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Everything posted by DYSI

  1. So who's up to pick? I lost track of the order..
  2. Chicago, Cincy, Green Bay, New Orleans, Seattle, Houston, Denver, St. Louis, and San Fran are all taken. Everyone else is available.
  3. I guess we're onto Dragsy since Seattle is skipping this round?
  4. Yeah, two rounds then we'll revert to regular FA format of one a week. I'm ready to play now if you don't have any waivers moves to make Eddie. I'll be available til around 6 PM EST today.
  5. If the waivers are over by tomorrow, I can play my game anytime before 630 PM EST, Ed. (Y)
  6. I'll pick up CB Chris McAlister
  7. Yeah, Crabtree and Josh Morgan got a decent amount better. As for the FA waivers, I'm probably might end up PMing Dragsy a list since it's taking a while to get it done.
  8. I got Seattle, St. Louis, St. Louis again.. to start off my season. Three divisional matchups. Then Denver and Seattle before having a streak of CPU games.
  9. Someone suggested doing the same order as the draft but with snake rules.
  10. Damn all my picks being busts basically.
  11. 44? I thought someone said 46 before.
  12. That's good for me too. (Y)
  13. RIP my defense... I'm going to set my draft board up in a couple minutes. Looking to make some moves so I might PM some of you later about a deal. (Y) edit: Guess we can't trade until after the Draft is over
  14. Hmm.. so are we aiming for a live draft or going to do an offline one?
  15. Congrats. Now it's time for me to trade all of my team. >_<
  16. Let's talk in the offseason. (Y)
  17. Dun dun dun..... Let's go NFC West! Rams can win it this year and I'll just take it next year.
  18. RIP Saints chances of winning anything with Brees out. Time to change my predictions and pick a Broncos/Rams Superbowl. Hopefully we finish up soon so us shitty teams can play again...
  19. Anyone know of any good 360 online franchises out there? Looking to join another one that's decently active.
  20. I can't help but think I'm getting the worst end of that deal...
  21. True. Or if you could trade picks.
  22. Hurry up and finish the playoffs so we can start the next season and I can actually have a chance. I'm predicting a Saints/Broncos Superbowl. No real reason though...
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