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Posts posted by Bushmeister

  1. I've finally finished Azumanga Diaoh. Got all of Deathnote on disk now, will be starting that shortly.

    Also, I was watching AMV Hell 3 briefly today, and I was curious as to what the first anime was. Basically, it was two chicks with...well, large and bouncy breasts, trying to shoot one another. Looked decent, anyone know what one that is?

  2. Hey, I'm a part of the Internet Hate Machine. We never do things the pleasurable way.

    Also thanks to Norris for the torrent, I finished it tonight and been seeding ever since. Hopefully there won't be many connection problems with the damn thing.

  3. I like GAINAX's style, I really do. Their animation style really synchs with me and strikes me as out-of-ordinary, and I like the certain absurd sense they reproduce in all the little and impossible details in their works. I don't think that sacrificing a bit of reality for the sake of story/emotional reaction is that bad of a thing.

    I rarely pick up manga or anime titles based on who's behind them, but GAINAX are an exception to that rule on the anime side (Makoto Yukimura is my exception on the manga side of things :shifty:).

  4. Anyway, just started playing Gold again last night. I've pulled through three gyms now and am going through the motions to start on developing a balanced team for the end-game. So far, the ones I am thinking of keeping in my party (at this point all are in the 22-25 level range)

    - Totodile (starting pokémon, can't remember the name of his second evolution which he is at now :shifty:)

    - Noctowl

    - Weepinbell

    - Geodude

    So, any suggestions on what I should add, remove or just completely ditch the whole set and start a new one?

  5. I have such a huge man-crush on Mortuus. Every band he touches (Triumphator, Funeral Mist, Marduk) turns to fucking gold and awesome. Been blasting Funeral Mist all day at work and haven't gotten tired of his vocals, he has such a vile growl and horrific screeches when needed. They give me a boner with their greatness :wub:

    Now listening to: "Realm Of Plagues" by Funeral Mist off of the "Salvation" album.

  6. Whoever mentioned Modest Mouse's "World At Large" gets another vote from me. It gets me emotional and maybe a bit teary-eyed at times, but not exactly sad with things. Xiu Xiu's "I Luv The Valley OH!" has a similar effect on me as well.

    I find a lot of stuff that Explosions In The Sky write kind of melancholic and depressive, especially the soundtrack they did for Friday Night Lights and their album "All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone".

    Moonsorrow's "Sankaritarina" is epicly sad for me as well.

  7. Yup, you read that right.

    Quoted from http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2007350453,00.html

    POP legend Sir Elton John wants the internet CLOSED DOWN.

    Never one to keep his opinions to himself, the Rocket Man has waded into cyberspace with all guns blazing.

    He claims it is destroying good music, saying: “The internet has stopped people from going out and being with each other, creating stuff.

    “Instead they sit at home and make their own records, which is sometimes OK but it doesn’t bode well for long-term artistic vision.

    “It’s just a means to an end.

    “We’re talking about things that are going to change the world and change the way people listen to music and that’s not going to happen with people blogging on the internet.

    “I mean, get out there — communicate.

    “Hopefully the next movement in music will tear down the internet.

    “Let’s get out in the streets and march and protest instead of sitting at home and blogging.

    “I do think it would be an incredible experiment to shut down the whole internet for five years and see what sort of art is produced over that span.

    “There’s too much technology available.

    “I’m sure, as far as music goes, it would be much more interesting than it is today.”

    Multi-millionaire Elton, who turned 60 earlier this year, has admitted in the past that he is a bit behind the times. The Grammy award-winner was once quoted as saying: “I am the biggest technophobe of all time.

    “I don’t have a mobile phone or an iPod or anything.

    “I am such a Luddite when it comes to making music. All I can do is write at the piano.”

    Sales of Elton’s last album The Captain & The Kid were disappointing — it barely shifted 100,000 copies. And in the past Sir Elt has opposed illegal downloading of his music from the net.

    But the flamboyant singer has embraced the web in other ways.

    The 60th birthday concert Sir Elton played to a 20,000-strong crowd at New York’s Madison Square Garden was streamed live over the internet.

    The singer also announced earlier this year that his entire back catalogue of albums would be made available for digital download.

    The internet has played a huge role in kick-starting the careers of some of Britain’s best new talent.

    Sandi Thom shot to fame after broadcasting webcam concerts from her London basement flat, while both the Arctic Monkeys and Lily Allen acknowledge the part played by the web in their success.

    But Elton also complained about the quality of music being released.

    He said: “In the early Seventies there were at least ten albums released every week that were fantastic.

    “Now you’re lucky to find ten albums a year of that quality.

    “And there are more albums released each week now than there were then.”

    I guess that’s what Sir Elt would call a net loss . . .

  8. Yeah, at least for me. Next to the Silent Hill series, they're the best Japanese horror games I have played, and they have quite an unique feel of helplessness to them that not many other horror games can convey. They are (or at least were for me) hideously difficult to someone who's accustomed to say Resident Evil though, and the fact that even a single monster can very well fuck your day up in all sorts of interesting ways means that playing with a gun-ho attitude will result in nothing.

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