowledged a sign at ringside, and is blindsided by a dive through the ropes by Chavo, and this match is underway

Match one: Kidman v Chavo Guerrero Jr

Chavo opened this one up at an explosive pace, which stunned Kidman, who had trouble getting his feet. Chavo was all over Kidman, not only hitting some big moves, but also raking the eyes and back, earning boos from the crowd, and warnings from the referee. Chavo blasted Kidman with a great dropkick to the jaw, and Chavo took a few seconds to pose, which riled up the crowd even more. Kidman rallied back from the initial attack eventually, and showed great fire as he fought back to gain a foothold in the match. Kidman was able to get in gear, and scored some offence, including his own wicked dropkick. The crowd applauded that move, and Kidman was spurred on by that, and took firm control of the match. Chavo did almost score a cheap pinfall by using the ropes, but the referee stopped the count when he saw the infraction. Kidman took advantage of this, and nailed Chavo with a slingshot bulldog off the ropes, which the crowd applauded loudly. Kidman quickly followed this great move up with his spectacular shooting star press, which popped the crowd big, and earned him the win, and the shot at Tajiri and the WWF Cruiserweight Championship.

Time of the match: 9:42

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Kidman gets the win, and he gets a title match very soon against Tajiri, and an opportunity to become the WWF Cruiserweight Champion.

Don Callis: Kidman having to get by with a distraction from the referee, and I hope that something is done about this gross injustice.

Michael Cole: It was Chavo's fault that the referee stopped the count; Chavo is at fault.

Don Callis: Minor details Cole.

Michael Cole: Well, Kidman gets the win, and I'm sure he's thrilled to get a shot at the cruiserweight championship. This past Monday on Raw, Christian was defending the Eurpoean Championship against Diamond Dallas Page, when William Regal took it upon himself to interfere, and knocked out Page with a pair of brass knuckles.

Don Callis: I didn't see any knuckles, I just saw a heck of a right hand from Regal.

Michael Cole: There were knuckles, and we both know it. Regal knocked Page out, and that allowed Christian to get the win and retain the European Championship. Earlier today, William Regal was taping interviews for our syndicate programs, and Diamond Dallas Page made an unscheduled interruption.

William Regal is standing in an interview area, where he is being interviewed by Jonathan Coachman, and is talking about what he did on Raw this past Monday

William Regal: I did what I did this past Monday because, even though I...

Diamond Dallas Page comes into the camera shot out of nowhere, and knocks Regal down with a tackle. Page begins attacking Regal with punches to the head and body, and a stunned Regal desperately tries to cover up. Page, who was still smiling all the while, rammed Regal's head into the set of the interview area, knocking it down, and sending Coachman tumbling to the floor. As Page continues to pummel Regal, a swarm of road agents hurriedly descend on the scene, and pry Page off of Regal. With Regal screaming about Page being a 'bloody madman', Page just smiles at Regal, albeit more sinisterly than usual. Eventually, both men are taken off in opposite directions, and order is quickly restored

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: DDP not taking kindly to what William Regal did this past Monday, as Regal cost Page the European Championship.

Don Callis: You exaggerate Cole. Christian had the match in hand, and was well on his way to victory when Regal did what he did.

Michael Cole: Match in hand ? Christian was knocked silly by a Diamond Cutter, and was out of it when Regal interfered.

Don Callis: (laughs) Christian is still the European Champion Micky, so I'd say he had the match very well in hand. Christian is still your European Champion, and all Page has is that goofy smile.

Michael Cole: Page and Regal getting into it earlier, and those two have a score to settle somewhere down the line.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to see Booker T in the ring, with a microphone in hand, and he isn't looking pleased

Booker T: Stone Cold Steve Austin, we got something to take care of brother. You're still angry over what I did at Vengeance, when I cost you the Undisputed Championship match against Chris Jericho, and if both last Thursday and Monday are anything to go by, then you still have issues bro, ya dig me ? So hear this Stone Cold; right here on Smackdown, next week, you and me go at it one more time, and we try and get this thing settled once and for all. What do ya say, sucka ? Ya got the stones Stone Cold ?

The crowd boo Booker, and quickly begin to chant for Stone Cold to answer the challenge. They don't have to wait long, and the arena erupts into thunderous cheers and applause as the sound of breaking glass blasts over the PA, heralding the arrival of Stone Cold Steve Austin. Stone Cold walks out to a tremendous reception, and makes his way to the ring looking as cold and calculating as ever. Austin rolls into the ring, and promptly decks Booker with a hard right hand, dropping Booker to the mat, and causing him to drop the microphone. Austin stomps away at Booker repeatedly, who curls up, and desperately tries to roll out of the ring, eventually succeeding. As Booker scurries away, Austin picks up the ring mic

Steve Austin: What ? (crowd chants "What") You want a what ? (crowd chants "What") A match with Stone Cold ? (crowd chants "What") Right here ? (crowd chants "What") Next week ? (crowd chants "What") On Smackdown ? (crowd chants "What") Are you drunk ? (crowd chants "What") I said are you drunk ? (crowd chants "What") Are you drunk ? (crowd chants "What") Are you a dumb sonofabitch or what ? (the crowd crack up at the joke) Why on earth would you want a piece of me so bad ? I'm gonna accept your challenge you mealy mouthed *bleep*, and right here next week, I'm going to kick your ass all over the place, stomp a mudhole in you and walk it dry, and then I'm going to give you Stone Cold Stunners until I get bored, and feel like pinning your ass, 1-2-3, and that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so.

Booker T looks on with frustration as Austin laughs at him, and gives him a double fingered salute. Booker backs up the ramp way, and shakes his head at Austin, and mouths the words, "this 'aint over, punk". Austin keeps mocking Booker, as he poses on the ropes, taking in the loud and continuous cheers of the fans

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: I bet Booker T is wishing he hadn't called out Stone Cold now. He got a real kicking from Stone Cold, and he may get a worse one next week, when he and Stone Cold go one-on-one, right here on Smackdown.

Don Callis: This is typical of the disrespect shown by Stone Cold throughout his career. Booker T challenged him like a man, face-to-face, and Austin responded disgracefully. Next week, I hope, and I know, that Booker T will give Austin the beating of his life, when they go at it right here on Smackdown.

Michael Cole: Stone Cold is a man posessed by being the Undisputed WWF Champion, and he hates Booker T for costing him the title last month. I don't think Booker is prepared for wrath of Stone Cold.

Don Callis: Don't underestimate Booker T, Micky, because he is a five-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Booker T can get the job done, and next week, the job will be done (laughs).

Michael Cole: Non-title action is coming up, as Intercontinental Champion Edge takes on Lance Storm

Commercial Break

We return from the break to the monotonistic music of Lance Storm, and this stern and unfeeling wrestler makes his way out to some solid booing from this crowd; Lance just shakes his head at the reaction. Storm enters the ring, and stretches on the ropes to prepare for his match. Rob Zombie music hits, and loud cheers go up in the arena as the Intercontinental Champion, Edge, makes his entrance. Edge bounds enthusiastically to the ring, and smiles somewhat as he tags hands with a few ringside fans, before climbing into the ring. Edge poses in the corner, to more loud cheers, especially from the female fans, before turning his attention to Lance Storm

Match two: Intercontinental Champion Edge v Lance Storm - Non-Title

This was a fine match, and was just as good as their SummerSlam 2001 encounter. The opening minutes of the contest were fairly back and forth, with neither man gaining any real advantage. The first turn of momentum went in favor of Storm, when he leapfrogged a Spear, and Edge had to stop from hitting the referee. This allowed Storm to superkick Edge, sending him crashing through the ropes to the floor. Storm followed this up with a plancha dive onto the Intercontiental Champion, and Storm was now firmly in control. Using some great technical wrestling, Storm wore down Edge, and with each pinfall attempt he made, Storm got that much closer to a non-title victory over the Intercontinental Champion. The crowd, the females in particular, got behind Edge, and chanted his name. Spured on by this, Edge began to fight back, and when Storm missed a dropkick off the top, Edge rebounded with one of his own, and both men were down. Storm was up to his feet first, but was shaky, and Edge was able to mount a real comeback, and Storm was soon being knocked all over the ring. With the crowd firmly behind him, Edge was now in control of the match, and had things well in hand. After a superplex garnered a very close two count, Edge readied himself to hit a Spear, and the crowd stood in anticipation. Edge charged at Storm, and nailed a great looking spear. The referee dove down to make the count...1...2...suddenly, the referee was yanked from the ring by Test, who had appeared out of nowhere. Test argued with the referee, and began to threaten to hit him. Edge reached over the ropes and began to pull Test from behind by the hair, and managed to get him up on the apron. Test reached back behind him and yanked Edge by the hair and jumped off the apron, snapping Edge's throat on the top rope. As Edge staggered backwards, Storm struck him in the back of the head with a devastating superkick, knocking Edge silly. Storm made the cover, and Test tossed the referee into the ring, who then had no choice but to make a three count, and give Lance Storm a win he shouldn't have got.

Time of the match: 9:05

After the bell, a smiling Test pulled Storm from the ring, and helped his friend up the ramp, as the referee tended to Edge, who was slowly coming to his senses

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Lance Storm gets the non-title win, but no thanks to that interfering Test, and what was he doing down here anyway ? What the heck was Test doing, costing Edge this match ?

Don Callis: (laughs) History, numbskull, simple history. Edge beat Test to unify the Intercontinental and US Championships back at Survivor Series, and Test has clearly not forgotten that, and is looking to gain a little retribution.

Michael Cole: And it was...

Don Callis: And it was also at Survivor Series where Test won the Immunity Battle Royal, and now he can't get fired for a whole year, and Test has clearly decided to put that to good use. And don't forget about Lance Storm. A tremendous wrestler, one of my favorites Micky, and he got a real big win tonight. After this, I think he deserves a title shot against Edge, and get the gold around the waist of a real Canadian athlete.

Michael Cole: Edge is a real Canadian athlete, and he'll have something to say about this. When we come back, Raven and Rikishi battle it out.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to see Albert getting tossed out into the arena from the back by an unseen person. The curtains are pulled back, and The Undertaker is revealed as the assailant. Albert tries to get to his feet, but he his punched back down by an enraged Undertaker. Undertaker continues to pummel Albert, who staggers and stumbles towards the ring with each blow. Undertaker grabs Albert by his head, his HYOOGE head, and rams him face first into the ring apron, before tossing him into the ring. Undertaker very calmly enters the ring, and almost casually looks Albert over, before grabbing him by the throat, and planting him with a brutal looking chokeslam. Undertaker looks down at Albert, a look of pure evil on his face. Undertaker proceeds to haul a barely conscious Albert to his feet and set him up for the Last Ride powerbomb. As a host of agents and officials try to calm him down, Undertaker cooly powers Albert up, and pulls off a painful looking Last Ride powerbomb on big Albert, who is by now totally unconscious. Undertaker very casually surveys the damage, and, as officials and agents warily enter the ring to check on the condition of Albert, Undertaker just composes himself and leaves the ring, the boos of the arena heavy in the air, as the damage The Undertaker has wreaked is there for all to see

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: What the...what was that about ? What was behind that vicious and completely uncalled for attack on Albert ?

Don Callis: It seems to me like The Undertaker is still smarting over what went down this past Monday, because during that big tag team match, with Steve Austin and Kane taking on The Undertaker and Booker T, it was Kane that pulled off the upset, and pinned The Undertaker after a chokeslam. I don't think that sat well with the American Badass, and we just saw the proof of that.

Michael Cole: If The Undertaker has a problem with Kane beating him, the he should take it up with Kane, and not Albert, who had nothing to do with it.

Don Callis: (laughs) You don't have to worry about that, because Undertaker will definitely take it up with Kane. This was just a message, letting Kane know that The Undertaker is not a happy man.

Michael Cole: Let's try and get back normal, and get to some scheduled action in the ring.

The somewhat unfamiliar, haunting music of Raven blares out, and there is only a light reaction as this strange wrestler makes his way out; probably due to his lack of appearances in recent weeks. Clad in loose leather shorts, white Raven t-shirt, and wearing thick leather boots, Raven walks stoically to the ring, looking as devoid of emotion as usual, and not in a Lance Storm kind of way; rather as if he simply cannot feel emotion. Raven slowly rolls into the ring, and assumes his familiar position of sitting in a corner of the ring, awaiting his opponent. The hip-hop tones of Rikishi signal the arrival of this popular and charismatic wrestler, and solid cheers go up as Rikishi makes his entrance. This happy-go-lucky wrestler walks to the ring smiling, tagging the hands of the fans, and is his usual bubbly self. Rikishi enters the ring, and briefly poses again for the crowd

Match three: Rikishi v Raven

This match was pretty good, considering the respective styles of the participants. Rikishi bullied Raven around for the most part, using his size and strength to dominate things. Raven had to use his ingenuity and cunning to get a break in this match. That happened when Rikishi went for his running back splash into the corner. Raven moved out of the way, and, as Rikishi stumbled forward, Raven tripped him up. Raven then rolled to the floor, grabbed Rikishi by the legs, and yanked him groin first into the ringpost. This earned Raven a stern warning from the referee, but it didn't even register. Raven continued the match by dragging Rikishi to the floor, and, in a somewhat surprising turn of events, dominated the match, with an innovative brawling offence, that Rikishi was too slow to counter, thanks in part to the groin shot earlier. At one point, Raven whipped Rikishi into the security barrier, and when Rikishi staggered back up, Raven drop-toe hold Rikishi face into the ringpost, which actually got a bit of a pop from the crowd, who were impressed with the creativity. Eventually, Raven had to get Rikishi back in the ring, and the big man made a bit of a comeback, and hit a huge belly-to-belly suplex on Raven. Raven though wasn't down yet, and with more brawling tactics fought back, and ge wound up shocking people by hitting an Even Flow DDT on Rikishi and getting a stunning three count.

Time of the match: 7:25

Raven rolled to the floor, and, breathing hard, he looked stoically at Rikishi, who was clutching his head in pain from the DDT. A number of the front row were shocked at the result of the match, while others applauded Raven, enthused at seeing him get a very big win.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Now that has to be considered an upset, with Raven scoring the win out of nowhere with the Even Flow DDT. I don't think anyone expected that to happen Don.

Don Callis: (smiles and laughs) Shows how much you know Cole. I've known Raven a long time, and I've known that he's the type of wrestler you should never ever underestimate. Rikishi did that, and he paid the price. If Raven winning is an upset to you Cole, then you need to bone up on your wrestling.

Michael Cole: I don't need to bone up...

Don Callis: That's not what your wife says Micky. (laughs)

Michael Cole: (shakes his head and sighs) In any case, Raven got the win, and who knows where this could take Raven now. Last week we saw an eight man tag, that featured Big Show and The Undertaker on opposite sides. They've had their problems in recent weeks, and during the eight-man last week, Undertaker was very retiscent to have anything to do with Big Show, and both men wound up brawling away into the audience.

Don Callis: And for some stupid reason, Big Show actually wants a piece of The Undertaker. Can you believe that ? Even after what Undertaker did to Albert earlier, Big Show still has a few choice words for Undertaker. I don't know how choice words from that lummox could be.

Michael Cole: Big Show is a behemoth Don, and he isn't afraid of anyone. Big Show is standing by right now.

We are taken to the backstage interview area, where Big Show is standing, holding a microphone in his huge hand

Big Show: Undertaker, you didn't seem to want to have anything to do with me last week, and that's too bad, because I would have loved to have wrapped a big hand around your scrawny neck, and chokeslamed you through the mat. And after what happened on Raw, with you getting pinned by Kane, I see you took things out on Albert, who you probably attacked from behind. Well, I've not still forgotten about our little thing, and what you did to Albert doesn't scare me at all, because I've taken worse than that, and survived it all. Undertaker, you listen real well, and pay heed. I'm coming for you, and when I get my hands on you, there isn't anything or anyone that can stop me from wrapping my hands around your pencil neck, and snapping it like a twig. Pay heed Dead man, pay heed.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Big Show certainly showing no fear at all for The Undertaker, and that's even after what we witnessed earlier, when The Undertaker destroyed Albert.

Don Callis: The Big Show has never struck me as intelligent, and this just proves it. Why would anyone openly delcare war on The Undertaker, especially with the mood he's in now ? Big Show is big alright; big on the dumb scale. The Undertaker will tear Big Show apart, and then, he'll tear Kane to pieces too.

Michael Cole: I wouldn't be too sure about that.

Don Callis: I am Micky, I am.

Michael Cole: We'll find out in due course. When we return, an interview via satellite, with Kurt Angle.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to a head shot of Cole and Callis

Michael Cole: Last week on Raw, everyone was excited about the return of Triple H to the World Wrestling Federation, and we were all set for his big return live on Raw, at Madison Square Gardens.

Don Callis: Not everyone was pleased to see The Game come back. Kurt Angle especially, as when Triple H was making his grand entrance, Angle attacked The Game from behind with a steel chair, and wound up giving The Game his own finisher, The Pedigree, on the chair, and knocking Triple H out cold.

Michael Cole: What was the motivation behind this attack ? We'll find out now, as we take you live via satellite to Kurt Angle.

We cut to a split screen, with Cole and Callis on one side, and Kurt Angle on the other. He is sat in a chair, and a small graphic in the corner of the screen tells us that Angle is in WWF HQ

Michael Cole: Kurt, we want to thank you for joining us on Smackdown tonight. I...

Kurt Angle The pleasure is all yours, I can say that right now.

Michael Cole: Well, in any event, perhaps you'd like to explain your actions on Raw this Monday when you...

Kurt Angle: I don't have to explain my actions to anyone Cole, least of all some pipsqueak like you. I'll explain my actions alright, but I'll explain them as and when I feel like it, and not before.

Michael Cole: Ok, but do you have anything to say about what you did on...

Kurt Angle: I have plenty to say about what I did on Monday, and I'll say it, but that will be when I want to, and not when someone tells me to. People have been wanting to know why I attacked Triple H on Monday, and I would have though that should be obvious. However, it appears that people are too freakin' stupid to figure it out, and I really don't feel like enlightening them any sooner than I have to. Heck, I shouldn't have to in the first place, but like I said, people are too stupid. You're a prime example of that Cole.

Michael Cole: Well. I...er...

Don Callis: I'll take over Micky. Kurt, what can you tell us ? Are you going to be in the Royal Rumble match ?

Kurt Angle: That's a very good question Don. Yes, I am going to be in this years Royal Rumble. And I also know that Triple H is going to be in it as well, and that suits me just fine, because that means that, not only do I get a shot at the main event at WrestleMainia, but I get a shot at Triple H as well.

Don Callis: Is there anything you'd like to say to the 28 other people who will be in the Rumble match ?

Kurt Angle: Just this; don't even think about what it might be like to win the Rumble, and go on to WrestleMania, because it won't happen. This year will see me enter my first ever Royal Rumble match, and I intend to win it, and I am not letting anyone stand in my way, regardless of who they are. This year isn't Triple H's time; it's Kurt Angle's time. That's true; it's damn true.

The split screen goes back to just a head shot of Michael Cole and Don Callis

Michael Cole: Well, that was quite the interesting interview from Kurt Angle, as he didn't answer the question that everyone wants answered.

Don Callis: It would have gone a lot better if I had dealt with it from the beginning. Kurt didn't tell us why he attacked Triple H on Monday, but he will let everyone know in good time, and we'll just have to wait and see.

Michael Cole: As well as that, Kurt Angle confirmed that he will be entering this years Royal Rumble match, and as he heard earlier, so is Triple H, and these two could collide at the Royal Rumble.

Don Callis: That alone is worth the price of the pay-per-view. When these two finally collide, it is going to be big.

Michael Cole: It sure will be. Our main event is next, Chris Jericho takes on Kane in non-title action,

Commercial Break

We return from the break to a quiet arena. The lights go down, and the entranceway is bathed in red light as strange organ music blares out throughout the arena. Loud cheers go up as fireworks shoot up from the entrance ramp, and Kane walks out to a great reception. The Big Red Machine marches to the ring, and looks as imposing as ever as he slowly climbs over the top rope and into the ring. Kane raises his arms high, and brings them down, and fireworks shoot up from each of the four ringposts. The arena lights go back down, and the countdown clock for Chris Jericho plays down on the TitanTron. The clock reaches '0', and the fireworks shoot out from the entranceway, and the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion walks out to very loud booing. The Unified Champion carries a title belt over each shoulder, as he very arrogantly swaggers to the ring. Jericho looks out disdainfully on the crowd as he walks slowly down the aisle. Jericho slowly and deliberately walks up the ring steps, barking out at the referee to get Kane to back away. The referee, carefully, gets Kane to back off, and Jericho steps into the ring. The Undisputed Champion shows off his title belts, and the crowd respond with moer heavy booing, which seems to get on the nerves of Jericho. Jericho hands his belts to the referee, who puts them aside, and the match is ready to go

Match four: Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion Chris Jericho v Kane - Non-Title

The crowd were up for this one, which had the crowd jumping from beginning to end. At the start of the match, Jericho was reluctant to lock up with Kane, and backed up whenever Kane got close. The crowd booed Jericho for this, who responded by glaring at them. When they did lock up, Kane's superior strength was evident as he powerd Jericho around the ring. This frustrated the Undisputed Champion, who got more desperate to gain some sort of advantage in the match. This raised the ire of both the referee and the crowd, but Kane seemed totally unphazed, and the crowd cheered when Kane hit a neat looking twisting powerslam for a near fall. Jericho seemed flustered, but he got a lucky break when he ducked a big boot by Kane, who tangled himself on the top rope. Jericho dropkicked Kane in the back, and The Big Red Machine clattered to the floor, and Jericho sagged into the ropes, and tried to catch his breath. As Kane managed to get to his feet, Jericho propelled himself over the top rope, and knocked Kane back down with a plancha. Jericho played to the crowd after this move, and they responded with some very loud derisory jeers. Jericho just laughed at them, and, as Kane made it back into the ring, the Undisputed Champion took firm control of the match. As Jericho commanded the offense, the crowd booed and jeered him, but were quick with the cheers when Kane fired back. The Undisputed Champion, however, was always ready with some nefarious tactic which would regain the momentum. Jericho was arrogant as ever, and when he set Kane up for the Lionsault, and loudly boasted that the match was over, the crowd responded with jeers and booing. Jericho bounded across the ring and leapt up onto the middle ropes. He sprang back with a Lionsault, only to hit the raised knees of Kane. Jericho was folded up in the ring, and stayed like that for a few seconds, much to the amusement of the crowd. Kane got to one knee, and as Jericho attempted to get to his feet, Kane snatched Jericho by the throat, and raised to his feet, before planting the Undisputed Champion with a big chokeslam. Kane fell back to one knee and propped himself up with one arm; the match had taken its toll on The Big Red Machine. Kane made a cover on Jericho...1..2..foot on the ropes by the Undisputed Champion, and the crowd gasped in disbelief. Kane shook his head clear, and got back to his feet, He signalled for the end, and hauled Jericho up the throat again. Jericho instinctively ran forward, knocking Kane into the referee, who was knocked down. As the referee tried to get to his feet, Kane turned to look at him, and Jericho kicked Kane in the groin as hard as he could, and Kane wobbled on his feet, before going down to one knee. Jericho quickly grabbed Kane from behind, and drove him face first into the mat with the Breakdown. Jericho turned Kane over and hooked a leg, and the somewhat groggy referee made the three count.

Time of the match: 12:36

The crowd booed and jeered as a smug Chris Jericho got to his feet, and demanded that the referee raise his hand. As Jericho posed in the ring, almost smiling at the overwhelmingly negatice reception he was getting, he sneered and laughed. Suddenly, a huge cheer went up as The Rock came running at full speed down the aisle, and slid into the ring behind Jericho. Rock turned Jericho around, and decked the Undisputed Champion with a big right hand. Jericho got back to his feet, but The Rock slugged him again, and Jericho was again knocked down. The crowd went wild as Rock peppered Jericho with hard rights, before whipping him into the ropes and hitting Jericho with a big spinebuster. As Jericho lay in the middle of the ring, The Rock stood above Jericho, and then looked out into the crowd, who cheered loudly as they stood in anticipation of what they knew came next. The Rock hit the ropes, and bounded over Jericho, but, as Rock hit the opposite ropes. Jericho hurriedly rolled over and slid out of the ring, much to the extreme annoyance of the crowd. Jericho stumbled away, and as he turned to berate The Rock, Kane came from the side, and decked Jericho with a hard right, sending the Undisputed Champion ass over tea kettle. Kane returned to the ring, and stood side-by-side with The Rock, who had by now grabbed Jericho's title belts from the timekeeper. As Jericho stood in the middle of the aisleway, holding his jaw, The Rock taunted the Undisputed Champion, and dared him to come and get his belts. Jericho looked around, and it appeared is if he might actually return to the ring, but Jericho shook his head and backed off. The crowd jeered as Jericho backed up the ramp, and the Undisputed Champion was fuming as he looked at The Rock, who was posing on the ropes, to a tremendous reception, with both of Jericho's title belts over his shoulders.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Chris Jericho picking up the win over Kane, thanks to a low blow and the Breakdown, but the big news was The Rock showing up, and really doing a number on the Undisputed Champion.

Don Callis: A few punches and a spinebuster does not a number make ya goof. The Rock showed total disrespect to our Undisupted World Wrestling Federation Champion, and it was completely and totally uncalled for in my opinion.

Michael Cole: What about what Chris Jericho did to The Rock this past Monday on Raw, when he laid The Rock out with a Breakdown on the floor ? What about that ? That was hugely disrespectful, and I think Chris Jericho deserved what he got tonight.

Don Callis: First off, The Rock is not the Undisputed Champion, Chris Jericho is, and doesn't deserve the level of respect that Chris Jericho does. Secondly, Chris Jericho was just standing up for himself on Monday, and he wanted to put The Rock in his place, and I think he did that quite nicely.

Michael Cole: Nevertheless, The Rock got a little payback right here tonight, and you know that he can't wait for the Royal Rumble in just ten days time, when he gets a shot at Chris Jericho and the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship.

Don Callis: You're dreaming Cole. Chris Jericho is going to enter the Royal Rumble as the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion, and he's going to walk out still the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion, marky my words.

Michael Cole: Don't count The Rock out. He might just surprise you at the Rumble.

Don Callis: Not likely Micky.

Michael Cole: Moving on to something just as big, we've yet to hear anything from Ric Flair tonight. about who is partner will be for the big tag match at the Royal Rumble, which will see Flair and whomever his partner is, take on Vince McMahon and Randy Savage.

Don Callis: Flair has no partner. Nobody is crazy enough to want to take on an enraged Randy Savage and a psychotic Vince McMahon, nobody. I don't think Flair has any partner, and I think he's full of hot air.

Michael Cole: Flair said on Monday that he had chosen a tag team partner, and he also said that tonight he would shock everyone just like Vince did last week, when he brought back Randy Savage. It hasn't happened yet, but it may happen after the break, Stay tuned everyone, and we'll find out just who Ric Flair has chosen to be his tag team partner.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to a quiet arena. Ric Flair's music hits, and the crowd stand up and cheer loudly, and "whoo's" can be heared reverberating through the arena, and Ric Flair comes strutting out to a tremendous response. The co-owner of the World Wrestling Federation is all smile as he struts and shuffles his way to the ring, and Flair is clearly hyped up, presumably about the reception he is getting. Flair climbs into the ring, and takes the microphone from the ring announcer

Ric Flair: The time for waiting is over. The time is up, and the question is going to be answered right here in this very ring, in front of you fans, and in front of the world. For a week now, people have been wondering just who would The Nature Boy, whoo, pick to be his partner against Vince and Savage at the Rumble. And then this past Monday, tongues were wagging from coast to coast, because The Nature Boy told the world that he had chosen his partner, and that right here tonight, he would shock Vince just like Vince shocked me last week, and he would reveal who his tag team partner is. There's been a lot of speculation and rumor for the last week, but I'm going to put it to rest tonight. So without any further ado, my...

No Chance In Hell hits the PA, and loud booing and jeering greets the entrance of Vince McMahon, with Randy Savage in tow. Vince and Savage look keyed up as they make their way to the ring, with Vince smiling in his usually arrogant manner, and Savage looking ready to explode at any moment. This diabolical pair enter the ring, and Vince snatches the ring mic from Ric Flair, who now has an all-business expression on his face

Vince McMahon: You're a liar Ric Flair, and tonight just proves it. Where is he ? Where is this mystery partner you promised ? Randy and myself have been in the back, in our executive suite, watching Smackdown, and we've seen nothing of you until now, and we've sure seen nothing of any so-called tag team partner that you claimed to have. So come on Flair. Admit you lied, admit you misled the people, and accept that come the Royal Rumble, you're going to get the beating of our life at the hands of Randy and myself.

Flair takes the mic back from Vince, and Vince and Randy begin to stalk Flair, who backs up a little

Ric Flair: You think I'm a liar Vince ? You think I lied to you and to the world ? Well, if I'm lying, how do you explain this then ?

The lights go out, and the arena is plunged into darkness. Nobody can see a thing, and the arena is abuzz with mumured conversation. Suddenly, white laser lights begin to strobe throughout the arena, and the crowd begin to cheer. Suddenly, strange familiar electric guitar music blares out, and as more and more people recognize it, the cheers get louder and louder, until the lights go up and in the ring is...


The crowd explode into a frenzy when Sting is revealed in the ring. With Sting's music still playing, the crowd go ballisitic as Sting attacks Savage with wild lefts and rights, and Ric Flair goes after Vince, chopping and punching away. Sting nails Savage with repeated lefts and rights, until one last blow sends Savage backwards over the top rope, and Savage lands in a heap on the floor. Meanwhile, Flair picks Vince up and hits a shinbreaker, before letting go of him, and applying the figure four leglock. Vince struggles and screams in the hold, before Savage yanks Vince out of the ring, and pulls him away. As Savage and McMahon stand in the aisle, with Vince hobbling a little, Flair and Sting stand together in the ring, and both of them are yelling at Savage and Vince to return. Savage and Vince look irate and shocked, totally unable to believe what, or rather who, they are seeing. In the ring, Flair and Sting remain side by side, and the final shot of Smackdown, is of Flair smiling mischeviously at Vince and Savage, as Sting poses on the ropes, to a thunderous response from an ecstatic crowd

End Credits

Edited by Vince Russo
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WWF Monday Night Raw

Monday January 2, 1995

The show opens with a new opening montage and the same music. It starts with a shot of an empty arena. Then with the use of time lapse photography the ring is set up, lighting is set up, the Monday Night Raw set is erected, and fans enter the arena. The time lapse photography stops and it is in real time. Fireworks go off on all four corners of the ring, then the words




hurtle at the screen before exploding into a reddish fire that consumes the screen. When it fades away the shot is "live" and the crowd is cheering.

The camera cuts to the announce position at ringside where Vince McMahon and Jerry "The King" Lawler are seated behind a desk, while to their right is the Spanish Announce Team and to the their left is the French Canadian Announce Team. Vince introduces his five colleagues, then the graphics stating the show is "live" and the location fade away, and the shot is just Vince and The King.

Vince McMahon: Welcome one and all to Monday Night Raw. We have a massive amount of action to get to in the next sixty minutes and we are gonna start it off right now.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: We sure are Vince. I can see that guy in the ring, but he's not the important part, the important part is the uncrowned Intercontinental Champion about to make his way out to the ring.

Vince: No important? thats Kendall Windham making his Raw...

King: ...Ssshhh the music is starting.

Jeff Jarrett (with the Roadie) vs. Kendall Windham

As Vince and The King squabble about whether Double J is indeed the uncrowned Intercontinetal Champion or not and a nervous looking Kendall Windham stands motionless in the ring, Double J's music hits and he comes from the back with The Roadie at his side carrying a couple of extra guitars. The lights are dimmed and the flashing outfit that makes Jarrett look like The Electric Horseman comes to life as he struts his way down the aisle to a less than stellar reaction from the crowd. The Roadie holds the ropes, Double J enters the ring, motions for the ref and Kendall to move aside, then struts again across the ring before raising both arms high and standing on the middle rope. As the ref is telling The Roadie about the guitars Jarrett turns and lays a big right to the side of Windham's head. Kendall drops hard to the mat, the ref calls for the bell, and Jarrett quickly starts to remove his outfit as he kicks and stomps Kendall on the mat. This match is all Jarrett, as Kendall makes him look good as he bounces around the ring before finally quitting in the throes of pain to a Figure Four Leglock. The ref calls for the bell, and soon Double J is to his feet as The Roadie enters the ring, guitars in hand. Double J struts his stuff yet again, then takes a guitar and smashes it over the head of the slwoly rising Kendall Windham. The Roadie kicks Kendall from the ring to the chagrin of the ref, who turns tail himself after being threatened by the former Intercontinental Champion Jeff Jarrett.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett by submission

Time: 2:02

OR: 57

Vince: What was the point of that? He'd already beaten Kendall, why did he need to add insult to injury?

The King: Not that you'd understand this Vince, having never set foot in a wrestling ring to actually wrestle, but sometimes the loudest words are the ones you don't speak.

Vince: Now The Roadie has a mic and, well, THIS oughtta be good.

The King: Quit being so sarcastic.

The Roadie holds the mic amid some booing, then smiles.

The Roadie: Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you Nashville's favorite son, a multiple time gold and platinum recording artist, and the Soon-To-Be-Again Intercontinental Champion, DOOOOOUUUUBBBBLLLLEEEE JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

The crowd boos again as Jarrett takes the mic, holds the one unsmashed guitar high in the air, then struts yet again.

Vince: Do these two even care that we have a full night of WWF Wrestling to get to still?

The King: I think I liked it better when you weren't around as much, Vince.

Vince: Well, get used to me being here every week, King, I'm not going anywhere again for a long while.

Finally Jarrett stops, hands the guitar to The Roadie, and begins to speak.

Jeff Jarrett: HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! You said it Roadie, I am Nashville's favorite son, I am a country recording megastar bigger than anyone else, and I WILL be the Intercontinental Champion again very soon. I keep hearing and seeing these WWF wrestlers adding their names into The Royal Rumble, but I'm not gonna do that. I will be too busy defending my title at The Rumble in a few weeks to try and win a shot at another title. This past weekend on WWF Superstars I made MY New Years Resolution loud and clear. Everyone, including The Bad Guy and that pirate wannabe, heard it, and I can assure you that those two heard it loud and clear, haha. So Razor Ramone, I think it's high time you quit ducking the greatest to ever step into a WWF ring. I think it's high time you gave J-E-Double F haha J-A-Double R-E-Double T Jeff Jarrett his long awaited rematch for the belt he still deserves to be holding. All you're doing is tarnishing the proud legacy, heritage, and tradition of a belt that I held with honor and virtue. So have you got what it takes to get in the ring with the REAL bad guy? Anytime you're feeling froggy between now and The Rumble, "chico" you go ahead and leap son. You go ahead and leap and I'll knock you back down to the level you deserve to be at. HAHA! Now hit my music.

Double J's ballad plays as he and The Roadie exit the ring to much negative fanfare from the assembled crowd.

The King: You heard it Vince, Double J has laid the gauntlet down and challenged that unworthy Intercontinental Champion to a title match anytime he feels like it.

Vince: If I know The Bad Guy, and I do, I think Double J will get his answer very soon, King. Although it might not be the one he really wants.


The 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Holly...Your Next WWF Tag Team Champions?

The scene returns to The Kid and Holly standing in front of a WWF multi colored banner and background, looking cool, calm, and collected.

1-2-3 Kid: Tonight me and Sparky are gonna enter the ring and do the same thing we did a few weeks ago when we defeated Well Dunn to become the underdog team of the decade. We are walking in as underdogs yet again, but once we defeat The Heavenly Bodies I think we'll be walking out as favorites to bring home the WWF Tag Team Titles at The Royal Rumble.

Bob Holly: Just call me Bob now, Kid. As for The Gigolo Jimmy Del Ray and The Doctor Of Style Tom Pritchard, while the two of you may think you're God's Gift, me and The Kid can see through all of your self serving bravado down to the core. You two aren't as good as you claim to be, and tonight we're gonna prove it. We will be taking one step closer to The Rumble and the Tag Team Titles tonight, and you two won't be getting in our way. Ya hear me?

The Kid smiles at the camera while Holly just glares a hole through it. The scene cuts back to Vince and The King at ringside.

Vince: Strong words from the 1-2-3 Kid and especially Bob Holly, a man who showed us a slightly darker side than we've seen in the past I think.

The King: He looked kinda crazy if you ask me Vince, but thats what he and his partner are going to need if they really hope to have any chance to beat The Heavenly Bodies here tonight. And oh no, not again. This guy is crazy, let me tell you.

Vince: Pierre Oulette may be crazy, King, but he's Pirate Crazy!

The King: WHAT?!?

Man Mountain Rock vs. Pirate Pierre Oulette

Inside the ring, Man Mountain Rock is standing with a huge smile on his face as he hands his WWF Logo guitar to the ref, while Pierre Oulette walks from the back to his Pirate Music. He is adorned in a pirate's hat, an eyepatch over his right eye, and a large overcoat with the words "The Pirate Pierre" emblazoned across the back. Once in the ring he removes the attire and is dressed in a singlet with the word "ARRRGGGGHHHHH" across the front. The ref, smirking a bit, calls for the bell and the two competitors lock up. Rock gains the opening upper hand, tossing Pierre into the ropes hard. Vince makes mention that these two men match up in size and physical qualities quite well, and that this should be a good match, while The King simply makes fun of Pirate Pierre. The match is rather painful to behold, as Rock doesn't seem to be on his game tonight, and doesn't do a very good job of making Pierre's offense look all that good. In the end it all comes down to conditioning, and it seems Pierre has the upper hand there. Rock is tired and is unable to combat the abuse Pierre begins to lay into his left leg. Soon enough Pierre locks in a Half Boston Crab, which The King tells us he was personally told by Michael P.S. Hayes is called The Peg Leg, and Rock is soon screaming in pain before he screams out to the ref that he has had enough and quits. The fans almost try and cheer for Pierre, as he walks around the ring triumphant in his victory here tonight.

Winner: Pirate Pierre Oulette via submission

Time: 5:23

OR: 56

Vince: A decisive victory for Pirate Pierre here tonight over Man Mountain Rock, who I am sure will return another day. Quite the match-up, huh King?

The King: You actually like Pirate Pierre, don't you?

Vince: Hahaha. He has something about him, King, that I find unique and fun to see. So yes, I suppose I do like him.

The King: Coming from you, why am I not surprised?


Vince and The King are at ringside at the desk when we return.

Vince: Ladies and gentlemen, I send you backstage where our broadcast colleague Todd Pettingill is standing with The Bad Guy Razor Ramone to get his thoughts on what Double J had to say earlier tonight. Todd?

Arrggghhhhh Me Maties...Joo Want Some Of The...Bad...Guy, Mang?

Todd Pettingill and Razor Ramone are standing in front of a Monday Night Raw Banner. Razor looks stunned and Pettingill has a look of total horror upon his face. They are looking at something that cannot be seen off camera, until Pierre walks up, covered in sweat with his hair dripping. He has his eyepatch back on, although over his left eye this time, he is wearing his "pirate" hat, although it is askew, and is once again dressed in the coat that he wore to the ring, albeit inside out. His face is flushed and his breathing is rapid.

Todd Pettingill: I...have absolutely no idea what to say to you. Are you aware that this is an interview scheduled for Razor Ramone, the Intercontinental Champion?

Razor puts his hand on the belt around his waist, the look of disbelief still evident on his face as his toothpick simply falls to the floor.

Razor Ramone: I know joo think you're a pirate and all, but mang, you look kinda silly standing there, joo know?

Pierre: Arrrggghhhh Monsier Razor Ramone, ahoy me matie. I am zee Pirate Pierre, we fought zis weekend for your goooold.

Razor: Hey yo, what are joo on?

Pierre: I have an arrrgggghhhhh offer for you zat I zink you may find intriguing. Even zough we are not zee best of friendz, I zink we should get zee scallywagz zat attacked us over zee weekend and make zem walk zee plank.

Todd looks amused finally as he moves the microphone over to Razor, who seems unsure on how to act at all.

Razor: Joo want me and joo to tag up? Joo want to hang with The...Bad...Guy, mang?

Pierre: Zee way I zee it, zee two of uz could combine our love of zee gold and...

Razor puts his hand over Pierre's mouth and shakes his head as he whispers shhh.

Razor: Mang, joo sound like an idiot. I have heard joo speak before, and that accent, it is fake. Why not quit playing pirate for a second and tell me what joo want, because all I can see is joo...wasting...The Bad Guy's...time.

Pierre looks defeated and pushes Razor's hand away from his mouth as he pulls the eyepatch up and looks at Razor.

Pierre: Look, I don't like getting blasted in the face with guitars. Double J and The Roadie had their say and now I want a piece of them both. I wanted us to get together, get in the ring, and whoop up on them, together, but maybe I'll just take care of Jeff Jarrett myself next week, then come back for YOUR gold. Arrrrggghhhhhhh.

Pierre pulls the eyepatch back down and then proceeds to limp off camera. Pettingill's face is now red himself, as he is stifling back laughter.

Pettingill: Razor? Any comments on that or what Double J had to say to you earlier in the show?

Razor puts another toothpick in his mouth, slicks his hair back, smirks, shakes his head, and simply walks off.

Pettingill: Well that about says it all. Vince, King, back to you two.

Vince: See King, he's just a fun loving kind of guy.

The King: I'm going to say this as nice as I know how, Vince, he's a freak. A total complete nut job. Whacko from head to toe. Missing about 23 cans from a 24 pack of Pepsi. Several samdwiches short of a full picnic...

Vince: We get the idea King. Let's now go to a pre-recorded interview with Jim Cornette and The Heavenly Bodies about our Tag Team Titles Tournament Semi Finals Match that is coming up tonight.

The King: Finally some class again after that Pirate Pierre garbage.

The Heavenly Bodies WILL Be The Tag Team Champions After The Royal Rumble

Cornette and The Heavenly Bodies are standing in the same area that The Kid and Holly were standing at. Del Ray and Pritchard look cool dressed in expensive looking suits and wearing designer shades. Cornette is holding his trademark tennis racket.

Cornette: Let me tell you all something that you may not know. I am The Manager Of Tag Teams Champions. In my years in this great sport I have led more Tag Teams to World Championships than any other manager. All you morons and hicks and inbreds have no idea how many people have come up to me, or Mama Cornette, over the years and asked me to manage them. They all know what every wrestler in this business knows, and that is if you want to head straight to the top you come to James E. Cornette. As we speak I just got off the phone with one of the greatest Tag Teams in the world today, as they too wanted to be managed by me. What does all this have to do with you? Nothing. But know this, The Heavenly Bodies are under my management, and they WILL be walking out of this Tag Team Titles Tournament with the WWF Tag Team Titles around their waists. The 1-2-3 Kid and Sparky Plug are just the next speed bumps on the way there, and tonight they will get past them. Now, we have a match to get ready for.

With that the threesome walk off and the scene shifts back to the announce table.

The King: Who do you think Jim Cornette talked to on the phone, Vince?

Vince: I have no idea King, no idea at all. But folks, that match is up next after these.


WWF Tag Team Titles Tournament Semi Finals Match: The 1-2-3 Kid and Bob Holly vs. The Heavenly Bodies (with James E. Cornette)

The Kid and Holly come out from the back first to Kid's generic music, and enter the ring after slapping some hands. Once in the ring the music of The Heavenly Bodies plays and Cornette leads his team, in their wrestling gear now, to the ring. The fans boo apropriately, although not loudly, as Cornette stops his men on the floor at ringside and gives them last minute instructions. Inside the ring Holly goes to the apron to allow The Kid to start. After a bit Del Ray gets on the apron and Pritchard gets in the ring and the match starts. The King reminds Vince and everyone else that The Heavenly Bodies defeated The Rock And Roll Express numerous times to win the SMW Tag Team Titles. Vince reminds The King that they no longer hold those belts however, and have never held the WWF Tag Team Titles. In the ring Pritchard has gained control and tags in in Del Ray, who goes to work on the upper back and neck of The Kid. At this point The Smoking Gunns walks from the back and stand in the aisleway watching the action. Cornette seems upset by this and gets the refs attention, who orders Billy and Bart to step back by the entranceway when they argue that they are just scouting their POTENTIAL opponents. Inside the ring Pritchard and Del Ray take this opportunity to double team the Kid. Holly eventually charges into the ring, Drop Kicking Pritchard through the ropes, but the ref returns and sends him back to his corner. Cornette takes this opportunity to toss the racket to Del Ray. He swings but The Kid ducks and rolls to his own corner. Del Ray tosses the racket aside as the ref looks and Holly tags into the match finally. He lays into Del Ray with lefts and rights, before whipping him into the ropes and coming after him with a great looking Clothesline. Holly goes for the cover, but Del Ray kicks out at two. Pritchard is back in his corner finally, calling for the tag, and Holly decides to rush over and attack. The plan backfires when Pritchard leaps back off the apron, and in the process brings Holly's face hard into the turnbuckle. Holly staggers back before collapsing to the mat, and both men are down. Del Ray makes it to his feet and stumbles into his corner for a tag, and Holly begins to crawl over towards his own. Pritchard is too slow and Holly makes the tag to a slightly rejuvenated 1-2-3 Kid. Kid tries to exchange blows with Pritchard, but comes out on the losing end. Pritchard goes for a Full Nelson Slam however and The Kid escapes, rolling Pritchard up for a close two count. Del Ray makes his way back into the ring, and The Kid runs and leaps with a Forearm Shot that takes him out to the floor. Holly attempts to return to the ring himself as this is going on, but the ref notices him and the two argue. During this all Pritchard calls for the tennis racket, back in the possession of Cornette, who slides it in to his client. The Kid turns to face Pritchard and gets whacked right across the forehead. He drops fast as Pritchard throws the racket back to Cornette. Pritchard makes the cover, the ref sees, and The 1-2-3 Kid is on the recieving end of the 1-2-3 eliminating his team from the Tag Team Titles Tournament. Holly is livid as he returns to the ring and argues with the ref some more as The Heavenly Bodies exit the ringside area with Cornette. The Smoking Gunns stand in their way, then eventually move aside allowing the victors to warily head to the back.

Winners: The Heavenly Bodies by pinfall

Time: 8:10

OR: 76

Vince: That was simply uncalled for. The Heavenly Bodies might advance here tonight, but they sure don't deserve to.

The King: They don't deserve to? They won the match, they outsmarted those two idiots in the ring, and they now move on to The Royal Rumble to meet the winners of The Headshrinkers and The Million Dollar Corporation's team of Bam Bam and Tatanka. Jim Cornette did exactly what he promised to do this far. He is The Manager Of Tag Team Champions, Vince.

Vince: Be that as it may, they couldn't beat The Kid and Holly and they knew it. They took the easy way out here tonight, and I have no doubt they will eventually suffer the consequences. Cheaters never win, King.

The King: Are you blind McMahon, they JUST did.

Vince: Folks, after these commercials we will hear from more WWF Superstars that are announcing their entry into The Royal Rumble.


An Ominous Warning Of A Dark Future For The Million Dollar Corporation

The setting is a graveyard. The Undertaker slowly climbs from a grave he is digging. He wipes his dirty gloves down his clothing, then picks his hat up from the ground. The tombstone is unreadable. The camera pans back to reveal five similar graves, dug, tombstones in place, all in a row. Paul Bearer, holding the urn close to his chest, walks forward, then whips his head to look at the camera. The Undertaker simply stands there, unmoving, his head looking at the graves before him.

Paul Bearer: Ahhhhhhh yeeeesssss, my Undertaker is haaaaaaard at work tonight, digging the graves for five unfortunate souls that are about to enter the realm of death. He is making the preparations a little earlier than normal, as it is important that it is all ready for when these five lost souls meet the ever cold and silent embrace of Death herself. Ahhhhhh yesssssss, it will be a time for sorrow for the loved ones of these five souls. But for us, it will be a time of rejoicing. You see, it all begins right here next Monday Night on Raw when my Undertaker meets King Kong Bundy yet again. This time, this time it will not be My Undertaker who falls face first, ooohhhhh noooooo, it will be Bundy who slips to the mat and is embraced by Death. Isn't that right Undertaker?

The Undertaker walks to the first grave. The camera zooms in to reveal the name of Bundy and the "date" of his death as next Monday Night.

The Undertaker: Bundy, next week at Raw, you will rest...in...peaaaaaaaceeeee.

Lightning flashes across the sky then strikes the grave of Bundy, setting the ground within it on fire somehow.

Bearer: Ooooooohhhh myyyyyyyy, the dark lords have signalled the end Bundy. Your time, your time is near. Can you feel it Bundy, can you feeeeeeel the trembles? And then at The Royal Rumble, when my Undertaker enters the ring, he's looking for the rest of The Million Dollar Corporation. Ohhhhh yeessssss, he's especially looking forward to getting his hands on YOU Ted Dibiase. For yours will be the final grave my Undertaker fills. Ohhhh yeeessssss.

The Undertaker's music hits as Bearer walks off while Taker simply looks at the burning grave before him and the scene fades to black, then to Vince and The King once more

Vince: Uhhh, The Undertaker is in The Rumble, King, and apparently next week right here on Monday Night Raw here on The USA Network he will once again go toe to toe against the giant of a man known as King Kong Bundy.

The King: That was one of the most chilling and frightening things I have ever seen in the WWF. I know I said that Pirate Pierre was crazy earlier, but The Undertaker and Paul Bearer are not safe to be walking the streets.

Vince glares at The King then shakes his head.

Vince: Now folks we're heading to another pre taped interview, this one from earlier today with Bob Backlund and The King Of Harts Owen Hart.

The King: Woohoo, two of my favorite people, as they hate Bret Hart about as much as I do.

Vince shakes his head again and sighs.

The King Of Harts and Mr. Bob Backlund Have A Plan

The same old WWF background as Owen and Backlund stand before it. Owen is smiling and Backlund is all business.

Bob Backlund: Tonight, Bret, I get a chance to rectify things with you as well, young man. I heard your blathering comments this weekend, and I can assure you, that what happened at Survivor Series will be a mild memory compared to the excutiating pain I will inflict upon you now. You will find these hands wrapped around you, you will fall to the mat, with me under you, and you will know what it means to be in the presence of a TRUE excellent executioner when I perform The Crossface Chicken Wing and you have no choice, no other alternative, but to quit.

Owen smiles bigger, pats Bob on the back as he stares at his hands yet again, then jumps up and down for a second.

Owen Hart: Woooo! Can you see how excited I am Bret? Mr. Backlund was very right when he said you would know new levels of pain. I let Mr. Backlund lock it in on me a while back, and my shoulder STILL hurts from it. I couldn't last a minute Bret, but I know you, and I know that you will lay there in pain for as long as it takes refusing to say what we all know, that you're nothing but a quitter, Bret. So you lay there in that hold, you try and fight it, and maybe when you FINALLY scream out that you quit, maybe then the damage will be permanent. I only hope that Mr. Backlund doesn't totally cripple you big brother, because at The Royal Rumble the two of us are going to be in that match with you, and I want to get my hands on you one more time Bret. One more time before I throw your sorry butt over the top ropes to the floor. Let you look up at me again and know who the better Hart brother REALLY is.

Owen claps Backlund on the back again, then his smile fades.

Owen: Oh yeah Bret, one more thing, we have a surprise for you tonight. I promise I won't interfere in this match tonight, you have my word on that Bret, but oh boy do we have a surprise for you.

Both men then start to laugh evil, crazy sounding laughs as the scene switches back to the announce area.

Vince: Well that can't be good. Folks, up next our Main Event.

King: I think Owen just became my favorite to win The Rumble, Vince.


Main Event: Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. Mr. Bob Backlund

Backlund is the first to enter the ring, to some massive booing from the crowd, and true to his word Owen is nowhere to be seen. Backlund jogs in place, throws a few rights and lefts, then removes the white towel from his neck and takes his jacket off as The Hitman's music blares through the arena. The fans simply explode, as The Excellence Of Execution walks from the back. He glares at Backlund, then makes his way to ringside, placing his sunglasses on the face of a random little boy. He takes off his leather jacket on the floor, hands it to a ring girl, then slides under the bottom ropes and walks right up to Backlund. The ref calls for the bell and both men glare at one another. They eventually lock up, and the match comes to an end. Jim The Anvil Neidhart marks his return to Monday Night Raw by sliding in the ring behind Bret and delivering a brutal Forearm Shot to the back of his neck. Bret simply crumples to one knee as the ref calls for the bell ending this match at under 40 seconds. The Anvil laughs his maniacal laugh, strokes his beard, and delivers a swift and hard boot to the back of Bret's neck. He then scoops Bret up and slams him HARD on his back and neck. Bret is motionless as Backlund looks giddy as a schoolgirl. The Anvil brings him to his feet and Backlund applies The Crossface Chicken Wing to the almost unconcious Bret Hart. The fans are booing, The Anvil chases the ref from the ring, and Bret and Backlund land on the mat. The pain on Bret's face is uinmistakeable, as Vince begs and pleads for anyone to come out and stop this. Then Owen walks from the back with a microphone in hand.

Winner: Bret Hart by DQ due to interference

Time: 34 seconds

OR: 74

Owen: SURPRISE BRET! Say hi to The NEW Foundation, big brother.

Anvil cackles as Owen gets in the ring and the two hug.

Vince: Bret has been in that devastating hold for over a minute now. We need SOMEONE, ANYONE to come out here and get this crazed maniac off of The Hitman.

The King: Well Vince, there is no Bulldog here tonight, Diesel isn't here, Luger isn't here, and in case you forget, everyone else hates The Hitman's guts, myself included. I think Bret is at the mercy of The New Foundation, and I love it. Hahahahaha.

At this point The Heart Break Kid's music hits, and the booing momentarily subsides as Shawn Macheals makes his way from the back. He stands at the entranceway, he looks concerned, and he moves a step forward only to stop. The fans begin to cheer him on, and Shawn looks unsure. He takes another step forward and the fans react even louder.

The King: What is he doing?

Vince: Oh my, yes Shawn, yes HBK, do the right thing here and stop this massacre.

Owen and The Anvil see HBK and react with a bit of fear. Finally Shawn smiles, shrugs his shoulders, and sprints to the ring. Owen forces Backlund to release the hold and the three of them hightail it to the floor as HBK slides under. The fans are going nuts, screaming and cheering as HBK has come to the aid of their fallen hero.

Vince: Yes yes yes! The Heart Break Kid has saved Bret Hart here tonight and like myself, King, these fans love it. Shawn Michaels has turned a new page here in the WWF tonight.

Shawn slowly helps Bret to his feet, pretty much holding him up as Bret is all but out cold, then pushes him down hard, his look of concern turning to pure hatred. As quickly as the fans turned to love him they turn and despise him even more now.

The King: Actually Vince, it's no no no he has not. It's the same HBK I know and love, hahaha, oh how I love to see this.

The New Foundation get back in the ring, smiling and laughing at this ruse, as Anvil holds Bret up. HBK taps his foot, and it's Sweet Chin Music to The Hitman who collapses back to the mat.

Vince: NO! What is the meaning of all of this?

The King: I think we're gonna find out, Vince, woohoo!

HBK now has the mic that Owen brought with him. He doesn't even try to wait for the booing to subside.

Shawn Michaels: And the surprises just keep on coming don't they. Love me, hate me, you all know you can't WAIT to see what The Heart Break Kid is gonna do next. Well, now you know. Along with two others who aren't here with us yet, he's joined forces with The New Foundation to take care of a little business. They want Bret out, I want Big Daddy Drool, I mean Cool, out, and we all want his WWF World Title. I know, I know, being a part of something like this isn't HBK's style, but then what the hell do any of you know about HBK's style? I do what I want, when I want, where I want, how I want, and with whom I want. This is JUST the beginning, folks, let me assure you all of that fact. Cool, you big, ugly, stupid, ape, I ain't waiting to win The Royal Rumble to get me a piece of you and take that World Title from around your waist at WrestleMania, pal. I want you one on one AT The Rumble, with the gold on the line. Consider your overgrown butt called out, punk. You and me January 22nd at The Royal Rumble. Do you have what it takes to accept? Oh, and if you thought THESE TWO surprises were big, Diesel, wait til your 7 Foot a(BLEEP)ees what I bring to you if you say yes.

He drops the mic and he shakes hands with Backlund and Owen, then the four of them start back in on Bret as the ending graphics appear.

The King: I need to get me some of this too, McMahon.

Vince: King sit down. We still need help here. We are out of time folks, we will see you next week. I can't believe what I just hear...

And with that the show comes to an end.

OR: 75

Attendance: 6507

Edited by thegodcomplex
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Guest Vince Russo

Jakked – Saturday January 12th 2002

The opening credits of Jakked play, and we see clips of various WWF wrestlers in action, before we are taken to the ringside table where Michael Cole and D-Lo Brown sit

Michael Cole: Hello everyone and welcome to Jakked, I’m Michael Cole along with D-Lo Brown, and this past Thursday on Smackdown saw another big shock, as the whole world, including Vince McMahon and Randy Savage, found out who Ric Flair's mystery partner for the tag match at the Royal Rumble would be.

D-Lo Brown: And it was the biggest shock of of them all, bigger than even when Randy Savage showed up, because Ric Flair's partner for the Rumble tag match is none other than Sting.

Michael Cole: Sting, the franchise player of World Championship Wrestling for over ten years, and probably the biggest name to never have switched promotions during the infamous 'Monday Night Wars', is here at last in the World Wrestling Federation, and he made his debut in a big way.

D-Lo Brown: He certainly did. He showed up out of nowhere on Smackdown, and he and Ric Flair cleaned house on Vince McMahon and Randy Savage, and this whole situation has really heated up.

Michael Cole: It certainly has, and things can only get hotter as he head towards the Royal Rumble, which will take place in just eight days time. Things were also heated on Smackdown, when we heard from both Triple H and Kurt Angle, and we'll talk about that later on in the program.

The music of Test plays, and this big Canadian makes his way out to solid booing. This bullying individual steps over the top rope and into the ring, and immediately attacks his opponent, who is identified by a brief on-screen graphic as Hugar Nomates

Match one: Test v Hugar Nomates

Test made real short work of this clueless dope. Nomates got in no offence at all, and Test just decimated him with ease. A big clothesline turned Hugar inside out, and as he staggered up, Test almost kicked his head off with the Boot Of Death, and it was all over.

Time of the match: 1:56

After the match, Test pulled Hugar to his feet, and then nailed a second BOD, just for laughs.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Test was in commanding form this evening, and young Mr Nomates was way out of his league.

D-Lo Brown: Test is an animal, and this match proved it.

Michael Cole: And it was Test who allowed Lance Storm to get a non-title win over the Intercontinental Champion Edge on Smackdown this past Thursday, and Edge won't let that slide. When we come back, we're going to hear from Rikishi, who was upset on Smackdown by Raven. Don't go away.

Commercial Break

We return to see Rikishi standing in the interview area, looking more serious than usual

Rikishi: Raven, you got the jump on me on Smackdown, and you got the win. Good for you. And maybe the talk is right, and I did underestimate you. Or maybe you just got lucky, punk. So how about we find out which it is, and we have ourselves a rematch ? What do ya say ? Have you got what it takes for my challenge, or are you going to slink away like the snake that you are ?

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Rikishi fired up from Smackdown, as Raven pulled of a bit of an upset when he beat Rikishi, and Rikishi is eager for a rematch.

D-Lo Brown: It was considered an upset by almost everyone when Raven pinned Rikishi, and I guess Rikishi wants to prove that it was a fluke. I'd like to hear what Raven has to say. No doubt it'll be interesting.

Michael Cole: We'll hear from Raven soon enough.

A video package plays, highlighting Lance Storm. Set to his music, the package showcases the big moments in the careeer of Lance Storm. Lance is shown debuting in World Championship Wrestling, where he would run in from the crowd, nail an unsuspecting foil with a great mvoe off of the top rope, before disappearing into the crowd again. Storm is then shown winning a one-night tournament for the vacant United States Heavyweight Championship, where he defeated Buff Bagwell, Shane Douglas and Mike Awesome, all with the Canadian Mapleleaf half crab. The people in attendance are appreciative of Storm's talents, as plenty of people can be seen applauding as Storm holds up the United States title belt. Lance is then shown defeating Big Vito to win the WCW Hardcore title, and defeating Chavo Guerrero Jr to win the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship. Lance looks as impressive as ever, as he is shown proudly holding aloft all three of his championship belts, and he looks the picture of athletic excellence. Storm is then shown taking on a variety of other opponents, and Storm is clearly a world class athlete, and a tremendous wrestler. We then cut to Lance's debut in the World Wrestling Federation, where he interfere's in a match, and superkicks Perry Saturn. Storm is then shown beating Albert to become the Intercontinental Champion, and Storm is clearly happy proud to have won the IC Title. The video package ends with a revolving series of clips of Storm beating various foes, alternating between Storm using the Canadian Mapleleaf half crab and the superkick. As the package fades to black, a bold red graphic fills the screen: "Lance Storm; A Canadian Idol"

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Lance Storm really is a great athlete and a tremendous wrestler, but I don't think he can proud of the way he won that non-title match against Edge this past Thursday on Smackdown.

D-Lo Brown: He only got that win thanks to the interference of Test, who we saw in action earlier, and Edge isn't going to take this lying down. Edge will want some payback, not only from Test, but also from Lance Storm, and Edge and Storm will meet again in the future.

Michael Cole: And that match will be something else, I'm sure.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to the music from Tough Enough, and Maven is making his entrance. This rookie wrestler is clearly enthusiastic to be out there, and he is full of energy as he bounds to the ring, tagging hands with the fans. As Maven enters the ring and poses, his opponent is identifed by an on-screen graphic as Larry O'Lannerhey

Match two: Maven v Larry O'Lannerhey

Maven dominated this match entirely, against an opponent who didn't seem to be able to get anything together. Maven used some crisp technical moves to begin with, and the crowd applauded his great effort. Larry did try a rake of the eyes to get a break, but Maven was soon back into things, knocking Larry down with a great flying clothesline, which the crowd also applauded. Maven quickly turned things up, and soon had Larry down with a belly-to-back suplex off the second rope. Maven then ascended to the top, and, as Larry shakily got to his feet, Maven flew off the top, and hit him with a beautiful looking crossbody off the top, and scored the three count, to more cheers from the crowd.

Time of the match: 4:13

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Maven getting the win there, and Maven is starting to get a following in the WWF.

D-Lo Brown: It's not hard to see why that is. Maven is young and charismatic, and the people dig that Michael. Maven has a real bright future ahead of himself in the World Wrestling Federation.

Michael Cole: Someone who's future is a little brighter, thanks to the new year and a new start for a lot of people, is Chavo Guerrero Jr. However, things didn't go his way on Thursday, when Chavo lost to Kidman in a match to determine the number one contender to Tajiri's Cruiserweight Championship. And Chavo had this to say about that situation.

We are taken to the interview area, where Chavo Guererro is standing, and not looking happy

Chavo Guerrero Jr: Kidman, you had to cheat to beat me on Thursday. We all saw how you had to get the referee distracted to beat me, and that's cheating, and I don't like cheats. I've never had to cheat to win a match in my life, unlike you. That Cruiserweight Championship title shot should have been mine, and it wll be mine, so don't think that there is gold in your future. That Cruiserweight title will be mine, Kidman, and you can't stop me, whether you cheat again or not.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Chavo Guerrero Jr not happy about how he lost to Kidman on Thursday, but he really has no one to blame but himself.

D-Lo Brown: I saw the match in question, and the only reason the referee got distracted in the first place was because he was admonishing Chavo for cheating. Chavo says he never cheats, but I guess he never tells the truth either. Chavo need only blame himself for losing to Kidman, and losing out on a chance for the WWF Cruiserweight Championship.

Michael Cole: And Kidman's match against Tajiri will be happening very soon, and no doubt it'll be a great contest. Our main event is next, as Tommy Dreamer and Funaki take on Justin Credible and Steven Richards

Commercial Break

We return from the break to the music of Justin Credible, as he and Stevie Richards are making their way to the ring. The crowd boo this team as they enter the ring, and this twosome threaten the crowd as they await the arrival of their opponents. Tommy Dreamer and Funaki make their entrance next, and these two cult favorites get a decent reception. Dreamer and Funaki enter the ring, and pose on opposite corners, to another decent reaction

Match three: Tommy Dreamer and Funaki v Justin Credible and Steven Richards

This was a fine match, with both teams showcasing some good moves, and the crowd getting into it as well. It was fairly basic action to begin with, with both teams tending to play to the crowd a fair bit. Richards turned things around for his team, when he pulled the ropes down as Funaki hit them, and Fuanki spilled to the floor. Credible and Richards engaged in some lengthy double-teaming of Funaki, as Dreamer desperately tried to get the tag in. Despite getting worn down, Funaki never gave up, and when Richards and Credible set their heads down for a double backdrop, Funaki kicked Richards in the chest, and then slammed Credible into the mat face first. With both opponents down, Funaki rolled to his corner, and tagged in Dreamer. Dreamer took control now, and Richards and Credible were bounced around with some big right hands, and Dreamer and Funaki soon had Richards and Credible set up for stereo DDT's. They hit the DDT's, and Richards and Credible were down and out. Dreamer covered Richards, but the referee was busy getting Funaki out of the ring. As he was doing that, a dazed Credible managed to put Richards foot on the ropes, before rolling out of the ring, thus stopping the count when the referee turned around to make the count. As Dreamer wondered what happened, he picked Richards up for a suplex, but Credible tripped Dreamer up from the floor, causing Richards to land on top of Dreamer, and, with his feet on the ropes, Richards got the illicit pinfall, and he and Justin Credible picked up the win, much to the disapproval of the crowd

Time of the match: 8:49

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Justin Credible and Steven Richards picking up the win there, but only because Credible tripped Dreamer up from the floor, and Steven Richards using the ropes.

D-Lo Brown: Illegal tactics get Credible and Richards the win, and I guess these two haven't changed their ways for the new year.

Michael Cole: Cheating aside, they did get the win, and Credible and Richards begin the long climb up the ladder of the tag team division of the WWF. That wraps things up for another edition of Jakked, and we head towards Raw with the Royal Rumble beginning to take shape. We know now that Triple H and Kurt Angle will be in the Royal Rumble match itself, and that should produce something memorable if both men wind up in the ring together. The Rock has made a stand against Chris Jericho, and those two will hook it up for the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship, in what is sure to be a heated match. And we now know that Sting will be Ric Flair's tag team partner at the Royal Rumble, and it will be Sting and Flair taking on Vince McMahon and Randy Savage.

D-Lo Brown: The Royal Rumble is going to be big, Michael Cole, with so much going on surrounding it. I can't wait to see it.

Michael Cole: And it takes place in just eight days time, live on pay-per-view. For D-Lo Brown, this is Michael Cole, saying so long everynoe.

End Credits

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Guest Vince Russo

Heat report for January 13th 2002

The opening credits of Heat play, and we see clips of various WWF wrestlers in action, before we are taken to the ringside commentary table where Jim Cornette and Michael Hayes are seated

Jim Cornette: Hello everyone, and welcome to another edition of Heat, and we are just seven days away from the Royal Rumble pay-per-view, and Michael, things are reaching a real fever pitch here in the WWF.

Michael Hayes: They are indeed. Triple H and Kurt Angle on a collision course, The Rock and Chris Jericho having yet another volatile confrontation, and Ric Flair's mystery partner for his tag match at the Rumble against Vince McMahon and Randy Savage is revealed, and it's none other than Sting. Sting is here in the World Wrestling Federation, and I can hardly believe it.

Jim Cornette: Neither can I, or a lot of people, because I don't think anyone ever expected Sting to be a part of the World Wrestling Federation, but a a part of it he is, and he will be teaming with Ric Flair at the Royal Rumble to take on Vince McMahon and Randy Savage, and that match is sure to be interesting.

Michael Hayes: Another big match at the Rumble will see The Rock challenging Chris Jericho for the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship, and those two have had a few very heated confrontations in recent weeks, with the last one happening on Smackdown this past Thursday, just after Jericho's non-title match with Kane.

Jim Cornette: Jericho used a lowblow before getting the pinfall win over Kane, but The Rock had the last laugh in that match, because he made his prescence felt after the contest was over.

Michael Hayes: He sure did, and The Rock was all set to give Jericho the People's Elbow, but Jericho slithered away like the snake that he is.

Jim Cornette: Of course, the big thing at the Royal Rumble is the Royal Rumble match up itself. 30 supersters enter, but only one will walk out as the winner, and that man will get a shot at the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship in the main event at WrestleMania. It's a big prize to win, and everyone is shooting to win that one.

Michael Hayes: And two of the men that we know who will be in the Rumble are Triple H and Kurt Angle. These two had quite the confrontation on Raw last Monday, when Angle blindsided Triple H with a steel chair, and then knocked The Game out with his own finisher, The Pedigree, on the chair. This past Thursday, Triple H finally got to say his piece, and he made his intentions clear.

Jim Cornette: Triple H did that indeed, as The Game will be entered into this years Roybal Rumble match, and Triple H is now set for a potential shot at the Undisputed Championship at WrestleMania.

Michael Hayes: But so is Kurt Angle, because the former Olympic gold medallist later in the night on Smackdown also entered himself into the Royal Rumble match, and these two could collide during the Royal Rumble, and I don't know what will happen if that goes down. I don't think the ring could contain the explosion.

Jim Cornette: We may just find out the answer to that one at some point during the Rumble. We've got a great program lined up for you tonight, with The Dudleys, The APA and Maven set for action, with Maven in our main event taking on Sean Stasiak. And we kick things off with the WWF's very own superhero; The Hurricane.

The crowd cheer as the arena is bathed in green light, and The Hurricane makes his entrance. The Hurricane bounds to the ring, in typically enthusiastic superhero fashion. The superhero pauses at ringside, and takes out a second mask from his pocket, and places it on the head of a young fan at ringside, before entering the ring. The Hurricane's opponent is identified by an on-screen graphic as Alex Ferguson

Match one: The Hurricane v Alex Ferguson

This was a fine contest to open Heat up with, and The Hurricane was dominant throughout. The Hurricane showcased several of his best moves on this match, including a tremendous looking springboard leg lariat, that folded Ferguson up like an accordion. The Hurricane was cheered loudly by the crowd, and those cheers got louder when The Hurricane picked Fergurson up, and dropped him down hard with a Nightmare On Helms Street. A three count later, and it was all over.

Time of the match: 3:28

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: Hurricane picks up the win there, and our resident superhero is on fine form, as ever.

Michael Hayes: The Hurricane, one of the top cruiserweights in the World Wrestling Federation, and he along with the rest of our great cruiserweights is fighting for a shot at the WWF Cruiserweight Champion, Tajiri. Kidman won the next title shot at Tajiri, this past Thursday on Smackdown, and we'll hear from Kidman later on in the program.

Jim Cornette: Something else that went down on Smackdown was an altercation between William Regal and Diamond Dallas Page. Last Monday on Raw, William Regal cost Page his chance to become the European Champion, when he interfered and knocked out Page using brass knuckles. As we saw, Page wasn't best pleased by this, and attacked Regal as he was taping interviews for our other programming. Well, we managed to keep Page and Regal apart long enough to get these words from William Regal.

We are taken to the interview area, where William Regal is standing, and looking as haughty as ever

William Regal: Thanks to that ruffian Diamond Dallas Page, I had to pay to have one of my suits repaired, but mark my words; he'll get stuck with the bill. Moving on to other things, however, and allow me to enlighten you flithy toerags and let you in onto why I did what I did last Monday. Now, I'm no fan of Christian as European Champion; he's uncouth, undignified, not championship material, and he's not even bloody European!. However, Diamond Dallas Page would make a far worse European Champion; that lout typifies the kind of person that is dragging this country into the gutter. Well, even deeper in that it already is. And being Eurpoean myself, and someone who rightfully should be European Champion, I wasn't going to allow a championship that I intend to hold soon be soiled by such hands. Christian, I will be the European Champion, count on it sunshine, and if DDP, or anyone esle thinks that they are taking that title from you, they are mistaken as well, because I intend to be the one to take the European Championship from you. And when I do that, I will present that fine title belt to the Queen herself, and show her, and the world, that I am indeed the finest wrestler to come out of Europe.

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: William Regal was never one to be modest, and I'm glad he's keeping that up(!). Regal has his eyes on the European Championship, and he seems hell bent on being the one to take that title off of Christian before anyone else can.

Michael Hayes: Regal has never let anyone or anything stand in his way, and he is determined to be the next European Champion, and what I want to know is what this means for any future European Championship matches ? Can we expect to see Regal interfere in those too ? If so, what's going to be done about it ? I don't anyone, least of all the fans, and Christian, of course, are going to happy with constant run-ins during Eurpean Championship title matches.

Jim Cornette: Hopefully, one of the co-owners of the WWF will do something about that, and make sure that the fans don't get disappointed. When we return, we'll see The Dudley Boyz in action, and we'll hear about a familiar face making his return to the World Wrestling Federation.

Commercial Break

"Hello Ladies" opens up a familiar looking video package, and we see a piece on Val Venis!. Set to Val's old theme music, we see highlight of his career in the WWF, going right back to his initial debut. We see Val take on a variety of wrestlers, most of whom are no longer in the promotion anymore, a clear indication that some people just can't take the competition that the WWF has to offer. We see Val taking on Mankind at Judgement Day 1998, and Val shocks everyone by scoring the win, albeit in an unconventional manner, when Mankind uses his own mandible claw on himself. We fast forward to St Valentine's Day Massacre in February of 1999, and Venis pins Ken Shamrock to become the Intercontinental Champion; very much a statement that Val Venis belongs in the WWF. Venis is then showcased against a number of foes throughout 1999, before we see his major program of 2000; a run against Rikishi. Venis is shown pinning Rikishi to become the Intercontinental Champion again, and this sets off a feud between the two, that culminates with a steel cage match at Fully Loaded. Despite being on the wrong end of an awesome looking splash by Rikishi from the top of the cage, Venis manages to win the match, and remain Intercontinental Champion. The video package then ends with Venis taking on more competition, before fading to black as a bold purple "Val Venis" graphic fills the screen

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: Val Venis is on his way back to the World Wrestling Federation, and he will make his big return in the Royal Rumble match itself.

Michael Hayes: Everybody is wanting a shot at the Undisputed Championship, and they know that the most direct way to that goal is to win the Royal Rumble match. That's why you've got Val Venis returning at the Rumble, and who knows who else will be returning to try and stake their claim to the main event slot at WrestleMania, and a chance to become the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion.

Jim Cornette: People are coming from all over the place for a shot at the Undisputed WWF Champion, and I can't wait to see who shows up next. Let's get back to the ring, with The Dudley Boyz.

The fireworks signalling the arrival of The Dudley Boyz go off, and loud booing goes up as The Dudley Boyz, accompanied by Stacy Keibler make their entrance. The former WWF Tag Team Champions appear to be in a very bad mood as they walk to the ring, and when they enter they immediately attack their hapless opponents, who are identified as Bruce Keller and Wade Mitchell

Match two: The Dudley Boyz v Bruce Keller and Wade Mitchell

The Dudley's just massacred Keller and Mitchell, who didn't get in one single move. Bubba battered Keller around ringside, while D-Von pummeled Mitchell in the ring. After dumping a barely conscious Keller into the crowd, Bubba returned to the ring, and helped D-Von just hammer the crap out of Wade Mitchell. It got so bad that the referee threatened to disqualify The Dudley's. The former tag champions just snorted, and promptly hit Mitchell with The Dudley Death Drop. They didn't make the cover though, as Bubba went back to the floor and dragged a nonsensical Bruce Keller back into the ring, and The Dudley's gave him their signature move as well before making simultaneous covers to get the very easy win.

Time of the match: 4:32

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: The Dudley Boyz just on a rampage in that one, and they really haven't been happy ever since Tazz and Spike Dudley beat them for the tag titles a couple of weeks ago on Smackdown.

Michael Hayes: Well, The Dudley Boyz get their chance to regain the WWF Tag Team Titles at the Royal Rumble, when they face Tazz and Spike Dudley in a rematch, and The Dudley Boyz could get their gold back, but I doubt that their mood will improve any.

Jim Cornette: Someone whose mood has improved lately, though, is Kidman. This popular and talented cruiserweight wrestler earned a shot at Tajiri and the WWF Cruiserweight Championship this past Thursday, with a victory over Chavo Guerrero Jr. A shot at championship gold has been a long time coming for this great wrestler, and here is what Kidman had to say about his championship opportunity.

We are taken to the interview area, where Kidman is standing

Kidman: That cruiserweight gold is as good as mine, I can feel it. Tajiri, you're a heck of wrestler, but I'm better than you, and I will beat you to become the new WWF Cruiserweight Champion. As for you Chavo Guerrero, I've heard the complaints you've been making about how I won the match. I won that match fair and square, and the only reason the referee was busy with you was because you tried to cheat, so if anyone is to blame for what happened, it's you, not me. Chavo, quit your crying, and get ready to watch me become the new WWF Cruiserweight Champion.

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: Kidman enthusiastic about his title opportunity, and he had some words of advice for Chavo Guerrero Jr as well.

Michael Hayes: Kidman is a tremendous wrestler, and much deserving of a shot at Tajiri's Cruiserweight title. He also had a message for Chavo Guerrero that I think Chavo should pay attention to; stop complaining, and get on with business. Kidman won the title shot, and I have no doubt that he'll make the most of it.

Jim Cornette: And Kidman's title shot against Tajiri will be taking place in the very near future. When we come back, we'll hear from Maven who will be in our main event, and we'll see The APA in action.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to see Maven standing with Sharmell Sullivan

Sharmell: Maven, later on tonight, you're in the Heat main event, and you'll be taking on Sean Stasiak.

Maven: Yeah. Stasiak is a good wrestler, and second generation one at that. He's obvious going to have learned a lot from his father, Stan 'The Man' Stasiak, and I've gotta watch out for that.

Sharmell: You've also begun to pick up a bit of a following lately. You're on a bit of a win streak, and the fans are responding to that. That's gotta be a boost.

Maven: (smiling/laughing) Yeah, it's something cool, I'll admit that. It's a bit strange though, I mean I'm just going out and wrestling, and doing my best, and the fans are starting to dig it. I'm pleased, obviously, and I'll do my best not to let anyone down.

Sharmell: Good luck in your match tonight. (smiles)

Maven: Thanks.

We return to the arena to the music of The APA. The crowd cheer loudly as this hard hitting duo make their entrance, and enter the ring. Their opponents are identified as Terry Raiden and Barry Joucho

Match three: The APA v Terry Raiden and Barry Joucho

This was another all action, one-sided affair, with The APA handing out a tremendous beating to their hapless foes. The highlights were Farrooq hitting Raiden with a spinebuster that saw Raiden literally bounce off the mat, and Bradshaw turning Joucho inside out with a running kick to the face. The fans cheered as The APA battered their opponents around the ring, and a loud cheer went up as Farrooq lifted Joucho up on his shoulder, and drove him hard into the mat with the Dominator, and the scored the win for The APA.

Time of the match: 3:48

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: The APA pick up the win, as they have an ongoing issue with Billy and Chuck, and that issue will continue on Raw, as Farrooq will take on Chuck in singles competition.

Michael Hayes: The APA and Billy and Chuck getting it on in recent weeks, and those two teams will have to watch out during the Royal Rumble match, as you might find a situation where one member of either team could find themselves alone with both members of their counterparts, and things could get very interesting then.

Jim Cornette: A two-on-one situation in the Royal Rumble will be interesting, and, of course, totally legal, so you could see Billy and Chuck beat up on Farrooq for as long as they want. Conversely, Farrooq and Bradshaw could be in for the time of their life, and get to beat up on Billy for as long as they like. The Royal Rumble match has so much intrigue and possiblity.

A video package airs, showcasing the enigmatic wrestler Raven. Set to his music, it highlights Raven's activities in the WWF. Raven is shown debuting back at Unforgiven in 2000, where he shows up through the crowd, and DDT's Jerry Lawler during his Strap match with Tazz, allowing Tazz to get the win. Raven is then shown DDT'ing a variety of wrestlers, in a number of different situations, including Jerry Lawler on the arena floor, and Hardcore Holly during a PPV match with William Regal. Raven is then shown battling a number of wrestlers over the Harcore Championship, and Raven's ingenuity is evident in these clips, as time and time again Raven escapes a multitude of bizarre and incredible situations with his Hardcore title intact. We move on to Backlash 2001, and Raven challengers Rhyno for the Harcore Championship, in a Hardcore match that many have called the best Hardcore match in WWF history. Moving on to the Invasion PPV in July of that year, we see Raven's interference allow Tazz to pin William Regal. The video package then ends with Raven taking on more competition, before fading to black as a bold silver/gray "Raven" graphic fills the screen, with the tagline underneath: "I Will Give Your Life Meaning"

Commercial Break

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: Raven is a very strange, and very unusual individual, and he made a big statement this past Thursday when he pinned Rikishi. We haven't seen much of Raven recently, but he made a splash on his return to Smackdown with his victory over Rikishi.

Michael Hayes: Rikishi not happy with losing to Raven, and he has issued an open challenge for a rematch, and Raven yet to answer that challenge, but I'm sure he will in due course.

Jim Cornette: Also this past Thursday, Test came to the aid of Lance Storm, and helped his compatriot get a non-title win over Intercontinental Champion Edge. Obviously, there is some sort of alliance between the two, maybe beyond one Canadian helping another out. We may find out more about why Test helped Lance, because both men are standing by right now.

We are taken to the backstage interview area, where Test and Lance Storm are standing

Test: You know, everyone wants to know why I helped Lance on Smackdown on Thursday. The thing is, I didn't help Lance in any way. I just wanted to inform the referee of a mistake he had made; Lance doesn't need my help, or any help, to defeat that punk Edge. And even if I had helped Lance, is there any reason I shouldn't have ? Except for Edge, who is quite obviously the fair haired favorite, Canadian's get a raw deal in the WWF. We all know what happened in Montreal a few years ago, and that's typical of the treatment Canadians get.

Lance Storm: And before anyone points out about Chris Jericho being Undisupted WWF Champion, let's look at the facts of how he got the title, and what led up to it. He got treated like a whipping boy leading up to Vengeance, with Rock, Austin and Angle all allowed to beat up on Chris before the event in question. Isn't that convenient, that the lone Canadian in the tournament is the only one to get beaten up by everyone else. And then the tournament itself. Austin and Angle were allowed to wrestle their match in peace, but Chris Jericho ? It seems strange that it's during his matches that all these unwanted shenanigans take place, and take attention away from Chris, and on to other people. Yes, Chris did win the tournament and become the new Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion, but look at where all the attention is; on other people. Even lately, all the attention has been on Angle or Triple H or The Rock. What about Chris ? What about me ? What about Test ? What about someone other than your chosen one, Edge.

Test: Yeah, Edge is the only Canadian around here that gets any real breaks, and we're tired of it. Edge, I don't know, or care, what you did to get your ride on easy street, but we're derailing it right here and now. Take a long look at your Intercontinental Title Edge, because we're taking it from you, one way or another.

Lance Storm: The Canadians are taking over, and it starts real soon. But don't blame us for what is about happen; blame yourselves.

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: Well, that was...er...interesting to say the least, and I have to say that I don't know where Test and Lance have gotten this idea what Canandian's get a raw deal in the World Wrestling Federation, especially when, by their own admission, Canadians hold the two top titles here in the WWF.

Michael Hayes: Our Intercontinental Champion is Canadian, as is the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation, and that seems like very strange discrimination to me. It seems to me like Test and Lance Storm have gotten wound up over their lack of recent title success, and are looking to blame anyone but themselves for their own misfortune.

Jim Cornette: In any event, I think every best look out, because there is no telling what Test and Lance Storm could do in order to 'fight back', as it were, for Canada. Speaking of Canadian champions in the WWF, the WWF Women's Champion is also Canadian, and that is Trish Stratus.

Michael Hayes: Someone else those two evidently forgot about.

Jim Cornette: This Canadian beauty, as well as being very easy on the eye, is also a fine Women's Champion, and right now here is a special look at our Canadian WWF Women's Champion.

A video package plays, highlighting the WWF Women's Champion, Trish Stratus. Set to her music, the package showcases Trish Stratus in all her voluptuous glory. The piece begins with shots of Trish in various small bikini's, lying on the shore of some exotic beach, the waves slowly washing over her. Slowly, however, shots of Trish in in-ring action begin to appear more and more, before they are all that is shown, and the pace of the music picks up. Trish is shown battling Lita, Ivory, and others in the ring, and her athletic ability is clearly in evidence as Trish executes a number of impressive looking moves, as well as some great martial arts kicks. We cut to shots of the six-way womens match at Survivor Series last November, and while all six women look great, Trish is the star of the match, and, after a Stratusfaction Bulldog on Jazz, Stratus wins the match to become the new WWF Women's Champion. As the video package ends, we see a few more clips of Stratus in her matches, and some shots of her wearing a sexy looking two-piece bikini, as she lays seductively on a beach. The video piece ends with a shot of Stratus on the beach, and the picture fading to black, with a bold red Trish Stratus graphic filling the screen

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: Trish Stratus is a beauty out of the ring, but in the ring, don't let her looks fool you. She is as deadly in the ring as she is beautiful out of it, and that's a big reason why Trish Stratus is the WWF Women's Champion.

Michael Hayes: Trish Stratus is a great womens champion, and I thnk she could be the Womens' Champion for some time to come.

Jim Cornette: When we come back, it's our main event, with Maven taking on Sean Stasiak.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to see Sean Stasiak entering the ring, and posing in a corner, to light booing from the crowd. The theme from Tough Enough blares out, heralding the arrival of Maven, and the crowd respond with some really good cheering. Maven is happy to be wrestling in front of this large crowd, and enters the ring with an ethusiastic smile on his face

Match four: Maven v Sean Stasiak

This was a fine contest, with both men showing some good stuff, but with Maven clearly the superior talent. The opening exchanges were fluid, with Stasiak using his slight edge in experience, and some cheating, to gain the early advantage. Maven was undaunted though, and, with the support of the crowd, turned the tide in his favor, and never looked back. Maven flew around the ring, keeping Stasiak off balance, and unable to counter Maven's offence. The crowd cheered as Maven knocked Stasiak head over heels with a flying clothesline off the top rope. Maven climbed back to the top, and as Stasiak pulled himself to his feet, Maven leapt off the top with beautiful looking high crossbody, crashing into Stasiak, and scoring the three count.

Time of the match: 6:43

The crowd applauded as the referee raised Maven's hand, and this rookie sensation posed in a corner, taking in his much deserved adulation.

Back at the commentary table

Jim Cornette: Maven picks up the win again, and this hot rookie is starting a winning streak it seems in the WWF.

Michael Hayes: Maven is a great rookie, always looking to learn things, and he's got a bright future ahead of him in the World Wrestling Federation.

Jim Cornette: He sure does. That brings us to the end of another Heat for this week, and we now head into the home stretch before the Royal Rumble next Sunday. Chris Jericho and The Rock are on a collison course over the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship, and they might have yet another explosive confrontation on Raw this Monday. Kurt Angle and Triple H both set to compete in the Royal Rumble match, and if they find themselves in the ring together, I don't know if even the Rumble can contain their hostility.

Michael Hayes: Not only that, we've got people coming out from all over to enter the Royal Rumble match, and try and win a shot at the Undisputed Championship at WrestleMania. We saw about Val Venis earlier, and you have to believe that there will be more people returning or debuting at the Rumble, just for the opportunity to get a shot at the Undisputed Championship; that's how hot the competition is for that prestigious championship.

Jim Cornette: It's all starting to happen as we head towards the Royal Rumble. Don't miss Raw on Monday people, because I have a feeling it's going to be something special. So long everyone.

End Credits

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Haven't had a chance to respond to this yet, but I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. All of you are definately backing up the Best Damn Diary split title and I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. I have to say I'm a bit partial to Vince Russo so far in terms of writing, but that's probably because he's done more shows to progress the storylines moreso than JHS and TGC. Once JHS and TGC have progressed as much as VR has this will definately be something I won't want to miss out on. Great job so far, keep up the good work!

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Guest Vince Russo

WWF Monday Night Raw - January 14th 2002

A series of clips, set to dramatic music, highlight the most recent happenings in the WWF. We see clips of Triple H making his big return to the WWF last week on Raw, only for Kurt Angle to attack him from behind, and leave him laying with a Pedigree on a steel chair. We then skip to Smackdown, and we see both men in seperate interviews, entering themselves into the Royal Rumble match, and vowing to teach the other a lesson. Also on Smackdown, we see Chris Jericho pinning Kane in a non-title match, and then getting attacked by The Rock, and then barely escaping getting hit with The People's Elbow. Finally, we see Vince McMahon and Randy Savage ganging up on Ric Flair, before the lights go out, and, when they go back up, Sting! is in the ring, and the crowd go ballistic as Sting and Flair clean house on Vince and Randy

The Raw introduction sequence plays, showing a revolving series of clips of the numerous wrestlers on the WWF roster, as well as other non-wrestling personalities, such as Ric Flair and Vince McMahon. The camera then switches to a wide shot of the arena where Raw is taking place, and we see a sea of fans, waving signs and screaming at the top of their lungs. Finally, we pan down the announce position, where we see Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler sitting at ringside

Jim Ross: Welcome to an action packed Raw ladies and gentleman, and we come to you hot on the heels of one of the wildest weeks in World Wrestling Federation history, and King, Vince McMahon and Randy Savage, and the world, found out who Ric Flair's partner would be for their tag match at the Royal Rumble, and Sting is here in the World Wrestling Federation.

Jerry Lawler: That's right JR, Sting is in the WWF, and will team with Ric Flair to take on Vince McMahon and Randy Savage. I didn't think anyone would want to team with Flair, but Sting does, and I can't believe it. Sting, here in the World Wrestling Federation. I never saw it coming.

Jim Ross: Neither did McMahon or Savage, and we're going to hear from all four men later on in tonight's program. Also, as the road to the Royal Rumble progresses, our main event will see Chris Jericho and The Rock, who square off for the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship this Sunday, on opposite sides of the ring, as Jericho and Lance Storm take on The Rock and the Intercontinental Champion, Edge.

Jerry Lawler: And Jericho isn't happy with The Rock, after The People's Champion tried to use The People's Elbow on him this past Thursday on Smackdown.

Jim Ros: Two more people who aren't happy, and are on a collision course, maybe as soon as this Sunday, are Triple H and Kurt Angle. The Game's big return last week was spoiled when Angle attacked him from behind, and used Triple H's own signature move, The Pedigree, on a steel chair to knock The Game out cold. This past Thursday, though, Triple H had a lot to say about the matter, and he has entered himself into the Royal Rumble match.

Jerry Lawler: The Game also had words for Chris Jericho and Stone Cold Steve Austin, and both of those men have yet to respond, but you can bet they will.

Jim Ross: Kurt Angle has also entered himself into the Rumble match, and you gotta believe King, that if those two find themselves in the ring together this Sunday, then fireworks are going to go off, and I don't know what could happen then.

Jerry Lawler: No ring can contain the hatred that Triple H is developing for Angle, and those two could fight all night long on Sunday.

Jim Ross: The Royal Rumble this Sunday promises to be huge, and the road to it begins here tonight on Raw.

The cheesy music of Billy and Chuck blares out, and the strange tag team make their way out to solid booing from this sold out crowd. Billy and Chuck writhe and grind around each other, much to the annoyance of the fans, as they walk to the ring. As Chuck enters the ring, Billy brings up the rear, and as Chuck readies for his match, Billy rubs his ass. The hard pounding music of The APA hits, and the crowd cheers loudly as The APA walk out. This physical duo march to the ring, and Bradshaw immediately attacks Billy at ringside, while Farroow rolls into the ring, and he and Chuck begin to fight

Match one: Farrooq v Chuck

This was a fairly basic match, with nothing too flashy, as both men really just punched and kicked away at each other. The fans were still into the action though, as they cheered the tough-guy Farrooq as he beat up on Chuck. Chuck was overwhelmed initially, and it wasn't until Billy tripped Farrooq from the the floor that Chuck was able to get a break, as he nailed Farrooq with a discuss punch, knocking him down. Chuck kept up the attack on Farrooq, using eye rakes and the like to keep him down, and distracting the referee so Billy could get in some cheap shots. Bradshaw's attempts at curtailing this, while commendable, also allowed Billy and Chuck to briefly double-team Farrooq, as the referee tried to get Bradshaw to stay in his corner. This irrated the crowd, but the cheating of Billy and Chuck would lead to the end of the match. Billy distracted the referee, and hopped up onto the apron to grab Farrooq from behind. Chuck hit the ropes, and went to hit Farrooq with a high knee, but Farrooq ducked, and Billy got hit, and fell to the floor. As Chuck looked on in horror, Bradshaw clothesline Billy silly, and Chuck turned back to the ring, and right into a sidewalk slam from Farrooq. Farrooq hooked the leg and got the pin, much to the delight of the hot crowd.

Time of the match: 6:39

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: Farrooq gets the win, as the double teaming of Billy and Chuck backfired on them in the end, and these two teams continue to butt heads.

Jerry Lawler: Well, Billy and Chuck like that sort of thing. Farrooq gets the win, but I get the feeling that these two teams will meet again.

Jim Ross: Speaking of meeting, last week here on Raw, Christian met Diamond Dallas Page for the European Championship. Page had the match won...

Jerry Lawler: I wouldn't go that far, JR.

Jim Ross: Well, he did have Christian down and out with the Diamond Cutter, and everyone was under the impression he had the match and the title won, before William Regal decided to interject himself into things, and knocked Page out with brass knuckles.

Jerry Lawler: Regal did explain himself over that; he just didn't want Page to win the title because he's so uncouth, and I can see that.

Jim Ross: In any event, Regal also made it clear that he wants to be the one to take the European Championship from Christian, and as you can imagine, Christian has something to say to Regal about that.

We are taken to the backstage interview area, where Christian is standing, and holding the European Championship title belt

Christian: So William Regal wants to be the man to take the European Championship from my sculpted waist ? As if it wasn't bad enough having to defend against that goofball Diamond Dallas Page, and I would have won the match regardless of Regal's interference, I have to deal with some blue blood wannabe. William Regal, the only thing you'll be presenting to the Queen of England is excuses, because there is no way you're taking my European Championship. You made all this noise about you having to hold this belt because you're European, well you need to get a clue Willy, because I'm Canadian, and Canada is part of the Commonwealth, which, as you should know, is headed by your Queen. And the only wrestler around here who is going to present the European Championship to the Queen of England is me. What do you think about that, ya big dick ? Get it ? Willy/dick ? (laughs hysterically) Regal, you won't get my title, and at the Royal Rumble, you'll get your shot, and you'll lose, like it or lump it. As for you DDP, you've had your chance, and you'll get no more, so smile about that one you idiot.

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: It's safe to say that Christian feels he had his match with DDP won last week, and he clearly didn't appreciate William Regal's interference one bit.

Jerry Lawler: I'm torn between the two JR, because I think both men would make great European Champions. Christian is brash and cocky, and I like that, but William Regal carries himself with dignity and respect, which is how a champion should handle himself. I guess we'll find out who the better man is at the Rumble this Sunday, when Regal gets his chance to become the European Champion.

Jim Ross: Let's not forget Diamond Dallas Page. I'm sure he's going to have an interest in that match.

Jerry Lawler: Please, let's forget about DDP. He had his chance, and he came up short. DDP is old news as far as the European Championship title picture is concerned.

Jim Ross: I doubt that DDP feels the same way. In any event, the Royal Rumble is in six days, and the main event is the Royal Rumble match itself, where the winner gets a title shot in the main event of WrestleMania XVIII in March. Some big names have been coming out of the woodwork to enter the Rumble, such is the lure of headlining WrestleMania, and we've got word that a pretty big name is making his return to the WWF, and will be in the Royal Rumble.

Some familiar fanfare plays, and a bold graphic, in regal looking font, appears on screen: Mr Perfect. Set to his classic theme music, a video highlight package showcases the illustrious career of this legendary wrestler. We see Mr Perfect debuting in the WWF, and score win after win with the Perfectplex. Mr Perfect Perfectplexes his way to the Intercontinental Championship, with a win over Tito Santana. Continuing the package, we see a clip of Mr Perfect using a hammer to smash up the old WWF Championship title belt, and Hulk Hogan holding the remains of the belt, and crying. We also see Mr Perfect battling The Bossman at WrestleMania VII, over the Intercontinental Championship. We fast forward through to Survivor Series 1992, where Mr Perfect comes out of retirement, and teams with Randy Savage to take on Ric Flair and Razor Ramon. Mr Perfect is subsequently shown battling Ric Flair, Bret Hart and Lex Luger in singles action, and all three fall victim to the Perfecplex. We then see clips of Mr Perfect as a guest referee at WM X, and he costs Lex Luger the WWF Title when he rightfully disqualifies him. We then move on to late-1996, and Mr Perfect is shown embracing Triple H, as the two outsmart the dull witted Marc Mero to allow Triple H to become the Intercontinental Champion. Clips are then shown of Mr Perfect in World Championship Wrestling. We see him smashing a cage door into the face of Ric Flair, winning the United States Heavyweight Champion by beating some clod, and even pulling off a Perfectplex on The Giant. Mr Perfect is shown taking on a variety of opponents, and each one goes down to the Perfectplex. As the video package fades to black, we see opponent after opponent getting pinned with the Perfectplex, and the package ends with the Mr Perfect graphic from the beginning

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: Mr Perfect is coming back to the World Wrestling Federation, and is going to be a part of the 30-man Royal Rumble match, and, King, I know that you're very familiar with Mr Perfect.

Jerry Lawler: I sure am JR. I've wrestled Mr Perfect many times, and I know first hand just how, well, perfect, he is in the ring. He's a multiple time Intercontinental Champion, and former United States Heavyweight Champion, and I think he could be a real dark horse in this years Royal Rumble.

Jim Ross: Mr Perfect is undoubtedly a legend in the sport of wrestling, and just one of many wrestlers who have thrown their name into the hats so to speak, and who have entered this years Royal Rumble, for a chance to win a shot at the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship in the main event of WrestleMania XVIII.

The hard guitar riffs of Crash Holly blare out, and solid booing goes up as the former Cruiserweight and Hardcore Champion walks out. This ever grumpy individual is as surly as ever as he stomps to the ring, and when he does enter the ring he immediately begins to argue with the referee. The Japanese music of Tajiri hits, and big cheers go up as the WWF Cruiserweight Champion makes his entrance, accompanied by his girlfriend Torrie Wilson. This popular wrestler and his hot girlfriend are cheered as they walk to the ring, and Tajiri holds the ropes open so Torrie can enter the ring. This popular couple pose again, and the crowd respond with more cheers

Match two: WWF Cruiserweight Champion Tajiri v Crash- Non-Title

This was a fine match, with Tajiri dominating things, and Crash only really providing token offense. Tajiri blitzed his foe with a variety of his awesome martial arts kicks, that reverberated throughout the arena, and the crowd applauded. Also wowing the crowd was Tajiri's explosive handspring elbow, which saw Crash stumble out of the corner, and get struck in the jaw by a thrust kick from Tajiri. Crash got a bit of a break after poking Tajiri in the eye, and hit a powerslam, which got a two count. But Tajiri was soon back into the match, countering an attempted powerbomb with a hurrcanrana, and then hitting a spin kick, which knocked Crash head over heels. Tajiri eyed up his foe, and as Crash stumbled to his feet, Tajiri dropped him to his knees with a kick to the gut, and swiftly followed up with a Buzzsaw Kick to the head, and Crash was knocked cold. Tajiri covered, and got the three count.

Time of the match: 5:28

As the crowd applauded the win, Tajiri and Torrie continued to pose, which the crowd ate up.

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: Tajiri getting the win, and the Cruiserweight Champion is very popular here in the WWF, but he's got a big challenge ahead of him real soon, in the form of Kidman, who earned a title shot against Tajiri on Smackdown last Thursday.

Jerry Lawler: Hey, Kidman wouldn't have beaten Chavo Guerrero to get that shot without distracting the referee, so Chavo should be getting the title shot, not Kidman.

Jim Ross: Be that as it may, Kidman is getting the title chance, and not Chavo Guerrero.

Jerry Lawler: Well, it stinks JR.

Jim Ross: Go complain to Flair or McMahon then. When we come back, we'll hear from one of the more unique wrestlers in the World Wrestling Federation, and then it will be Albert taking on The Undertaker.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to a shot of what appears to be the lower depths of the arena where Raw is taking place. There are pipes everywhere, and lots of poles, chains, and other such equipment strewn around. The camera pans around this setting, and it truly is dark, dank, and depressing. The shot then moves to the darkest and most shadowy corner, where Raven is sitting. With his knees pulled up, and his arms resting across his legs, Raven's hands are clasped together, and he appears to be deep in thought. Raven sighs heavily, before raising his head to face the camera

Raven: Rejected by my mother. Beaten by the man who sired me. The formative years of my life were filled with pain, hardship, and trauma. Adulthood was little better, with pain at every corner. From the city of barbed wire to the town of the damned, I felt pain with every breath, every day and every night. (smiles) And it felt good. (laughs slightly) It felt good, and I wanted more. You see, as I travelled up and down the highways of life, I came away from all of my experiences, all of my troubles, all of my pains, with one clear lesson burned into my brain; a life without pain has no meaning. My life has had tremendous meaning thus far, and now, I intend to give meaning to the lives of everyone in the World Wrestling Federation. I see people around me with laughter in their faces, songs in their hearts, and it sickens and saddens me. It sickens and saddens me for the same reason; I see people whose lives have no meaning, and no direction, and I pity them, for they clearly have not had a life like mine, with meaning. And the meaning I intend to give people is one that shall be great indeed. For giving people meaning has always something that I've enjoyed, savored, and relished. Quoth the Raven, nevermore.

Raven smiles again, and begins to laugh madly as the camera pulls away, and fades to black

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: (visibly shudders) Raven gives me the creeps, King. That individual is off-balanced to say the least, and I really don't like what he to say about giving lives meaning. What do you think he meant by that ?

Jerry Lawler: I think Raven is sick and depraved, that's what I think. As for this talk about giving lives meaning, it can only mean bad news for everyone. We all know, me especially, what this guy is like, and what he thinks, and if this guy is looking to 'give meaning' to our lives, we'd best all watch out.

Jim Ross: Raven is one sick puppy, and I don't like what he could do around here.

The music of Albert blares out, and this large and imposing wrestler makes his entrance to some decent cheers. Albert moves a little gingerly, still feeling the effects of the attack he suffered at the hands of The Undertaker on Smackdown last Thursday. Albert enters the ring, and briefly stretches on the ropes. The slow pounding music of The Undertaker, and loud and resounding boos and jeers echo through the arena as The Undertaker comes riding out the back on his motorcycle. With the Hardcore Title belt slung around his neck as always, the Hardcore Champion rides to the ring, and circles around it once, before stopping his bike just to the side of the aisleway, near the ring. Undertaker climbs off his bike, and enters the ring, and tosses his Hardcore Title belt at Albert. Albert catches the belt, but this allows Undertaker to hit Albert in the face with a hard right hand, knocking him down

Match three: WWF Hardcore Champion The Undertaker v Albert - Non-Title

This was a flat out destruction job by The Undertaker. The Undertaker pounded away on a stunned Albert with hard rights and lefts, before quickly whipping him into the ropes and knocking him down with a boot to the face. Undertaker swiftly hit the ropes, and brought a big elbow down onto the chest of Albert. Undertaker made a cover, but pulled Albert up at the one count. Undertaker whipped Albert into the corner and followed up with a hard clothesline, and as Albert staggered out, Undertaker hit the ropes again and hit Albert with a running boot to the face. Undertaker just looked down at Albert, who was fighting to get up, and shook his head. Undertaker gruffly pulled Albert up, and set him up for the Last Ride powerbomb. Undertaker took one last breath, and, in a tremendous display of strength, Undertaker powered Albert up in a Last Ride, and dropped him hard to the mat. Undertaker looked down at Albert, who was out of it, casually placed a boot on his chest, and dismissively told the referee to make the three count. The refereee complied, and the crowd booed as The Undertaker celebrated his overwhelming victory.

Time of the match: 4:04

As Undertaker looked down at Albert, he shook his head, and grabbed Albert's throat. He pulled Albert up, who could barely stand, and planted him in the ring with a big chokeslam. Undertaker sneered as the crowd booed and jeered loudly, and he posed against the ropes. As Undertaker jawed with the crowd, a cheer went up as Kane charged to the ring, and, when Undertaker turned around, Kane slugged his brother in the jaw. Undertaker was shaken, and Kane followed up with a barrage of punches, which sent Undertaker scurrying from the ring. Kane stood in the ring and looked at his brother, who stumbled back up the ramp, with a look of shock on his face. Kane raised his arms and brought them down hard, and fireworks shot up from all four corners. The crowd cheered loudly as Kane and Undertaker engaged in a staredown, with Undertaker still looking shocked.

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: The Undertaker just took Albert apart with a destructive performance, but the real story was Kane making an appearance after the match, and the Brothers Of Destruction appear to be on a collision course.

Jerry Lawler: Kane must be even more insane than usual to want a piece of The Undertaker. He already angered his brother by pinning him last week in that tag match, but to keep this up, and attacking him like this is beyond insane. Kane is biting off way more than he can chew if he's spoiling for a confrontation with his brother.

Jim Ross: Regardless, Kane and The Undertaker are going to collide sooner or later, and that may take place during the Royal Rumble match, as both men will be part of it. Of course, the Royal Rumble takes place this Sunday, and one of the top matches will see Ric Flair and Sting of all people take on Vince McMahon and Randy Savage. This match has had a lot of impact and emotion going into it, and when we come back, we're going to have all four men in the ring. There won't be any physical action, as everyone involved has signed a legal agreement that there will be no physical happenings tonight. However, what is going to happen is that all four men are going to be given the time and the leeway to express their feelings heading into the tag match, and this is sure to be interesting viewing.

Jerry Lawler: I hope the network censors have their fingers ready, because I think there could be more than a few choice words said tonight.

Jim Ross: It could be explosive, as all four men have a lot of history. Don't miss this one.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to No Chance In Hell, and the arena is filled with thunderous booing and jeering as Vince McMahon and Randy Savage walk out. Both men have microphones in hand, and look very intense and ready to explode as they make their way to the ring. Vince and Randy enter the ring, and they begin to talk as the crowd stand in anticipation of the arrival of Ric Flair and Sting. Ric Flair's music hits, and the arena erupts into whoo's and screams as Ric Flair and Sting walk out. Both men get a tremendous ovation as they walk to the ring, with Flair strutting his way down the aisle, and Sting pausing every so often so scream out in his traditional fashion. As they enter the ring, they too carry microphones, and they size up Vince and Randy. After a bit of off-mic trash talking, Vince decides to be the one to start

Vince McMahon: We made this time for ourselves Ric to get a few things clear; to get things off our chests so to speak. And being that this is my company...

Ric Flair: We both own this company Vince, don't forget that pal.

Vince McMahon: (looks annoyed) Don't remind me; it keeps me up at night just thinking about having to share this company, that I built, with someone like you. Nevertheless, I think I should be the one to start this, and I'm going to start with you Flair. Don't worry Sting, I'll get to you in a minute. (Sting smiles, and shakes his head) Ric Flair, you make me sick. The way you snuck in the backdoor like a snake to steal half of my company away from me makes me sick. The predatory way that you stalked my naive children, and duped them into selling you their half of the WWF sickened me. I hate you...

Ric Flair: Did you have this conversation with yourself as you put promoter after promoter out of business back in the 80's ? (Vince's eyes bulge out) If you want to talk about being a snake in the grass, that's great, because you know all about being one yourself. If it upsets you that I own half of the World Wrestling Federation, then maybe you shouldn't take your eye off the ball next time. All I did was take advantage of one of the biggest mistakes you've made, outside of botching what you did with WCW and ECW. (the crowd "ooooh", and Vince looks like he's about to explode)

Vince McMahon: Mistakes like how you let some hack shave your head, and how you allowed your son to embarrass the family name on national television ? (the crowd "ooooh", and Flair takes a deep breath as he tries to compose himself) You're not the only one who go low Flair. I can do it too, and do it a damn sight better than you. Ric Flair, it sickens me that you own half the company that I built, the company that I made into a worldwide brand name. That's why, this Sunday at the Royal Rumble, it's going to give a me great pleasure to beat your brains out, live on pay-per-view. And not only that, I know for a fact that the Macho Man is going to enjoy it too, maybe even more.

Randy Savage: Ric Flair...(goes eye-to-eye with Flair)...I hate your filthy stinking guts. Everyone knows that I think Hulk Hogan is the slimiest snake that ever lived, but you Ric Flair are lower than slime; you're dog *bleep* (the crowd "ooooh", and Flair tilts his head and shakes it) You took Liz from me, you sonofoabitch. You killed her you self-centered scumbag, and left an empty shell in her place, and I will never forgive you for that. You took The First Lady Of Wrestling, a woman with class and dignity, and you killed her. You took her away from me and from everyone who knew her, and turned her into a money grabbing slut. (the crowd "ooooh", and Flair shakes his head)

Ric Flair: You need to quit the crying and bitching, and wake up to the fact that maybe I just turned her into the woman she always was to begin with. And if you want to refer to Liz as a slut, then that's right on the money pal, because I've got Rip Oliver's number, and he'll tell everyone about what kind of woman Liz was back in the day, back before you met her, when she got passed around like a cigarette. (the crowd "ooooh", and Vince has to restrain Savage, who is bursting to get at Flair, who just smirks)

Randy Savage: You'd know about sluts Ric. How many did you go through on the road while your wife was at home taking care of your bastard child ? (the crowd "ooooh" once again, and it's Flair who now looks like he is about go nuts, and Sting holds him back)

Vince McMahon: Gentleman, I think that's quite enough of that kind of thing, I mean, I don't want this getting personal, because that's not the kind of thing I want on my flagship program. I think we've heard a lot from both Ric and Randy, and I think that I, and everyone would like to hear from the man called Sting.

The crowd cheer, and begin a huge "Sting!" chant

Sting: Vince, you tried to get me into the WWF for 10 years and failed at every turn, but Flair succeeded on the first attempt. That has really got to put a crimp on your day. (Vince looks a little angry at that remark, and is visibly trying to compose himself) That's what respect can get you, because I respect Ric. I respect everything he has done for this sport, and everything he has accomplished in the ring. But Vince ? I don't respect you; not one bit. I could never respect a man who deliberately put companies out of business, and took food off the tables of children, and that's what you've done Vince, and did just last year with WCW.

Vince McMahon: And I'd do it again in a hearbeat, so I can protect the company I made, and the people that work for me.

Sting: I'm sure they love working for a guy who took food out of the mouths of kids, and probably put people on the street. You wanna know why I stayed with WCW for almost my entire career ? Why I never made the jump to the WWF ? It's because Eric Bischoff made a much better boss than you ever will. (the crowd "ooooh", and Vince really looks like he's about to lose it now) And at least he still has his own hair. I mean, how many damned hair pieces have you worn Vince ? (Vince takes off his jacket and throws it down, and begins to scream and yell at Sting) Yelling is my thing Vince, so shut the hell up before I sue you for gimmick infringement. (Sting laughs and Flair does too as Vince looks like he's about to have a full blown seizure)

Randy Savage: You think ya funny, don't ya Sting ? (Sting nods). What's funnier is how the guy you broke into the business with made more money than you ever did, and was a worldwide star, while you were some chump with a regional outfit. How does that feel Sting ?

Sting: It feels good, because at least I didn't go nuts from sticking needles in my ass. I can look at myself in the mirror every morning with a clear conscience. That guy can't. All he can do is babble his brains out on the internet. I'm still in this sport, and he isn't, because nobody with brains will book the guy. I guess that means you'll be bringing him next week, right Vince ?

Vince McMahon: (Vince shakes his head, and looks furious) I'd rather hire Hulk Hogan back than use that fruitcake. Look, this has gotten off the beaten track; we're meant to talk about our match this Sunday, so let's get to that, so I can get out of this deadbeat town, and away from the two of you.

Ric Flair: Seems to me like things are getting too hot for you Vince. Can't you take a little heat ?

Vince McMahon: I can take plenty of heat; I made the Feds blink back in '94, and I'll be damned if I'll let the two of you get the better of me, either here tonight or next Sunday during our match. And because I started this thing off, I'm going to end it right now, with a few parting words for you two. I...

Sting: Get on with it Vince; the first two rows are getting bored with your voice, and so am I.

The crowd laugh, and Vince's face reddens dramatically.

Vince McMahon: Ok, to hell with this crap, and to hell with the two of you. This Sunday, Randy and I are going to tear you two apart. And guess what ? I'm making our tag match a Streetfight, and there isn't a thing you two can do about it. (Vince angrily throws his mic down, as does Randy Savage, and Vince motions for him to leave, and the pair leave the ring)

Ric Flair: Add all the sipulations you want Vince, because the end result is the same; I'll make you tap like the bitch that you are to the figure four, and Sting has the Scorpion Deathlock for you Macho Man.

Sting: It's showtime, folks.

Sting's music plays, and the crowd cheer and scream as Sting poses in a corner, and Ric Flair stares a hole through Vince McMahon, and Randy Savage has a look of pure hatred in his eyes, and it is directed straight at Ric Flair

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: (look stunned) .....well, that was....interesting; I don't know really what else to add after that.

Jim Ross: (has a look of disbelief on his face) I never thought things would get that heated or personal. I mean, we heard some stuff tonight that I think crossed the line. I know everyone had a lot to say, to get off their chest, but a lot of what was said should have been left in the back. I know that there was also an element of wanting to hype their tag match, but this.....this was too far. The personal stuff was too much, and I wish it hadn't have happened. I really don't.

Jim Ross: Well, it has happened, and I would like to apologise to anyone, especially Miss Elizabeth if she's watching, if they were offended by what was said tonight, and I would like to believe that something like this won't happen again, but with people has highly strung as those four, who can tell what might happen in the future. We'll be right back.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to see Rob Van Dam in the interview area, ready to be interviewed by Jonathan Coachman

Coach: Rob Van Dam, the Royal Rumble match is this Sunday on pay-per-view, where the winner headlines WrestleMania XVIII challenging for the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship. You're entered into Rumble, and you're considered a bit of a favorite by a lot of people.

Rob Van Dam: Dude, of course I'm a favorite. Have you seen the trail I've blazed in the WWF since I arrived ? Whether it's Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, or The Undertaker, I've smoked all the top names, and everyone knows that. This Sunday at the Royal Rumble, things will be no different as far as RVD is concerned.

Coach: The Royal Rumble is unlike any other match you've been in RVD; this will be your first time after all.

Rob Van Dam: (looks confused) This won't be my first ti.....(a smile spreads on RVD's face) Oh, you meant about the Rumble match. Yeah, it might be my first Rumble, but that doesn't bother RVD one bit. You see, RVD can adapt to any situation, any match, no matter the rules or stipulations. This Rumble might be my first, but I'll still fly as high as ever, because I love to get high, and come crashing down with a Five Star Frog Splash on anyone who gets in my way.

Coach: You'll have to be careful when you go the top Rob, because if someone pushes you down to the floor, you'll be eliminated from the Rumble.

Rob Van Dam: (looks a little disappointed) Dude, that would be a bummer. (smiles again) But I don't think about stuff like that Coach. I only think positive thoughts, because it helps my qi.

Coach: (looks puzzles) Your qi ?

Rob Van Dam: Yeah, my qi, my life force. Dude, you really need to get metaphysical someday. It'll really help your life. You might score with the ladies then.

Coach: Well, actually, I score pretty well with the.....

Rob Van Dam: Dude, if life were like soccer, like they play over in England, the only thing you'd be scoring is an own goal. You know, because you'd be.....

Coach: (looking embarrassed and humiliated) Yeah, I get it. Thanks.

Rob Van Dam: Dude, no problem. Look, I'd love to stay and chat, but I gotta go (wink) play soccer. I gotta feeling I'm gonna score.

Van Dam turns and leaves, smiling widely, while Coach just stares at the ground, kicking his feet, and mumbling about how can score

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: Well, RVD certainly likes his chances in this years Royal Rumble, what do you think King ?

Jerry Lawler: I think Coach has never played soccer in his life. Rob Van Dam is very popular, I'll give him that, but I don't think his aerial style is going to help him in the Rumble. In fact, it could hurt him, because most of his big moves require Van Dam to go to the top rope, and if he puts a foot wrong, or someone give him a shove, Van Dam is out of the Rumble, and he can say goodbye to his dreams of main eventing WrestleMania this year.

Jim Ross: Two men who are also in the Royal Rumble match are Stone Cold Steve Austin and Booker T. It was Booker T who cost Stone Cold his chance to become the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion at Vengeance last month, by using a title belt to knock Austin out. They crossed swords as part of an eight-man tag on Smackdown a couple of weeks ago, and last week on Smackdown Booker T issued a challenge to Austin, for a one-on-one match this Thursday on Smackdown.

Jerry Lawler: And Austin responded in his typically disrespectful manner by attacking Booker T. Booker didn't do anything to warrant any attack.

Jim Ross: Apart from costing Austin the Undisputed Championship.

Jerry Lawler: That was last month JR; last year even. Austin should let that go, and move on.

Jim Ross: (shakes his head) Be that as it may, this Thursday on Smackdown will see Booker T and Steve Austin go one-on-one, and here is a special look at what should be a great match.

Set to dramatic music, this video package showcases both Booker T and Stone Cold Steve Austin, and what has led to their showdown on Smackdown. We see Austin wrestling Chris Jericho at Vengeance to determine the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship. Austin has Jericho down, but the referee is out. Suddenly, Booker T his the ring and, using one of the title belts, knocks Austin out, allowing Jericho to pin Austin, and become Undisputed Champion. The next night on Raw, Austin gets a rematch with Jericho, this time in a steel cage. Once again, Austin has the match won, but again Booker T intereferes to cost him the Undisputed Championship. This leads to a First Blood match between Austin and Booker just ten days later on Smackdown, one month ago. Despite Austin having the match practically won, more unfortunate shenanigans lead to Booker T getting a totally undeserved win. Then, on the last Smackdown of the year 2001, Austin takes on Booker T and The Bossman in a handicap match. Despite battling valiantly, and having the match within his reach, the two-on-one disadvantage proves too much, and a distraction by The Bossman allows Booker to hit a jumping ax kick to pick up the shocking pinfall win. After a further confrontation during an eight-man tag, Booker T calls out Stone Cold on Smackdown last Thursday, and challenges him to a singles match on the upcoming edition of Smackdown. Austin responds by coming out, and kicking Booker T around before Booker hurries from the ring. Austin then, in his own amusing fashion, along with some crowd participation, accepts the challenge, much to the delight of the crowd. We then cut to some brief words from both men:

Booker T: Stone Cold, this Thursday on Smackdown, I'm putting our issue to rest, and I'm gonna do that by pinning your shoulders to the mat. Now can you dig that, Sucka ?

Steve Austin: Booker T, you look, walk and talk like a jackass, and on Smackdown, you'll get treated like a jackass, and that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so ?

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: Both men are looking to settle their score on Smackdown, but I don't know that that will be the case, considering that Booker did cost Austin the chance to become the first ever Undisputed World Champion.

Jerry Lawler: Austin needs to get over what happened last year. and move on with his life. The Royal Rumble is this Sunday, and if Austin is thinking about Booker T too much, he might find himself coming up short at the Rumble, and then he'll miss out on a chance to main event WrestleMania XVIII.

Jim Ross: That is true, and I don't think Austin would be too happy if he came up short in the Rumble.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to see a wild and chaotic scene. In a locker room area, a swarm of road agents and officials are desperately trying to keep Kurt Angle and Triple H apart. Already, the locker room has been laid to waste, with chairs, tables and all sorts of equipment having been upended during Angle and Triple H's wild brawl, and the attempt to pry them apart. Both men are still kicking away, despite being in the grip of a half-a-dozen officials each. Triple H is screaming at Kurt for, "ruining my moment", while Kurt just retorts with a variety of corse insults. Hunter breifly breaks free from the agents holding him back, and he launches himself at Angle. The two men roll around on the ground, punching away at each other furiously, before agents and officials once again seperate them. They are pulled away in opposite directions, but then Kurt Angle breaks away, and dives for Triple H. Angle takes Hunter down, and begins pounding away at him. Hunter scrambles around, and is eventually able to push Angle off of him, and proceeds to punch away at Angle, before the agents once again seperate the two men. This time, both men actually are hauled off in different directions, and finally seperated. As they are taken away, one agent is overheard remarking to another, "Why couldn't they just wait for next month ?"

Back at the commentary table

Jim Ross: That wild and chaotic scene you just saw happened during the commercial break, as the bad blood between Kurt Angle and Triple H spilled over into total chaos. And you heard someone talk about not waiting until next month, well, even though No Way Out, our February pay-per-view, is over a month away, and the Royal Rumble hasn't happened, Kurt Angle and Triple H have signed to face each other in one-on-one competion, and that match will take place at No Way Out.

Jerry Lawler: What does this mean for the Royal Rumble ? What happens if either man wins ? What happens then JR ?

Jim Ross: I have no idea King, but I would assume that that would get taken care off after the Royal Rumble this Sunday. Nothing like this has happened before, so I don't know how this will get handled. I guess we'll just have to wait see, like the rest of the fans. Well, we'll take another commercial time-out, and then it's main event time, as Chris Jericho and Lance Strom take on The Rock and Edge.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to a quiet arena. Rob Zombie blares out, and loud cheers go up as Edge, the Intercontinental Champion, comes bounding out enthusiastically. Edge storms down the aisle, with the Intercontinental Championship belt around his waist. Edge slides into the ring, and poses in a corner to more cheers, as he brandishes his Intercontinental title belt. The Rock's music hits, and the entire arena erupts into thunderous cheers as everone stands and shouts. The Rock finally walks out, and the ovation gets loud as The Most Electrifying Man In Sports And Entertainment makes his grand entrance. The Rock marches to the ring looking as confident as ever, and pauses briefly in the aisleway to look around at the arena and raise The People's Eyebrow. The Rock enters the ring to loud ovation, and poses in the corner in his usual manner to more loud cheers. The monotonistic music of Lance Storm sees the crowd solidly booing this stern and always stoic wrestler. Storm shakes his head at the reception he is getting, and walks to the ring in a somewhat authoritarian manner. Storm enters the ring, and looks unwaveringly at his opponents, his blank expression not changing one bit. The arena darkens and Chris Jericho's entrance video begins to play. When the countdown reaches Zero, fireworks explode out into the arena, and Jericho's music blares out loudly, and the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion comes sauntering out. Jericho has both of his World Title belts over his shoulder, and, as he arrogantly walks to the ring, the sell-out arena boo this cocky young man very loudly. Jericho just sneers at them, and climbs up the ring steps confidently, before stepping into the ring. Jericho and Rock begin jawing immediately, which quickly turned into a fistfight, and this match is underway

Match four: Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion Chris Jericho and Lance Storm v The Rock and WWF Intercontinental Champion Edge

Jericho and Rock brawling started Storm and Edge brawling too, but it didn't last long, as Rock and Edge soon sent their opponents rushing to the floor. As the crowd cheered this loudly, Rock and Edge taunted Jericho and Storm, as Jericho fumed on the floor, and Storm tried to calm his tag team partner down. Jericho eventually calmed down, and he and Storm returned to the ring, and Storm and Edge began the match properly. Edge and Storm went back-and-forth with some great exchanges, with Storm using pure technichal wrestling, and Edge using some high impact moves. The crowd cheered this, and when one exchanged resulted in a stand-off, the crowd began chanting for The Rock to be tagged in. Edge happily complied, and The Rock made his first offical entrance into the match. He taunted Jericho again, and mocked the way he walked, which amused the crowd, but angered the Undisputed Champion. Jericho angrily tagged in and charged at The Rock, only to get hiptossed for his troubles. Jericho got back up, only to get clotheslined back down by The Rock. The People's Champion quickly whipped Jericho into the ropes and backdropped the Undisputed Champion high into the air. Rock grabbed Jericho for a Rock Bottom, but Jericho slithered away, and tagged in Storm, and rolled to the floor. The crowd jeered, but Jericho just yelled abuse at them. Rock tagged in Edge, keeping an eye on Jericho, and calling him a "jabroni jerk". Edge and Storm resumed their action from earlier, with Edge gaining the upperhand, using his slight size and power advantage. Edge picked Storm up and hit a slingshot suplex, getting a close two count. Edge pulled Storm back up and whipped him into the ropes. Storm reversed the move, and grabbed his knee in apparent pain. This distracted the referee, and allowed Chris Jericho to pull the ropes down, and Edge took a nasty fall to the floor.

Storm punched Rock, bringing Rock into the ring, and allowing Jericho to suplex Edge stomach first on the security barrier. Jericho tossed Edge back into the ring, and tagged himself into the match. As Jericho cackled at having Edge at his mercy, he turned his head towards Rock, and said, "This is what happens you to Sunday, kiddo". Jericho and Storm took turns to beat up on Edge, making frequent tags to keep a fresh man in the ring, and always ready to block Edge's attempt to tag Rock, with a variety of illegal tactics. The crowd screamed for Edge to make the tag, especially the women, and the yelps when Edge would get hurt were noticably high in pitch. The doubleteaming never seemed to end, but when Storm and Jericho set their heads down for a double backdrop, Edge propelled himself over his oppponents, hit the ropes, and on the rebound, took them both down with a Double Spear, which popped the crowd big.

All three men in the ring were down, and The Rock was reaching out for the tag, and the crowd were itching for the tag too. Edge got to one knee, and as Storm and Jericho stumbled to their feet, Edge dove to his corner, and tagged in The Rock, which sent the crowd wild.

The Rock was all fired up, and quickly had Jericho and Storm reeling with right hands, before hitting both men with consecutive spinebusters. The crowd were going wild for The Rock's offence, and when Edge was feeling it enough to get back in on the action, he took Storm out of the ring with a clothesline, leaving The Rock and Chris Jericho alone in the ring. With Rock rested up, and Jericho having exerted himself in the ring, The Rock was much fresher, and had the clear advantage as he battered Jericho around the ring. The Rock flattend Jericho with a spinebuster, while Edge and Storm were fighting out on the floor. The Rock posed over Jericho, and signalled for The People's Elbow. He threw his elbow pad out to the crowd, posed again, and hit the ropes. The Rock hit The People's Elbow, and the crowd went crazy. The refere made the count...1...2..suddenly, the referee was yanked out of the ring by Test, who hurried out of the sight of the referee, so he couldn't tell who had pulled him out. Rock turned to see what was going on, and Test slid into the ring and as Rock turned around went for The Boot Of Death. Rock ducked the move, and was able to Rock Bottom Test. As Rock jawed at the fallen Test, Jericho viciously lowblowd him from behind, pushed Test out of the ring, and then planted Rock face first into the mat with a Breakdown. The referee returned to the ring, and made three count, as Edge dove in a second too late.

Time of the match: 13:04

As the crowd booed the result, Edge began to attack Jericho, only for Storm to knee him in the back from behind. Storm pulled Edge up, allowing The Undisputed Champion to quickly give Edge a Breakdown too, leaving him and Rock both out of it. Test returned to the ring, and as he and Storm stood either side of him, Chris Jericho posed over his fallen opponents, and held both of his World Championship belts high above his head.

End Credits

Edited by Vince Russo
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Test eh? Never thought I would see Test in the main event scene, but who knows. I loved the stuff with the Flair-Sting/McMahon-Savage.

It was nice and the shoots were nice, but I'm a bit hesitant as to whether there would be that many shootish comments on WWE TV. With that said though, it is a McMahon feud and Heyman did a lot worse prior to Survivor Series 2001.

I'm also interested in the Kurt Angle-3H feud as well as the Booker T-Austin feud. I hope it's not the end for Austin and Booker but I guess we'll find out after SD is posted.

As for Kane and Taker...it'll be a challenge to see if you can make it interesting considering the number of times they've fought IRL. Here's hoping for a non squash. :thumsup:

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Vince sat down in his office pleased with the way his first new episode of RAW had turned out. Dream or no dream this was going to work out most splendidly. Vince folded his hands behind his head and began to laugh. STUNNER! Ha Ha! The fans sure did enjoy those Stunners. Damn you Stone Cold! Damn you Aus…(Vince faded off to sleep or so he thought)

A familiar voice: Owen Hart as champion? Wasn’t that a little obvious?

Vince: But that hasn’t even happened yet! How did you know?

The man steps forward and looks a shocked Vince in the face.

Angel of Death: Don’t you remember Vince? I know everything. You felt bad because Owen died, so you were going to give him a run with the title.

Vince: (indignant) So what if I was?

AOD: He still would have died you know. Do you really think being the transition to Steve Austin was going to somehow lift him into some magical place where he doesn’t end up on that scaffold?

Vince: But no one needs to die!

AOD: Oh but they do! People do need to die Vince! Owen Hart died for a reason and no matter what you did he was staying dead. And as for Shawn Michaels…

Vince: Not Shawn Michaels too!

AOD: You overworked him Vince. Forty five minutes against Owen Hart followed by another forty five in the Royal Rumble match? Remember that back injury I warned you about? Well it turns out Mr. Michaels was too proud to bring it up to you. Pain Killers can get you through a lot of matches. Until you take too many and choke to death in your hotel room the night before Summerslam.

Vince: (tearing up) No… What can I do? How is it possible to fix this?!?

AOD: Well let me sum up your plans for you. The Undertaker and Kane fight in a series of gimmicks that get more and more pointless as they go along. Oh you heeded my warning all right. You didn’t send Mick Foley to the top of that cage. Well it turns out that was the turning point in his life. Now the poor man becomes nothing and his life is ruined as well. Oh and Kane doesn’t seem to bounce as well as Mr. Foley does.

Vince: You monster! You horrible monster!

AOD: No Vince McMahon I sir am a realist. If I were a monster I would tell you that your impending push of Jeff Jarrett is what gives him enough credibility to leave you and start his own company with his father. A company that eventually bankrupts your entire family by the way.

Vince: NO! I’m Vince McMahon damn it! I built this business up myself and I will save it myself! There has to be a way.

AOD: Well there is one way…

Vince: Anything! I don’t care. I’ll do it! You want me to run over Eric Bischoff with my car and then drag his corpse out on RAW? I will do it!

AOD: Ha ha! Afraid not. I do love your initiative however.

Vince: Then what? What do you want from me?!?

AOD: Vince you already know. The sooner you accept it the sooner it will be done.

Vince slumps back into his seat with a knowing look on his face.

AOD: You have a very clever son and a wonderful team in place. Take solace in the fact that your accomplishments will be remembered for years.

Vince nods as a single tear rolls down his cheek.

Vince: It’s really not as bad as I had imagined.

AOD: It never is.


Vincent K. McMahon Jr.

August 24th 1945-

January 6th 1998

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Guest Vince Russo

Smackdown – January 17th 2002

The Smackdown introduction sequence plays, showing a revolving series of clips of the numerous wrestlers on the WWF roster, as well as other non-wrestling personalities, such as Ric Flair and Vince McMahon. The camera then switches to a wide shot of the arena where Smackdown is taking place, and we see a capacity crowd, waving signs and screaming at the top of their lungs. Finally, we pan down the announce position, where we see Michael Cole and Don Callis sitting at ringside

Michael Cole: We are just 72 hours away from the Royal Rumble, and things are already at an exploding point here in the World Wrestling Federation. The Undertaker and Kane going at it, Triple H and Kurt Angle brawling in the locker room, and there is more to that that we'll get to soon. Ric Flair, Sting, Vince McMahon and Randy Savage having one of the most controversial segments in Raw history last Monday, and, as Raw went off the air, the threesome of the Undisputed World Chris Jericho, Lance Storm, and Test left The Rock and Edge laying.

Don Callis: (laughing madly) Raw truly became The Warzone again on Monday, and I thought it was great. So much chaos and insanity going on, it almost made me feel like I was back in ECW. I really enjoyed the end of Raw, because Chris Jericho, our Undisputed Champion, left The People's Chump laying, and he also did a number on the so-called Intercontinental Champion Edge. That was beautiful, Micky; a real work of art.

Michael Cole: Chris Jericho is a piece of work alright, as are his two cohorts in crime, Lance Storm and Test. The Rock and Edge aren't going to take this lying down, and they'll get their chance at revenge tonight, because our main event will see the trio of Jericho, Storm and Test take on The Rock, Edge, and Kane.

Don Callis: That is just wrong, making the Undisputed Champion wrestle this close to his biggest title defence to date. He has to defend the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship against The Rock this Sunday at the Royal Rumble, and he should have time to rest up.

Michael Cole: Maybe this will teach him not to orchestrate another gang attack, like he did on Raw. Also on Raw, we saw another crazy incident involving Kurt Angle and Triple H, and these two just cannot keep their hands off each other.

Don Callis: Angle and The Game have a deep hatred for each other, and that hatred is such that they have signed to face each other one-on-one at No Way Out next month. They could face each other during the Royal Rumble match, but we now know that they will square off for sure next month at No Way Out.

Michael Cole: And if either man should win the Royal Rumble match and get the shot at the Undisputed Championship at WrestleMania XVIII, then that will add a new dimension to their No Way Out match. The winner would have added pressure on them to win, because if one of them is set to main event WrestleMania, they won't want to go into the biggest match of their lives coming off a high profile loss.

Don Callis: I don't think the Royal Rumble can contain their hatred anyway, and their match at No Way Out might prove that no ring can contain the violent rage both men feel.

Michael Cole: Speaking of rage, we all felt and heard that from Ric Flair, Sting, Vince McMahon and Randy Savage on Raw, in what was a very emotional and heated scene, with all four men venting their emotions ahead of their tag match at the Royal Rumble this Sunday.

Don Callis: That scene was the definition of surreal, as we heard things that haven't been repeated outside of the locker room. It was heated, passionate, but I felt it was the night the line was crossed, because I think it went just too far.

Michael Cole: And now their tag match this Sunday is a Streetfight. That adds a whole new dimension on things, and I fear that match could really get out of hand now.

Don Callis: It was always going to get out of hand, and with the Streetfight stipulation added, it's just going to get worse.

Michael Cole: I shudder to think what may happen this Sunday at the Royal Rumble.

The soft beats of Justin Credible's music hit, and he and Stevie Richards make their way out to a modest reception. This recently formed duo make their way to the ring, looking especially amped, as this is their first Smackdown appearance in quite some time. Credible and Richards enter the ring, and pose on the ropes to more booing. The hard music of Kidman's theme blares out, and this popular cruiserweight wrestler makes his entrance to a good ovation. Kidman tags hands with a few fans as he walks to the ring, and he enters the ring, posing briefly to more applause. The Oriental music of Tajiri signals the arrival of the WWF Cruiserweight Champion, who is accompanied by his girlfriend Torrie Wilson. This couple get a great reception as they make their way to the ring, and when they enter, they both get a loud round of applause from the crowd. Tajiri opens the ropes for Torrie to leave the ring, and he and Kidman confer over their match

Match one: WWF Cruiserweight Champion Tajiri and Kidman v Justin Credible and Stevie Richards

This was a good match, which saw the styles of all four men really gel, and the crowd appreciated the resultant effort. Tajiri and Kidman had the match in hand in the early going, with their more aerialistic style keeping Credible and Richards off-balance; at one time they even collided headfirst, much to the delight of the crowd. In typically heelish fashion, Credible and Richards stole the advantage with some illicit double-teaming; when Richards pushed Kidman off from a reverse sunset flip, Credible elbowed Kidman in the back of the head, allowing Richards to hit a flying forearm. Richards and Credible proceeded to double-team Kidman, using fake tags and other illegal tactics to keep Kidman in the ring, and wear him down. The ever-resilient Kidman wasn't beaten easily, and hung in there; truly showing he deserved his shot at the Cruiserweight Championship. Credible picked Kidman up and readied him for his implant DDT finisher, but Kidman countered the hold, reversed positioning, and nailed Credible with a BK bomb. With Credible down, Kidman crawled towards his corner, and, as Richards hurriedly entered the ring, Kidman rolled forward and tagged in Tajiri to a big pop. Tajiri came in with all guns blazing, and blitzed his foes with numerous kicks all about their bodies, which left Credible and Richards reeling in pain. With Kidman refreshed, he returned to the ring, and he and Tajiri attacked their opponents with aerial wizardry, and soon Credible and Richards were both down. Kidman and Tajiri both ascended to the top and hit a Shooting Star Press and High Moonsault simultaneously on Credible and Richards respectively. With Tajiri the legal man, the referee ushered Kidman out of the ring. While this was happening, Chavo Guerrero Jr hit the ringside area, and put Stevie Richards foot on the rope, so when the referee turned around to make a count, he stopped. When Kidman went to attack Chavo, the referee went to stop him, which allowed Justin Credible to come off the second rope with a double ax-handle blow to the back of Tajiri's head, knocking him silly. Credible quickly put Richards on top of Tajiri, and rolled to the floor, allowing the referee to make the three count.

Time of the match: 9:35

As Kidman broke away from Chavo, Chavo left the ringside area laughing, happy to have caused Tajiri and Kidman to lose their match. Back in the ring, Kidman tried to tend to Tajiri, but the Cruiserweight Champion just pushed him away, and began to yell in Japanese as he and Torrie Wilson walked off, leaving Kidman to apologise for what happened.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Tajiri not happy with Kidman, apparently blaming him for their loss to Justin Credible and Stevie Richards, but the person he should be blaming is Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Don Callis: That's what happens when a champion teams with the next guy in line for a shot at his title. An attempt to show that a championship won't get in the way of their friendship backfires on Tajiri and Kidman, and Chavo Guerrero is the one left laughing.

Michael Cole: We shouldn't forget about Justin Credible and Stevie Richards, because they did pick up the win, however they earned it, and this new tag team is starting to develop into a real force.

Don Callis: I've known Justin Credible for a long time, and I've followed Stevie Richards career very closely, and I can tell you and the fans that these two great athletes, who have gone under appreciated for so long, aren't going to sit back and take it anymore. They want recognition, and they are going to get it.

Michael Cole: Both men tremendous wrestlers, and sure to go on to great things in the WWF. Someone who has done great things in the past in the WWF is coming back, and looking to do great things again, and his first order of business is to enter the Royal Rumble match this Sunday, for a shot at the WrestleMania XVIII main event. Here is a special look at the returning Goldust.

A video highlight package, set to the entrance music of Goldust, showcases the key points in his WWF career. We see Goldust make his debut in the WWF back in 1995, looking bizarre, and instilling a sense of fear in his opponents. At the 1996 Royal Rumble, we see him pinning Razor Ramon to become the Intercontinental Champion. We see the bizarre Goldust in action against numerous opponents, such as Savio Vega, The Ultimate Warrior and The Undertaker, as he defends the Intercontinental Championship, and Goldust walks away victorious each time. We then see Goldust feuding with Brian Pillman, which leads to his eventual break-up with Marlena, and aligning himself with the ultra bizarre Luna Vachon. Goldust gets even more bizarre, before shedding the Goldust person and going back to Dustin Rhodes. Dustin reverts back to the Goldust persona for his feud with Val Venis, and the bizarre one is just as popular. This changes soon in 1999, and Goldust forms a short-lived duo with The Blue Meanie. The video package ends with a shot of Goldust making his usual 'deep breath' pose, and the picture fades to black with an elaborate "Goldust" graphic filling the screen

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Goldust is making his return to the WWF at the Royal Rumble, and he wants his shot at the WrestleMania main event.

Don Callis: Goldust is a multiple-time Intercontinental Champion, so he's got the talent to win the Rumble, but it all comes down to the luck of the draw.

Michael Cole: The luck of the draw is so crucial to someone's chances of winning the Royal Rumble match. Draw an early number, and you're in for a long night, but if you draw a later number, then you could win it all very easily, with everyone else either eliminated or beaten down. The later the number you draw, the better your chances at winning the Royal Rumble, and getting into the main event at WrestleMania XVIII.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to see Spike Dudley in the backstage interview area, standing with Kevin Kelly, who is making his tv return

Kevin Kelly: Spike Dudley, this Sunday at the Royal Rumble, you and Tazz defend the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship against your own family, The Dudley Boyz. How does it feel to have to face your family in the ring ?

Spike Dudley: It's tough, both physically and mentally. Despite what they've done to me, they are still family, and it's hard to just let loose in the ring and hit them with everything I've got, because...

From the left side, Stacy Keibler walks into the picture, dressed in her typical Dudley attire

Stacy Keibler: Fighting the Dudley's is the only thing that's ever been hard on you, you twerp.

Spike Dudley: Hey, why don't you...

Suddenly a clothesline from D-Von Dudley knocks down Spike Dudley from behind. Bubba Ray appears in the picture, with a table in hand, which he hurriedly sets up as D-Von stomps away at the fallen Spike. Before anyone can stop them, D-Von and Bubba double-team Spike, driving him through the table with the 3D; The Dudley Death Drop. Spike Dudley is unconscious, and Bubba Ray and D-Von stand over him, laughing, while Stacy Keibler looks on with a smile.

Bubba Ray Dudley: See you this Sunday, 'brother'.

D-Von Dudley: And bring our belts with you.

The Dudley Boyz and Stacy Keibler walk off, leaving Spike Dudley in need of medical attention

Back at the commentary table

Don Callis: (laughing) That was magnificent Micky; A true showing of brotherly love by Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley towards the runt of the litter.

Michael Cole: What kind of love was that ? Bubba and D-Von drove Spike through that table with the 3D, and what kind condition will Spike be in for the tag title match this Sunday at the Royal Rumble ? Is Tazz going to have to go it alone now ?

Don Callis: The Dudley Boyz just made themselves the favorites to walk out of the Royal Rumble as the new World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions, because as tough as Tazz is, I don't see him being able to take both Dudley Boyz at once.

Michael Cole: From one rematch to another now, as coming up next is a rematch from last week, when Raven scored an upset win over Rikishi. (clips play of Raven pinning Rikishi after an Even Flow DDT)

Don Callis: It wasn't an upset to me Cole, because I've always known how dangerous Raven is, and now that he's looking to bring our lives meaning, he's even more dangerous than ever.

Michael Cole: And this whole 'I will bring your lives meaning' thing is really scaring me, given Raven's hardcore nature.

Don Callis: I think we're all in for a lot of meaning.

The music of Raven heralds the arrival of this very unsettling individual, and his reaction is considerably louder than last week, with his win over Rikishi and promo on Raw fresh in the minds of the fans. The crowd boo Raven as he slowly walks to the ring, and this stoic individual retains a cold expression as he enters the ring, not so much as without emotion, but more without humanity. Raven rests in the corner, reclining almost, as he awaits the arrival of Rikishi. The hip-hop music of Rikishi blares out, and the crowd cheer as this popular wrestler makes his entrance. Rikishi isn't as outgoing as normal, as he is totally focused on Raven, and avenging his loss to Raven. As Rikishi gets to ringside, Raven suddenly dashes towards that side of the ring, and propels himself over the top rope, and crashes into Rikishi, sending him sprawling to the mat

Match two: Rikishi v Raven

Raven was all over Rikishi from the outset, blasting him with lefts and rights, before whipping him into the ring steps. Raven didn't let up, and Rikishi was overwhelmed by this attack. Raven hurriedly rolled Rikishi into the ring, and positioned himself on the opposite side. As Rikishi began to get up, Raven charged towards him and nailed a great looking running kneelift, sending Rikishi crashing to his back. Raven readied himself again, and hit a second running kneelift, that sent Rikishi tumbling through the ropes, back to the floor. Raven rolled to the floor as well, and when Rikishi staggered to his feet, Raven nipped in close and hit his Even Flow DDT on Rikishi, on the mats, knocking the big guy silly. Raven struggled to pick Rikishi up, and he only just managed to roll the massive wrestler back into the ring by the nine count. As Rikishi stumbled to his feet, he walked right into a second Even Flow DDT, which knocked him flat out. Raven made the cover, and got the three count, in a shocking display of domination.

Time of the match: 3:03

After the bell, Raven inched his way to a corner, and sat there, as expressionless as ever. He looked at the fallen Rikishi, and mouthed the words, "Now you have meaning', before rolling out of the ring, and slowly walking off.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: What a display by Raven, and he just took Rikishi apart, giving him absolutely no opportunity to recover.

Don Callis: Raven is on a mission, Michael Cole, and he isn’t letting anyone, not even someone the size of Rikishi, get in his way. Raven brought some meaning to Rikishi just now, and I think the wrestlers of the WWF should pay heed. If Raven can demolish Rikishi so easily, just think what else he can do.

Michael Cole: Raven is starting to tear things up around here, and I think we should all be afraid. Someone who most definitely is not[i/] afraid is Kane. Kane pinned his brother, The Undertaker a couple of weeks ago during a tag team match, and he wants The Undertaker one-on-one, but The Undertaker seems to want no part of Kane.

Don Callis: The Undertaker is not afraid Micky. Not of Kane, and not of anyone. The Undertaker will get his hands on Kane, but it will be when he wants, and not when Kane wants.

Michael Cole: I don’t buy that, and neither does Kane, who is standing by right now.

We are taken to the backstage interview area, where Kane is towering over Kevin Kelly

Kevin Kelly: Kane, it was just ten days ago on Raw that you pinned your brother The Undertaker, and ever since then, The Undertaker has been incredibly furious, but yet he clearly wants no part of you.

Kane: My brother has always been afraid of me. While we were growing up, he was always afraid of me, and that is what he turned into the Dead Man; it was his way of coping. But now, since he felt free enough to become himself, he is now afraid all over again. He is afraid of me again, and he knows it. Undertaker, my brother, I will hunt you down, beat you like I used to when we were growing up, and I will take your Hardcore Title.

Kevin Kelly: Moving on to tonight’s main event you’re teaming with The Rock and Edge to take on the Undisputed Champion Chris Jericho, Lance Storm and Test, and you’ve got to still be angry with Chris Jericho over how he beat you last week.

Kane: Chris Jericho will pay for last week. I had him beat, and he knows it, and that is why he cheated. Jericho, our paths will cross again, beyond tonight, and then you, and my brother, will feel the wrath of Kane.

Kevin Kelly: Finally, your thoughts heading into the Royal Rumble this Sunday.

Kane: This Sunday, in the Royal Rumble, I will throw anybody out that I have to, including my brother, to win the Rumble, and claim my shot at the Undisputed Championship, and Chris Jericho ? I will get my revenge on you, whether tonight, or at WrestleMania.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Kane with strong words for both The Undertaker and Chris Jericho, and Kane also very confident of wining the Royal Rumble this Sunday.

Don Callis: Kane needs to focus on one thing at a time, because trying to deal with The Undertaker, Chris Jericho and the Royal Rumble all at once may be too much for him, and either Jericho or Undertaker will gladly capitalize on any lapse in judgement that Kane makes.

Michael Cole: Kane is a monster, there is no doubt that, and I think he has a great chance to win the Royal Rumble.

Don Callis: It all depends on the luck of the draw, Cole. As we’ve said before, get an early number and you’re in for a long night, but get a late number, and you could walk away a winner.

Michael Cole: The Royal Rumble is live on pay-per-view this Sunday, and don’t you dare miss it. When we come back, Stone Cold Steve Austin takes on Booker T.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to a shot of Maven walking down the corridor, looking happy, and talking to Sharmell Sullivan. Suddenly, their way is blocked by the imposing figure of The Bossman. He looks Maven up and down, and shakes his head

The Bossman: Is this what the WWF has come to ? Punks like you has its future ? If you ask me, the WWF is heading for trouble with people like you coming down the pike.

Maven: What is your problem ? You sound a little bitter, Bossman. You might not be like that if you weren’t afraid of me.

The Bossman: (Bossman laughs) Me, afraid of you ? Why the hell would I be afraid of a snot-nosed brat like you ?

Maven: Because this ‘brat’ is going to knock your ass out of the saddle one of these days.

The Bossman: Ya think so ? We’ll you won’t be knocking my ass outta any saddle. I’ll be the one kicking your ass, and kicking it outta the Rumble this Sunday.

Maven: Not gonna happen Bossman. Not gonna happen.

The Bossman: Oh, it will happen, punk. You’ll be serving hard time this Sunday.

Bossman barges past Maven and Sharmell Sullivan, who look puzzled at his actions

We return to a quiet arena. The music of Booker T hits, and the packed crowd respond with strong booing as the five-time WCW World Champions makes his entrance. Booker looks very determined as he walks to the ring, for this may very well be the biggest match of his career. Booker T enters the ring, and briefly poses on the ropes, to more booing from the crowd. The crowd’s reaction makes a complete turnaround when the music of Stone Cold Steve Austin blares out, and the arena erupts into thunderous cheers as The Rattlesnake walks out into the arena. Austin gets a tremendous reception as he makes his way down the aisle, and, as Austin enters the ring, Booker T immediately attacks, and both men quickly begin to brawl

Match three: Stone Cold Steve Austin v Booker T

This was high-octane action from beginning to end, with neither man letting up on the other. The match quickly spilled to the floor, where the advantage went back and forth as both men fought around ringside. The crowd hollered as Austin and Booker both tasted the guardrail, and had their heads introduced to the ring apron as the match kept up a furious pace. Both did end up in the ring though, and things settled down somewhat. Booker T raked the eyes of Austin to take control of the match, which the crowd jeered. Booker maintained the offence for a while, using his spin kicks and dropkicks to keep Austin off-balance, while working on Austin’s back with slams and a camel clutch. The Rattlesnake wasn’t easily put down, and as the crowd chanted his name, Austin began fighting back against Booker, with only some rulebreaking from the multiple time WCW World Champion putting Austin back down. The Rattlesnake was game though, and hung in there, and the crowd really popped when caught Booker coming off the ropes, and hit his old Stungun finisher. Both men were down, and as they struggled to get back to their feet, it was Austin who hit the first blow, a big right hand to the jaw of Booker T. Austin nailed a second and third right hands, before whipping Booker T into the ropes, ducking an attempted clothesline, and then hitting Thesz Press. As Austin fired right hands at a downed Booker T, the crowd were jumping, as Austin pressed on with the advantage. Austin dominated Booker, getting several two counts as he inched closer to victory. Austin whipped Booker into the ropes, and put his head down, but Booker quickly reacted by hitting Austin with kick chest, following up with a jumping axe kick, flattening Austin. Booker covered, but only got two. Booker climbed to the second rope, and eyed Austin up for another move. Austin turned around, and Booker leapt off the second rope, right into a boot to the gut and a Stone Cold Stunner!!!. Booker was down and out, but Austin was too winded to make a quick cover. Austin gathered himself, and covered Booker…1…2..foot on the ropes. The crowd gasped, and Austin questioned the referee over the count. Austin angrily got to his feet, and pulled Booker up. Austin whipped Booker into the corner and charged in, but Booker moved out of the way, and Austin hit the corner chest first. Booker grabbed Austin by the tights and head and threw him right shoulder first into the ringpost. As Austin grabbed his shoulder, a dazed Booker pulled The Rattlesnake out from the corner and planted him with a Book End. Booker covered…1…2..kick out by Austin, and the crowd cheered huge. Booker shook his head, as if to gather his senses, and yelled at Austin to get to his feet. Austin slowly made it to his feet, and Booker again rammed his shoulder, but his left one this time. Booker pulled the pained Austin out of the corner, and set him for another Book End. Booker hit his signature move, and hastily pulled Austin into the middle of the ring, hooking Austin’s far leg, and using a leg to grapevine Austin’s near leg as well. The referee dove down to make the count…1…2…3.

Time of the match: 13:49

The crowd couldn’t believe it, as Booker T sat up and smiled as his music played. Booker rose to his feet, and posed in a corner to loud jeers from the fans. In the ring, Austin grabbed at his shoulders, and winced in pain from the two heavy shots he took from the ringposts. Booker looked at Austin and laughed, posing briefly before leaving the ring. As Booker walked to the back victorious, the referee was checking up on Austin, who was still holding his shoulders, and could be heard to be complaining of a sharp pain in his collarbone.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: I can’t believe what I’ve just seen. In one of the biggest matches in Smackdown’s history, we’ve just seen maybe the biggest upset in Smackdown history, as Booker T has just beaten Stone Cold Steve Austin, and he did it in the middle of the ring. Can you believe this Don ? Can you believe that Stone Cold was beaten ?

Don Callis: I can believe it Michael, and I’m not surprised, and you shouldn’t be either. Booker is a five-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, who has taken on and beaten some of the best names in this sport. Booker T beating Stone Cold is not a surprise all, but what I’m wondering is what kind of condition is Steve Austin in now ? He took two heavy hits into the ringpost with each of his shoulders, and as we saw, he is in a lot of pain right now. Will this affect his participation in the Royal Rumble this Sunday ? If Stone Cold is too injured, then he could be out of the Rumble, and that would be a shock.

Michael Cole We’ll try and get an update on the condition of Steve Austin as Smackdown progresses, and we’ll keep you fans at home informed of any developments as they relate to Stone Cold’s involvement in the Royal Rumble this Sunday.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to No Chance In Hell echoing throughout the arena, and Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring, walking in an exaggerated Buddy Rogers-like manner. With a sneer on his face, McMahon enters the ring, and snatches the microphone out of the hands of the ring announcer

Vince McMahon: Alright, cut my music, I wanna talk damnit. Ric Flair, I know you’re in the back somewhere, and I know you’re listening, and I want you to listen closely to what I have to say. You see, I’ve come out here to say a few of the things I wanted to say on Monday, before everything got out of hand. Ric Flair, this Sunday at the Royal Rumble, we’ve got ourselves a Streetfight, with the Macho Man and myself against you and Sting. And I know it was supposed to be just you and me, one-on-one, and while that is surely down the line, that has to wait for now. You see, right now, I’m more interested in causing you pain and suffering before finally casting you out of the World Wrestling Federation. And believe me Ric; you will suffer plenty this Sunday, thanks to our tag match now being a Streetfight. Because under Streetfight rules, anything goes, and I guarantee you people that that will absolutely be the case. I know what you’re thinking. You’re wondering what exactly I have in mind for Ric Flair and Sting this Sunday, when I am legally able to do just about anything I want to them. Well, I…

Ric Flair’s music interrupts Vince in mid-sentence, and the crowd cheer wildly as Ric Flair, co-owner of the World Wrestling Federation, comes out. Looking confident as ever, Flair struts his way down the aisle, a big smile on his face. Flair climbs into the ring, and struts over to McMahon, and takes the microphone from him. Vince is clearly trying very hard not to lose his temper

Ric Flair: So, you’re going to inflict pain and suffering upon Ric Flair ? You’re going to make Ric Flair ‘suffer plenty’ ? Lemme tell you something Vince. Better people than you have tried to run me out of promotions, and make me leave when I didn’t want to, and they didn’t succeed, and neither will you. You wanna talk about causing pain ? Having to listen to you spout off this kind garbage is painful to me, and to everyone else. (Vince tries to control himself, before taking the mic back from Flair)

Vince McMahon: Pain is watching the company that I made into a worldwide conglomerate being partially owned by scum like you. Pain is watching everything I hold dear being bastardised by having your name attached to it. You don’t know pain Ric; you don’t know it at all. You will, however, know it this Sunday, because I will inflict pain upon you the like of which Eric Bischoff could only dream to have inflicted.

Flair grabs the mic out of Vince’s hand

Ric Flair: Hey Vince, I gotta tell you that…

Flair suddenly decks Vince with a right hand out of nowhere, and McMahon falls to the mat. Flair begins to stomp away at McMahon before Randy Savage sprints to the ring and tackles Flair from behind. Savage stomps on Flair repeatedly, before helping Vince to his feet. But before they can do anything, Sting comes running down the aisle, and slides into the ring. Savage and McMahon bail from the ring, as Flair gets back to his feet, and Sting checks up on him. Flair grabs the microphone, which had fallen to the mat

Ric Flair: Vince McMahon!!! This Sunday at the Royal Rumble, I’m gonna kick your ass so bad, you’ll wish the Feds had thrown you in the slammer.

Flair throws the mic down, and begins to yell at Vince McMahon as McMahon and Randy Savage back their way up the aisle. Sting stands by Flair, and keeps eyes his firmly focused on Vince and Randy.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Ric Flair and Vince McMahon almost getting into it on Smackdown, just three days ahead of their streetfight tag match, and we also saw Randy Savage and Sting getting involved.

Don Callis: This match has a lot of emotion built into it, as was evident this past Monday on Raw, and we saw some more of that right here. I think their match being a Streetfight is just asking for trouble, because anything goes in a streetfight, and there are no rules.

Michael Cole: That is true indeed, and I hope that the arena can contain an encounter that is sure to turn violent. Fans, during our last commercial break we received word from the back that although he is banged up, Steve Austin has said that he will be at the Royal Rumble this Sunday, he will definitely be taking part in the Royal Rumble match.

Don Callis: This could backfire on Austin, especially if he draws an early number. The earlier the number he draws, the more people he’ll have to go through to win, and with the damage he suffered just now, I think if Austin draws an early number, then his chances of winning the Rumble are very slim indeed.

Michael Cole: It all boils down to the luck of the draw.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to the backstage interview area, where a nervous Kevin Kelly is standing with The Undertaker, who has the Hardcore Title belt around his neck

Kevin Kelly: Undertaker, this past week on Raw you destroyed Albert with total ease, but Kane made an appearance after the match, and it looked like you didn’t want a piece of your brother.

Undertaker: (Looks angered) Little man, if you’re trying to imply anything by that, then stop right now. You know, I’ve heard all this talk about me being afraid of my brother, and not wanting anything to do with him since he beat me a couple of weeks ago. Nothing could be further from the truth, because I’m just biding my time, and picking my moment, and then, and only then, will I take out my frustrations on that bastard brother of mine.

Kevin Kelly: Well, earlier tonight Kane had words for you, and he made it clear that he believes that…

Undertaker: Who cares what he thinks ? That’s not important. What is important is that I’m not afraid of Kane; not one bit. And this Sunday, during the Royal Rumble, if I find myself in the ring with him, I’ll show everyone that I’m not afraid of Kane, and I’ll throw his ass over the top rope, just like I’ll do to everybody else in the Rumble, and win the Undisputed Championship title shot at WrestleMania XVIII.

Kevin Kelly: How concerned are you about drawing a good number, because an early number means a long night, and lessens your chances of winning ?

Undertaker: I’m not concerned, because whether I draw #1 or #3, that ring is my yard, and I’m gonna clean my yard out, and take what I deserve, and that’s the main event slot at WrestleMania. Nobody else is taking that, not Austin, not Kane, not Big Show, not anyone. I will win the Royal Rumble, and I will be the next Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion.

Kevin Kelly: Any remarks for the current Undisputed Champion, Chris Jericho ?

Undertaker: Jericho boy, don’t worry about getting past The Rock, because if you do, I’ll be waiting for you at WrestleMania. But if The Rock is champion at WrestleMania, then that’s cool too, because The Rock will get the Last Ride too, and I’ll take the title from him instead.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: The Undertaker claiming to be unafraid of Kane, and if they are in the ring together at the Royal Rumble, he’ll have his chance to prove it.

Don Callis: What do you mean, ‘claiming’ ? The Undertaker is not afraid of anyone, let alone Kane, and if they do meet this Sunday, I have no doubts that Undertaker will toss Kane out of the ring, very easily.

Michael Cole: In any event, Undertaker very confident of victory this Sunday, and of going on to WrestleMania to face the Undisputed WWF Champion.

Don Callis: He has every right to be confident, Cole. The ring is his yard, and he’s going to throw out the trash this Sunday, and get that shot at the Undisputed World Wresting Championship at WrestleMania.

Michael Cole: And we’ll find out who that Champion could be this Sunday at the Royal Rumble, when Chris Jericho defends the Undisputed Championship against The Rock, and we have a preview of that match coming up in just a few minutes.

Don Callis: Jericho teams with Lance Storm and Test to take on The Rock, the Intercontinental Champion Edge, and Kane. What a way to set up the Royal Rumble this Sunday.

Michael Cole: It’s going to be a tremendous main event.

Commercial Break

We return from the break to the music of Test, and this large and imposing Canadian is making his way to the ring to some decent booing. This angry man climbs over the top rope to enter the ring, and starts to berate the referee. The monotonistic music of Lance Storm blares out, and the crowd roundly boo this stern wrestler as he walks out. Storm marches to the ring with a typically controlled expression of his face. Storm slowly climbs into the ring, and begins to talk over the match with Test. The arena lights go back down, and the countdown clock for Chris Jericho plays down on the Titantron. The clock reaches '0', and the fireworks shoot out from the entranceway, and the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion walks out to very loud booing. The Unified Champion carries a title belt over each shoulder, as he very arrogantly swaggers to the ring. Jericho looks out disdainfully on the crowd as he walks slowly down the aisle. Jericho swaggers up the ring steps, and climbs into the ring, holding both of his World Title belts high above his head. Jericho hands his belts to Lance Storm, before snatching the ring mic from the ring announcer

Chris Jericho: Hello to all my Jerichoholics, all over the world/ (the crowd boo loudly, and Jericho shakes his head) This Sunday at the Royal Rumble, all of my fans will have the chance to watch me beat The Rock, and retain the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship. (the crowd boo, but Jericho continues) You can boo it all you want, but it will happen, because my destiny is to remain the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion for as long as I want to, and nobody, not even The Rock will stop that. Rock, you and I meet one-on-one this Sunday, but before then we’ve got this six-man tag to get out of the way. Rock, I want you and your stupid fans to get ready, because this six-man is going to provide them, and you, with a small taste of what I have in store for you this Sunday at the Royal Rumble, because you will neeever take away my Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion. If you smeeelll what Chris Jericho is cookin’.

Jericho laughs loudly, and tosses the microphone back to the ring announcer. The lights go down, and the entranceway is bathed in red light as strange organ music blares out throughout the arena. Loud cheers go up as fireworks shoot up from the entrance ramp, and Kane walks out to a great reception. The Big Red Machine marches to the ring, and looks as imposing as ever as he slowly climbs over the top rope and into the ring. Kane raises his arms high, and brings them down, and fireworks shoot up from each of the four ringposts. Rob Zombie music hits, and loud cheers go up in the arena as the Intercontinental Champion, Edge, makes his entrance. Edge bounds enthusiastically to the ring, and smiles somewhat as he tags hands with a few ringside fans, before climbing into the ring. Edge poses in the corner, to more loud cheers, especially from the female fans, before standing with Kane, and turning his attention to Chris Jericho, Lance Storm and Test. The Rock's music hits, and the entire arena erupts into thunderous cheers as everyone stands and shouts. The Rock walks out, and the ovation gets even louder as The Most Electrifying Man In Sports And Entertainment makes his big entrance. The Rock marches to the ring looking as confident as ever, and pauses briefly in the aisleway to look directly at Chris Jericho. Jericho tenses as he locks eyes with The Rock, and as The Rock enters the ring, Jericho backs up slightly, and gets Test and Storm to stand in front of him. The Rock, Edge and Kane go face-to-face with Test and Lance Storm, as Chris Jericho standing behind them, mouthing off at The Rock. The referee steps in, and orders both teams to decide who is going to start the match, and for the other four to get on the apron. After some conferring, it will be Edge and Lance Storm starting things out.

Match four: Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion Chris Jericho, Lance Storm and Test v The Rock, WWF Intercontinental Champion Edge, and Kane

This was a very heated match, with the crowd really itching to see Jericho and Rock get into it. Jericho, however, was having none of that, and continuously weaselled out of the ring when Rock got tagged in. Storm and Edge had some great exchanges, with Edge surprisingly outwrestling Storm to begin with, and Storm having to resort to cheating to get the advantage back. When Kane and Test were in the match, things became more physical, with lots of punching and kicking, and other brawling tactics, that the crowd loved. After some twists and turns, with Rock nearly getting his hands on Jericho on multiple occasions, Jericho was unable to stop Edge tagging in Rock, and the crowd popped as Rock got in the ring. Rock got some good shots in on Jericho, and had him bouncing around the ring for a couple of minutes. Rock reversed an irish whip, and hit a Spinebuster on Jericho. The Rock went for his People’s Elbow at this point, but was interrupted by Lance Storm. Storm attacked The Rock, which brought Edge into the ring, which brought Test into the ring, which brought Kane into the ring, and we had a six-way brawl. The crowd went crazy for this, and cheered as all six men went back and forth in a wild brawl. The Rock briefly battered at Jericho a little more before getting cut off by a boot from Test, who then got clotheslined by Kane. Storm and Edge wound up fighting on the floor, while Rock pounded away at Test, and Jericho choked Kane with the tape on his wrist. The Rock knocked Test out of the ring, and eyed Jericho up from behind and when Jericho turned away from Kane, Rock grabbed Jericho and hit a Rock Bottom. Rock went for the pin, but got pulled off by Test, who returned to the ring. Test yanked Rock up, and whipped him into the ropes for a Boot Of Death, but Rock ducked the move, turned around and Rock Bottomed Test. Rock made the cover, and with Kane preventing Jericho from breaking it up, and Storm and Edge battling in the aisle, Rock got the pinfall over Test.

Time of the match: 11:42

Rock got up from pinning Test, only to get knocked down from behind by Chris Jericho. Jericho kicked away at Rock, only for Kane to grab him by the hair and toss him into a corner. Kane gestured for Rock to get Jericho, and The Big Red Machine pushed a dazed Test out of the ring, and began throwing him around ringside. In the ring, The Rock stalked Jericho, who was begging off from The People’s Champion. The Rock was having none of it, and he decked Jericho with a right hand. The Rock then whipped Jericho into the ropes and hit a spinebuster. As the crowd cheered him on, The Rock stood over Jericho, looked out at the crowd, before hitting the ropes, and sending the crowd crazy by hitting Jericho with The People’s Elbow.

As The Rock’s music began to play, Test pulled a barely coherent Undisputed Champion out of the ring, and The Rock rolled to the floor and snatched both of Jericho’s World Title belts from the timekeeper. As Test helped Jericho up the ramp, The Rock posed with both belts, and taunted Jericho as he stumbled up the ramp, and began to mumble that The Rock had his belts. The Rock continued to post as the crowd cheered him loudly, and Smackdown went off the air with a shot of The Rock holding up both belts, and the crowd cheering him like mad..

End Credits

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Guest Vince Russo

Jakked – Saturday January 19th 2002

The opening credits of Jakked play, and we see clips of various WWF wrestlers in action, before we are taken to the ringside table where Michael Cole and D-Lo Brown sit

Michael Cole: Hello everyone and welcome to Jakked, I’m Michael Cole along with D-Lo Brown, and we are just 24 hours away from the Royal Rumble, and thing cannot get any hotter as we approach this huge event.

D-Lo Brown: That’s right, because every major issue in the WWF right now will either climax at the Rumble, or will see the next wild chapter unfold. The Rock finally gets his shot at Chris Jericho and the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship. Ric Flair and Sting get their hands on Vince McMahon and Randy Savage, and we might see something insane during the Royal Rumble match itself, as Kurt Angle, Triple H, Kane and The Undertaker, as well as every other top name in the WWF, will be in the Royal Rumble match, and we could say any or all of those men in the ring at the same time.

Michael Cole: This years Royal Rumble promises to be one of the most intense ever, with so many names, even some returning stars, fighting it out to win the Royal Rumble, and gain a shot the Undisputed World Wrestling Championship in the main event of WrestleMania.

D-Lo Brown: That title shot, the opportunity to be in the main event of WrestleMania is so important, that everyone wants their chance, and as you said, we’ve got wrestlers coming out of the woodwork wanting a their chance for that very prestigious prize.

Michael Cole: The Royal Rumble is just 24 hours away, and I can’t wait.

The throbbing tones of The Bossman’s music see this big bully make his entrance. The Bossman slowly enters the ring, as an on-screen graphic identifies his opponent as Ryan Hickenbottom

Match one: The Bossman v Ryan Hickenbottom

The Bossman made short work of this youngster, bouncing him around the ring with several power moves, before putting him down for the count with the Bossman Slam.

Time of the match: 2:57

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: The Bossman not wanting to waste time here, as he gets ready for the Royal Rumble tomorrow, and The Bossman getting a little testy as we heads towards Sunday, as he had a confrontation with Maven on Smackdown.

D-Lo Brown: Bossman taking issue with Maven for some reason; I don’t know why. But they exchanged words this past Thursday on Smackdown, and The Bossman let it be known to Maven that he didn’t take him seriously.

Michael Cole: That could come back to hurt Bossman, because Maven might be in his rookie year, but he has a world of potential.

We are taken to the backstage interview area, where Maven is standing

Maven: Bossman, I don’t know what your problem with me is, and I really don’t care. I’ve done nothing to you, and our paths haven’t crossed. Yet. But that may change at the Royal Rumble on Sunday. Bossman, you better hope you stay out of my way in the Rumble, because I’m not afraid of you, and I will throw you out.

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Maven is definitely not afraid of The Bossman, and won’t be backing down if they meet up during the Royal Rumble.

D-Lo Brown: Maven is all fired up, especially this close to his first Royal Rumble match. Maven just needs to make sure he doesn’t get too excited, or he may find himself eliminated from the Royal Rumble, and that means the end of his dreams for this year.

Michael Cole: Maven could certainly be a dark horse, especially if he draws a crucial late number.

The soft beats of Justin Credible's music hit, and he and Stevie Richards make their way out to a good booing from the crowd. This new tag team look really fired up after their win on Smackdown, and, as soon as they enter the ring, waste no time attacking their opponents, who are identified as Brian Mathers and Marshall Warren

Match two: Justin Credible and Stevie Richards v Brian Mathers and Marshall Warren

This match was fairly straightforward, as the new team of Credible and Richards took their opponents apart with methodical ease. Credible and Richards made frequent tags, and dismantled Mathers and Warren with the proficiency of a well-oiled team. Credible and Richards hit a number of good looking double team moves, before putting Mathers away with a flapjack.

Time of the match: 4:10

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Credible and Richards continue their winning ways, and this new tag team is really beginning to climbs the ranks in the WWF.

D-Lo Brown: Credible and Richards make a fine team, we saw them victorious this past Thursday on Smackdown, and if they keep their wining ways up, they could get a shot at the WWF Tag Team Titles.

Michael Cole: And tag team titles will be defend at the Royal Rumble, as Tazz and Spike Dudley defend the titles against The Dudley Boyz, and the former champions gained an early advantage this past Thursday on Smackdown, when they attacked Spike Dudley backstage, and put him through a table.

D-Lo Brown: Spike Dudley was obviously injured in that attack, but we don’t yet know how badly. What we do know is that this almost makes it a handicap match now, because Tazz will have to wrestle most of, if not all of, the title match by himself, because Spike Dudley may not be able to wrestle tomorrow night. Even if he does wrestle, though, there is no way he can be at 100%.

Michael Cole: The Dudley Boyz could walk out of the Royal Rumble as the new WWF Tag Team Champions. The other tag match tomorrow night will be an incredibly heated one, as Ric Flair and Sting take on Vince McMahon and Randy Savage. This match has seen some of the most controversial segments in the history of Raw take place, and with this match being a streetfight, you know that things will definitely get out of hand.

Set to dramatic music, a video highlight package shows various clips and scenes from everything that has led up to the Ric Flair and Sting versus Vince McMahon and Randy Savage tag team Streetfight at the Royal Rumble. On the last Smackdown of 2001, Flair and McMahon get into a verbal altercation, leading to Flair booking he and McMahon into a singles match at the Rumble, before decking McMahon with a right hand to the jaw. On the first Smackdown of 2002, Ric Flair and Vince McMahon have another showdown in the ring, but this one culminates with the lights going out, and then going back up, and a masked man in the ring, The mystery man then lays Flair out with brass knuckles before hitting an elbow drop off the top rope. McMahon then challenges Flair to a tag match at the Rumble, and his partner will be the masked man, who is revealed to be Randy Savage. On Raw the following Monday, Flair accepts the challenge, and then says he’ll tell everyone who is tag team partner will be on Smackdown. The following Thursday, McMahon and Savage corner Flair in the ring, and are about to attack, when the lights go out. The go back up, and Sting! is in the ring, and the crowd go crazy as he and Flair run McMahon and Savage out of the ring. Last Monday on Raw, all four men come face-to-face in the ring, and exchange a number of hard-hitting insults, a few of which have to be censored, such is their nature. And on this past Thursday’s edition of Smackdown, Flair and McMahon have one more confrontation that sees Sting and Savage get involved again. Both teams briefly tussle before McMahon and Savage scarper, with Flair screaming at them as they go

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: These four men have so much emotion and intensity going into this match, which will be a Streetfight. With that kind of stipulation D-Lo, I shudder to think what could happen this Sunday.

D-Lo Brown: You should be worried, because anything goes in a Streetfight, you can do what you want, and that’s just asking for trouble with these four men. This Streetfight could end up being the wildest match in WWF history.

Michael Cole: It very well could, and I just hope it doesn’t go too far.

Siren-type music sees Saturn make his entrance, to a lukewarm reaction. This multi-tattooed individual has a strange look about him as he walks down the aisle. Saturn enters the ring, and his opponent is identified as Matthew Charlton

Match three: Saturn v Matthew Charlton

Saturn easily overpowered his hapless opponent, hitting a number of great looking karate kicks, and some wicked looking submission holds. The crowd, despite not reacting much to Saturn when he came out, did cheer his neat looking moves, and they applauded loudly as he smoothly transitioned from a side-russian legsweep into the Rings Of Saturn, which got him the submission win.

Time of the match: 4:02

Back at the commentary table

Michael Cole: Saturn getting the win, and it’s good to see him back in action here on Jakked, and Saturn will be part of the Royal Rumble tomorrow.

D-Lo Brown: Saturn is a dangerous wrestler, a former airborne ranger, and he is someone to look out for, because he can beat you with any number of the submission holds that he knows.

Michael Cole: Of course, the big match on the Royal Rumble pay-per-view, apart from the Rumble match itself, will see The Rock challenging Chris Jericho for the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship. These two have developed an intense rivalry over the past few weeks, and it all comes to head tomorrow night, as they battle it out for the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship.

Set to dramatic music, a video package highlights all the events that have led up to the Chris Jericho v Rock match at the Royal Rumble. On the first Smackdown of 2002, The Rock challenges Chris Jericho to a match for the Undisputed Championship. Jericho comes out and accepts, and, after some insult trading, The Rock runs Jericho off. Later in the night, Jericho interrupts The Rock’s match with Lance Storm, and lays out The People’s Champion. On Raw the following Monday, Chris Jericho is in the ring talking, and The Rock interrupts him. After verbal barbs have been exchanged, a brawl erupts, which ends with Jericho laying The Rock out with a Breakdown on the floor. Jericho dismissively tells the EMT’s to take care of The Rock, and walks off, not once looking at The Rock. On the next Smackdown, Jericho has just defeated Kane, when The Rock runs in and attacks Jericho. The Rock is about to hit the People’s Elbow on The Rock, but Jericho slithers away. On last Monday’s Raw, during a tag match also involving Lance Storm and Edge, Jericho uses a lowblow to allow him to cradle The Rock for a pin, and, with the help of Storm and Test, Jericho leaves both The Rock and Edge laying with a pair of Breakdowns, and Jericho poses over them to end Raw. And finally, on Smackdown this past Thursday, the six-man main event of Jericho, Storm and Test versus The Rock, Edge and Kane, ended with The Rock pinning Test, and, with some help from Kane, The Rock nails Jericho with The People’s Elbow, and, as the package ends, we see the final shot of Smackdown, which is of The Rock posing in the ring, holding up both of the World Title belts that make up the Undisputed Championship, as a distraught and battered Chris Jericho looks on from the aisleway

End Credits

Edited by Vince Russo
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Good show for Smackdown. I'm enjoying the push for Raven and I'm glad it's a slow build that's still credible (i.e. taking down the fat slug of Rikishi).

Looking forward to see what you've got in store for the guy.

I'm also looking forward to see how the Rumble is written up, particularly the interaction between 3H and Angle.

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