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Posts posted by MDP

  1. Beginning of The Month

    I was surfing the web and found that my promotion has gaind yet another PI. I now sit, confortably, at 3% PI. After a few promotions drop out, I move up to #31 in the world. Woohoo, maybe if everyone goes out of buisness, I will become #1. Yes, this could happen. I was looking at the new overness updates when there was a knock on my door.

    Sophie: Aaron are you there?

    Me: Yes sweetie?

    Sophie: I have figured out who the mystery man at your main event was last night.

    Me: Who? Gather the pitchforks, we'll kill that bastard.

    Sophie: No, no silly. He is actually a wrestling. He is very accomplished. He once held three titles at once. Here, type this into your computer and he has an entire profile.

    The paper read: http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/profiles/d/dru-onyx.html

    Me: Cool. I think the one title says Cruiserweight Champion on it. Anyway, I have to punish him for interfering with my main event. Ahha. Book him in a match next month. A 2on1. And please, think of a new name. By the way, where's Jake been?

    Sophie: I don't know last I saw he was pissing in his hat. Then I saw him wearing it...ew. But I came up with the card, and with your match, that makes 5. Here it is.

    The Card for Backyard Brawl '06.

    SOLW Heavyweight Championship Match

    -'The Boss' Tony Scarcelli © vs. Mr. Simon-

    The final encounter. Will this barbed wire match settle it all between the two?

    Number One Contender Match

    -X-Cal w/ Ms. Jade vs. Shawn Stylez-

    X-Cal doesn't think Shawn deserves a shot, will the newcomer prove him wrong?

    -Chuckles vs. 'Hatchet' Dan Duggan-

    An evil clown, an obssesed Jim Duggan fan. Geez, what kind of wacky things can expect from this match?

    -The Warlock and Mr. Simon vs. Jack Smack-

    The intruder from last month's Psycho's Ward show will receive his punishment in this 2vs1 handicap match.

    -Shawn Stylez vs. 'The Boss' Tony Scarcelli w/ Jack Smack-

    Can the 'The Boss' beat the most stylish guy in SOLW?

  2. (Sorry for the long delay, I apologize)

    Psycho's Ward

    Phatdrew: What up hoes? Yeah yeah, shut up. Tonight is the long awaited Psycho's Ward event. Tonight, you are going to see a spectacle unparrelled in backyard wrestling. We have four amazing matches set up for you guys. Our first match is 'The Boss' Tony Scarcelli vs. 'Hatchet' Danny Duggan.

    Tony's music hits and he doesn't look happy. I wouldn't look happy either if I was coming off that loss last month. Tony climbs in the ring and receives his boos from the crowd of 4 happy fans.

    Match One

    -Tony 'The Boss' Scarcelli vs. 'Hatchet' Dan Duggan-

    Dan's music hits and he comes out from the curtain. He points to the sky as if Jim Duggan were dead. What a nerd, all he did was retire. Anyway, he climbs in the ring and wastes no time going after The Boss. He hits some rights and throws him in the ropes. Tony comes back and drills Dan with a clothesline. Tony lays the boots to Duggan and then picks him up. Tony gives him a scoop suplex and then lands a few elbows. He goes off the ropes and hits a leg drop. 1...2...No. Kickout by Duggan. As Tony goes to pick Dan up, Dan fights back with a ride to the mid-section. He gets up to his feet and throws him into the turnbuckle. He mounts Tony and counts them off with the crowd. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Duggan is really feeling it as he dismounts and lets Tony slide onto the mat like a dead fish. He holds onto the ropes for leverage and stomps away at Tony. Dan picks him up and tosses him into the opposite corner. Duggan with a full head of steam, he goes for the Tackle! He missed! Tony moved out of the way just in time! Duggan's shoulder drove right into the post. Dan comes out of the corner holding his shoulder and gets hit with a back kick. Tony with a combination of kicks and punches and then a HUGE enzigiri. Tony stoms on the shoulder of Dan and puts him in an armbar. Dan struggles to get out and starts moving towards the ropes. Tony clinches down harder on the arm and is stretching his shoulder. Dan is screaming in pain and..uh oh. He's gonna tap! His hand is in the ai, it comes down and hits...The rope! Dan gets out of the hold! Tony releases after a four count from teh ref and looks pissed. Dan is still down holding his shoulder and Tony motions for the Mob Drop. Duggan gets up and Mob Drop! No!!! NO!!! He escaped! Duggan escaped! Duggan goes off the ropes for the Tackle but he gets clotheslined. Tony picks him up again, Mob Drop!!! No escaping that one. 1...2...3. And The Boss is well on his way to becoming champion tonight!

    Winner: Tony 'The Boss' Scarcelli

    Match Two

    -Shawn Stylez vs. The Warlock-

    Shawn Stylezcomes out look like Ultimate Warrior, minus painted face. Plus, his streamers are gold and silver. He looks very cool. The Warlock comes out via hidden RC car and climbs into the ring. They stare each other down and The Warlock sizes up Shawn Stylez. Warlock starts laughing and Stylez doesn't look happy. He looks to the crowd and decides it's time for the laughing to stop. He sucker punches Warlock right in the teeth. Stylez picks him up and throws him into the ropes. On his way back Shawn catches him with a big powerslam. Warlock is struggling to escape the ring but Stylez drag him back to the middle. Stylez picks him up, Stylizer! 1...2...3! Shawn Stylez picks up his first SOLW win!

    Winner: Shawn Stylez

    Ms. Jade and X-Cal Interview

    X-Cal's music hits and him and Ms. Jade come riding out on his horse. Ms. Jade grabbed a mic quickly and sat in a chair in the middle of the ring. X-Cal stood behind her.

    Ms. Jade: Ok, last month, you heard the overview of the story between X-Cal and me. It all started when I met X-Cal back in the day, 15th century. He rode into town, a nobleman. Me, a mere peasant. He was such a hunk let me tell you ladies. But he was supposed to marry the king's daughter. X-Cal fell from his horse, and broke his arm on his way to the castle. I found him and nursed him back to health. Him and I fell in love, but knew it was never meant to be. After he was made to marry the king's daughter, I had to see him one last time. I came into his room late at night, and we snuck away. The king found us. He sentenced to hang X-Calibur, and me as well. I begged the king to spare X-Cal. He then came up with an idea. He found a wizard, Merlin something. And he sent us here, and told us not to come back unless we had a prize of current day sport. Our chosen prize is the SOLW Heavyweight Championship. Next month we have a number one contenders match-up. After X-Cal wins, we will be that much closer to achieving our goal. But tonight, we have no match, so we shall make an example of someone. So everyone here, be warned!

    Jade and X walk out of the ring and duck behind the curtain.

    Match Three

    -Mr. Simon vs. Chuckles-

    Chuckles wastes no time piling the punches to Simon when Simon was making his way to the ring. Chuckles throws Simon into the apron and then rolls him into the ring. He continues to stomp away and drags him to the corner. Chuckles goes outside the rng and takes Simon's leg him in his hand. He throws it into the ring post! His ankle was just smacked off the ring post! Chuckles does it again! A third time!!! He then grabs both legs and then pulls Simon into the post! Chuckles rolls back in the ring and starts stomping at Simon's leg. Simon is writhing in pain. Chuckles grabs the ankle and bends it back and now he's twisting it! Simon is in terrible pain! Simon needs the ropes badly! Chuckles is laughing and laughing at Simon. He might beat the champion! Chuckles is laughing so hard he releases the ankle! Simon recovers from pain and makes his way to his feet slowly. He is limping and grabs Chuckles by the throat. The laughing quickly stops. Simon picks Chuckles up by the throat and chokeslams him! He grabs Chuckles and takes him up topfor the Psycho Snap. But he can't make it with his ankle. Chuckles is released and he runs to the other corner. Simon is kneeling in the corner, as he turns Chuckles is charging. He catches Chuckles with a big right hand. He picks him up, he winces in pain from the ankle, but he gets it! Psycho Snap! 1..2..3! Simon takes the victory.

    Winner: Mr. Simon

    Simon walks out of the ring and rns into Stylez backstage.

    Mr. Simon: Don't think that one win, puts you above me, when you wear this around your waist, then you can say your at the top, but when you get out there and say what you have to say, don't say you're the best.

    Stylish Stylez Show

    Shawn Stylez' music hits and he comes to the ring with a mic.

    Shawn Stylez: Hello, welcome to the Stylish Stylez Show. How is everyone? Hopefully as good as I feel. I just had quite the incident backstage, and it made me think. I do have to climb the ladder, and I will. But it will be for you, the fans. Because you don't want to see some of these guys as champion do you? Of course not, so next month, in my number one contender's match against X-Cal, I will make sure he doesn't get out of our time, he'll be here for a very long time.

    X-Cal's music hits and he stands at the curtain entrance.

    X-Cal: Hey, hey, hey. Listen here boy, you wn one match. How does that qualify you for a number one contenders match? You deserve nothing. But if that's the way you want it, that's he way it will be. Next month, I will show you and all these worthless people, what it's like to burn in hell.

    Shawn Stylez: Why wait bitch, bring it on now!

    X-Cal: Alright here it comes!

    X takes his armor off and he runs down to the ring at Shawn. They brawl around the ring and X throws Shawn into the turnbuckle. Shawn comes charging back and Shawn gets nailed with The Royal Flush. Shawn is laid out in the middle of the ring. Ms. Jade comes out and hugs X-Cal.

    X-Cal just turned heel.

    Main Event

    Tables Match For The SOLW Heavyweight Championship

    -Mr. Simon © vs. 'The Boss' Tony Scarcelli-

    Simon's music hits and he comes limping to the ring. He looks like he will be able to stick it out however. Tony comes out looking very confident. And mad...boy does he look mad. They stare each other down and lock-up. Tony gets the upperhand by putting him in a quick wristlock. Simon counters and spins around him to get his own wristlock on. Simon grabs Tony from under the neck and hits a reverse neck breaker. They're both at their feet again and they begin a test of strength. Simon is losing a little but he starts to come back. He gets Tony down to one knee and kicks him in the face. Smon goes outside to grab a table. He sets it up and by the time he sets it up, Tony hits him with a running lariat. Tony mounts him and starts beating Simon in the face. Tony goes after the ankle and takes it over to the table. He lifts it up and tries to break it over the table, but Simon spins and catches Tony with the heel of his other foot. Tony flops onto the table and Simon goes up top. He flies through the air and catches himself with his feet after Tony moved out of the way. Tony measures a few right hands and it makes Simon stumble to the ground. Tony picks Simon up and whips him into the ropes. Simon on his way back hits a spinning neck breaker. Simon grabs the table and sets it up in the corner. Tony charges, going for a spear and misses! He ran straight into the table! It didn't break! The table didn't break! The match continues! Tony looks relieved and he starts brawling with Simon. Tony bounces off the ropes and goes for a spinning elbow. No he hit the ref. He knocked down Johnny Guy! The ref is out. Simon turns around and nails Tony with the Psycho Snap from the ground! He drags him to the top rope, he's looking for it from the top through the table. Oh what the hell! What in the hell, Who is this!!! He just laid out Simon with a right hand! This man is enormous! He sets the table up in the middle of the ring. The ref is still out! He throws Simon into the ropes, what a move! He did it straight through the table!! It looks something like a baldo bomb! He puts Tony on top of Simon. He wakes the ref up and he sees Tony on top of Simon! The ref calls for the bell! Tony is the new champion!!! The man in the ring is holding Tony's hand high as Tony is awarded the belt! What a cheater! And who in the hell is this man!

    Winner and New SOLW Heavyweight Champion: Tony 'The Boss' Scarcelli


    (40% overall show...damnit)

    Quick Results

    Tony 'The Boss' Scarcelli d. Mr. Simon and becomes SOLW Heavyweight Champion

    Mr. Simon d. Chuckles

    Shawn Stylez d. The Warlock

    Tony 'The Boss' Scarcelli d. 'Hatchet' Dan Duggan

  3. The Card For Psycho's Ward

    SOLW Heavyweight Championship Match

    Mr. Simon © vs. Tony Scarelli

    Can Tony win the title, in his second attempt at making it big?

    Chuckles vs. Mr. Simon

    Two psycho's go at it, what kind of sick stuff could we see here?

    The Warlock vs. Shawn Stylez

    The powers of good worked last month, can they work again against a man who no one knows?

    Hatchet Dan Duggan vs. Tony Scarcelli

    After Hatchet was absent last week, writing letters to Jim about retirement, he will come back strong. Can he do it against the boss?

    Plus, Ms. Jade updates us on the X-Cal story. And Shawn Stylez has something to say.

  4. Beginning of The Month: End February

    Happy Birthday dear loser of my main event. Tony Scarcelli turns 20 today. YAY. Isn't it an odd coincedence that all my workers' b-day's are on the first of the month? How peculiar. Ayway, a bunch of people go under and I remain at the bottom of the list with...drumroll, 2!!! Yes folks, 2!!! PI. 2% PI for 2 shows. This month, I only lost $18,950. Bringing my SOLW account, down to $158,100. I will make it around 7 more shows, before I go under budget. I will probably fire Dan Duggan, if he doesn't perform well at my next pay-per-view. Shawn Stylez will be debuting next month. Gimmickless unless I get some ideas, hint hint hint. (That means that you, the readers, need to give me an idea. Or he will be a person who thinks he can fly...do we all want that?) Here are the overness updates.

    Overness Updates

    Chuckles: 12

    Hatchet Dan Duggan: 11

    Mr. Simon: 39

    Ms. Jade: 6

    Shawn Stylez: 6

    The Warlock: 11

    Tony Scarcelli: 22

    X-Calibur: 11

    Jake and I are trying to make the card...but with Jake drinking himself to sleep, we have come up with nothing.

  5. Pre-Show Notes

    Nothing really except I forgot to book Danny Duggan in a match. Oh well, I'll save $5,000 this month.

    Hell Begins

    Match One

    -Tony 'The Boss' Scarcelli vs. The Warlock-

    They lock up and The Warlock gains the quick advantage. Warlock wraps his coat around Tony's neck and chokes him down. Tony looks unconcious and Warlock goes for the cover. 1..2..No. Tony gets out of it. Warlock props up Tony's head and starts beating down on his face. Tony flips it around and starts beating the face of The Warlock. Tony picks him up and measures his shots to his face. Warlock wavers, another right hand. Warlock falls. Tony drags Warlock to the corner and rubs his face in the turnbuckle. Warlock is screaming and crying out for Baxter. Does he actually expect it to cme help him? I don't know, but anyway, Tony gets Warlock to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Warlock connects with a clothesline on his way back. Warlock looks like he's gaining momentum and he hits another clothesline. He charges at Tony again and Mob Drop!!! 1...2...3!! Tony Scarcelli wins.

    Winner: Tony 'The Boss' Scarcelli

    As X-Cal's music hits, Tony runs into X as they pass each other. They stare each other down and Tony finally breaks the stare and walks away.

    Ms. Jade and X-Cal Interview

    Ms. Jade: Ok, listen up. This is that backyard bullshit I was talking about last month. My client was in the main event last month, where is he now? The second match of the night of course. Where the people that book this crap seem to like to leave superstars. But I will let all of you in on a little secret. My client didn't have to put up with it back then. As soon as we capture the title we can go back to where we came from. Back to the 15th century where we belong! My client and I were banished from our century because, whoopitydoo, I slept with him, while he was married to the king's daughter. So what, right? How many of you three lady whores have cheated on someone? A lot right? Exactly! So after X wins his match tonight, next month he gets his title shot, and we get back to our time!

    Mr. Simon's music blares and off we go to our second match of the night.

    Match Two

    -X-Cal w. Ms. Jade vs. Mr. Simon-

    Simon slides into the ring and quickly receives some boots from X-Cal. X gets the upperhand and puts Simon in a headlock. Simon is trying to fight out of it, but X-Cal has a firm grip on him. Simon throws an elbow to X's mid-section. Simon gets free and bounds off the ropes with a flying elbow. Simon grabs the leg and starts to stomp on the knee of X-Cal. X is favoring his leg and Simon goes to work on it. Simon picks up the leg and drives his elbow in to it. Simon gets off him and taunts to our crowd of 5. X limps up to his feet and and lands a punch to the back of Simon. Simon turns around quickly with a HUGE right hand. X falls to the ground and still holds his leg. Simon sees an opportunity and puts him in a boston crab! X is reaching and reaching for the ropes. He starts to slowly move to the ropes but he just can't make it. Ms. Jade has her tiara in her hand and smacks Simon with it! X covers, 1...2..No! Simon kicks out! Ms. Jade can't believe it and she instructs X to finish it. X goes for his finisher, but it's reversed into a DDT! Simon gets back on the offensive and continues to pound on X-Cal's leg. Simon picks X up and whips him hard into the corner. X struggles to his feet still hobbling on his leg. Simon charges at X and slams into him, driving X into the corner more thoroughly. Simon props X on the top turnbuckle and and here it comes, Psycho Snap! 1...2...3! It's over!

    Winner: Mr. Simon

    Looks like X-Cal and Jade will be sticking around a little longer.

    Match Three

    -Chuckles vs. The Warlock-

    Chuckles comes out in his clown attire atop his unicycle. The Warlock enters on his remote controlled Tonka truck. They stare each other down first and Chuckles extends his hand. The Warlock is too wise for this of course and he doesn't take it. Chuckles is sick of waiting and attacks Warlock. Warlock side steps him and Chuckles goes flying out of the ring. Warlock waits for Chuckles to get up and he suicide dives onto him! They both are down but Warlock is first to his feet. He rolls Chuckles back in the ring and lays the boots to him. Chuckles catches the leg and pushes Warlock down. Warlock scrambles to get Baxter but Chuckles pulls him away. He laughs at Warlock and he falls to the ground. Warlock grab the wand and starts to shout stuff at Chuckles. Chuckles continues to laugh, but suddenly he tenses up. Chuckles rises to his feet and is standing totally straight. What's going on? Chuckles has a bewildered look on his face. Warlock bounces off the ropes and just nails Chuckles with a clothesline. Chuckles falls like a dead duck still not moving. Warlock is astonished, I think his spell worked! He is jumping around and opps! Broke his wand! Chuckles regains conciousness and gets up. Warlock is whining over his wand and Chuckles grabs him from behind. He turns him around and he sprays him with his flower! He picks him up, Spraying Flower!!!! 1...2...3!!! Goodnight Warlock!

    Winner: Chuckles

    Simon Onscreen again

    As the other wrestlers make their way out of the ring, Simon shows up on the screen.

    Mr. Simon: Hello boys and girls! How are all of you!? Good I hope you are all as fine and dandy as me! I mean being world champion is amazing! But tonight!!! Tonight I have to go out there again! And prove to the backyard world! That I am the champion of this SHITHOLE! Tonight, I ave a match in my home, THE BASEMENT! Tony Scarcelli, he has no clue what he's going to get when we enter my realm!

    Main Event

    SOLW Heavyweight Championship Match: Basement Brawl

    -Tony 'The Boss' Scarcelli vs. Mr. Simon ©

    Tony comes out of nowhere and smacks Simon from behind. Tony gains the clear advantage and throws Simon to the ground. Tony gets on Simon's back and grinds his face into the basement floor. Tony lands some punches to the back of the head and puts a crossface on him. Tony grabs the leg and he's got an STF! There's no ropes here, Simon can't get out. He gets his hands on something...it's a shovel! He smacks Tony with it and he flops to the floor. Simon comes back up laughing and with an evil grin. He flips him over and rubs his foot into Tony's face. Then he gets his foot under his chin and is choking the life out of him. Simon lifts up his foot and grabs Tony by the hair. He drags him over to the steps and slams his face off them. He takes Tony to the top of the stairs and just throws him down the steps. Tony looks hurt badly and is bleeding. The first blood shed in SOLW! Hell really has begun under the reign of Mr. Simon. He grabs Tony at the bootom of the steps and whips him straight into the wall. On his back off the bounce, Simon hits Tony with a reverse neckbreaker. God that's gotta hurt on the cement. Simon gets up on Tony and starts beating the blood out of Tony's head. He has it on his hand and laughs. He licks the blood from his hand. How sick is that? What a psycho. Simon takes Tony back up to the top of the steps. Psycho Snap!! Psycho Snap off the steps, that's at least 15 feet!!!! Oh my god!!! 1...2...3! No doubt about it, Mr. Simon has won!

    Winner: Mr. Simon

    (A 45% Overall)

    Quick Results

    Mr. Simon d. Tony 'The Boss' Scarcelli

    Chuckles d. The Warlock

    X-Cal d. Mr. Simon

    Tony 'The Boss' Scarcelli d. The Warlock

  6. I am pressed for money, but I am going to bring in Shawn Stylez because he has charisma, and he's cheap, but he won't debut until after Hell Begins. I don't know what kind of gimmick to give him though. Perhaps he can be a person who thinks he can fly. If anybody has any Shawn Stylez ideas, please feel free to present them here.

  7. Knock, knock, knock...

    All: We want pay raises!

    Me: All a yah! Go to hell! You ain't gettin my money!

    All: Open the door.

    Me: Oh, my bad, thought you were the IRS. Heh heh, what's the problem guys?

    All: We want pay raises!

    Me: Hey, money is going to be tight for a couple months guys, I don't thnit's oing to happen. But as soon as I have money to spare, you all will get your raises, I promise.

    Mr. Simon: Do I still get my championship bonus?

    Me: Bonus? You want a bonus for ME putting the title on the likes of YOU! NO!!!

    Mr. Simon: That's the way WWE does it...

    Me: Does this sign above my door say WWE?

    Mr. Simon: What sign?

    Me: The one above the door....ok where is it?

    shhh, pfft, pfft, shhhh

    Chuckles: Oh look, here it is. Hey it does say WWE on it! Wow.

    Me: Chuckles, let me see what's behind your back. The other hand. Both hands please!




    Chuckles: Gee what's up his butt!

    X-Cal: The water you sprayed him with by now. Haha.

    Me: GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!

  8. I thought it was an okay show for our first time. Here's the new overness updates.

    Overness Updates

    Fluffles: 6

    Hatchet Dan Duggan: 11

    Mr. Simon: 29

    Ms. Jade: 5

    The Warlock: 8

    Tony Scarcelli: 20

    X-Cal: 8

    Fluffles came to me after he changed and asked me for a name change. He requested the name, Chuckles. I figured why not, it did sound better. Ok, Chuckles it is. Our next show is February 19th. Hell Begins. The headliner would be Mr. Simon vs. Tony Scarcelli, in a Basement Brawl, for the SOLW Heavyweight Championship. Apparently, Dan Delay thinks that Mr. Simon is my best guy. He thinks if I lose him I'm screwed. Well you know what? Just to show Dan Delay, I fired Mr. Simon. OMG!! Swerve, heel turn!!! Nah, jk...I could never fire Mr. Simon. Without paying my staff yet, I have lost $7,950. Nothing at all goes on until the beginning of February, when I lose another $14,000 for paying my staff. So I lost $22,950 and gained 1% PI!!!!! YEAH!!! OH YEAH!!!!!! 1 PI BABY!!!! Ok, Mr. Simon turns 24. That's kool, I sent him a muffin basket. Coincedence: Jim Duggan announces he will retire in a month. I'm so tired I could just...


    The Card For Hell Begins

    SOLW Heavyweigt Championship Match: Basement Brawl

    Mr. Simon vs. Tony Scarcelli

    Mr. Simon became the first champion ever last month, can the mob boss become second?

    Fluffles vs. The Warlock

    An evil clown and a voodoo man square off.

    Mr. Simon vs. X-Cal w/ Jade

    What kind of impact can Jade have on the current SOLW champion?

    Tony Scarcelli vs. The Warlock

    The Voodoo Mob, sounds like a nice ring for a tag team name, or a killing spree team.

    Plus, Jade opens her mouth again, and Mr. Simon will probably show up again.

  9. Scroll down for quick results.

    SOLW: Kick Start

    Match One

    -Tony 'The Boss' Scarcelli vs. Fluffles-

    Tony comes out in a big trenchcoat, all in black. He gets in the ring and waits for the insane clown that he is about to face. Fluffles music hits and he comes out juggling on a unicycle. He looks a lot like Stephen King's It. He gets in the ring and offers his hand to Tony. Tony, although skeptical, goes for the handshake and bzzzz. Tony just got shocked. Fluffles rolls on the floor laughing. Tony runs at him and starts stomping away. Tony gets on top of Fluffles, and chokes him out. Johnny Guy calls for a break after four seconds. Tony picks Fluffles off the canvas and gets him on his shoulders. Samoan Drop by Tony. 1...2...No, kickout by Fluffles. Tony looks frustrated and picks Fluffles up. Fluffles scores a kick to the mid-section. Fluffles steps back and taps his flower. The flower does nothing. Fluffles is struggling with his flower now and can't get it to work. Tony sees his opportunity and picks Fluffles up high. Mob Drop!! 1..2..3! Tony wins it. Tony is our first entrant into the SOLW Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match!

    Winner: Tony 'The Boss' Scarcelli

    We stay on our roll of wrestling as Mr. Simon's crazy music hits.

    Match Two

    -Mr. Simon vs. The Warlock-

    Simon is in the ring waiting for The Warlock patiently. Warlock comes out and it looks like he's floating. He comes out with his stick...er, Baxter...wow, how's he floating? Ahha, he trips and falls on his face. He was on top of a little remote controlled car. Haha, what a nerd. Warlock gets in the ring and Mr. Simon wastes no time getting to work on him. Simon throws Warlock into the ropes and slams him with a monster clothesline. Warlock gets up quick and he does it again. Warlock jumps up and is a gluton for punishment as Simon powerslams him. 1...2..No, kickout. Warlock rushes to the side of the ring and grabs his wand. He points it at Simon and starts shouting giberish. Simon looks at the crowd and grabs The Warlock's wand. He snaps it with one hand. Warlock gets on his knees and grabs the pieces of his wand. He starts to cry when Simon goes off the ropes and baseball slides him in the face. Warlock gets up in a rage and starts swinging wildly at Simon. Simon grabs Warlock's hand and twists it. Warlock falls again and starts crying like a baby. Smon picks him up, set him up on top and Psycho Snap! 1...2...3! Simon wins his spot in the finals.

    Winner: Mr. Simon

    The last qualifying match-up is coming up after this quick intermission. (Actually, X-Cal's horse isn't here yet so we have to wait for that)

    Match Three

    -X-Cal w/ Ms. Jade vs. Hatchet Dan Duggan-

    X-Cal rides in on his golden stallion...or pony if you would like to call it that. Ms. Jade is on behind him with a Tiara. Dan Duggan comes out carrying a board. Not a 2x4. Just an old, broken, splintered board. He runs around the ring screaming and yelling like Jim Duggan. The bell rings and X-Cal locks up with Dan. Dan throws him down and covers. Not even a one. Dan lands a boot to the back of the head as X struggles hard to get up. Dan is pummeling him with boots and X snatches his foot. He does a dragon screw and gets on top of Dan. X gets a couple crossfaces and locks in an stf! Dan is struggling and struggling. He reaches for the ropes, but Jade pulls it away. Dan taps, he taps! X-Cal is the final entrant into the Triple Threat Match!

    Winner: X-Cal

    Ms. Jade and X-Cal interview

    Ms. Jade goes to pick up a mic. Wonder what she's got to say.

    Ms. Jade: Let's turn our attention to the match tonight. Mr. Simon, a mental patient, and Tony Scarcelli, a mob boss. What the hell is wrong with this backyard? These guys suck. They have no wrestling ability at all. Now look at this golden stallion of a man X-Cal. Isn't he awesome? I know he is. You all love him.

    X takes Jade aside and starts talking to her.

    Jade: Oh shut up, they like what I'm saying just fine.

    Simon shows up on a side tv off to the right of the ring. Looks like he's in my basement. Geez, why are these people getting in my house?

    Mr. Simon: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!! You will see tonight, tonight! That I am the dominant...DOMINANT!!!! Force in this Backyard!!!! You will see that I am more than I seem!!! I...


    Tony: Huh? What'd you say bitch!? Come on, get up!

    Tony throws Simon into a pipe. X-Cal runs back to the basement and all three of them are there. X-Cal starts dragging Simon to the ring and Tony hits him with a clothesline. Tony gets in the ring and orders Johnny to ring the bell.

    Main Event

    SOLW Heavyweight Championship Tournament Finals. Elimination Triple Threat Match.

    -Mr. Simon vs. Tony Scarcelli vs. X-Cal w/ Ms. Jade-

    Tony is making Johnny count to ten. 1...2...3....4....5...6...Simon rolls back in. They get in each other's faces and Simon hits him with a right. Another, and another. X gets in the ring and shoulder tackle's them both. X gets some momentum going and hits each with a clothesline. He sends them into the ropes and hits a powerslam on both of them. Tony is up first and he attacks X from behind, who is getting a kiss from Ms. Jade. He gets knocked out of the ring and Tony focuses on Simon. Tony turns around and gets hit in the mid-section with a right, then a left. Simon is fighting to his feet and DDT! He covers, 1..2..kickout. X hits Tony with a few boots. Simon conects with a punch straight to the X's gut. X doubles over and flops on the ground. Tony and Simon get into it again and Tony locks him into a suplex. Tony goes up top and drives an elbow into his chest. 1...2...Tony kicks out. X throws Tony outside the ring after a few stomps. He turns around into an elbow from Simon. Simon puts X on the corner and Psycho Snap!! 1...2...3!!! X-Cal is eliminated! Simon goes after Tony and throws him back in the ring. Tony kicks him in the stomach and goes for the mob drop, but it's reversed into a reverse neckbreaker. Simon throws him into the corner. He puts him up top and Psycho Snap!!! Our first champion!!! Mr. Simon!!!!!!!!

    Winner and First SOLW Heavyweight Champion: Mr. Simon

    Quick Results

    Mr. Simon d. X-Cal and Tony 'The Boss' Scarcelli and becomes first SOLW champion!

    X-Cal d. Dan Duggan

    Mr. Simon d. The Warlock

    Tony 'The Boss' Scarcelli d. Fluffles

  10. Sophie: Hey! Aaron wake up!

    Me: Go away!

    Sophie: We have a show today! Wake up!

    Me: Jesus Christ, what time is it?

    Sophie: It's 4 o'clock.

    Me: FOUR!!!!

    Sophie: Yeah and we still need some chairs.

    Me: Just grab the ones from my kitchen table.

    Sophie: Ok, get out of bed now! I'm dumping you out of the bed, get up!



    Me: Fine!

    Sophie: Leave your sheets on the bed idiot.

    Me: Gee I love you too.

    The wrestlers show up about 30 minutes early and start stretching out. I remind everyone who's going over tonight and to put on the best show they can. The fans, all 5 of them, showed up at approximately 7:00 p.m. I know that this will be our far worst show, but you have to start some where.

  11. Me: Jake...Jake...JAKE!!

    Jake: What, what what?

    Me: Get off my kitchen table you jackass, you fell asleep.

    Jake: Oh, uh, my bad man. Dude, why is there a cheeto in my pants?

    Me: Like I would know. We have to name the first event crackhead.

    Jake: Shut up! How'd you know I did crack?

    Me: I didn't. Get off the stuff. Now think of a name for the first event.

    Jake: How 'bout, I just blew ass.

    Me: What kind of name is.....ewww! You sick hog!

    Jake: Heh, heh. I don't know, you got any ideas?

    Knock, knock, knock.

    Me: It's open! Oh, hey Sophie what's up?

    Sophie: Wow, don't even tell me about your wrestling promotion. You know how good I am at stuff like this. But thanks for telling me.

    Me: Sorry, I didn't think you would be interested. Right now we have a few things to take care of.

    1. Name the first event.

    2. Make the card for the first event.

    3. Get a ring.

    4. Get a championship belt.

    Me: Ok, I will handle the ring, and belt. Sophie, you and Jake and can work on the name and the card.

    So, I was in need of a ring. Where could I find such a thing? While I was asking myself this queston, a big neon sign flashed, wrestling rings here. Did I see it? NO! Of course not. So I just kept strolling down the street. I couldn't find any rings of any kind. At least that I could afford. Time for number 4, getting a belt. I set out on the trail once again. Ahha, an engraver. I wonder if he has any belts. Ahha, a belt!! Ahha!! It's $100,000. Ahha, hell no! Damn, too expensive. Another one...holy shit...that thing...looks like shit. It's $1,000 so naturally, I bought it. I got the guy to put `Shit Outta Luck Wrestling Heavyweight Championship' on it. So I had that taken care of. Time to go down to the salvation army. Ahha, mattreses for homeless people. Ok...1...2...3...4...5....6....7...yeah that should cover it. I rented a big truck, piled 'em on, and stole 'em! Ok, I had some rope in my garage and tadah!!! Yay a great ring...actually it looked like shit, but hey, oh well.

    When I got back, Sophie named the event and had the card ready.

    The Card For SOLW: Kick Start.

    SOLW Heavyweight Championship Match

    TBD vs. TBD vs. TBD

    Who has what it takes to become the first SOLW champion ever?

    SOLW Heavyweight Championship Qualifyer

    Fluffles vs. Tony Scarcelli

    The evil clown will try to make it into the championship match. Can he do it against "The Boss"?

    SOLW Heavyweight Championship Qualifyer

    Mr. Simon vs. The Warlock

    The wizard takes on the insane one, who's mind can win this match-up?

    SOLW Heavyweight Championship Qualifyer

    X-Cal w/ Ms. Jade vs. Hatchet Dan Duggan

    The faithful knight and his horse, take on a man who thinks he is Jim Duggan's son.

    Plus, Ms. Jade and Mr. Simon have something to say.

  12. I also managed to place a few calls to staff workers. Johnny Guy, a ref, and Phatdrew, an announcer. Looks like it's time for the meeting. Mr. Simon arrives first and takes a seat in the front row. The other wrestlers arrive, and so does Johnny Guy and Phatdrew. Damn, Phatdrew is...fat! Everyone else is here. Let's get started.

    Me: Welcome everyone. This is Shit Outta Luck Wrestling. Here, we have no facilities. We do have a gym however. But we sold that for the cash. $50,000. That brings our SOLW account to $200,000. Here's how much everyone is being paid.


    Mr. Simon: $5,000

    Fluffles: $3,000

    Hatchet Dan Duggan: $4,000

    Ms. Jade: $2,000

    The Warlock: $5,000

    Tony Scarcelli: $5,000

    X-Cal: $4,000

    The Staff:

    Phatdrew: $6,000

    Johnny Guy: $8,000

    Me: All in all, it'll cost $42,000 a month. At that rate, we will go under in around 6 months. So what do we need?

    I was thinking everyone would join in screaming. Didn't happen.

    Me: SPONSORS!! That's right, we need sponsors. I figured we would go after 4 of 'em. It will go to about $21,000. That means, we'll lose only $21,000 a month!!! That means, we'll only go under in around 20 months! So, maybe, if we all try hard enough, we'll make some money some where there! Woohoo. Me and Jake here will be making the card and name the first event. Thank you, and I will call you all. Meeting adjourned.

  13. Beeeep

    Me: Hello?

    George: Hello sir, it's me George. Can I come in?

    Me: Yes, step away from the gate.


    Me: Come in, the door is open.

    George: Thank you sir, by the way what changed your mind?

    Me: I'd rather not say. Now where were you looking to start from?

    George: Well, I'm looking to start on day 2. I know that Jake well documented your first day in a newspaper article. So let's begin with the second day of your adventure.

    Me:Very well then. I woke up that day...

    ~Not so Fancy Flashback~

    Me: Wow, he's 20 minutes late. What could he possibly be doing?

    Errrrr, vroom, vroom

    Jake: GET IN MAN!!

    Me: Shut up, your 20...21 minutes late. What the hell were you doing?

    Jake: Nothing, where to first?

    Me: We need to go downtown, to the gym. There's a guy we need to talk to. By the way, what should we name it?

    Jake: Ha, Shit Outta Luck Wrestling.

    Me: Oh yeah, that name is REAL attractive. Why not just name it, we suck wrestling? You idiot.


    10 minutes later, we arrive at the downtown gym

    Me: Hello, are you Simon Sanders?

    Simon Sanders: Who wants to know?

    Me: I do, I'm starting a wrestling promotion and I was wondering if you were interested at all.

    Simon: Of course I'm interested. What's it pay?

    Me: $5,000 per appearance.

    I gave Jake a look and he stepped in front of me.

    Jake: Look pal, we're not giving you a cent until you show us what you got.

    Simon: Ok tough guy, get in the ring.

    So Jake and Simon are in the ring and I'm on the outside watching. Hey look, a bell.


    -Jake Roberts vs. Simon Sanders-

    Jake and Smon lock up and Simon throws Jake across the ring. Jake gets up and charges Simon. Simon moves and lets Jake hit the ring post. Jake comes bouncing out into a powerslam. Ouch, that had to hurt. Simon picks Jake up and, suplex. Simon mounts Jake and lays some haymakers to his face. He picks him up and hits a fallaway slam. Simon looks like he wants to end it. Psycho Snap! 1..2..3!!! Jake lost, haha. Nice to see the big jock get his ass handed to him.

    Winner: Mr. Simon

    Me: So, Jake. You think he's any good at all?

    Jake: Ow... Huff...huff....huff

    Me: Little trouble breathing there buddy.

    Jake: Yeah...little bit. He's good...hire him. Damn.

    Me: Simon, your hired. Be at my house tomorrow at around 3 for a meeting of all wrestlers and staff.

    Simon Sanders is a guy that has decent overness at 15. He has good charisma with some technical skill. He lived a horrible life when his mother killed his father for cheating on her. She went to jail and Simon went to foster care. He eventually became insane and visited a mental institution. He got out 3 years later good as new. Therefore, we shll recreate his insane period. Meet the psychotic, sadistic, sinister, Mr. Simon.

    5 minutes later, we are back in the car

    Jake: Man, you drive, my neck is killing me.

    Me: Ok, we're going to that Italian restuarant on 6th.

    We arrive at the Italian restuarant on 6th. Jake and I walk in and meet our prospect. Mr. Anthony Bartlett Jr. He was a skinny guy. Nice muscles though, for his size. About 5'8''.

    Anthony: Can I help you boys?

    Jake: Yeah, we know you can wrestle, wanna join up with SOLW?

    Me: Jake, shut up. Let me handle the business end. Mr. Bartlett, I was wondering if you would interested in coming in to my wrestling promotion that I have just started.

    Anthony: I don't know. I have to run some things with the family, I mean, I am the boss and all.

    Me: Well, it's only one show a month, pays $5,000. How 'bout it?

    Anthony: Ok, I'll do it then. Where is it?

    I handed him my information and told him 3 tomorrow.

    Anthony Bartlett Jr. is the mob boss of western Pennsylvania. He has lots of money and is 100% italian. He is an evil buisnessman who won't hesitate to kill, or bodyslam. Decent overness and lots of demanded charisma. He is technically sound after capturing a japanese wrestler for not paying his gmbling debts, and made the man spar with him. Meet Tony Scarcelli.

    The sign outside the building read:

    Logwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy.

    I walked in, alone. Jake was scared of this place. I knocked on the door and was answered by a caped crusader.

    Me: Hello, is there a, Julian here?

    Mysterious Guy: We know noone of that name. Go away.

    Me: A Julian "The Warlock"?

    Mysterious Guy: Ah, yes, The Warlock. Why didn't you say so? Come in.

    I walked in to a decorated room and a strange fellow running around like a total idiot. Blasting people wth his "wand" (a pointy stick from outside)

    Me: Excuse me Mr. Warlock. Would you like to join my wrestling promotion?

    Julian: Can Baxter come?

    Me: Who the hell is Baxter?

    Julian: My wand.

    Me: Yeah...sure. Whatever fruitcake. Be at my place tomorrow at three.

    Julian The Warlock is a fruity fellow. He is 22 and thinks he is a dungeons and dragons character. He is obsessed with being a Warlock. He thinks he has magical powers and obviously, people believe him. He also like voodoo. What a nut. Meet The Warlock.

    As I am walking outside I see a guy in blue underwear, blue boots, long hair, waving a flag, and a beard. JIM DUGGAN!! I must have spoken outloud because...

    Man: Actually it's Danny Duggan. I am a wrestler much better than my father, Jim.

    Me: You're his son?

    Danny: Umm...not really. But he will adopt me someday.

    Me: Hey, you wanna come wrestle for me?

    Danny Duggan grew up watching and idolizing Jim Duggan. At the age of five he began to act just like him. He still acts that way today. I figured it would be cool to have a Jim Duggan look-a-like. Maybe it would attract some people. Or not. Meet 'Hatchet' Dan Duggan.

    I figured that was enough for today. I was wiped and had a date tonight with Sophie. We were going to the circus. I didn't like it, but she was all into it. So yeah. Off we went.

    Upon arriving we took our seats and watched the show. After it was over, Sophie ran into some old friends and started talking to them. I was looking around and saw one of the clowns backstage wrestling someone. He was pretty good. I walked back and asked him if he was interested in Shit Outta Luck Wrestling. He was, surprise.

    Scar grew up and legally changed his name to Scar. Because of the scar across his face. He was in a fight and the kid pulled out a knife, and swiped him in the face. Scar is a recovering drug addict and needed money so he took the job as a clown. He was actually a torchered soul, a very evil one. Meet Fluffles.

    I slept in the next day. I had another date at 1 with Sophie. Medieval Times. We got our seats in the blue section. Yay, blue knight! They gave me my chicken and I asked for a fork.

    Me: Excuse me, my dear wench, could I please have a fork.

    Wench: Here at Medieval Times we don't have silverware. Now would you like a refill of that Pepsi?

    Me: They had pepsi, but no silverware? Wow.

    The blue knight was in it at the end and he was facing the red knight. After their weapons were discarded, the blue knight pulled out some wrestling moves. The show was over after the victory of the blue knight. I caught up with him after the show.

    Me: Hello, do you know how to wrestle?

    Blue Knight: I do, why?

    I held up my SOLW sign and he nodded. Today at 3 I told him.

    He was a guy who trained a little as a wrestler. But couldn't make it, so got this job. He brought his wife, Princess Jade, and they both came into my promotion. The blue knight had some speed. Hired for $4,000. His wife for $2,000. His wife had some charisma. I renamed the "princess" to Ms. Jade. The blue knight gave me his wrestling name. Meet X-Cal.

    Well, I set up some food for the meeting and await my guests.

  14. After I became the richest man in the world by overcoming the WWE around the year 2020. I have decided to close down SOLW and live my life, sitting on my pile of cash. The year was 2040 and nothing much changed. There were more electric powered cars and stuff but it's not the futuristic Jetsons crap that you picture when you think of the future. 20 years ago today, March 20th, I out performed the greatest spectacle in sports-entertainment, Wrestlemania. I had more buyrates than that of Wrestlemania XXXVI by 100,000. I finally overcame them after a 5 year struggle for more buyrates. The WWE product grew much better than it was back when SOLW began.

    I did it with people unknown to anybody. Smarks, casuals, anybody. I mean these guys were nobodies, just trying to break the skin and maybe get a development contract with WWE. These guys are the reason I became what I am today. These guys, deserve a special recognition. They will have it one day.

    The world of wrestling came to nothing after SOLW. There were still fans, but each and every day some were forgetting about wrestling. Would SOLW make a comeback? Hell no! Lol, I would rather sit on my money. Don't get me wrong, I love wrestling, but after overthrowing WWE and being in the buisness for 30 years, it started to get tiring and I wanted to enjoy my years left. I started in the year 2005. It was a stupid dream of course. But I sometimes refused to relive these memories.

    For the first 2 years that I retired, reporters were all over me asking me questions about why I disbanded SOLW. After that reporters died down to less and less. It came down to none eventually and I got my peace and quiet. The next 2 years of my life were free to roam with my wife all over the world. We visited Paris, and blah blah fru fru places. But it was fun I guess. I began to flashback to the start of SOLW. But I quickly shook those memories away as I rid myself of that decision that I made years ago.

    Today was my return back to my lovely home...er palace. It was March 20th. I got off my private jet, alone; my wife was staying overnight with her parents in California. I was 48 and had a night completely to myself. What was I going to do? I didn't know yet. I was getting out of my limo and discovered a young man at my wrought iron gate.

    Me: Kid, what are you doing, it's freezing?

    Kid: Excuse me sir, I'm sorry. Wow I can't believe its you!

    Me: Do you have buisness here young man?

    Kid: Umm, yes sir. I have come to do get the real story about your promotion, for my own interests, way back when, the start, not your disbarment of your promotion. I want the behind the scene story, from the guy who started it all. The amazing Aaron Symosky that overcame all odds.

    Me: Well, come in before you catch a cold young man.

    We entered my palace and he marveled at the site of my front foyer.

    Me: Are you coming or not?

    I continued walking to the living area and the young man followed me, still awed by the size of my home. It cost me 20 million to build, but it was a big damn place.

    Me: Take a seat young man. Let's start with your name.

    Kid: My name is George Rivera sir. I was wondering if it would be possible for you to tell me the story of SOLW, from your standpoint. I have watched every show of yours that was ever on tape. I am a huge fan of wrestling. Even though professional wrestling is no longer around, I would like to learn more about your promotion, from your perspective.

    Me: What's this for, school, some magazine, what?

    George: It's actually just for personal experience. I would like to learn your buisness techniques, because I would like to start my own promotion one day. But I would be enthralled if you could please do this for me.

    Me: I don't know George, those days are just passed me now. I would rather not speak of them.


    Jeeves: It's for you sir.

    Me: Thank you Jeeves. Hello? Yes how's it going with your parents? Oh really? Is she going to be okay? Alright hunny, I understand. I will see you in a month, Sophie. I love you too.


    Me: My wife. Her mother has just been diagnosed with cancer. She's going to stay with her for the remainder of the month, while she is treated with kemotherapy. I will not be joining her.

    George: Why sir, if I may ask?

    Me: Her parents didn't like me anyway, at least not until I became what I am today. They were "upperclass" people. People with a little bit of money that did the country club thing. You know what I mean. I don't really have anything to do this month. Hmm, I could rebuild the old Corvette in the garage. Hmm...

    George: Ahem...

    Me: Oh I'm sorry young man, I just don't think I could relive the stressful moments of the beginning of SOLW. I would rather just forget them.

    George: Thanks anyway sir, it was quite the pleasure meeting you in person. Here is my number in case you change your mind.

    Me: Thank you, just leave it with Jeeves on your way out.

    Jeeves: Umm, sir! What would you like me to do with this?

    Me: Burn it!

    Jeeves: Right away sir.

    As Jeeves said it, he just brushed it to the side of the kitchen counter, and began to shut off the lights.

    I layed back in my easy chair and watched the WWE's Tuesday night show. It was boring as usual. My eyelids came closed, and my last thought was the first day of SOLW.

    ~Fancy Dream Sequence~

    Mystery: HEY!!! Wake up man!

    Boom, boom, boom, boom.

    Me: Shut up man! Go away! Who the hell is it? What the fuck do you want?

    Jake Roberts: I know something about you. I know you enjoy wrestling. I am also a fan. You know me, I go to school with you.

    Me: Yeah your the dumb jock. So what you like wrestling, you want like a special olympics medal for that or something?

    Jake: No, I'm here to start a wrestling promotion. I know that you always wanted to start a promotion but never had the money.

    Me: Ha, what makes you think you have the money?

    Jake: This.

    Me: Holy shi....

    Jake: Quiet, quiet. This is money from my aunt. She gave it to me for college. I've always wanted to start a promotion, but was never smart enough to do the financial things that go with it. I know you take all the brainy classes, I need your help.

    Me: How....how...how much is that?

    Jake: 150,000.

    Me: Dollars!?

    Jake: No in Lira, yes dollars.

    Me: How do you know what Lira is?

    Jake: I don't know. It was on after sportscenter one night, something about starving Arabians or somethin', who cares. Are you in or out man?

    Me: Alright, I'm in I guess. Nothin' for me to lose. Pick me up tomorrow at Noon, we start scouting talent then. I can't today, Sophie's parents are coming over to meet me.

    Jake: Who's Sophie?

    Me: My girlfriend for the past 3 years, duh. The one in your secretarial class.

    Jake: I don't know. I just took it because of that new foreign chick from Spain. Hey what does you are el asshole mean?

    Me: Just pick me up at noon tomorrow.


    ~End Fancy Dream Sequence~

    I awoke the next day with a start, in my easy chair. Jeeves had my breakfast ready and I sat down to eat. I was reliving my dream of that first day.

    Me: Jeeves, did you burn that paper like I told you?

    Jeeves: Of course sir.

    Me: Why is it here then?

    Jeeves: It must be a mistake sir.

    Me: Sure, call him, get him on the phone.

    Jeeves: Right away sir.

    Me: Hello, yes. I would like to do the project with you. Show up tomorrow at Noon. Goodbye.


  15. The Card for Summer's Revenge

    MSW Heavyweight Championship Match

    Paul Birchall vs. Konrad

    Birchall is 7-0, will he continue his streak after being hit with an Egotrip?

    Shane Madison vs. The Post Man

    The mail man faces the returning former champion.

    Konrad vs. Shane Madison

    Konrad looks for a win against the former champ, will the Mystery Man show himself once again?

    The Post Man vs. Paul Birchall

    Rematch of last month's Main Event, will the lettering throwing bafoon be able to end his streak?

    Plus, Shane Madison explains his absense.

  16. Post Show

    With firing Bruno I've figured out I'm going to make...That's right MAKE!!! Money this month. I'm going to make about $7,000 dollars. Now I shall bring Shane Madison back into the picture. That will lose me about $10,000 next month. That should put me around zero. I hope I make it. Mr. Simon comes back to action next month, but I can't use him because of money issues. I've started a Birchall vs. Konrad feud. Maybe it will spark MSW's PI and raise it from 12%. Konrad and Birchall have put up decent ratings lately, and now will have better ones with feud attached.

    Overness Updates

    Anthony Bartlett Jr.: 41

    Konrad: 42

    Lust: 20. yes she is here now with the mystery man angle.

    Martyn Woods: 20

    Mr. Simon: 41

    Paul Birchall: 43

    Shane Madison: 48

    Shemus: 3

    The Post Man: 41

  17. I have fired Bruno, for now at least. I can do my own counting.

    Psycho's Ward

    Aaron Michaels: Welcome to another show for MSW. Tonight is our biggest crowd ever with 14 people. I'm glad your all here. This will be a rather dismal show because of the lack of money. However the show will go on, you will see a wonderful night of wrestling.

    First out is Konrad, he has a mic and has something to say.

    Konrad: Well, tonight I have a #1 contender shot at the title. It's against Anthony Bartlett. Gee I hope I can win. What a loser right everybody. (Cheers) Ok, ok quiet down now, I also have another match tonight, actually coming up now. Paul Birchall, our champion. This guy is a monster. He is undefeated. Who wants to see it end? I do! It will end soon. Maybe not tonight, maybe not next month. But very soon. The reign of Paul Birchall will come to an end when I end it. Turst me, I'm making this one, PERSONAL!

    A 54% for Konrad's threat to Birchall.

    Paul Birchall vs. Konrad

    Paul Birchall's music hits and out he runs to the pop of a 43% crowd reaction. Konrad meets him in the middle of the yard and they brawl all over. Birchall nails a kick to the ribs and hits a punch to the kidney. Birchall rolls him into the ring and I ring the bell. Birchall pushes me out of the way to get to the corner. He charges out of it to hit Konrad with a spinning heel kick. Birchall goes to the top. Leg drop! I get down, 1..2..No. Birchall seems upset, he loks at me weird and says it was 3. I tell him no and he goes back to work on Konrad. Konrad is on one knee and hits a punch to the mid-section. Konrad gets back on the offensive and hits a suplex. Konrad hits another suplex. Good quality so far 76%. He picks him up, and hits a piledriver. I go down to count, 1...2...No. Konrad throws Birchall into the ropes and Birchall nails him with a clothesline. He picks him up, C4!!! I count it, and I know it's over. 1...2...3. Goodnight. I walk over to Konrad to check on him. He whispers he's ok and is going to sell a back injury. As he walks out he gets a cheer from the crowd, and he raises his fist in the air in a "Next time" kind of mode. A 53% overall for Birchall's 6th straight win in MSW.

    Anthony Bartlett Jr. vs. The Post Man

    Bartlett charges to the ring and looks pumped for this match. The crowd not as equally pumped with a 40%. The Post man comes out in the mail truck, and there's a mailbox by the basement. He puts mail in it and continues driving. He throws letters all over, and then gets out and heads to the ring. I ring the bell and we're underway. The Post Man locks up with Bartlett and Bartlett gains a quick advantage. Bartlett hits a couple rights and lefts. He drives him back to the turnbuckle and starts to choke Post Man. Post Man falls to the ground and Bartlett stomps on Post Man. Bartlett picks him up and hits a bulldog. He goes off the ropes and hits a spear. 1...2...No. Post Man's shoulder went up and Bartlett is grabbing me. I turn him around and he gets hit with a TKO and Post Man climbs to the top. A nice move for a 66% quality. I know what's coming, Going Postal! 1...2...3. Post an wins again, some momentum going into tonight looks to be a great main event. A 47% overall.

    Birchall comes out to discuss somethings with me. I will be conducting this interview.

    Me: Ok Paul, (I put my hand on his shoulder, he looks at me fiercly and I decide that was a bad idea) Paul, you have made such an impact in MSW, why are you here?

    Paul Birchall: To prove who the biggest man in pro wrestling is. To become Heavyweight Champion.

    Me: What do you think about your undefeated streak?

    Paul Birchall: It will only get longer.

    With that Konrad runs out and starts to brawl with Birchall. They are trading punches until Konrad gains an advantage and hits an Egotrip! He stands tall in the ring and yells at Birchall's lifeless body. As Konrad gets to the top of the basement stairs, he looks back. Birchall sits straight up and stares Konrad down.

    A 36%. What the punk?

    Konrad vs. Anthony Bartlett Jr.

    Number 1 contender's match.

    Konrad comes out to his cheers of a 44% and Bartlett's music hits. Bartlett doesn't show up. Oh, here he comes from behind! He shoves Konradin the back but Konrad just tunrs and looks angry. Bartlett bounces off the ropes and tries to hit a flying cross body, but it's reversed into a powerslam. 1...2...No. Kickout by Bartlett. He's picked up, Egotrip. 1...2...3. No doubt about that one. Bartlett still is winless. 55% overall. 72% Match quality.

    Paul Birchall vs. The Post Man

    MSW Championship Match.

    Birchall hits a big powerslam to start it off but it doens't even phase Post Man. Post Man gains an advantge with a big right hand. He goes up top, flying hurricanrana. 1...2...No. Birchall makes his way to his feet only to be knocked down by The Post Man with a flying elbow. Post Man hits a TKO! 1...2...NO! Just before my hand came down he kicked out, unbelieveable. Post Man can't believe it and goes for postal. Here he goes! Birchall rolls out of the way! Birchall picks up Post Man and smacks him with a chop. A few chops and a whip into the ropes. A belly to belly suplex and then hits a samoan drop. Birchall goe up top. Moonsault. He's not even done yet. He picks The Post Man up and knocks him down with a chop. Pick up, chop, repeat. After a few of those Birchall climbs to the top but falls out of nowhere. He just lost his balance I guess. Post Man goes up top. Going Postal! No he gets hooked up in it. C4!!!! 1....2....3!!!! Birchall retains, Birchall retains!!! 7-0 is Birchall!!!!

    A 48%. Excuse me while I cry. :thumbsdown: :crying: :thumbsdown:

  18. Post Show News

    After I completely repayed the loan, I have 2,300 dollars left. I will be using four wrestlers in the next show. The Post Man, Konrad, Anthony Bartlett Jr., and Paul Birchall. That is 26,000 dollars. My staff is 16,000. I will lose 2,000 dollars. The debut of Mystery Man will be postponed until money comes rolling in. Nonetheless, here's the card for Psycho's Ward May 21st.

    The Card for Psycho's Ward

    MSW Heavyweight Championship Match

    Paul Birchall vs. The Post Man

    Will the letters fly in victory or will Birchall continue to wreck MSW's roster?

    Konrad vs. Anthony Bartlett Jr.

    The big man gets a shot if he wins this match, can Bartlett bring his first win home, in this #1 contender's match?

    The Post Man vs. Anthony Bartlett Jr.

    Postage stamps and UPS truck oh my! Can Bartlett begin notching a place in MSW history?

    Konrad vs. Paul Birchall

    The two MSW big men collide once again, what will they bring this time?

    Plus, Interview's from Konrad, and Birchall.

  19. Mr. Simon is out with an ankle injury and will be back in 2 months.

    Last Laugh

    13 people for this one. OH YEAH!!!

    Martyn Woods makes his way out to the ring followed by Paul Birchall.

    Marty Woods: Tonight is the night people. The night that England lays its claim on Main Street Wrestling. The reign of Paul Birchall begins tonight. And ends NEVER! The english wll rise above thy competition. Shane Madison is a sorry excuse for a champion and tonight, Paul Birchall proves his worth. Because...

    Birchall: I'm Birchall!

    A 59% for Martyn's return.

    Paul Birchall vs. Konrad

    Konrad charges to the ring for this 42% crowd reaction. Birchall runs at Konrad and they clothesline each other. They both get up to their feet and do it again. They punch each other ruthlessly and do not stop. Birchall clotheslines Konrad and lays him out. Birchall picks him up and hits a powerbomb. 1...2...No. irchall poses and lets Konrad get up. Konrad hits a bulldog and goes for a cover. 1..2..No. Birchall pounces on Konrad and hits him with a big fist. Konrad goes for the Egotrip, but it's reversed into a spinebuster. He irish whips Konrad but it's reversed, but Birchall hits the C4 out of nowhere! 1...2...3! Birchall wins it. 4-0 is Birchall!

    A 59% Overall.

    After they pick Bartlett's body off the mat, Shane Madison makes his way out to the ring.

    Shane Madison: Shining Shane Madison once again proved his championship capabilities. It was the most brutal match I've ever competed in. But I'm here to address two things. One, the match tonight with Paul Birchall. Two, the mystery man with my wife. The first thing I want to address is the mystery man. He has my wife. I'm sure that next month I will be seeing him. Boy when I do, I will rip him OPEN! NOBODY TOUCHES MY WIFE!!! NOBODY!!!! Don't worry Lust I'm going to save you. Next is Paul Birch...

    Mystery Man: Hello Shane. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt Lust. She'll be my little flower for the the next month. But when I see you at Psycho's Ward on May 21st, I will show you no mercy. I will leave you bloodied and battered and strewn across that ring.

    Shane Madison: Strewn???

    Mystery Man: That's right STREWN! I will not give up until I destroy you Shane!!! Never!!! Never!!!

    A 57% for the creepy Mystery Man.

    Shane Madison vs. Anthony Bartlett Jr.

    With that, Bartlett rushes to the ring and hits a clothesline. He hits another, and a big right hand. He gets thrown into the corner and Bartlett stomps away. He picks him up and climbs the turnbuckle. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Bartlett builds momentum for this 58% bout and throws Madison into the other corner. Madison looks like he's in pain. Bartlett goes for a suplex but it's reversed. Madison slams Bartlett into the mat. Madison picks Bartlett up and body slams him. Bartlett is in trouble. Tiger Driver by Madison. Nice move for this 71% quality. He gets set-up. Madison Stunner! 1...2...3. It's over. Our champion wins again.

    A 58% overall.

    The Post Man vs. Konrad

    The Post Man comes out to his UPS golf kart and his brown shorts. He throws letters all over the place. The letters are quickly grabbed by fans in this 34% crowd reaction. Konrad comes out next and they lock-up. Post Man hits a neckbreaker. 1...No. Just the one count. konrad gets up quick and takes Post Man down. He pounds him and hits a couple crossfaces. He throws hm into the corner. Face wash, and some stomps. Konrad pulls him up to the top rope. Konrad climbs it with him. Super Suplex! Konrad goes for a cover. 1...2..No. He kicks out. Konrad takes a letter and starts to shove it down Post Man's throat. Post Man coughs and and gags. He picks him up into a samon drop position. Post Man reverses it into a DDT and cover, 1...2...No. No dice on that one. Post Man picks him and gets greeted by a kick to the stomach. Another kick. Konrad goes for the Egotrip. He got it. Oh man this is over. One...Two...Thr....NOO! How did Post Man kick out of that?! Konrad can't believe it and picks him up to go for it again. Post Man reverses into a TKO. He goes up to the top. GOING POSTAL!!! 1...2...3!!!! It's over! Post Man wins it.

    52% Overall, with a nice quality of a match with 71%

    Shane Madison © vs. Paul Birchall w/ Martyn Woods

    The crowd is on their feet for this submission match. 43% is the best I could hope for. I finally hit the 61% mark overall. Birchall comes out to pops from the crowd. Odd, he is a heel. The champ is out and he gets a huge pop from all 13 people. One is chatterbox, the unruly drunk, he thinks this should be my best match yet. He said the quality should be around 80%, which would be my best pairing of guys. Madison starts out on a big momentum streak hitting all sorts of moves. He mounts Birchall and pounds away. Madison gets him into Stunner position, but the screen turns on. Lust is seen crying for Madison to save her. The Mystery Man shows up and he slaps Lust. Just as he is about to go look for Lust he is grabbed by Birchall. Birchall begins to punish Madison and hits a backbreaker. He gets a DDT in. He picks him up and rams his face into the mat. Birchall goes up top. 450 splash! 1...2...No. The champ doesn't want to lose that easily. He fights back to his feet and he hits a suplex. He gets a scoop slam in and tries for the Madison Stunner. It's blocked and Birchall hits a big boot. Birchall locks in the Armbar! Madison is trying to get to the ropes. 5 seconds later he taps. Bruno rings the bell! Birchall's our new champion! Birchall's our champion! Birchall goes to 5-0 and is our 3rd champion!

    A 58%for the whole show...not bad I guess.

  20. The Card for Last Laugh

    MSW Heavyweight Championship Match

    Shane Madison © vs. Paul Birchall w/ Martyn Woods

    Birchall has his first shot, can he continue to be undefeated?

    Konrad vs. The Post Man

    Konrad still looking to rise back to the top, can he do it against UPS man?

    Anthony Bartlett vs. Shane Madison

    The champ takes Bartlett on once again.

    Paul Birchall vs. Konrad

    A rematch from last month, which big man will take the advantage tonight?

    Plus, Shane Madison speaks yet again, and Martyn Woods is back.

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