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Posts posted by Dynamite

  1. 1. Paul Scholes - Scholes is and probably will always will be my favourite player of all time. He reads the game so well and is able to pick out passes that I doubt half of the other players in the team would even spot. You know he'll never give less than 100% and despite the fact that he's only scored 3 goals in the last two seasons, he still has defences scared when he's got the ball on the edge of the box. I can't think of a better professional in the game today. SAF once said that whichever team Scholes is on in training always wins which says it all really.

    2. Park Ji Sung - He is an unsung hero really. Park might not be the best technically but his work-rate and persistence is so important to the team that it's impossible not to love the guy really.

    3. Owen Hargreaves - He is the player we've missed most this season. Whether you stick him at right-back, right-midfield or in the middle, he'll always give it his all and make the team better as a result. Hargreaves is so good in terms of technical ability that I reckon you could play him anywhere on the field and he'd still do as good a job as the people who play in that position every game.

    4. Cristiano Ronaldo - Ronaldo is probably the hardest player to like in the whole world. He's arrogant, he's petulant and he isn't exactly the most loyal player in the world yet when he's on form, you forget about all of those and just love him for the excitement he brings you as a fan. Put simply, he's a player you love if he's on your team and hate if he's not.

    5. Nemanja Vidic - Best 'no nonsense' defender in the world. He'll never shy from a tackle and does exactly what he needs to do. What more could you want?

  2. I think the 0-0's and the 1-0's are something you can only really appreciate when you're a fan of the sport. Either that or when you've played it competitively with a local team or something. With the American systems, it seems to me that the good athletes usually get picked up for the Football or Basketball teams when at school and the non-athletic kids have never really played it at a competitive level so they'll stick to following the popular sports. I can't really ever see that continuous cycle ending and 'soccer' won't reach the levels of the 'Big 4' for a long time if ever.

  3. I've thought all season that the advantage of playing Tevez instead of Berba would be that Ronaldo will drift more and play a lot more centrally. But no. Ronaldo stayed on the wing, didn't take on the full-back when he could have and didn't put any threatening balls into the box (which wouldn't have amounted to anything anyway because Tevez and Rooney would struggle to beat Hyypia and Skrtyl on the best of days in the air). If you are going to keep Ronaldo far out on the wing, you need to put in Berbatov cos he can hold the ball up and will pose a threat to the two defenders in the air.

    Oh, and has a Wayne Rooney corner ever met the head of a Utd player? With Carrick's ability at passing, why not let him take them and then stick Rooney on the edge of the box in a 'Scholes role'.

  4. Wait, did I misunderstand it or did that guy seriously suggest 'soccer' was bad because it "burns calories"?

    And the whole 'soccer is boring because they don't score many points' argument is bullshit as well. I would much rather watch Man United beat Stoke 1-0 with a goal in the last minute than watch the Lakers beat the Celtics 112-109 where they score points every 35 seconds. In my opinion, 'soccer' is the most rewarding sport for the fans because goals don't always come so regularly. It's frustrating when your team misses/concedes but the feeling of a last-minute winner after you've been trying for 90 minutes is amazing and something Americans dont understand when talking about 'boring soccer'.

  5. Fergie does take the FA Cup seriously though. You only have to look at last year and how pissed he was at getting knocked out even though he went on to win the other two trophies. I think in the next round, regardless of whether we're playing Chelsea or Burnley, he will put out a full strength team.

  6. Definitely Rugby and then probably one of Baseball or Karate. Rugby should have been included in the 2012 games to be honest what with it being held in England. I'd probably edge for Baseball over Karate but either would do really.

  7. Maybe take some sort of portable games console with you like a DS if you've got one? I'm not sure whether your PMP supports games on there but when I was on a similar journey a few months back, I had quite a few simple games on my iPod Touch that I could play with the person next to me that helped to pass the time quite well.

  8. It's quite hard picking a United player to return that is actually realistic (ie. still playing). The only ones that stayed any good after leaving that come to mind are Nistelrooy, Beckham and Heinze although I might be forgetting one or two. I wouldn't mind either Nistelrooy or Beckham (SAF might though :shifty:) and Heinze acted like such a cunt trying to leave the club that we wouldn't want him. I think Pique came out criticizing the fact that the other players eat a lot of junk and drink quite a bit so he wouldn't want to come back. Rossi will turn out quite good but honestly, there's no place for him in the side and I'd rather he became a world class player elsewhere rather than playing second fiddle to Rooney, Tevez and Berbatov.

  9. Main one is probably Scrubs. I remember finding the few episodes I saw from the earlier series quite boring to the extent that I still haven't got round to watching them. However, I rediscovered it around Series 4ish and it's become one of my favourite shows on TV.

    Another show is Everybody Loves Raymond which although I still don't really watch regularly, it's a show I've grown to really enjoy.

  10. Paddy Power is paying out on Manchester United as winners of the Premier League, FA Cup and Carling Cup - the first time any bookie has paid out early on a team winning more than one trophy in a season.

    With United's goal impregnable in their last 14 league games and Arsene Wenger's admission that the champions are 'untouchable' Paddy Power is not only declaring the title race over but all domestic trophies for this season.

    The bookie will pay out on all bets on United winning the three domestic trophies as well as any bets on the domestic doubles and the treble.

    United are already just 1/6 to retain their title, 2/5 for the Carling Cup and 7/4 for the FA Cup, with Paddy Power looking at an early payout of over £1 million.

    Paddy Power, head of communications for the bookie, said: "We know and punters know the race for trophies is all but over for another year so why wait for the formalities?

    "If none of the opposition are able to even score a goal against United what chance have they got of actually beating them to silverware? We just hope someone can do us a favour and stop them in Europe.

    "However, paying out on all three is a gamble. Football has a way of biting teams on the backside when they least expect it so we could yet end up with egg on our faces and not for the first time.

    "Paddy Power are famous for being the first to call title races over, even paying out on Chelsea after just seven games of the 2005/06 season. But we haven't always got it right, famously paying out on Arsenal in the 2002/2003 season only to have to pay out again when Manchester United pipped them to the title."

    Paddy Power are also waiting on the outcome of this season's relegation fight having paid out on Stoke, currently 2/1 on for the drop, after their loss on the first day of the season.

    I'm a United fan and even I can see this is stupid. The whole "the opposition can't score against them" argument won't necessarily be true in the Carling Cup final where VDS will probably be rested and maybe one of Vidic or Ferdinand as well. Then there's the FA cup, a tournament which still has Arsenal, Chelsea and Everton in it where pretty much anything can happen. I can see us winning a double of some sorts but paying out for a domestic treble already is purely the result of PaddyPower believing the media hype a bit too much.

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