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Mr. X

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Posts posted by Mr. X

  1. PRO Wrestling Strongest Digest

    June 2005

    - Ryan Boz has accepted a challenge from Brad Bradley and Randy Ortiz for a tag team match at next months show 'Walking The Edge'. Boz has said that his tag team partner is considered one of the top independent heavyweight wrestlers in the US and a man that will rip apart Ortiz so Boz won't have to do so. Boz did say that if Ortiz can survive the match only then will he get an eventual shot at fighting Boz in a MMA Rules match.

    - Matt Sydal and Danny Daniels have both requested a match but it seems as if MPW Owner Bill Geoff is with-holding such a match. Daniels and Sydal are both 1-0 and had two of the top matches at last months debut show 'Midwest Revival Show'.

    - MPW is currently scouting around for tag teams (If anyone knows of any decent Illinois/Indiana teams PM me and I will consider using them).

    - NoDQ.com recently conducted an interview with Bill Geoff. When asked about the horrible attendance of the first show Bill stated " Our goal is to eventually draw big crowds, but right now I know the fans in Champaign-Urbana are very skeptical of a promotion coming in town as they haven't had any wrestling consecutively that I know of. We're relying on fans that attend the show to spread the word so that we can grow every month and be able to put on the best shows we can afford." After that, Geoff was about what he wanted out of the ring product with was " We're not looking for the absolute best workers around. All I want are guys that can have a match, improve themselves, and have a heart for the business and want to succeed. The talent will improve over time and as long as we can have one really good match a show I don't see why people won't show up."

    Midwest PRO Wrestling Presents...

    Walking The Edge

    June 14 @ Geoff-Partice Warehouse

    Main Event

    Grudge Match

    Ryan Boz/X vs. Brad Bradley/Randy Ortiz

    Danny Daniels vs. Brandon Thomaselli

    Matt Sydal vs. Egotistico Fantastico

    Salvatore Thomaselli vs. Delirious

    Bailey Mannix vs. Sean Nelson

    Danny Scott vs. Ashley Howard

    *Card subject to change

    Tickets $10 at the door

    (YI, I will start getting into the characters more and I intend to do the results differently sometime in the near future as this style does make it harder to write shows as the whole match time idea screws up my layout of how much I talk about some matches and just seems to be a pet peeve to some of the idea of match length when the details are shorter/longer compared to others that should be shorter/longer. And since you know the Midwest scene, I'd really appreciate some input on tag teams to bring in, via PM please. BTW, I'm using RXEWR34.)

  2. [Results]MPW "Midwest Revival Show", 5/20/05

    Geoff-Partice Warehouse

    10 Fans

    1. Danny Scott d. Randy Ortiz (6:51) with a roll-up

    2. The Iron Saints d. PRO Lions (11:30) when Vito used a superkick on Nelson

    3. Ryan Boz d. Brad Bradley (9:47) with a buffalo sleeper

    4. Matt Sydal d. Bailey Mannix (15:01) with a twisting senton

    5. Brandon Thomaselli d. Egotistico Fantastico (7:12) with a tornado DDT

    6. Danny Daniels d. Delirious (26:48) with a cradle piledriver


    - The first match in MPW history saw Randy Ortiz, one of the members of the Pure Lions Club, take on Danny Scott, one half of the funky tag team XXX-Plicit Content. Ortiz started the match off with a fury of open handed slaps that sent Scott bailing to the outside. Ortiz wasn't about to have a stalemate so he also exited the ring and the two fought around the floor for a little under a minute. Scott was able to get the upperhand by throwing Ortiz into the ring post and worked on his arm the rest of the match. Ortiz got his closest pinfall after catching Scott with a STO but took too long to cover. Ortiz then went for a lariat but Scott was able to duck and rolled Ortiz up for the win. The match was basic for the sake of Ortiz's inexperience in the ring but it was decent enough for what it was.

    Overall: F Crowd: F Match: F+

    - Ryan Boz came out to the ring as the 10 fans in attendence sat around not knowing what to do. Boz grabbed the mic and did a run down of tag matches he and Bradley were in. Boz then stated "Bradley didn't make the team...Boz did. If it wasn't for me we both would still be holding out jobs as chefs at McDonald's. As far as I care he owes me more than he'll ever admit and when I win tonight I'm going to come back home with two paychecks, because a dead man doesn't need money." The fans laughed as Boz mimmicked them. After a minute of going back and forth Boz finally walked to the back while the 10 fans did a wave.

    - PRO Lions vs. The Iron Saints was up next. Vito and Sal got the fans rowdy as Sean Nelson and Ashley Howard stood in the ring stratagizing. The match started with Vito and Sean which consisted of Vito blocking all of Sean's 'rana attempts and hitting a sitdown piledriver for an early two count. Vito then worked on Sean's back which would be the target for the rest of the match. Sean was able to duck a clothesline and tagged in Howard, who drove Vito to the mat with a pumphandle slam and followed it up with a standing splash for a two count. Vito eventually broke away from Howard and tagged Sal in, who ran at Howard but was murdered with a lariat for a two count. Sal rolled out of the ring as Vito got off the apron to talk to his brother. Unbeknownst to them, Howard lifted Nelson ontop of his shoulders and launched him over the top rope right onto both Vito and Sal. Howard put all three men back in the ring and covered Sal for a two count, and then tagged Sean in. Sean went to pick up Sal but was caught with a brainbuster which allowed Sal to tag in Vito. Vito quickly hit a mule kick and followed it up with a superkick, as Sal knocked Howard off the apron, to get The Iron Saints the win.

    Overall: F Crowd: F Match: C

    - Bradley and Boz were once former tag partners now turned enemies. As soon as MPW announced their main roster both men asked for a match to settle differences so both could move on in the fed and put behind anything in the past, but that wasn't to happen tonight. Boz attacked Bradley in the aisle with a chair before the match even began and as soon as both men got into the ring Boz had already been able to get a two count. Boz kept Bradley down for the first few minutes with stomps to the head and various submissions holds to affect Bradley's head/neck. Bradley finally 'hulked up' and hit a back bodydrop followed with mountain punches. Bradley then went up the turnbuckle but met a belly to belly suplex for a near fall. Boz regained control of the match and continued working on Bradley's neck with some cravate's and even a buffalo sleeper. Bradley was able to escape the hold and came back with a short arm lariat but Boz caught Bradley, hit a backbody drop, and locked in another buffalo sleeper. After trying to fight out of the hold Bradley finally tapped, much to the dismay of the fans. Boz exited the ring and grabbed a chair to finish the job but 'Pure Lions Club' came out and held him back to allow Bradley to get out of the ring and to the back.

    Overall: F Crowd: F Match: F

    - Matt Sydal is known as one of the top prospects currently working the Mid-West region while Mannix tags with Danny Scott as XXX-Plicit Content. The match started off with Mannix throwing Sydal over the top rope, only for Sydal's leg to get caught in the ropes. Mannix helped Sydal get out of the ropes but hit an armdrag and worked on Sydal's ankle until Sydal was able to get a ropebreak. Mannix dragged Sydal back to the middle of the ring but before he could lock in an ankle lock Sydal used a small cradle for a near fall. Mannix grew irritated and went to the top rope for a moonsault but missed and was met with a dropkick right to the chin for another near fall. Sydal followed up with a crazy elbow for one count and Mannix kipped back up and got a enziguri on Sydal for a near fall. Sydal tried standing up but the kick seemed to have had an effect on Sydal's equalibrium as he fell back down which Mannix took the opportunity to hit a moonsault but Sydal kicked out at 2.99999! Mannix then hit a snap suplex and after some insults by the fans exited the ring to confront them. As soon as he got back in the ring Sydal used a hurricanrana for two, then hit a series of arm drags and went for his Springboard 450 but Mannix moved and Sydal met the mat hard. Mannix, knowing that Sydal must be hurting in his ribs/chest, used a camel clutch and when Sydal wouldn't give up used a combo of knees to the ribs for another near fall. Mannix was growing more aggravated by the minute and went for a powerbomb which Sydal countered with a hurricanrana and quickly ran up the turnbuckle to hit a sloppy twisting senton, but Mannix kicked out and Sydal went back to the apron and called for his springboard 450 splash, Mannix however got up but Sydal instead used another hurricanrana and again followed it up with a twisting senton, this time securing the 3 count.

    Overall: F Crowd: F Match: C-

    - Randy Ortiz came out and congratulated Sydal while Mannix walked to the back in disappointment. Sydal mentioned how well Ortiz did in his first match and how he (Sydal) was impressed. Ortiz thanked Sydal and sat on the middle rope for Sydal to exit the ring, but Ortiz himself didn't leave. Ortiz grabbed the house mic and said although he couldn't beat Scott today, he felt that he showed he deserves to be in the MPW locker room. Ryan Boz came out from the back and went to shake Ortiz's hand but pulled back at the last second and called Ortiz a disgrace to all MMA fighters. Brad Bradley finally came out and took to Ortiz's side and claimed Boz had no respect for anyone and that he'd pay to see Boz fight Ortiz in a MMA Rules match because he knows Boz couldn't last. Ortiz and Bradley left together as Boz stood around with a grin on his face.

    - After the Ortiz-Bradley-Boz situation was settled, Brandon Thomaselli vs. Egotistico Fantastico took place. The match started with a strength test, which Brandon used to execute a northern lights suplex for a one count. Egotistico hit some punches to Brandon's gut and threw him out of the ring, following it up with a plancha that saw him go over the guardrail and land in one of the fans lap. Egotistico then flirted with the fan while Brandon slowly got up and Egotistico hit a tornado DDT, standing on the guardrail, sending Brandon headfirst into the lightly padded ground. Egotistico eventually got Brandon back in the ring for a 2 count. Egotistico then went for a suplex but Brandon blocked and gave Egotistico a brainbuster for his troubles. Brandon picked Egotistico up but was irish whiped into the corners, which caused Egotistico to go for a double knee but missed and was hit with a tornado DDT by Brandon. Brandon quickly went for the pin and got the unsuspected 3 count.

    Overall: F Crowd: F Match: D

    - The match the 10 fans really wanted to see ended up proving Delirious and Daniels are overlooked and both men know how to wrestle intelligently. Delirious started the match spouting out "Super Gravy Corn" which got a roar of laughter. Daniels seemed to be unimpressed by Delirious and quickly attacked him with fists to the back followed by a shoulder breaker. Delirious fought back and sent Daniels to the outside and went for a suicide dive but Daniels was able to move out of the way so Delirious went straight onto the ground and screamed in agony. Daniels took the opportunity and hit a powerbomb on the outside to further weaken Delirious. After both got back in the ring Daniels unleashed back to back backbreakers followed by a boston crab, which Delirious used an incredible amount of will power to finally get to the ropes to break the hold. Daniels went for a pin but Delirious kicked out at 2, which surprised all the fans as Daniels had delivered quite the punishment to Delirious. Daniels tried to hit a powerbomb but Delirious fought out of it and did a backslide for a two count. Delirious then ran into a sequence of upping Daniels with blocks and counters until Daniels had no other choice but to go to the outside and re-strategize. Delirious grabbed at his back, showing he still was hurting. Daniels finally got back in the ring and threw forearms followed by a cravate leading into a neckbreaker for a near fall. Delirious finally threw all he had at Daniels and hit a stiff ass leg lariat for a near fall of his own. The fans all started cheering him on but it was soon ended when Delirious attempted a hurricanrana but was caught in a cradle piledriver that finally put him down for three.

    Overall: F Crowd: F Match: B+

  3. Early Years

    In 1967, Bill Geoff was a top prospect in high school wrestling, but his junior year he suffered a career ending back injury when he was involved in a car crash. During his rehabilitation Bill attended a professional wrestling show in Chicago, Illinois and was immediately pulled into the sport.

    Fast forward 30 years, at the age of 47 Bill was a top event promoter in Urbana, Illinois and helped the city bring in bands like The Smashing Pumpkins, Hootie and The Blowfish, Hanson, and countless other acts that were hot. For as much great things going on during this time Bill's wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. For all Bill worked for her couldn't imagine that the one thing besides wrestling that he absolutely loved was slowly, but surely,being taken away from him. Bill and his wife took the last year(s) trying to make a plan for what would happen after her death and his wife told him to do the one thing he wanted to do since he was that 22 year old young man. Bill knew what she was talking about but at the time it was the last thing on earth he could ever do, as he was spending all of his money trying to keep his wife alive (hoping for some sort of cure to swoop in and save her). But 18 months later Bill was at his wife’s funeral...alone. After everyone else had gone Bill was sitting with his hands buried in head, trying to think what he could possibly do now. After months of slowly getting himself back together Bill continued his promoting.

    In mid-2004 Bill finally sat down one sunny day and decided he was going to take a risk, for his now 7 years deceased wife. Bill was going to open up his own wrestling promotion and no matter what the outcome at least he could test himself as a true promoter/businessman, and at least he could say he chased a dream.

    November 29th, 2004

    Bill had talked to Jean Partice, a buddy of his who did sports commentary for the local paper, News Gazette, and soon had a partner to help finance this venture in professional wrestling. Both agreed that the place to start was in the Champaign-Urbana area, as they had lived their for quite a while and hadn't seen any promotions ever come through except for the occasional WWE show. Jean also broke the news that he had come across a warehouse off of Main Street and how the owner was selling the place for just under $50,000. Jean told Bill that he talked the owner down to paying $500 dollars a month with the option of buying the place after 1 year of payments for $47,000. Bill agreed so the two had nailed down a venue.

    Now, with a venue and financial backing from Jean all that were needed were workers and one referee. While attending a show in Chicago, Bill stumbled across 3 young workers looking for a place to hone their skills. Coincidentally, two of them were from Champaign and one was from the small town of Fisher. The three talked to Bill and after a months time of negotiations of pay the three were added to the roster. Billy knew they weren't going to be really good workers but they all had a passion for the business and were good enough to atleast give some decent matches while costing very little. During this time Jean also got the company small sponsorships with The Observer, Hardees, IGN.com, and EGM. This would mean banners would be around the warehouse but that was the least of anyones worries.

    Midwest PRO Wrestling Born

    Bill threw around countless names for the promotion and finally selected Midwest PRO Wrestling, as he saw it as straight to the point. Jean convinced Bill to allow him to be the announcer (to save the company money for now as the first few months would be testing). Bill needed some more guys and after scouting out the Chicago/Indiana talent he found some.

    Current Roster

    *AM Vishion {F}

    Ashley Howard {F}

    Bailey Mannix {H}

    Brad Bradley {F}

    Brandon Thomaselli {F}

    Chandler McClure {H}

    Danny Daniels {T}

    Danny Scott {H}

    DARKNESS Egotistico {H}

    *Davey Andrews {F}

    Delirious {F}

    Eric Priest {H}

    Halo {F}

    Jim Fannin {H}

    Jimmy Jacobs {H}

    Josh Abercrombie {F}

    Josh Daniels {F}

    Justin Kage {F}

    Kevin Krueger {H}

    Matt Sydal {F}

    Randy Ortiz {F}

    Ryan Boz {H}

    Salvatore Thomaselli {H}

    Sean Nelson {F}

    Vito Thomaselli {H}

    Zero {F}

    * denotes injured

    Pure Lions Club

    (The three young workers Bill hired while in Chicago)

    Ashley Howard (6'1 227lbs) - Ashley was the only African American amateur wrestler in the family which has turned him into a decent technical wrestler. Ashley was once given top honors in his areas wrestling meeting. Ashley is an intelligent fighter that is looking for the fight to prove his ability in the ring.

    Randy Ortiz (5'11 221) - Ortiz is of English and Mexican decent and was once in MMA but after a 3-8 record quit and turned his attention to wrestling. Ortiz is a brawler who occasionally throws in dangerous submissions but his right hand is the most dangerous part about him. Ortiz also has a natural charisma to him which makes up for his lack of speed and technical ability. Ortiz carries a chubby athletic body that helps him take beatings.

    Sean Nelson (5'8 173): Nelson is the youngest of the group at 18 and hails from Fisher, IL. He was a runner in high school which has given him speed and a lean frame. Nelson has been training with Howard to step up into a better all around junior heavyweight.

    Tag Teams

    Daniels and Halo

    J.F. & Associates

    PRO Lions

    Team IWA

    The BJ Express

    The Iron Saints

    Void Effect

    XXX-Plicit Content


    *Jean Partice (Announcer)

    *Joe Buckle (Producer)

    *Mike Mongoose (Referee)

    *Rich Bass (Referee)


    - No assaulting the MPW staff

    - Submission holds CANNOT cause direct 3-counts. If a worker is using a figure four, triangle choke, etc... neither can be considered pinned. Once a hold is broke and a pin fall ensues then the ref can administer a 3 count.

    - Time Limits:

    Opening Match/Lower Card: 15 minutes

    Midcard: 25 minutes

    Main Event: 45 minutes

    Title Matches: 60 minutes

    Midwest PRO Wrestling Presents...

    Midwest Revival Show

    May 20 @ Geoff-Partice Warehouse

    Main Event

    Delirious vs. Danny Daniels

    Former Tag Partners Collide

    Ryan Boz vs. Brad Bradley

    Brandon Thomaselli vs. Egotistico Fantastico

    PRO Lions vs. The Iron Saints

    Bailey Mannix vs. Matt Sydal

    Randy Ortiz vs. Danny Scott

    *Card subject to change

    Tickets $10 at the door

  4. Iceman & Michael Robinson vs. Tony Zaretti & Paul Johnson

    - Iceman is the only foreigner and should stay strong while facing the lower card guys. I see him getting the pin over Zaretti.

    NFA Heavyweight Title Tournament Semi-Final: Keiji Sasaki vs. Thomas Moore

    - Moore will get the upset victory and prove himself as a pure wrestler.

    NFA Heavyweight Title Tournament Semi-Final: Tito Gonzalez vs. Keiji Sakoda

    - Even though Sakoda is super over compared to everyone else I see Gonzalez picking up the win for a MMA vs. Pure Wrestler final.

    Different Style Fight: Alvin Jones vs. Dwight Douglas

    - Jones owns...that is all.

    Bas Rutten & Chuck Howard vs. Rico Constantino & Josh Harrington

    - Harrington has suffered a couple of defeats recently and this match will be the "turning point" of the wrestlers fighting back against the MMA guys. It will not be the end by a long shot.

    NFA Heavyweight Title Tournament Final: Tito Gonzalez vs. Thomas Moore

    - Gonzalez beats Moore so that the MMA squad holds NEO-GEN at the palm of their hands.

    Finish: KO

  5. Iceman vs. Michael Robinson

    - Iceman will become the foreign fighter who poses the most threat to the NEO-GEN roster, and he'll beat Robinson to start off with a 2-0 record.

    Tony Zaretti vs. Paul Johnson

    - Paul will use his speed and technical ability to get his first win off the young Zaretti.

    NFA Heavyweight Tournament Opening Round

    Alvin Jones vs. Keiji Sakoda

    - Since Sakoda is the draw now of NEO-GEN it would be insane to have him pick up the loss in the first round. I'm looking for Jones to put on a good fight but Sakoda will win in the end.

    NFA Heavyweight Tournament Opening Round

    Tito Gonzalez vs. Dwight Douglas

    - The tournament needs a semi-final match that has history so Gonzalez will pick up the W and face Sakoda later on in a rematch from the tag match last month.

    NFA Heavyweight Tournament Opening Round

    Chuck Howard vs. Thomas Moore

    - Moore hasn't really done anything while Howard is up there with the top of the NEO-GEN roster. Howard will win via Submission, most likely a cross armbreaker or a sleeper hold.

    NFA Heavyweight Tournament Opening Round

    Josh Harrington vs. Keiji Sasaki

    - This is the Pure Ace vs. Unbeaten match that should be something to see. Harrington will pick up the win to make the Semi's a 2-2 for MMA and Pure Wrestling.

  6. 1. Iceman vs. Paul Johnson

    - The outside from Inoki Dojo will pick up the win in what should be a clost contest.

    2. Michael Robinson vs. Tony Zaretti

    - The hardest match for me to predict but I think Robinson's experience will allow him to pick up the W.

    3. Dwight Douglas vs. Alvin Jones

    - Alvin Jones will pick up the win in what could be a spectacle of a match considering you have a big man versus a powerful fighter.

    4. Thomas Moore vs. Keiji Sasaki

    - I'm predicting Sasaki to be the ace of the MMA fighters, like Harrington is to the pure wrestlers. But unlike Harrington, Sasaki will keep his winning streak alive after the 3rd show.

    5. Josh Harrington & X vs. Tito Gonzalez & Chuck Howard

    - Harrington will suffer his first loss in NEO-GEN. I'm predicting X to be Rico Constantino as he is really the only guy I can see teaming with Harrington right now.

  7. Thomas Moore vs. Michael Robinson

    - Robinson isn't an extremely experienced MMA fighter while Moore is already an accomplished wrestler. I see Moore picking up the win with either a roll-up or suplex variation.

    Paul Johnson vs. Keiji Sasaki

    - While Paul is a pure wrestler Sasaki is a Judoka, which should eallow him to beat Johnson fairly easily.

    Dwight Douglas vs. Alvin Jones

    - While Douglas may be the biggest Jones is the baddest. Douglas could win but Jones has much more fighting experience and is the top dog. If Douglas wins then Douglas may be the top guy in NEO-GEN.

    Tony Zaretti vs. Tito Gonzalez

    - This should be a fun match and I think Zaretti will mature even more as a fighter with a loss to Gonzalez. Zaretti could pull the upset but I'm very doubtfull that he will in this match.

    Josh Harrington vs. Chuck Howard

    - I'm going to predict another upset to add to Harringtons Win record. Harrington beat Alvin Jones at the first show and seems to be the ace of the pure wrestlers. Harrington could lose if Howard is able to connect with strikes and lock on key submissions but Harrington could use his speed to throw off Howard.

  8. I'm with lukie on this one. I'm really digging the puro-ness of the matches, the fact that you are using created guys, and all while using a created promotion. I'm psyched about watching the progression of some of these fighters and hopefully a few of them turn out very strong in the near future. Will you be bringing in any outside fighters or are you mainly sticking with the guys from the dojo?

  9. Chevelle has been my favorite band since discovering them after hearing The Red on a local radio station in 2002. The thing I like most about them is that they have very decent lyrics and have a sound of their own that I haven't been able to put on any past and present band that I have heard of.

    I bought This Type Of Thinking Could Do Us In after hearing Vitamin R, The Clincher, and Still Running and the CD has just grown on me as much as Wonder What's Next. And as said above TTOTCDUI doesn't have any bad songs at all. And how to do you even remotely put them in the Christian Nu-Metal genre Pete?

  10. This next card looks like the best thus far.

    SMW Championship

    Alex Shelley d. Austin Aries

    Bryan Danielson d. Frankie Kazarian

    BJ Whitmer d. Petey Williams

    Winner Faces Aries in Championship Match

    Alex Shelley d. Dan Maff

    Jerry Lynn d. Cassidy O'Reilly

    Briscoe Brothers, Joey Ryan and Jay Lethal d. Ricky Reyes, Backseat Boyz and SCOTTY MAC


    CHRIS CANDIDO d. Colt Cabana

  11. Ricky Reyes and Homicide d. The Briscoe Brothers

    Frankie Kazarian d. B-Boy

    SMW Title Semi-finals

    Austin Aries d. Dan Maff

    AJ Styles d. Alex Shelley

    Jack Evans d. Petey Williams

    BJ Whitmer d. Jimmy Rave/Super Dragon/James Keenan

    Jerry Lynn and Ace Steel d. Rob Eckos and Striker

    Jay Lethal d. Slim J

  12. -------------------------------------

    SMW: The Quarter-Finals - November 12


    SMW Title Quarterfinals

    Jerry Lynn Vs Austin Aries

    Alex Shelley Vs BJ Whitmer

    Jimmy Rave Vs AJ Styles

    Dan Maff Vs Super Dragon

    Ace Steel Vs Frankie Kazarian Vs Cassidy O'Reilly Vs Jay Lethal

    The Briscoe Brothers Vs The Backseat Boyz

    - I'd really like to see Johnny Kashmere get a singles push and this match could be used to set it up. Should be good no matter what.

    Petey Williams and Jack Evans Vs The Carolina Connection

    Ricky Reyes Vs Krazy K

    - Reyes shall destroy Krazy K, unless K can pull off a fluke win but that would make Reyes look weak and ye shall not do that to one half of the best active tag team.

  13. Major League Newswire

    February 2005

    - The Untouchables have requested 60 days off. Many are speculating that the requests have to do with The New Church's continued attacks and many in the back are feeling as if MLW management aren't providing enough protection and those that speak out against The New Church are not willing to confront the group about their recent actions. This has led to a tons of tension between workers. A certain tag team however has contacted MLW and stated that they are willing to attempt to solve the problem once and for all. To make the match fair James Mitchell and Sean O'Haire are banned from ringside.

    - Many in the back have also seen Scoot Andrews become very anti-social and one source has even heard phone conversations in which Andrews has stated that if things don't change soon he's going to do things he might regret. MLW management has confronted Andrews about the situation and he has promised that he isn't doing anything wrong and that the phone conversations he's been having are nothing but calls to and from family.

    - Satoshi Kojima and Taiyo Kea's recent fallout has become so big that both men have tried to ambush each other in other promotions events. MLW has decided on doing a 6-Man Tag involving fellow All-Japan superstars in order to get a resolution before any more happens.

    - Generation Next have been touting the recent win of Austin Aries and the fact that the stable will have the Junior Heavyweight Champion in its ranks. Alex Shelley, Jack Evans and Roderick Strong have all requested no matches. MLW has officially granted Evans and Strong's wishes, but would not grant Shelley's and announced he would face Chris Hero at Walking The Edge.

    - Jerrelle Clark and Josh Daniels will finally meet one on one in what should be a great match. Daniels has fallen victim to Clark by pinfall in both of the meetings, from Final Destination and Wrestlefest 2005. Daniels, a protege of Steve Corino, has been training with Ikuto Hidaka, a fellow Z-1 fighter.


    Walking The Edge


    Main Event

    MLW Junior Heavyweight Title

    Austin Aries vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Jason Cross vs. Petey Williams

    Six-Man Tag

    Satoshi Kojima/Asian Assassins vs. Taiyo Kea/Kazushi Miyamoto/NOSAWA

    Chris Hero vs. Alex Shelley

    Heartbreak Challenge #3

    Michael Shane/Ikuto Hidaka vs. Adam Windsor/Sonjay Dutt

    Grudge Match

    Jerrelle Clark vs. Josh Daniels

    The New Church vs. X

    Plus: Scoot Andrews, CM Punk, Simon Diamond, and MORE.

    Note: Thanks to Gaby for the event name!

  14. [Results]MLW "Wrestlefest 2005", 1/21/05

    War Memorial Auditorium

    1615 Fans

    1. Generation Next d. Asian Assassins (11:47) when Strong used a Powerbomb Backbreaker on Yang

    2. Heartbreak Challenge #2: Michael Shane d. Adam Windsor (11:21) with a Sweet Shane Music

    3. The New Church d. The Untouchables/Terry Funk (14:08) when O'Haire pinned Funk

    4. Jr. Hv. Showcase Elmination Austin Aries d. Ikuto Hidaka/Josh Daniels/ Jerrelle Clark (21:51). Clark used a reverse hurricanrana on Daniels (8:53). Clark used a 630 Somersault on Hidaka (14:29). Aries used a boston crab on Clark (21:51).

    5. #1 Contendership: Simon Diamond d. Scoot Andrews (12:03) with the Simonizer

    6. Taiyo Kea d. Satoshi Kojima (14:12) by referee stop

    7. MLW Heavyweight Title - CM Punk d. Chris Hero (23:33) with a Devil Lock DDT (1st defense)


    - The show kicked off with lights flashing and "Duality" by Slipknot playing through the sound system. The fans were on their feet awaiting the start of MLW's 2005 season and unbeknownst to fans, they would possibly be involved in one of the more memorable moments in MLW. Terry Funk, wearing black tights and his yellow/black Funk shirt with a cut down the neck, emerged from the back to a standing ovation from the crowd. The still active legend walked around the ring slapping every fans hand that he possibly could and showed his respect to the people that keep him going when normal people are already retired and relaxing. Funk rolled into the ring and grabbed the mic.

    Terry Funk: l. One year ago I stepped back into MLW facing off against Steve Corino, one of the best wrestlers in the world and a past champion of many federations. Our last MLW match happened to be a no ropes barbed wire match, a match that took so much out of me that I nearly retired for good. After months of cutting down on my appearances I got a phone call saying that MLW would restart under new management and a new era. So, me being the crazy old bastard that I am, agreed to return to the ring but never set a date. Now, I'm not exactly up to date with most wrestling, but last week I happened to get a copy of Major League Comeback, which by the way had some very good matches and I recommend the tape to anyone who has yet to see the true comeback of MLW, and saw something that disgusted me, The New Church. A group that wants to make its name by beating up guys trying to make a name for themselves. Now, back in my days sure we weren't exactly nice to the new boys, but it never went to the extent that we used weapons to inflict any sort of damage to them, and it never went to the point to where a guy nearly quit the industry because he realized his life was being sacrificed all in the name of someone else who wanted to make a name for themselves. I've seen enough of these jackasses running around causing anarchy and tonight I'm electing myself as the partner for The Untouchables in tonight's 6-man tag match. Terry Funk may be deeply associated with Hardcore wrestling but I'm a pure wrestler at heart. My point is that even though I know how to use barbed wire, chairs, tables, and various other weapons I'm just as dangerous when going to the mat as I cutting people. New Church, you better be prepared for your baptism as the blood and sweat will be rolling off your bodies. (83)

    - Strong and Evans came out representing Gen Nex. The crowd stood up anticipating this mysterious team known only as Asian Assassins, and to much of the surprise the two men would be Keiji Sakoda and Jimmy Yang, formerly known as Sakoda and Akio of WWE's Kyo Dai. The two got into the ring and the match started off with Yang and Evans. The two countered each others dropkicks and Evans stepped it up a notch with an armdrag fake into a hurricanrana. Yang immediately kicked up and hit a heel kick to send Evans back to the mat. Evans then tagged in Strong while Yang kept his feet moving and his arms above his head in a striking mode. Strong and Yang tied up which saw Strong thrust Yangs back into Strong's knees followed by a camel clutch with Yang's armed wrapped around his neck. Sakoda broke the hold and exchanged punches with Strong before Ref Nick Dumeyer stepped in and broke the two up and pushed Sakoda back into AAs corner. Strong picked Yang up and went for an Irish Whip but Yang reversed the move and whipped Strong into AAs corner. Yang hit a flying forearm and tagged in Sakoda who immediately chopped Strong's chest beet red and followed the attack up with a running powerslam for a 2-count. Strong fought Sakoda off and tagged in Evans who hit a springboard dropkick that caused Sakoda to inadvertently tag in Yang, while also making him go between the ropes to the outside. Evans took advantage of the 2 on 1 scenario by hitting a standing twisting moonsault and tagging in Strong who hit a backbreaker and, while holding Yang across his knee, Evans flew off the top turnbuckle with a senton legdrop. Strong picked Yang back up and hit a powerbomb backbreaker while Evans leaped over the top rope for a suicide dive on Sakoda, but failed and was crushed with a powerbomb on the outside. Strong still however picked up the 3-count. (54,29,80)

    - The second match of the Heartbreak Challenge Series ended up being just as good as the first. Michael Shane used every shortcut he could possibly use as a means to tie up the series while Adam Windsor took a careful route and stuck to simple strikes and moves that effected Shane's back. Windsor showed his technical skills by focusing on Shane's back with camel clutches, dragon sleepers, and boston crabs. Shane however showed his resilience by fighting towards the ropes every time Windsor applied a submission hold and never stayed down on the mat long enough for Windsor to keep a constant advantage. About halfway into the match Shane was able to get offense in when he hit a hurricanrana after Windsor went to the top for a splash. Shane then mocked Windsor by boot scrapping Windsor while the poor kid laid on the mat motionless. Shane went up top for a Picture Perfect Elbow Drop but Windsor was able to spring up and connect with a flying forearm that knocked Shane to the outside. Windsor then hit an Asai Moonsault on the grounded Shane and began stomping him until the ref broke the two up and demanded Windsor to get back in the ring. Shane slowly got on the apron and Windsor saw the opportunity for some form of an attack but Shane was able to hit a shoulder thrust and while Windsor grabbed at his abdomen Shane used a sunset flip to get in a 2-count. Windsor fought back and almost gained another victory after Shane went for a Sweet Shane Music but had his leg caught and rolled up for a 2-count. Shane was furious and hit a low blow followed up by an actual Sweet Shane Music which picked up the 3-count. (63,49,78)

    - After Terry Funk's major announcement of being the team mate for The Untouchables, many thought the Untouchables were certainly going to finally get the W over The New Church. Terry Funk came out leading the pack and The New Church were led out by a 100% James Mitchell. The two groups got face to face and the ref seemingly just had the bell rung and didn't bother checking anyone for hidden objects, as the environment was so heated it could've led to a scuffle which he would've been right in the middle of. Michaels and Dinero started off the match with headlock exchanges and a shoulder tackle by Michaels. Dinero quickly tagged in O'Haire who obliterated Michaels with a stiff fucking lariat followed by a leg drop for a 2-count. O'Haire then started choking Michaels with his boot which resulted in Terry Funk entering the ring and brawling O'Haire to the outside. Slash and Dinero got in the ring and went to attack Michaels but Gore hit a moonsault press on both and took them down, which allowed Michaels to get up and start attacking the two. Funk and O'Haire fought outside and into the crowd while The Untouchables seemed to have Slash and Dinero under control in the ring. O'Haire used a chairshot on Funk and threw the hardcore legend over the guardrail. O'Haire set up a table near the apron as Funk slowly got to his feet. O'Haire pulled Funk up to the apron and signaled for a piledriver but Funk hit a lowblow and went for a piledriver of his own, but of course Mitchell had to interfere and used a fireball on Funk which allowed O'Haire to execute a piledriver through the table. Gore and Michaels tried to rush over to Funk but were blind sided by Dinero and Slash. O'Haire rolled Funk into the ring and picked up yet another cheap win for The New Church. (61,54,69)

    - The final Junior Heavyweight Showcase match was not the best but certainly was very solid in its own rights. The four competitors really showcased the different styles of Junior Heavyweight action and left a good taste of what to expect the Junior Heavyweight Title match-up to be like. Jerrelle Clark, Ikuto Hidaka, Josh Daniels, and Austin Aries started the match in their respective corners and as soon as the bell rang Daniels and Clark went at it while Hidaka and Aries felt each other out. Clark quickly took Daniels down with a dropsault and followed the move up with a senton splash for a 2-count. Meanwhile, Hidaka and Aries exchanged forearms and Aries was able to get the upperhand after a backdrop over the top rope followed by an asai moonsault. Aries brought Hidaka back into the ring for a 2-count. Daniels made a comeback and set Clark up for an electric chair suplex, but Clark threw a few punches and was able to flip backwards and hit a reverse hurricanrana for the 3-count. Aries and Hidaka were unaware of Daniels elimination which allowed Clark to set up a surprise attack in the form of a moonsault press. Clark covered Hidaka but was unable to get past a 2-count. Aries was able to hit a german suplex on Clark and followed it up with a STF, which saw Hidaka hit a dropkick to the exposed face of Clark and busted him wide open. Hidaka then hit a kick straight to Aries's head and got a near 3-count. Hidaka then hit a fury of kicks that sent Aries to the outside while Clark slowly got up to his feet. Hidaka turned around into a hurricanrana and became another victim of the 630 Somersault which eliminated him. Aries snuck into the ring and used a chop block to take down Clark. Aries began working on Clark's leg and capitalized with a stretch muffer, which Clark escaped after throwing his heels at Aries head. Clark got up and was put back down with a STO and Aries took the opportunity and locked in a boston crab. Clark tried to get a ropebreak but was unsuccessful and tapped out after trying to fight out of the hold. (57,34,80)

    - Pat Kenney came out following the intermission wearing a button down t-shirt and a pair of windbreaker pants. Kenney walked around the ring mocking fans and eventually entered the ring after grabbing a mic from MLW Announcer Kingdom James.

    Pat Kenney: Simon has a problem! Since the genesis of MLW Version 4.0 I've been able to defeat top names and made it to the semi-finals for the MLW Heavyweight Title. I thought it was a logical conclussion to say that I'd gain respect by accomplishing going that far and being in a group with the likes of Satoshi Kojima, Taiyo Kea, and...CM Punk. But of course, some people just can't let go that I made the mistake of trying something new to respect my Irish heritage. And then... I realized I was only making a mockery of being Irish when infact I can do what we Irish have been known to be able to do since the beginning of time. That is, we can fight. So what is on Kenney's mind? Nothing! Because as of today Pat Kenney is the past and Simon Diamond is the future. And after I prove myself against "The Black Nature Boy" all the fans in this shitty hurricane ridden state will realize I'm not a joke. And when I win the Heavyweight title I'll be the best god damn thing to happen to this promotion since the Extreme Horsemen.

    Diamond threw the microphone down and as he started to exit the ring Scoot Andrews came out and demanded for the match to start. Diamond simply unbuttoned his shirt and tore of his wincbreaker to reveal his Simon Diamond attire. Andrews got into the ring and both men's weights, hometowns, and names were announced. (78)

    - Andrews tackled Diamond to the mat and went for a cross armbreaker but Diamond locked his fingers and rolled onto his side into the ropes to break the hold. Andrews and Diamond started a strength test which Diamond used a legsweep and double knees into Andrews stomach followed by a cross armbreaker of his own, which Andrews eventually got out of after maneuvering on the mat for half a minute. Diamond tried to follow up with an armdrag but Andrews used his legs to bounce off the ropes and hit Diamond with an armdrag. Andrews hit a splash to get a 2-count and got another 2-count after a belly to belly double arm suplex. Andrews tried to pick Diamond back up but got trapped in a cradle for a 2-count. Both men got back up and got into each others face. Andrews took a swing at Diamond but Diamond ducked and took Andrews down with a german suplex followed by an armbar and arm scissors hold (Rings of Saturn/Nagata Lock 3), which Andrews escaped after a rope break. Andrews got up quickly and hit a lariat which knocked Diamond backwards into the ropes, bouncing him back into Andrews who went for another lariat but Diamond ducked and grabbed the unused arm to execute an exploder suplex. Diamond picked up the then disoriented Andrews and hoisted him up into a Simonizer for the pinfall. (78,72,85)

    - Taiyo Kea and Satoshi Kojima were set up to go face to face in what was thought to be a match of respect and one that would feature a high amount of punishment to and from both sides. The match started off with both making fun of each others most well known finishers, to Americans that is. Kea kept slapping his upper arm while Kojima mad faces while doing squats and throwing his arms to his right side. Both eventually stopped joking around and started the match with Kea grabbing Kojima into a side headlock and Kojima executing a back body drop for a 2-count. Kea and Kojima then proceeded to exchange slaps and forearms until Kojima fell down from a Kea forearm. Kojima tried to get up but received a running kick to the head which opened up the floodgates of Kea attacks aimed at Kojima's head. Kojima fought back though and nearly pinned Kea after a spontaneous Koji Cutter for a near 3-count. Kea was then blasted with a lariat and as Kojima went for another Kea ducked and was able to use a Hawaiian Crush for a near 3-count. Kea then hit another running kick which this time busted Kojima wide open, and like a shark Kojima went for a series of running kicks followed by a brainbuster. Kea went for the pin but Kojima still wouldn't stay down! Kea then locked in a sleeper hold as the blood poured out of Kojima, eerily similar to the amount from Yuji Nagata vs. Kensuke Sasaki (NJPW 1/4/04). The fans tried to give its energy to Kojima but in the end the ref called for the bell as Kojima showed no sign of being able to defend himself. Kea got up and checked on Kojima. As Kea stuck his head between the ropes he stopped, looked back at Kojima, and exited the ring. Kojima slowly got up with help from MLW officials. The camera's were rolling as Kojima, with towels wrapped around his head and 4 hands holding the towels, was confronted by Kea backstage. Kojima seemed extremely upset that his friend would put his (Kojima's) health at risk just to prove himself. Kea seemed just as upset that Kojima expected the two to be easy on each other. It ended with Kea slapped Kojima and walking away. (81,71,91)

    - The first MLW Heavyweight Title defense pitted two of the Mid West's best stars in yet another match, but this time in a southern state that isn't overly informed on Chris Hero. Both men looked very strong and into the match as they opened it up with a handshake followed by an exchange of open hand punches. Punk was the first to go down to the mat after an elbow to the head and Hero quickly mounted Punk and worked on the arm with an arm wringer. Punk fought through the pain, connected with European uppercuts which caused Hero to let go of the hold, and allowed Punk to get in some offense with a headlock. Hero was able to cradle Punk up while in the headlock for a 2-count and he eventually stood up and back body dropped Punk headfirst onto the top rope. Punk started trying to punch Hero but was missing and Hero attempted an early Hero's Welcome but Punk rolled him up for a 2-count. Punk got back up, and seemed to be perfectly fine, and started clubbing at Hero's back which caused Hero to kneel down right into a fairly good Shining Wizard. Punk picked Hero back up and threw him into the turnbuckle for what was supposed a clothesline but Hero caught Punk and went for an STO, but Punk used his amazing speed and took Hero down into a crossface hold. Hero fought to the ropes and as Punk attempted to roll back Chris Benoit-style he was again rolled up for a 2-count. Punk got right back up to his feet and started stomping on Hero's head and stomach, trying to do anything and everything to take out his arch-nemesis. Punk spent the next 5 minutes keeping Hero down and working on the arm while Hero seemed legitimately hurt in the ring. Punk called for a bulldog but Hero hit a high angle back body drop and applied a camel clutch to Punk's irritated neck. Punk and Hero eventually stopped the technical wrestling and went back to brawling all over the ring, much to the crowds dismay. Hero seemed to have the match wrapped up after hitting an enziguri and going for a Hero's Welcome but Punk hit a massive uppercut and used Hero's own move against him. Punk was able to get a 2-count and applied various submission holds aimed at Hero's arm. Hero finally screwed himself over after attempting a lariat but was caught by Punk and hit with a Devil Lock DDT in the center of the ring. Hero did everything he could to try to get out of the hold but after struggling for 10 seconds he finally tapped out. (83,72,95)

  15. Major League Newswire

    January 2005

    - CM Punk has requested that the first challenger for his MLW Heavyweight Title be none other than Chris Hero. Punk and Hero have had many MOTYC's in the mid-west and Punk is wanting to make his first defense a memorable one. At the same time the championship comittee have decided to give Pat Kenney and Scoot Andrews a chance at the gold. A match has been set up for Wrestlefest 2005 and the winner will become #1 Contender.

    - Taiyo Kea and Satoshi Kojima are getting closer to their final days in the US and both requested a singles match. The MLW booking committee has granted the match for Wrestlefest 2005.

    - A tag team will be debuting for MLW at Wrestlefest 2005 under the banner "Asian Assasins". It isn't clear who they are or even why they are coming to MLW. MLW has decided to have this unknown team face off against the cocky but athletic tag team of Jack Evans and Roderick Strong.

    - All of the 8 competitors from the Heavyweight Title Tournament were listed in the grapplefanatics.net Top 100 Workers of 2004. NOSAWA and Sonjay Dutt also made it onto the list to bump the number of MLW workers to 10. MLW is very proud of everyone who was listed and encourage every worker to stride to be on the list.

    grapplefanatics.net Top 100 Workers

    ***MLW Workers Only***

    15. CM Punk

    18. Steve Corino

    30. Pat Kenney

    35. Chris Hero

    37. Scoot Andrews

    48. Sean O'Haire

    58. Satoshi Kojima

    67. NOSAWA

    81. Sonjay Dutt

    85. Taiyo Kea


    Wrestlefest 2005


    War Memorial Auditorium in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

    MLW Heavyweight Title

    ©CM Punk vs. Chris Hero

    Heavyweight Title Contendership Match

    Pat Kenney vs. Scoot Andrews

    Satoshi Kojima vs. Taiyo Kea

    Junior Heavyweight Showcase Elimination

    Jerrelle Clark vs. Josh Daniels vs. Austin Aries vs. Ikuto Hidaka

    Generation Next vs. Asian Assassins

    Heartbreak Challenge #2

    Michael Shane vs. Adam Windsor

    The New Church vs. The Untouchables/X

  16. [Results]MLW "Final Destination", 12/31/04

    War Memorial Auditorium

    504 Fans

    1. Sonjay Dutt d. NOSAWA (10:47) with a Hindu Press

    2. Jerrelle Clark/Mikey Batts d. Josh Daniels/Petey Williams (13:04) when Clark used a 630 Somersault on Daniels

    3. Alex Shelley d. Scoot Andrews (12:31) with a Border City Stretch

    4. Hardcore Match: The New Church d. The Untouchables (9:58) when Slash pinned Michaels

    5. Heavyweight Title - Semifinal: Taiyo Kea d. Pat Kenney (17:12) with a reverse enziguri

    6. Heavyweight Title - Semifinal: CM Punk d. Satoshi Kojima (18:57) with a Welcome to Chicago, Motherf*cker

    7. Jr. Hv. Showcase: Kaz Hayashi d. Sonjay Dutt/Ikuto Hidaka/Jack Evans (15:23) when Hayashi used the Final Cut on Hidaka

    8. Heavyweight Title - Final: CM Punk d. Taiyo Kea (19:37) with a shining triangle choke to become the 1st champion


    - The show started off completely normal. The lights were turned way down and the first referee walked to the ring while the announcer greeted the fans to another show. Then... Interstellar Overdrive by The Melvins blasted through the PA as Generation Next walked out with Jack Evans on the right, Austin Aries in the middle, Roderick Strong on the left, and Alex Shelley pacing behind the others. Shelley grabbed the mic and stated that Gen Nex had finally landed in MLW and tonight would be the start of the golden days of MLW. Shelley announced that one member of Generation Next would be the mystery guy in the Junior Heavyweight Showcase match but wouldn't say who. The crowd reacted tons better than last month and all four looked very comfortable in the role they played during the intro of Gen Nex. (49)

    - MLW fans were welcomed with the NOSAWA vs. Sonjay Dutt match to determine one of the remaining two unknowns in the Junior Heavyweight Showcase match. Both men brought their A game to the match and proved themselves as two of the top junior heavyweights on MLW's already talented roster. NOSAWA used kicks aimed at Dutts knee in an attempt to hurt Dutts speed during the match. Early on, NOSAWA hit a kick to Dutts knee which caused Dutt to kneel down and met a extremely powerful kick to the back of his head. NOSAWA got a near fall and seemed to have the match

    under his control until Dutt regained his composure and hit a series of dropkicks followed by a hurricanrana to get a nearfall of his own. Dutt was able to get NOSAWA to the outside and hit an asai moonsault off the apron that sent NOSAWA into the guardrail. Dutt then brought NOSAWA back to the ring and after a nearfall after a NOSAWA brainbuster, Dutt was able to hit an enziguri and follow up with a Hindu Press to get the pin. (71,50,92)

    - Jerrelle Clark and Mikey Batts had been waiting to face off against Josh Daniels and Petey Williams since November, but an injury sidelined the match until today. Clark and Williams started the match out and had a feeling out process while the crowd sat silently waiting for someone to pull a fast one. Clark teased hurricanranas while Williams kept trying to go for an early Canadian Destroyer. Williams tricked Clark with a punch and hit a dropkick that sent him into the corner and allowed Williams to tag in Josh Daniels, who immediately used chops on Clark to soften up his chest. Clark eventually fought off Daniels and was able to finally tag in Batts, who clobbered Daniels with a clothesline and followed it up with a neckbreaker for a 2-count. However, Daniels fought back afterwards and was able to take Batts down and apply a STF while also being near enough to Williams to where the two were able to make a tag in which Williams used a dropkick to Batt's face and get another 2-count for the heel-acious duo. Williams hit a Canadian Destroyer but Clark broke the pinfall and dragged Batts near the corner and tagged himself in. Eventually, Clark beat on Williams and caused Williams to tag in Daniels who was hit with a leg lariat followed by countless stomps to the faces. Batts got into the ring and hit a backbreaker while Clark balanced on the top of the turnbuckle and eventually hit a 630 Somersault onto Daniels. Batts was able to keep Williams away as Clark made the cover to grab the win. (53,31,75)

    - Alex Shelley came out to the ring to finally showcase his much anticipated singles match against Scoot Andrews. Shelley and Andrews started match with a tie up in which Shelley was able to work on Andrews arm with an armdrag followed by an arm bar. Scoot was able to break the hold and underhook Shelley, which allowed him to throw a few knees into Shelleys chest and eventually lead to a Buffalo Sleeper hold. Shelley was able to get a rope break and jumped back up with a spinning heel kick that knocked Andrews into the ropes right into an enziguri. Shelley grabbed Andrews arm and applied a wrist lock while kicking at the elbow. Andrews was in an extreme amount of pain, as was visible through his facial reactions to every kick and turn of his wrist and elbow. Shelley picked Andrews back up and hit a backdrop and rolled through to lock in a cross armbreaker. Andrews would get the rope break and fought back with punches and a lariat that seemed to hurt his arm more than it hurt Shelley. Andrews hit a body press to get a two count and went for another lariat which Shelley used a leg lariat on and followed it up with a crossface hold. Andrews nearly tapped out until Shelley broke the hold and taunted Andrews to get up. Andrews would get up and went for a lariat only to have his arm caught by Shelley and thrown down into a Border City Stretch. Andrews tried to get another rope break but ended up tapping out. (74,54,94)

    - The next match was the Hardcore match between two teams that absolutely hated each other and were looking for every reason to kill each other. The New Church came out minus James Mitchell, due to an injury, wearing street clothes. The Untouchables ended up coming out from the crowd and attacked The New Church from behind with chairs. Gore hit Dinero with a chair that send him to the outside and left Slash in the ring with two pissed off men with chairs. Gore and Michaels went for a conchairto but Dinero hit a missile dropkick to the back of Gore's head which made Gore push Slash into Michaels which got Gore in the way of the chair shot. Dinero threw Gore to the outside and brawled while Michaels got the chair booted in his face. Dinero ended up setting a table against the guardrail and brought Gore to the apron. Dinero went for a powerbomb but Gore was able to turn it into a hurricanrana that sent Dinero through the table. Gore and Michaels were able to double team on Slash until Sean O'Haire ran into the ring and killed Gore with a clothesline and hit a Burning Hammer on Michaels. O'Haire then grabbed Slash and laid him on top of Michaels for the three count. O'Haire and Slash helped Dinero to the back as The Untouchables slowly got up and seemed not so pleased with the turn of event. (53,41,66)

    - Pat Kenney was the undeniable underdog of the whole tournament and showed great skills in the qualifying matches leading up to the semi-final bout against Taiyo Kea. Both men came out to standing crowd and would leave to standing ovation. Kea started the match off by controlling Kenney with palm strikes and a front sleeper hold. Kenney was able to bounce Kea of the ropes into a drop toe hold. Kenney proceeded to work on Kea's back with a modified camel clutch and a single boston crab. Kea was able to get a break after a missed elbow drop and again took control of the match with back to back brainbusters and another front sleeper hold. Kea nearly got a KO but Kenney was able to use a burst of energy to get a leg out of the ring to break the hold. Kea seemed to be irritated and began unleashing a furry of forearms and a high kick to knock Kenney down. Kea went for the pin but Kenney was able to kick out a 2 3/4! Kea picked Kenney up and went for a third front sleeper hold but Kenney hit a northern lights suplex to get a 2-count. Kenney got up first and went to the turnbuckle for a body press but met a forearm to the face followed by a superplex. Kea called for the end and picked Kenney up for a H50 but Kenney swung around and executed a perfect ace crusher to get a 2 3/4 count of his own. Kenney grabbed Kea's leg for a dragon screw and Kea tried an enziguri but Kenney ducked. Kenney still had a hold of Kea's leg and Kea was able to pull of a reverse enziguri that knocked Kenney down. Kea went for the pin and got the pinfall to advance the Heavyweight Title match. (81,71,91)

    - The most anticipated match of the night took place and kept with the high expectations that was set for it. Kojima was greeted with orange and white streamers while Punk got a red, white, and blue shower of streamers. Kojima and Punk started the match off teasing each other with lariats and finally exchanged headlocks. Kojima seemed impressed by Punk and broke into an offensive attack with some open handed punches and an early lariat that got the crowd popping. Kojima kept up his attack with a shoulder tackle followed by stomps to the head, for a 2-count. Punk fought back with an eye rake and some forearms. Punk then went for a Mafia Kick but Kojima was able to hit a lariat that got him another 2-count. Kojima went for another Lariat but Punk ducked and countered with a neckbreaker for a 1-count. Punk dug his knee into Kojima's back while yanking on Kojima's neck to add pressure. Kojima escaped the move and again hit another lariat that got a nearfall. Kojima ripped his elbow pad off and signaled for another lariat but Punk quickly exited the ring while grabbing his now aggravated neck. Kojima went to the outside and exchanged forearms with Punk until Punk nearly get KO'd, which allowed Kojima to roll Punk back into the ring. Kojima went for the pin but still only got a 2-count. Kojima would hit back to back lariats in frustration but still Punk wouldn't stay down for the 3-count. Kojima went for a Koji Cutter but Punk was able to push Kojima away and hit a mafia kick followed by Pepsi Twist (Hammerlock into Clothesline). Punk went for the pin but Kojima kicked out at 2! The crowd realized neither man was going to lie down easily and the speed of which the two men attacked increased. Punk and Kojima fought back and forth until Punk was able to hit a tilt a whirl backbreaker followed by a Welcome to Chicago, Motherf*cker (Double Underhook Backbreaker) for the 3-count. (84,75,93)

    - Next up was the Junior Heavyweight Showcase Match. Sonjay Dutt was the first out followed by Ikuto Hidaka then Kaz Hayashi. The three men starred around as... "Bully" by Eminem blasted through the PA and out walked Jack Evans. Evans and Dutt started brawling while Hidaka and Hayashi exchanged arm drags. Evans got caught with a nick up hurricanrana that sent him to the outside almost exactly when Hidaka used a head scissors takedown that sent Hayashi to the outside. Dutt and Hidaka then exchanged deep armdrags which saw Hidaka catch Dutt in a Shawn Capture. Hayashi and Evans barely got into the ring quick enough to break the hold and double teamed on Hidaka until Hidaka used a reverse hurricanrana on Evans and caught Hayashi with a super kick for a near pinfall, which was broken up by Dutt. Dutt used a missile dropkick to knock Hidaka down and followed it up with a Hindu Press but the pinfall was broken by an Evans standing corkscrew moonsault. Evans went for the pin but Hayashi picked Evans up and hit a backdrop. Hayashi then fought Hidaka and used a brainbuster for a 2 3/4-count. Evans hit a dropkick on Hayashi and went to the top rope but Dutt was able to climb the turnbuckle and hit a hurricanrana that sent both to the outside. Meanwhile, Hidaka got up and went for a crucifix powerbomb but Hayashi was able to slide down Hidaka's back and hit a Final Cut for the 3-count. (59,40,79)

    - CM Punk and Taiyo Kea started off in a match against each other at Major League Comeback and now both were fighting in the finals of the tournament for the coveted Heavyweight Title. The match started off with Kea hitting a lariat trying to expose the still red chest/neck of Punk courtesy of Kojima. Kea picked Punk up and hit a suplex followed by a rear chinlock. Punk found back and eventually took Kea down and applied a boston crab to which Kea was able to roll out of and apply an ankle lock to Punk. Punk got the ropebreak and both backed off and nodded at each other. They then went for a strength test which saw Kea pull Punk towards him into a lariat. Kea then proceeded to stomp on Punks midsection and even saw Kea use a dragon sleeper which Punk was barely able to escape. Kea and Punk then knocked each other over the rope and the two began fighting in the outside. Kea was thrown headfirst into the guard rails and then suplexed onto the hard floor, which Punk exposed by moving the protective mats. Punk brought Kea back to the ring and went for the pin but only got a 2-count. Kea got back on the offensive after Punk stalled when going for a figure four and nearly killed Punk with dvd bomb. The crowd rose to it's feet as Kea picked Punk up and hoisted him up into the H50. Punk was able to hook his foot on the ropes, which kept Kea from bringing him further away from the ropes, and Kea's response was to just let Punk onto the apron and get murdered with forearm smashes. As Punk struggled to hold onto the top rope while standing on the apron, Kea ran at him full speed with a lariat but instead met a dropkick right to the face. Kea tried to get up and Punk saw an opening and hit a shining wizard that busted open Kea. Punk went for the pinfall but only got a 2-count so he went for another shining wizard. This time however Kea only wobbled around so Punk used another, which much to Punks amazement still didn't knock Kea down. Punk went for what looked like a 4th shining wizard but this time he did a shining triangle choke. Kea tried to stand up with Punk's legs locked around his head and left arm but Kea could only stand for merely 3 seconds only to fall back onto his knees. Punk shifted his weight around and eventually got Kea on his stomach which seemed to make Kea tap out. The champion's ceremony saw Kea, bandaged by the MLW trainer, secure the title around Punk's waist and hoist him in the air. The other 6 participants came out and took a big group picture with the title around Punk's waist. (79,75,84)

  17. Breaking News

    - Kazushi Miyamoto tore his right tricep in a match for TNAW. He is expected to be out of action for atleast two months. This means that Miyamoto will miss Final Destination and MLW has announced Scoot Andrews as a replacement in the originally signed Kazushi Miyamoto vs. Alex Shelley match. (12/2)

    - James Mitchell was attacked backstage at the TNAW Impact taping last Thursday. Early reports stated he was perfectly fine but Mitchell contacted the MLW offices and said he wouldn't be able to attend the next show as he suffered a mild concussion and a broken nose. Mitchell did say that The New Church would still face The Untouchables at Final Destination. (12/4)

  18. wickerpark_releaseposter.jpg

    Wicker Park - *1/2

    The trailer made this out to be a psychological thriller but it wasn't. The plot was something that was believable but it just seemed to drag on after the first 30 minutes for me, as I quickly knew what was happening and it just seemed to drag on from then on. None of the performances were bad. Matthew Lillard really was a supporting actor as he outshined everyone else and got a few chuckles here and there. This just wasn't a movie I had any fun with and I know some will love it, but I personally wish I would've saved the $5.50 for Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle.


    Bad Boys II- ***

    I haven't seen the first for quite awhile but looking at this film as a standalone it did a very good job at being entertaining and full of action. I'm sort of in the middle about how the conflict between Lowry (Smith) and Burnett (Lawrence) played out but I guess it really wasn't extremely bad. Overall, this is a fun movie and worth a rent. It even includes a quite funny scene with Lawrence and X.


    The Girl Next Door- ***1/2

    I've heard much about this movie and after my family got it from Net Flix I played it. I knew Elisha Cuthbert was hot so this movie already had a ** rating going in but the movie surprised me with how good it really was. One thing I liked is Matthew (Emile Hirsch) didn't get everything he wanted. The trio had some shining moments that made me think of moments I've had with my two best friends and even some of the actions were spot on to stuff that I've been apart of with the two. I guess I can sympathize with this movie and it made me feel more at home. It is the best of the three I saw tonight and well worth a rental.

  19. MLW Rules and Regulations

    Ring: 22x22 Square Ring with Three Ropes

    I. Divisions

        a. Height Requirements

            1. Junior Heavyweight - 5'11" or under

            2. Heavyweight - No Height Restrictions

        b. Weight Restrictions

            1. Junior Heavyweight - 220 or under

            2. Heavyweight - No Weight Restriction

    II. Time Limits

        a. Non-Title Matches

            1. Opening Match - 15:00 minute time limit

            2. Lower Midcard - 20:00 minute time limit

            3. Midcard - 25:00 minute time limit

            4. Upper Midcard/Main Event - 30:00 minute time limit

          b. Title Matches

            1. MLW Tag Team - 60:00 minute time limit

            2. MLW Jr. Heavyweight - 60:00 Minute Time Limit

            3. MLW Heavyweight - 60:00 Minute Time Limit

    III. Match Types

        a. Single Matches

            1. Regular Match

            2. Iron Man Match

            3. Cage Match

            4. I Quit Match

            5. Submission Match

            6. Ladder Match

            7. Last Man Standing

            8. Hardcore

        b. Tag Team Matches

            1. Regular Tag

            2. Cage Tag Match

            3. Ladder Match

            4. Hardcore

        c. 3-Way Matches

            1. First Pinfall Wins

            2. Eliminate Both Men

            3. Dogfight Rules

        d. 4-Way Matches

            1. First Pinfall Wins

            2. Elimination

        e. Trios Matches

        f. Four on Four Matches

              1. Elimination Match

              2. Captain's Fall Elmination

              3. Regular

        g. Battle Royal

              1. 10-Man Battle Royal

              2. 20-Man Battle Royal

              3. 30-Man Rumble Style

    IV. Rules

        a. Legal Techniques

          1. All striking to legal areas of the opponent

          2. All submission except attacking less than three (3) fingers

          3. All squeezing techniques except grabbing throat directly

          4. All throwing tricks such as suplexes and tosses

          5. All holding techniques

          6. Stomping, knee attack and drop to the opponent's head or face are ok

          7. ABISEWAZA, such as body or hip press, to the opponent's face are legal

        b. Illegal Techniques

          1. Any illegal attacks to the opponent's eye, including gouging, summing etc.

          2. Hooking opponent's nose, ear, mouth or anus with a finger is banned

          3. Grasping using fingers, or pinpoint hitting to opponent's throat or carotid.

          4. Groin shot

          5. Hair pulling

          6. Finger locks are limited to three fingers or more.

    V. Determination

        a. Pinfall

          1. Three Count

        b. Submission

          1. Tap Out

          2. Verbal Submission

        c. KO

          1. If a fighter cannot reach the referee's ten count

          2. If a fighter no longer is unresponsive

        d. Referee Stop

          1. If a referee finds that a fighter can no longer defend himself

        e.  TKO

          1. Towel Throw

          2. Doctor Stop

        f. Count Out

          1. If a fighter cannot reach the referee's 20 count while outside of the ring

        g. Disqualification

          1. If an illegal hold or strike is used in excess

          2. If another fighter interferes in the match

        h. Draw

          1. Time Limit Draw

          2. Double Count Out

          3. Double Disqualification

          4. Double KO

    Young Lions Challenge

    The idea behind the young lions challenge is to give young workers a chance to prove themselves to MLW and the fans that they belong in MLW. The young workers are subjected to a series of 5 matches against any variety of competitors. The stipulation is that if 3 of the 5 matches are won the worker gets a spot on the MLW roster, but if they lose 3 of the 5 matches then they aren't added to the MLW roster and must wait a minimum of 90 days before applying for another Young Lions Challenge.

    Titles and Tournaments

    There are 3 titles in MLW: MLW Heavyweight, MLW Junior Heavyweight,  and MLW Global Tag Team Crown. A committee of 3 decide on the #1 contenders for all titles and have power to book all title matches, unless otherwise awarded through contract signing or negotiation. Also a champion's ceremony will follow every defense. Titles must be defended atleast every 90 days and can be stripped at any time. Currently, MLW has only one tournament, the J Cup USA. MLW may bring in more tournaments and such for title shots and other various reasons.

    Credit: Blaze N Amaze

  20. I know most people won't like the Untouchables/New Church feud but it's a way to show some new talent and give The New Church a new feel. And if you add Generation Next to MLW it adds for an insanely talented group, which by the way (like YI stated) has been popping up in many other indy feds recently, that just adds to the pretty good depth of the MLW roster already.

    If anyone wants to I'll be perfectly fine with people posting predictions and such, and no you don't need to guess time and/or finish, to possibly do a prediction contest. I'm not sure I want to go the typical: pick a winner, pick a talent for __ shows, or pick a match prize. That doesn't mean I won't do any of the above but I will be looking to do something more creative/new.

  21. Major League Newswire

    December 2004

    - Generation Next is officially set to debut at Final Destination. TNAW offices are not too pleased with the announcement as Shelley originally told them he would not bring the group anywhere near TNAW but it seems as if Shelley is showing his true alliance with his fellow Gen Nex members.

    - MLW is proud to announce that Satoshi Kojima, CM Punk, Taiyo Kea, and Pat Kenney are all in the Semi-finals for the MLW Heavyweight Title. Any one of them could bring MLW to another level.

    - MLW has been in a great relationship with AJPW in the past few months which has been the main reason for Kojima, Hayashi, and Miyamoto being in MLW for more than the one month period originally stated. MLW has also been in very good terms with Ring of Honor, based out of Philidelphia. This just adds to the great feds MLW has recently been able to align with in order for the company to really take a stand in U.S. indy wrestling.

    - Steve Corino has stated that he intends to support MLW and Josh Daniels 100% even though he will not be able to make more than 4-5 appearances next year as his Zero-1 schedule has grown substantially compared to this year. Josh Daniels has also impressed MLW officials and as of now has a spot held for him on the MLW roster as long as he continues to show his work is up to the MLW standard.

    - The New Church vs. The Untouchable fued could possibly become as violent as any feud on North America if the Hardcore Match lives up to the expectations we might just see violence that MLW has decided to make the match un-sanctioned to keep any liability off its hands.




    War Memorial Auditorium in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

    Heavyweight Title Final

    Winner of Kojima/Punk vs. Winner of Kea/Kenney

    Heavyweight Title Semi-finals

    Satoshi Kojima vs. CM Punk

    Heavyweight Title Semi-finals

    Taiyo Kea vs. Pat Kenney

    Debut Of Generation Next

    Hardcore Match

    The Untouchables vs. The New Church

    Junior Heavyweight Showcase Match

    Winner of Dutt/NOSAWA vs. X vs. Ikuto Hidaka vs. Kaz Hayashi

    Josh Daniels/Petey Williams vs. Jerrelle Clark/Mikey Batts

    Alex Shelley vs. Kazushi Miyamoto

    Winner Gets Spot in Showcase Match

    Sonjay Dutt vs. NOSAWA

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