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The Quasi Juice

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About The Quasi Juice

  • Birthday 19/04/1990

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    The Netherlands

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Tag Team Champion (7/12)



  1. I might be a lil' biased here when I say this but the Dutch performed the best yesterday, easily. It's a great song but unfortunately not a Eurovision type of song (i.e. upbeat).
  2. Romania's song is Miracle right? If so, I don't like it at all. I'm sick of cliché dance songs, I feel like anyone could make those. What do you guys think of Netherlands' entry this year? Another slow song. I actually really like it but it's definitely not a Eurovisiony type song, so it'll probably fail big time;
  3. Horrible play by both Sarah and Kass this episode. Sarah listening to Tony's plans made sense because they had a relationship before and she could get info out of Tony. After that she should have reaffirmed the top 6 alliance that she's still with them. That should have been it. Instead she dubbed herself the queen and she thought she was in a position to make demands on who should go out, pissing Kass off and rightfully so. Her reads were terrible too, i.e. being confident that nobody has an idol in the other alliance and disagreeing with Trish and Jefra (although they ended up voting Jefra anyway which we didn't see?). Damn, such a good position totally thrown away 'cause it got to her head. Kass was terribad too though, because despite Sarah being a dick to her she still had a way better shot at going far with her original Brains. She only talked to Trish for fuck sakes and now she's confident she'll go far? She doesn't even know the other people! She'll be top 7/8 at this point. With the top 6 alliance she would have been top 3 I think. Kass should have sucked it up and taken out Sarah later on. So dumb.
  4. Yeah, Monica was always going to lose and Tyson was always going to win. They really should have pulled the trigger on Tyson earlier but alas, didn't happen for various reasons. I'd put Tyson's win above Cochran's, that's for sure. Some really weird moments during the reunion. Jeff talking to a random fan about Monica and all she did was say lame cliche shit about her. Kat rambling and saying she got a boob job. Colton getting a video package and way too much air time despite quitting twice and you could tell he didn't give the answer Jeff wanted. I have this sick feeling he'll be asked to come back again.
  5. Monica should have taken out Gervase with Tina at F4. At least she would have been able to say she made a "move" to give herself a chance to win. Monica was afraid Tina would get lots of votes but I doubt it. She did nothing throughout the game to justify another million bucks. Anyway, it worked out okay for Monica because she got one vote and thus Dat Second Place money. All thanks to Vytas, wow. It's a shame the finale was a little lackluster 'cause the whole season was good. It was just too obvious whoever came back from RI would work with Ciera and then one of them would obviously go out immediately. Tyson had the idol so that wasn't an option anymore. Shame.
  6. Wow, amazing. Not sure if it was a good move by Ciera considering Tyson didn't go home, but if she can persuade Monica than she suddenly has a very good shot at winning. I did NOT expect her to vote Monica though, because she's been playing it relatively safe to the point of immediately telling Tyson about Caleb and Hayden's plan of voting him out. Now all of a sudden in a situation that's much more insecure she was willing to make a move. Hayden did a great job convincing her. And what the fuck @ Gervase's vote 'THIS AIN'T BIG BROTHER BRO'
  7. What a great season. This is why I said I like Ciera, she's savvy, she gets it and is a much better player than her mom. I love how she lied to Katie and found out about the idol. Next week looks good too Edit: Holy shit, Todd Herzog was on Dr Phil this week, look at this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Vcj-wA9jaY . He's a hardcore alcoholic now, so unreal. He's been on podcasts the last few months and sounded just fine. He's drinking two bottles of vodka every day. He was on Jerri's podcast this week and passed out in front of everybody.
  8. Strange that Vytas and Aras got so much air time early on and now they are both at Redemption Island already. Especially Vytas got WAY more confessionals than most. He's either the one returning to the game eventually or they are pushing hard for him to be a memorable cast member so he can return another time. Meanwhile Tyson is playing an excellent game. Ciera turning on her mom, awesome. Why boot Katie next anyway? She's horrible at talking to people and not good in challenges either. Take out Laura M and Monica first.
  9. After Vytas, Tyson and Monica, Ciera has had the most confessionals actually. Katie is last with 7, such a wallflower.
  10. I agree with most, however I think Ciera is bound to go far because she's been given a lot of air time. I have a feeling she'll do really well in this game. Why do you think Aras can't survive? He's intelligent, agile and strong. I can only see Vytas and Tyson beating him really, unless it's a challenge like last night which is tailor made for a woman. Also still no HII = awesome.
  11. Nooooo Aras Monica is dumb indeed. How did she interpret Tina saying she'll be part of the final five as 'at five you are out!'. She would be the swing vote to determine which family gets broken up. The only arguments she can make is that Tina and Aras are very loyal to each other and thus would never turn on each other, and that especially Aras and Vytas would win over basically anyone no matter what. I really don't like Laura M. First she spoiled like 3 weeks worth of Survivor on Twitter. Then she shows just how BAD of a player she actually is. Samoa made her look like the leader but in reality she played a horrible game there too. Ciera is much better, I really like her as a player and person. Laura, not so much. It's hilarious that Ciera basically found her mom a nuisance. It'll be interesting to see how everything plays out now. You'd think Vytas is the next target. Tyson and Gervase seem to have taken control but the tribe dynamic is so strange, anything can happen.
  12. Vytas by far has had the most confessionals. I have a feeling they are setting him up for an epic blindside and he'll be a returnee for sure. Aras had a strong edit at the start but now it seems to be leaning towards Tyson, Tina and a little bit Ciera. I have to say no idols in play and the cast has made this a very fun season so far. I have no idea what will happen at the merge and I love it. There are so many variables going into the merge. Aras is being targeted by Tyson's group BUT Tina, Vytas and Monica are coming and will want to work with Aras.
  13. Can I nominate Laura Boneham as the worst Survivor player ever? Sure we've had the likes of Chicken and other dumbass first boots but at least Laura was given the time to play. She was put in an amazing position with dominating Favorites. Problem is she's smug, delusional, socially awkward, backstabbing and a horrible strategist. Because of Aras Laura M went home despite Laura B trying to throw some people under the bus which nobody believed. This time she makes a decision for the entire f'n tribe after the challenge. And despite Vytas constantly talking to the girls and none of the girls assuring Laura B that Vytas was going home she STILL had this terrible smug look on her face like she owned the damn place. Then in her interview on Redemption Island she was like 'and they vote ME out'? If not Vytas, who else deserves to go Laura? It's not like you've been a great player. Rupert and Laura have created this image that they are wonderful people, honorable etc, yet the last 3 times Rupert has played he's come across as a conniving and socially awkward person. Same goes for Laura apparently. Anyway, seems obvious Laura M is returning into the game considering that challenge is made for a woman really.
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