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Everything posted by galacticgonzo

  1. I saw the new WWE PPV poster and immediately imagined it as an EWR image.
  2. Out of curiosity will Wrestlicious be included this month? I know you've kept them out in the past on account of their inactive status but they do have a set of tapings scheduled for May.
  3. That's impressive detective work. The only thing I see potentially missing is that awhile back it was said that Krissy Vain/Kristin Astara would be joining Wrestlicious for their second set of tapings. http://www.diva-dirt.com/2010/04/02/diva-dirts-own-kristin-astara-krissy-vaine-joins-wrestlicious/
  4. Its an optional thing, I'm pretty sure, so they really CAN go work for TNA if they want to. They'd just be giving up some guaranteed money from WWE and it makes a lot of sense to get paid to sit on your couch for 3 months and THEN sign your deal. So there's really no need to simulate it in game. Plus, yeah, it really only applies to anyone WWE sees as a competitor. WWE releases routinely work for US indies or overseas within the 90 days. So it wouldn't be all that accurate anyway. Plus it seems impractical since TEW won't automatically take them off hiatus in 3 months so you'd end up having a lot of people playing games where Shelton Benjamin never works again. The idea seems designed for people who (a) want ultra realism and (b) understand how to use the editor so they can just as easily do it themselves.
  5. If I had my druthers I'd probably call Teddy a "Super Junior" and Jack a "Luchadore." But I think labeling both Cruiserweights or Luchadores seems like a fine compromise. And if a lucha company like AAA won't hire "Super Juniors" than it makes sense to not label Teddy as one since he works them pretty regularly.
  6. I would guess they're both "luchadores", but to be honest I have no idea what those particular terms mean to TEW and I can't find a guide. To me "spot monkey" just says someone who does big flashy stuff but can't work a match. Big flash stuff is obviously a part of Teddy and Evan's games but I do think both are wholly capable of working a good, or even great, match. So cruiserweights or luchadores? Luchadores sounds to me like an emphasis on high flying but with a more or less round game, but I have no idea if that's true for TEW.
  7. I don't think Teddy's ever really been a "spot monkey" as he's always had a mat game from when I've watched him but Jack Evans hasn't been a spot monkey in years since he rounded out his style with all the ROH and Japan work.
  8. This is so weird that I never thought to limit the entrance time when editing a match, but it gives me a thought for "Squash" matches. The ones where a jobber is used or someone gets a "jobber entrance" that doesn't make TV. Every once and awhile I'm doing a full blown squash where the entrances go longer than the match and that seemed off to me. So I don't know if its worth adding to your file but I think I'm going to see if I can create a "Squash" option with basically 1 minute of entrance.
  9. I love the RKY ones. Its a tremendous idea that I'd probably adopt if (a) I didn't rarely play a WWE brand split and (b) I wasn't inclined to move people/hire people at a rate where making new images would drive me insane. The champion banners are another really nice idea. Not exactly my style but something I think I might try after failing to adopt the title belt thing. The stable backgrounds? That's just awesome. Cool and distinctive enough to really matter and the booking shouldn't move fast enough to make them obsolete. Thank you.
  10. I would have done more but I tried like 4 different pictures and I just couldn't make it work with all that hair. Maybe someone more skilled than I could help you.
  11. I can't judge considering I just said I was doing the same thing. Regardless, where ever you got them from your databases tend to have some pre-80s guys who I can't managed to find in other packs. For the most part the only people I've been completely incapable of finding are old, OLD guys like Farmer Burns, kind of obscure international guys like "El Cavernario" Galindo, and a few midgets. But I've pulled a number of deceased guys from your database and just had to screw with the overness and some other things. And for the life of me I can't find a Gorilla Monsoon as a wrestler. But if I can put together a database of hundreds and come up with just a list of a dozen or so people I need to make that's a big help.
  12. Just to go back on a past topic I really appreciate the deceased wrestlers because I recently I began piecing together an "All time" database of guys in their prime. That's basically by pulling people out of existing era databases and tweaking them but its problematic for the old dudes for which there really aren't databases for their eras. So Who's database has really given me a head start on guys like El Santo so I didn't have to start from scratch on building them when I'm not quite qualified to figure their stats. So yeah, I just want to thank him for those guys as it helps with some fantasy scenarios. And if they're a real nuisance they're easy enough to filter and delete.
  13. FCW just announced weekly events. http://www.fcwwrestling.info/index.html That may seem minor but its actually a fairly significant thing to me as a player since I very much like to make use of my developmental systems and I highly value a promotion that runs weekly events so my prospects can get as much time as possible. And since FCW is already WWE's developmental and I assume many play as WWE this gives a huge boost to the system, IMO.
  14. Was doing a bunch of random ones so why not.
  15. I decided to add Wrestlicious to my game. Since most of the roster is either a model or some wacky gimmick on an established wrestler I wanted the corresponding images and I never came across them around here, so I figured I'd do my first originals in awhile. I'm missing a bunch and some are cruddy quality because I pulled them off online screen caps. Mostly these are just the pictures I could find on Wrestlicious' website and facebook page. White Magic (Lacey), Tyler Texas (Lorelei Lee), Toni The Top (Nikki T), Sierra Sheraton (Erica D'Erico), Shauna-Na (Kristin Flake), Autumn Frost (Jennifer Blake) Paige Webb (Serena Deeb), Ninja Yada (Lena Yada), Maui (Maria Santella), Maria Toro (Mercedes Martinez), Malibu MacKenzie (Lana Star/Kinnear), Brooke Lynn (Becky Bayless) Kandi Kisses (Lizzy Valentine), JV Rich, Felony (Rain), Draculetta (Daffney), Amber Lively (Ashley Lane/Madison Rayne), Charlotte (Amber O'Neal) Viper (Lotus of WOW), Cobra (Delta Lotta Pain of WOW), Anaconda (Loca of WOW), Faith (Portia Perez), Glory (Christine Ricci), And all models, presumably. Savannah, Lil Slamm, Cousin Cassie, Charity, Boot Camp Bailey, Bandita
  16. I think Gabe had a lot of negative things to say recently about ROH and Davey Richards when Richards backed out of Evolve and Dragon Gate USA shows to sign exclusively with ROH.
  17. Personally, I use them for the computer generated rookies. I always like having a face to associate them with and associating them with celebrities instead of random strangers (which I sometimes pull off "Hot or Not, or whatever sites) can sometimes help me associate a personality with the wrestler.
  18. Concerning WWE Developmentals, I understand that its impossible to pre-set the developmental wrestlers and that if you just sign them to WWE then FCW will have an empty roster and WWE will just cut them anyway. Does it make sense to give each guy two contracts, one for FCW and one for WWE? Both PPA, clearly, and it probably amounts to the same deal where WWE releases them all on Day 1. It just strikes me as off that I can go and try to sign Bryan Danielson, Low Ki, and others with WWE having no say in it. This way at least WWE would have to choose to release them. Just a thought I had and something I'm doing to my own database.
  19. While you can't do 3 or 4 way tag matches as actual plot points you can work them into the story as side things. Hype a 6 man tag and goes off fine. When you run the match it won't register as part of the story but since storylines are in a lot of way just guidelines for me so I'm not booking randomly it works. Its less than ideal of course, but for example I love cpt. charisma's "ECW Originals vs New Breed" story for handling midcard groups on a crowded roster. But since it culminates with an 8 man tag that creates a problem. I just turned the match into a Hype angle and celebration, so while the match itself doesn't get included in I can still run through 90% of the story and have everything but the match itself scripted. Its imperfect and at some stage it probably makes more sense to do Unchained stories, but it works for me just to keep my booking focused.
  20. The problem is that to the best of my knowledge the Storylines don't recognize any matches that aren't 1vs1, 2vs2, 1vs1vs1, or 1vs1vs1vs1. If you schedule a 3vs3 or 2vs2vs2 there's not actual option for it. You'll select "Tag Match" or "Triangle Match" but the game reads that as "2vs2", not "3vs3". So you end up with 6 names and only 4 slots and the game won't let you move past it. Or at least that's where I've gotten stuck on a number of your stories. I love them and I greatly appreciate your work but I find I have to test each one and go through and eliminate any 6-8 man tags, handicap matches, or 3-4 way tag matches. I had gone through and corrected many of them, the ones I had played, but I lost all my edits a month ago and have to start again from scratch. But I'm pretty sure that's the problem unless there's a way to get past those steps that I just don't realize.
  21. Yeah, my bad. TNA I meant. I get your logic. I guess its not really an issue as long as Hulkamania isn't in the database. It just popped up because I added them myself.
  22. Shane McMahon is officially done with WWE as of January 1st. I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure the update has him with them. Its probably also reasonable to put Shane "On Hiatus" or outright "Left the Business" until he does something to show he's sticking around. Also, does it makes sense to put Hulk Hogan on a written deal with WWE considering he owns his own company? Mind you, Hulkamania isn't in the database and we have no idea how long it will live, but seeing as how we don't really KNOW how deep he is in with TNA wouldn't it make more sense to put him on a Pay-Per deal? Especially since lots of other TNA guys have that.
  23. EVOLVE is a north east company just founded by Davey Richards and Gabe Sapolsky. http://www.evolvewrestling.com/ I hate the 1:30 shows but its an easy enough thing for me to go in and change them back to 2 hrs on my computer and be done with it (which is why I didn't understand why it had to be changed in the first place since anyone who felt that strongly could do it the other way). I hope its not a change I have to make with every update but if it is that's a small issue to deal with for getting such a useful and strong update. The only thing that sucked was that I didn't check for it and started a game. Then when Impact was 90 minutes I realized what happened and had to start the game over. I don't know what the process you use for updating is but is there way you could release some kind of list of changes made? I ask not just to notify people of something big like that but also so that someone doing their own database can see what's changed. I go in and make enough changes to my database then it might not make sense for me to start a new one in February, but at the same time you might have added/changed some stuff I want, so it would be useful to be able to see what it is and import or choose to update if its enough. If its too much hassle, I understand, of course. As always, your work is very appreciated.
  24. Start a new database and put them in it. Then go into your game, Edit, and Import the angles in.
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