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Everything posted by DYSI

  1. When are we doing FA? I could use some to get rid of some draft bums..
  2. Probably won't make it, so I'll try to set up a draft list if I can and cut some guys later.
  3. Hmm I didn't catch the GMT you put either.. so Thursday 7pm EST?
  4. If that's midnight tonight then ok. How many players do we have to release in order to place all the draftees? 7?
  5. I could probably make a Wednesday draft.
  6. I'm good for early this weekend if its good for everyone.
  7. So I'm guessing the draft is next?
  8. Congrats, Meac. If we're going to do a third season on '10 then where going to have to rush it a bit since '11 is coming in around 2 months.
  9. You can have Glenn Coffee, Slogger. He's good at ripping the football out and forcing fumbles.. albeit its his hands and his forced fumbles.. Fuck you Glenn Coffee!
  10. Yeah, story of my season.. players taken off in carts. Tear.
  11. All it took were 3 points. :/ Fuck you Glenn Coffee! Consider him released this offseason..
  12. Ugh, lost 33-31 on a last second FG. Good back and fourth game til the end. My defense was utter garbage, giving up way too many big plays. Plus Glenn Coffees 4 fumbles didn't help either... I miss Gore. Good game Myst. I feel like I was raped.
  13. I'm on if you're ready for our game. Ill be on for awhile
  14. Hopefully Denver wins so I don't have to play at 5 am if I beat the Saints.
  15. I can probably get on Wed after work at 3 for a couple hours but after that I won't be around until Friday/Saturday.
  16. That's a weird startegy considering it was a playoff game..
  17. So much for my prediction..
  18. Looking forward to playing the Saints again.. hopefully you've fixed your connection problems this time around. I'm picking the Texans to pick up the upset against Denver, no real reason why.
  19. Picked this up Friday and I'm lovin it. If anyone wants to get a game or posse going just add me on Live. The Great PK
  20. Just advanced after beating the Bears 14-7. Really really good and close game all the way until the end where any one of us had a shot at winning it. The fact that it was snowing made me wonder how my offense would fair but my defense came through in the second half big and got some big turnovers. Especially that one after I had been sacked for a big gain and had that shitty punt for like 2 yards.. Real good game though Drags.
  21. If I'm on Thursday it'll probably be after 10 PM EST because I'll be out most of the day. Friday I should be on for most of the day though. Just let me know which you'd rather do.
  22. Are the Rams still playing? Thought he said his internet is down.
  23. So what are the matchups going to be? Niners/Rams & Saints/Bears?
  24. Killed the Eagles. Running game was shakey without Gore but my D stayed strong with six sacks, three INTs, and three forxed fumbles. Ill upload some off the highlights ina few.
  25. I'm down for another season if we can get it in. I'm also down for naming Crabtree the MVP.
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