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Mr. X

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Posts posted by Mr. X

  1. So, who wants to be the next Michael Jackson...er... Bobby Brown...oh wait... JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE? Well, this is EWB so that's a long stretch but here is your chance to sing your gay little hearts out to a world wide audience. The winner of this contest gets to whore around how they have what it takes to be in a local garage band that won't get anywhere while the rest, well... they get to stay in basements and post about how shitty current music is.

    [EWB Idol: FTW]

    EWB Idol: FTW will feature the top group of EWB singers in an all out battle of the vox. But don't think this will be a walk in the park because you could easily be laughed at, scrutinized, or stalked by fellow EWBers just by a simple tune. And to make matters worst, a special episode for the worst of the worst will be posted just for laughs. If you aren't up for possibly being humiliated then don't send anything to me except a cute newscaster. >_>


    1) Send your songs to me (Mr. X) by midnight of the next elimination phase.

    2) Sing with only instrumentals we provide to all (the exception is of course auditions). Anyone who uses instrumentals without approval will automatically recieve a 0/10 for a score.

    3) Don't pull for votes in any thread. Let your performance be the deciding factor of how far you go in this contest. Anyone seen post-whoring for votes will be warned and further punishment could lead to being booted off the show.

    4) Deadlines are deadlines. Being late will mean your song isn't posted for the general public and you WILL be dismissed. The scheduling will allow for a week or more gap between "shows" to ensure people can record and send in what they have. There should be no reason you cannot send in a tape.

    5) Eliminations will be 1 per show unless specified.


    So, you still want to be an EWB Idol? Well, get a mic and a voice recording program and send us in an audio file. For auditions you can sing anything you want, be it jazz, r&b, hip hop, rap, country, metal, or even opera. Realize that your first entry is your only entry, so make it count.

    Send your entry to: Mr. X by no later than April 9th.


    [updated 3/22/07]

    Judging will be based on popular votes. While a small panel will give their thoughts on a performance it will not directly affect outcomes. The Idols with the least amounts of votes will be eliminated from the contest. This means that every time an elimination is to happen a new thread will emerge which will be linked to here.

    If there happens to be a tie the deciding factor will be made my judges.

  2. I know this is an old topic, but this CD deserves to be heard about. I know about Flynn mainly from Roadrunner United and The Blackening blows away absolutely everything he did on that CD. Between the hard hitting, crunch driven Beautiful Morning to the slow building A Farewell to Arms, this band is everything I like about metal. Flynn won't shy away from actually :gasp: singing but still showcases the screaming vocals that set metal apart in the beginning.

    A fun, but driving CD that isn't hard to get into and showcases some very talented musicians in a genre filled with utter shit nowadays.

  3. I've only seen her movie, which when I saw it all I saw was someone who is brash and over-the-top. I can imagine her show isn't that much more different then the movie and personally I have no interest in watching her again.

  4. Detroit fans everywhere are praying Oakland drafts Quinn.

    JaMarcus is THE player in this draft.

    And similarly, expect the Raider Nation to be praying to whatever gods they pray to that Oakland drafts JaMarcus. Incidentally, when is the NFL Draft set for? I'd like to watch it, honestly.

    Late April sometime.

    Is Joe Thomas still highly rated by scouts? Because that's where Detroit might want to start with their O-Line if Oakland takes JaMarcus.

    That's where Detroit SHOULD start in the draft. Quinn hasn't looked to be a QB who can single handedly carry a team and Kitna is a good QB who with a decent line can get things done. Drafting someone like Thomas helps Detroit in the area they really need it and does much more for the team than drafting Quinn would at this time. I'm all for the Lions to start looking for a future QB so a late round QB could be worth it.

  5. So, I'm trying to remember a movie that I used to watch when I was a kid. I cannot think of the title of it for the life of me. I remember it being about some kid who goes into a UFO and gets locked inside. From there he sees all sorts of crazy creatures and if I remember correctly the UFO speaks to him. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

  6. What, so the leagues stay the same every season?

    Yeah. There isn't a major sport in the US which deals with relegation and I think the MLS doing so would add something different and could possibly make the action more intense as teams could break if they don't do well. Of course, we'd have to set it up for a few years down the line just to make sure teams are given the benefit of the doubt for a few seasons.

    MLS is getting pretty interesting with the youth developmental program and the 'Beckham' rule. Now, I just need to be able to actually watch the games.

  7. You know why they should have relegation?

    So Montreal can move up :shifty:

    I'd approve of relegation, because I think it forces teams to stay active and not just so lazy that they make money and stay in a rut (see Chicago Cubs).

  8. Fitzy and I were talking and we both agreed that Eden killed herself and it was NOT Sylar's doing. His facial reaction right before the gun went off was pretty much a "Fuck" as if Eden ruined his plans of consuming her abilities. The Hatian guy/Claire convo just makes me anticipate the return so much because I can only begin to imagine why he went against his orders to wipe Claire's memory. Let's not forget, the ending with Peter makes me believe there is tons more to his character than just being the guy who can reproduce others abilities.

    This show is easily one of the best on TV and it has originality to it which makes it that more enjoyable.

  9. So, for awhile I've really been wanting to read up on Greek mythology.The problem is, there are so many books I don't know which are good and which I should stay away from. I'm thinking about getting Homer's Odyssey and Iliad, but I'd like to also get a good detailed book dealing with all, if not most, of the Gods and Goddesses.

    Any recommendations?

  10. Good for Microsoft. Splinter Cell has been a good series and with it going exclusive to 360 hopefully it means more units get sold. I have to say, I was cautious about Microsoft when I heard about the 360 but I can say now it might be one of my favorite investments in gaming since the PSX. Good online service, good titles, and the idea that I can download demos of games for free really make the system a good deal.

  11. I'm 11 hours into the game, just got back to Bhujerba after being on the Leviathan, and to me the progress of the story is quite painful and I've yet to really dig any of the characters by their personalties. The battles aren't bad and Licenses actually works quite well, but the whole "Dungeon" theme so far just bores me when it seems like in a hour worth of playing the game that is going to take up 40 minutes while you get 10 minutes of story and then the other 10 minutes consists of buying/selling items or doing something that isn't going to advance the story.

    If I had to give it a score out of 10 I'd have to say a 5 is about right.

  12. Inconsistent? He had a bad game, everyone has those. The rest of the games he has been impressive.

    He had a bad game against Carolina in last years playoffs, during the preseason, and now this game. He had 4 good games and had a horrendous game where he forced passes and didn't protect the ball.

  13. Actually, he has a point. You hate him, but that doesn't make him a bad QB.

    1. Yes it does.

    And you say I'm a moron <_<

    It's not because he is from Florida. One of my favorite players ever is from UF. It's because he is a mindless nimwit who makes horrible decisions. He has a better arm than Orton, and I'm not an Orton fan either, but Orton is 8-0 as a starter and did not make nearly the number of mistakes Grossman has.

    Oton stats from last year:

    1869 YDS, 59% Completetion, 9 TD, 13 INT, 59.7 QB Rating 5 lost FUM, 8-5 record(9-6 if you count the last game with the back-ups and the ATL game where Grossman came in at halftime)

    Grossman this year(so far):

    1391 YDS, 57% Completetion, 10 TD, 7 INT, 82.1 QB Rating, 2 lost fumble, 6-0 record

    I'll take Grossman

    What those stats don't say is that Orton was a third string rookie who after Hutchinson was cut became a second string and quickly became a starter when Grossman went down with his injury. Orton did a good job for the situation he was thrown in. Grossman has been inconsistent which makes me afraid that he could be, with a very high probability, the weak on the offense.

  14. CHICAGO (AP) -- Lou Piniella's coming to Wrigley Field, agreeing Monday to a three-year contract to manage the Chicago Cubs and accepting a job that has long been one of the most challenging in baseball.

    His assignment: Get to the playoffs and win a championship with a franchise that hasn't been to a World Series since 1945 and hasn't won one since 1908.

    "I feel terrific about Lou. I think he's a tremendous baseball man and a proven winner from the beginning of his career," Cubs general manager Jim Hendry said Monday.

    "I think he's absolutely the perfect choice as we move forward."

    Piniella, who will be introduced Tuesday at a news conference, has a deal that is worth about $10 million.


    "I'm basically a blue-collar-type manager that believes in a good work ethic, preparation and a desire to win a baseball game," Piniella told the Chicago Sun-Times over the weekend in Detroit where he worked the ALCS for Fox TV.

    Piniella replaces Dusty Baker, another veteran manager with a strong resume, who left after four years when his contract was not renewed following a 66-96 last-place finish in the NL.

    Piniella has 19 years' experience managing in the big leagues with four teams -- the Yankees, Reds, Mariners and Devil Rays -- and said his work in TV and a year away from the dugout on a daily basis refreshed him.

    Known for his fiery style and outbursts with umpires -- in which he's thrown his cap, flung a base and kicked dirt on the plate -- the Cubs hope Piniella can be the spark the team obviously lacked during the final two seasons of Baker's tenure.

    Joe Girardi, fired by the Florida Marlins after one season and a former Cubs player, also interviewed for the job as did Cubs broadcaster and former Diamondbacks manager Bob Brenly. Mike Quade and Pat Listach, managers last season in the Cubs' farm system, also were interviewed.

    But Piniella's experience, his toughness and run of success that included a 1990 World Series title with the Reds were obviously factors that impressed the Cubs.

    The hiring of Piniella is the latest move in a Cubs' overhaul that began two weeks ago when chief executive Andy MacPhail resigned the day before Baker's contract was not renewed.

    Now Hendry will begin refiguring his roster with decisions ahead on third baseman Aramis Ramirez, who can opt-out of his contract; center fielder Juan Pierre, who is a free agent; and oft-injured pitcher Kerry Wood. The club has a $13.75 million option on Wood, who is rehabbing a torn rotator cuff.

    The 63-year-old Piniella has a record of 1,519-1,420 and was honored as AL manager of the year in 1995 and 2001.

    He became the Cubs' top choice over Girardi, who had two different playing stints with the team that he broke in with in 1989.

    The Cubs nearly reached the World Series three years ago, getting within five outs before a collapse against Florida in the NLCS. But Baker couldn't get the team back to the playoffs.

    Piniella began managing in 1986 with the Yankees, where he lasted three years. He managed the Reds from 1990-92, leading them to a World Series championship in his first season. During his time in Cincinnati, he got national attention for a clubhouse wrestling match with reliever Rob Dibble.

    From there it was on to a long run in Seattle from 1993-02. His 2001 team went 116-46 but lost in the ALCS to the Yankees. His 1995 and 2000 Mariners teams also were beaten in the league championship series. During his decade in Seattle, the Mariners won at least 90 games four times.

    Piniella won 93 games his final season with the Mariners in 2002 before heading home to his native Tampa to try and build a winner for the Devil Rays.

    But ultimately he had a difference of opinion with ownership and questioned management's commitment to winning before the team bought out the final year of his four-year contract.

    Piniella had an 18-year career as a player, 11 of them with the Yankees, and was a career .291 hitter.

    AP Baseball Writer Ben Walker in New York contributed to this report.

    Source: Yahoo! Sports

    Rumours are circulating that Lou wants to pick up A-Rod but honestly, he needs to worry about getting a reliable pitching rotation and trying to improve the batting as Aramis can't hold up any team on his own.

  15. And Grossman is yet again falling right back into his old ways with shitty passing and not taking care of the ball. The Cardinals shouldn't be dominating nearly as much as they are but as long as Grossman is in the game right now the Bears chances aren't any better.

  16. why would you buy something you've already downloaded?

    Maybe to support the band and because he likes to have the booklet which more than likely compliments the music?

    Record labels go off of sales and if there is a band I really like I'll download the album, see if it's up to my standards to buy it, and if so... I will fully support the band and buy the album. It's fine and dandy to say you go to shows to support a band but at the end of the day record labels help keep bands running and without a label alot of bands just seem to fall apart nowadays.

  17. Anyone else here a fan of Third Watch? I just started watching it a few months back and I think it may be one of the best law enforcement shows on TV. It has action, drama, decent character progression, and is a show I can sit down to for a full hour and not be bored with.

    I really hope they end up releasing the show on DVD so that I can see it from start to end.

  18. PRO Wrestling Strongest Digest

    April 2006

    - Vito Thomaselli and Jim Fannin recently have been discrediting Keiji Sakoda and now we will see Keiji take on Vito in a non-title match. Unknown to some, Vito has been undefeated in MPW and this match could easily prove him to be the top guy in MPW, or Keiji could end up becoming the first man in MPW history to put down Jim Fannin's top prospect and quickly catapult in the MPW rankings.

    - Do Or Die Trying doesn't end there though, we will see the newly refounded Iron Saints (Brandon and Salvatore Thomaselli) take on Josh Abercrombie and his recent tag team partner Zero in the first ever Tables Match in MPW. After being put through a table at Make Or Break, Josh quickly begged for the stipulation and now he will get the chance to revenge his former tag team partner.

    - Speaking of tag teams, Delirious and Danny Daniels will not be at Do Or Die Trying, but thier adversaries will be in action against the current tag team champions Josh Daniels and Halo. Halo and Daniels requested the match to be for the tag team titles and the wish has been granted, will this be the first defense of the titles or will Danny and Delirious find a way into MPW to avenge the no contest from last month?

    - The tentative card for Reving The Midwest: Season 2 has been posted.

    MPW Title

    Vito Thomaselli © vs. Danny Daniels

    *- Vito has beaten Danny once in the two singles encounters, as the second was a draw due to double countout. Now, Vito has a chance to finally beat Danny and end this feud while Danny has the chance to not only tie things back up, but he could also be the next MPW champion.

    Delirious vs. Jimmy Jacobs

    *- For just a few short months of feuding, both guys have been waiting for the opportunity to face off in a one-on-one matchup. Delirious has seen Jacobs humiliate him numerous times and now he could find sweet revenge, or fall once again to the clever Jacobs. All we know is, this could easily become a historical match with many repercussions.

    6-Man Tag

    Josh Abercrombie/Zero/X vs. The Iron Saints/Ryan Boz

    *- MPW can't celebrate the first year without putting fan favorites versus the biggest heels in the company. Abercrombie and Zero will get in the ring yet again with The Iron Saints, who this time have Ryan Boz at their side, while the third member for the face side isn't even being revealed. Could this man be the returning Brad Bradley? Or could he be someone looking to make a huge splash in MPW by helping finally put down the most hated group of men in all of the midwest?

    XXX-Plicit Content vs. All About Us

    *- MPW regulars vs. a young up and coming tag team. Need we say more?

    PRO Lion Cup

    Ashley Howard vs. Randy Ortiz

    Sean Nelson vs. Ashley Howard

    Randy Ortiz vs. Sean Nelson

    *- MPW's first mini-tournament is exclusive to the young men known as the PURE Lions. This could make a star out of any one of the three. Ashley Howard is looking to finally grab a string of wins to win the cup, while Randy Ortiz isn't too far behind. But, what if this tournament will be all about Sean Nelson?

    Midwest PRO Wrestling Presents...

    Do Or Die Trying

    April 11 @ Geoff-Partice Warehouse

    Main Event

    Keiji Sakoda vs. Vito Thomaselli

    Tables Match

    The Iron Saints vs. Josh Abercrombie/Zero

    MPW Tag Team Titles

    Josh Daniels and Halo © vs. Jimmy Jacobs/DARKNESS Egotistico

    PRO Lions II vs. Team IWA

    Matt Sydal vs. Trik Davis

    Midwest PRO Wrestling Presents...

    "Reviving The Midwest: Season 2"

    May 23 @ Geoff-Partice Warehouse

    MPW Title

    Vito Thomaselli © vs. Danny Daniels

    Delirious vs. Jimmy Jacobs

    6-Man Tag

    Josh Abercrombie/Zero/X vs. The Iron Saints/Ryan Boz

    XXX-Plicit Content vs. All About Us

    PRO Lion Cup

    Ashley Howard vs. Randy Ortiz

    Sean Nelson vs. Ashley Howard

    Randy Ortiz vs. Sean Nelson

    Also featuring: Keiji Sakoda, Trik Davis, Justin Kage, and MORE!

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