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Everything posted by galacticgonzo

  1. - Crystal Louthan - She's young so I think its within the realm of possability for a return. Plus I love her so selfishly I always activate her. - Daniel Rodimer - Young and again, could return. - Keith Hart - He's a Hart. That seriously seems like enough reason to keep him in the game as he'll never truly be away from the business unless he disowns his entire family and promises to never, ever make up with them. - Kimberly Page - If you're leaving Sara Calaway in I'd say Kimberly applies for the same basic reason, but I'd actually be cool with ditching both as their divorced and presumably done with the business. - Lauren Brooke - Young and in wrestling relatively recently so some probably use her, but whatever. - Leticia Cline - Ditto. - Linda Miles - Again. - Lou D'Angeli - Didn't he JUST leave WWE? Like last week? And say he would have participated in HardCore Justice if he wasn't under contract? He seems like a no-brainer to stay and maybe even upgrade to "On Hiatus" or "Active." - Maven Huffman - Young and I'm sure some like to activate him, but again... whatever. - Nidia Guenard - Same. - Taylor Matheny - Again, young and married to an active wrestler so I'd keep her around because she's theoretically just a storyline away from being used. - Terri Runnels - Kimberly Page/Sara Calaway thing. - Todd Romero - I'd leave him just as I'd leave Coach as they may be beyond wrestling right now but they're still active sports casters and if their careers took a step back I think its reasonable to believe they'd accept a job in wrestling. - Trinity - The "some people probably enjoy activating her, but whatever" thing. And I agree with all your previous people you argued to keep. They're all people I'd argue for if they hadn't seemingly already been decided they were staying.
  2. I agree that Catalina would be the most likely to return. She's only a few months out of training in FCW so if she showed up with her husband to a WWE event and they decided to hire his hot wife to be his valet she'd almost certainly do it, and that's something WWE and other promoters have done tons of time. But I also figure there's tons of examples of women like Karen Angle, Sharmell, Debra McMichaels, Rebecca Hickenbottom, or Sara Calaway showing up for the first time or the first time in a long time simply because their mates were active performers and there was suddenly a storyline purpose for them to be at their side. And I just think if we're talking about 3 or 4 women why not leave them in there for the player to activate if they wish? I mean, I guess it comes down to a basic question. Why are there ANY "Left the Business" people in the database? Its unlike "On Hiatus" where the people can return to your game and the business. These are people who are at the time your game starts set to never ever play in your game. So aren't they as useful as deceased wrestlers in that regard? Personally when I play I tend to take any of the ones who I think have a chance of returning and putting them to "On Hiatus" so they're a factor in the game, and then I toss the rest. But I assume the reason they're included is because even if they've left the business they're still tangentially associated enough like Rock and Brock that hey could well return one day in a plausible scenario. So that seems like a category these women are safely in as well. And while I can appreciate Who's desire to weed out some names for the sake of the database size I just feel like being married to an active wrestler leaves you one step closer to the business and more in the category of a Brock or Rock than these random Nitro Girls who probably haven't looked at wrestling in a decade.
  3. I think they're all reasonable candidates to delete, and the only ones I'd think about leaving around would be the wives of active wrestlers who have some history in the business and could come back in. Catalina White is only a few months removed from the business and is engaged to Jack Swagger so could easily find her way back in. Taylor Matheny is retired but has on one or two occassions appeared with husband Brian Kendrick so could conceivably do it again. And Rebecca Hickenbottom worked that angle in WWE with husband Shawn Michaels and could do something like that again, although she seems the surest case of unlikely to have a regular role given her age and motherhood where a Catalina White could just show up in WWE because she's hot and around. I wouldn't fight them being removed, I'd just probably hang onto those few wives myself for story purposes or the slightly closer connection they have to the business by being married to active wrestlers. Where as most of those women are just women who had a brief time with wrestling and you can assume are now totally disassociated with it. Mark Madden still writes a lot about wrestling, doesn't he? And hosts a radio show about it? Not quite an active job in the business but maybe grounds to keep him in the database?
  4. Been trying to get the hang of making title belt images and I finally have a few I think are decent enough to share without being embarrassed.
  5. But Kim was negotiating with both WWE and TNA at the end of her TNA contract with both wanting her and her taking the better deal. And Christian did it twice, when he was leaving WWE and when he was leaving TNA. In both cases all available info said both companies wanted him and he played them against each other and took the better deal. WWE and TNA didn't say "We don't want you, Christian." and then he just signed with the other. He twice over was wanted by both, talked to both, and went directly from a WWE contract to a TNA contract to a WWE contract turning down offers from the other in the process. Like I said, obviously its nothing like the raids and major talent stealing of the Monday Night Wars era, especially since a lot of that happened before the days of guaranteed and legally binding contracts. But I guess I don't really get what "stealing" talent is as it pertains to legally binding written deals if its not negotiating with dudes at the tail end of their deals and offering them better deals to try and lure them away.
  6. I get that it may be a one sided war but the non-agression just strikes me as unrealistic. If they're not at war wouldn't it just make more sense to have no deal? I realize that means WWE might sign TNA talent not signed to written deals and "raid" them but there's nothing stopping them from doing that now. I mean, there have been SOME cases of WWE and TNA competing over the same talent directly such as Christian and Gail Kim but I get your point. They're certainly not at war like WCW and WWF were. But they are competitors with absolutely no professional armistice or qualms with taking talent from each other, even if its not happening THAT often. Its not a big deal, really. Its an easy one to fix myself in my personal database if I disagree. Was just saying.
  7. I tend to delete almost all of the non-aggression deals myself because they don't make much sense to me. Working agreements I get but TNA and WWE have no problem raiding ROH, Shimmer, PWG, or whoever if they want and are able to. And aren't WWE and TNA at war? Earlier in the year TNA pretty much made a full frontal assault by moving to Monday. They've taken shots at WWE for 8 years and the companies have taken talent from each other many times. I don't know what fully constitutes a "War" but at the very least I know TNA and WWE have no kind of peace treaty that keeps them from stealing talent or taking shots.
  8. TNA Impact is set for 8 PM on Spike on Thursdays. It should be 9 to 11. TNA Xplosion is set for 8 PM on Spike on Thursdays. While it was rumored that Xplosion would move to Spike and go back-to-back with Impact that never came to pass. So the show should just lose the slot all together. On the other hand "TNA Reaction" is set to debut at 11 PM on Thursdays on Spike Aug 12th and run an hour. But its a documentary/recap show from all evidence so I don't know if you want to add it. Probably a case of waiting until the end of the month after a few episodes have aired and see how it plays out, since it seems like a situation where TNA could use it to overrun Impact if they wanted to. Sarita should be a heel in TNA. SoCal Val is set to be a face and "Bitch." She's probably little more than "Eye Candy" or "Staff" in reality.
  9. Yeah. If the file name on your database and Who's is "Low Ki" then you won't import over Who's Low Ki. It will just leave the original and skip his. But if you have "Brandon Silvestry" or TheWho has "Kaval" then you'll end up with both guys. Which can be a pain in the ass if you don't know who you're looking for to delete. Sometimes its easy to fix. "Rey Mysterio Jr" is sitting next to "Rey Mysterio, Jr". But if you import a lot you can end up with a lot of duplicates as wrestlers get put under different names or foreign wrestlers have slightly different spellings.
  10. Yeah. Dawn Marie admits to using in the past. But she's been out of the business and speaks of it in the past so there's no reason to believe its a problem NOW. On the flip side Scott Hall says he's clean now. But he has a long history of falling off the wagon and hasn't been clean for very long at all. So there doesn't seem to be a lot of reason to believe that THIS is the time he stays clean so he should keep the problems in game.
  11. I don't know if anyone has done these but I just killed some time on them after watching the first two shows, so the partial Lucha Libre USA roster. Lizmark Jr, Sydistiko (I believe TJ Perkins), Magno, and Rellik (Johnny Stambolli) Marco Corleone (Mark Jindrak), El Oriental, Tinieblas Jr., and Solid Octagoncito, Chi Chi (Alan Funk/Kwee Wee/Bruce), PJ Brewer (John Walters), and Charli Malice (Charly Manson) Super Nova and Pequeno Halloween EDIT: Luchawiki has both TJ Perkins and Mentallo listed as Lucha Libre USA's Sydistiko. So I dunno. My money is on TJP but I guess he's just Sydistiko.
  12. I'm glad someone else got you covered. I think I'm a solid cutter for my own purposes and have basically stopped relying on this thread but usually Rocky, Who, or Jess beat me to anything requested. So I just tend to not look as much and get busy. Usually all I end up doing are the ones that get forgotten like yours seemed to. Just didn't have the time at the moment so glad one of the pros got you.
  13. A couple of more images I could see myself better pulling Synn from. If no one helps you out with that I'll have a try later.
  14. Thank you, very much. I've been looking for him.
  15. Does anyone have a picture of Tito Colon under is masked FCW Epico identity? Doesn't even have to be cut, I can do the cutting myself, but I can't find a single picture. I'm doing a big fantasy draft/TEW database on another board and it seems odd to imagine that there'd be no photos of the guy online when he's been FCW tag champ for awhile... but I can't find them. Also, does anyone have PWO's Aaron Maguire? That's another I can't seem to find a picture of.
  16. erm what? I think he means that some of the older storylines in some scenarios would have more detailed information. Instead of "Singles Feud #1" it would say "Singles Feud #1 (8W 4M 8A)". So you know the story is meant to be told over the course of 8 weeks, with 4 matches and 8 angles. It was a kind of useful aid in picking stories when you can count how many shows you have to build it up so you don't end up stuck with 1 week before the PPV and big final match but 2 matches and 6 angles to run to get there. Its something I do with the stories I edit/create I take it he went and did it for all of the existing real world stories you guys made. I'd find that useful, if no one else does. Its not necessary. Usually I can figure it out, but it doesn't hurt.
  17. Yeah, I've started a few games with Taker as "Semi-Active" and WWE ALWAYS cuts him on Day 1. That seems like a real problem. I don't know which situation is better, though. WWE getting to use him way more than he really is used of WWE deciding he's expendable if he's only available as often as he is in real life.
  18. I'm all for realism. If I had the patience for it I'd add the entire network schedules to try and avoid me nabbing a spot I never could in real life.
  19. Considering how they took it to the staff and crew at ringside I think its safe to say they're undoubtedly heels. The attack on Punk and the SES implies they're equal opportunity heels but that doesn't really change anything. But yeah, it makes sense to just do nothing and wait. Its weeks before the update would be released and by then this could be a full blown nWo story or could have been a one week time killer. Who knows?
  20. The first two are Tenille Tayla and Jessica James, I believe. The bottom 3 are all Shimmer wrestlers but not sure who is who. No idea who #3 is although I feel like I should. Sassy Stephanie, maybe?
  21. TNA Impact seems to still be set as a live Monday show. Should air at 9 on Thursday but probably still filmed on Monday.
  22. Awhile back someone (Rocky?) made a quick video tutorial on how to make these in Gimp. Is that still around? A friend asked me and while I can craft my own guide I figured it would be easier to show him the same video I watched when I learned. EDIT: Nevermind. Found it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkuavZs8yLE
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