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Posts posted by Bushmeister

  1. If you haven't yet, then you owe it to yourself to get your hands on some Corporate Avenger. Their style fluctuates quite a bit in the span of their few albums, but "Freedom Is A State Of Mind" is as rap as it comes and also simply some of the angriest music I have ever heard.

  2. I haven't, but neither did I vote for Cats so BLEH right at you :P (quick edit though, NES was my first console and a fixture of my childhood years from age 4 and up, just want to keep my "1337 g4m3rz"-rep up here :shifty:)

    I don't know if anyone else has this, but I have exactly one name I am honestly anxious to see on this list, and pondering on his placement is really getting me worked up.

  3. A'ight, let's resurrect this bitch up in here.

    Year 2007 in metal so far - what are your thoughts on it? I've personally scored some great releases this year, but absolutely the rockingest have been Korpiklaani's "Tervaskanto" for some pretty obvious reasons, and Kronos' "The Hellenic Terror". I was pretty big on Vital Remains' "Icons Of Evil" earlier this year, but Kronos came and completely stamped their balls out on the brutal death metal front. Haven't heard Nile's most recent effort yet, though, so there might be some contest after all.

    Haven't had a chance to check that many black metal releases this year - closest has been Behemoth's "The Apostasy", which totally rocks balls, and Marduk's "Rom 5:12" which was a slight disappointment for me especially because the last album was pretty fucking great. Also speaking of disappointments, what the fuck happened to Leng Tch'e? Three brutal and innovative grind releases and then comes "Marasmus", which was just a pile of Belgian crap. Probably the biggest letdown in consistency any band has ever made.

    Also, Immortal are going to release a new album next year. Hot diggity damn.

  4. I saw Immortal recently. Shit was tight, I tell you, and we got the whole slew of classic moments: Abbath breathing fire, Horgh going berserk on his drums, stopping "Tyrants" in mid-track to get people go fucking nuts. Also rather ironically, the sun started shining just as Immortal began playing, which prompted a hearty "Fuck the sun" from Abbath. Good times.

  5. [anal]

    Actually, they are not zombies. They are infected humans.


    Those should be [copout][/copout] tags.

    "If they're not zombies, then I don't care" should be right up there in the Zombie Commandments along with "Zombies shouldn't run".

  6. Errr, being slightly drunk, I'll spoiler this as well (though honestly, who the hell hasn't played through the original Half-Life?)

    After you shoot at Nihilanth/the nodes around his head enough, his head should pop open. There is a teleport that will throw you into the air just above him - just fall into his brains to kill him and clear the boss.
  7. A direct-yet-not-so-direct descendant from punk, grindcore.

    To clarify, it grew from such extreme punk acts as Discharge, and blossomed into the bands that are still revered in the genre such as Napalm Death, Terrorizer, Repulsion and Extreme Noise Terror. From the early years in the 80's, grind has grown to encompass such things as goregrind (grind with brutal death metal elements) and cybergrind (grind with industrial elements), but even with the addition of new subgenres the general direction of grind has remained very narrow and focused. It is much easier to branch out to death metal and/or metal in general than remain a grindcore band while still pushing the envelope of the genre, but I personally dig the defined boundaries that cage in one of the most extreme styles of music to be found on the planet today.

  8. Thrash Metal


    Carnal Forge


    National Napalm Syndicate

    (I pretty much hate thrash metal, so this is the most you'll get out of me)

    Speed Metal



    Progressive Metal



    Cult Of Luna

    Russian Circles


    Sludge Metal

    Acid Bath

    Soilent Green


    The Melvins

    Buzzov-En (also sometimes spelled as Buzzov-DOT-en)


    Death Metal

    (I have no idea how heavy you want this, so here's some random suggestions)




    Vital Remains

    Behemoth (only the two most recent albums, "Demigod" and "The Apostasy")

    Deeds Of Flesh

    Severe Torture

    Hate Eternal




    Human Mincer

    Lykathea Aflame


    Melodic Death Metal


    Dimension Zero


    Scar Symmetry

    Dew Scented

  9. Smokin' Aces

    I went to the rental shop looking for a fun, non-pretentious movie and settled on Smokin' Aces. It was pretty much what I expected: guns, blood, Alicia Keys' boobies and a slew of psychopaths larger than what Thomas Harris could produce in a few decades. I personally am a sucker for these types of movies and series that feature a huge cast of off-the-wall comic stereotypes, and in that respect Smokin' Aces brought the goods (come on, you can't watch this movie and not love the Tremor brothers). The actors were anything from average to good-great (in Ray Liotta's case) and I was pretty surprised that despite the somewhat flat characters no-one slacked off on their performance. Some good visuals too, especially with the few brief torture scenes and seeing people get shot with vastly oversized weaponry. The ending wasn't up to snuff with the rest of the film, but I could forgive that.

  10. Playing Defcon with mates is out of this world, one of the funniest multiplayer games I know. What you need for Defcon is some humour, a few good friends and a lot of twisted strategies to turn everyone else's territory into glowing, radioactive rubble inhabited by naught but cockroaches and Keith Richards.

    Also, stokes, if you find Defcon a short game, maybe you should play it in Office mode. Hours of fun, guaranteed.

  11. You're not alone, GoGo. I can see the point in someone being upset over Frogger being on the list (although crying for Albert Wesker, a character from perhaps the most haphazard game series ever, seems a bit redundant to me :shifty:), but I didn't nominate or vote for any such characters, so I don't care. And on the plus side, pretty much everyone who I voted for is either still coming or didn't even make the list at all, so I'm still riding the suspense train :P

  12. Hit 62 recently and finally bought my epic mount. To celebrate the occassion, I re-specced my warlock from deep Demonolgy to Affliction/Demonology. It is excessively amusing to have three ogres beat on you and fail to do any real damage because you can drain/regen HP faster than they can take it away :)

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