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Mr. X

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Posts posted by Mr. X

  1. Like LB, I only recently got my X-Box 360 and I'm enjoying COD 2 and NBA 2K6 quite a bit. The system has a nice interface with some decent additions such as downloading movie trailers and game demos. I haven't really seen many games I want to grab right now and the main reason for me to pick up the console was because I had the money right then and had a system available to be picked up. However, the only things that really bothers me is the steep price of the game and the lack of really good looking games out/coming out very soon.

    The system right now isn't for someone looking to play tons of really great games however, which was my original intent but after I've messed around with it abit I've enjoyed some of the small additions that make it more than just a gaming system. And, I hadn't played a NBA game since NBA Live '99 so NBA 2k6 has been quite fun for me and Call Of Duty 2 has been a very solid shooter/action game.

  2. PRO Wrestling Strongest Digest

    February 2005

    - Matt Sydal has finally requested a match against Vito Thomaselli which has been accepted by both sides. Sydal is one of the most respected junior heavyweight wrestlers around and has a chance to prove how good he really is.

    - MPW has made an agreement with former WWE superstar Keiji Sakoda. Sakoda is said to be thrilled with competing in the Midwest and plans on proving that he is worth a full time contract with the company. It isn't known if Sakoda will wrestle both or one of the nights but we can guarentee he will be at both shows in some form.

    - MPW officials have decided to pullback on the Jimmy Jacobs vs. Delirious match at Make Or Break in an attempt to settle the issues between both. However, they will meet in a tag team match at Facing The Odds where the winner will go into the next night in a MPW Tag Team Title match against Josh Daniels and Halo.

    - You can expect more matches to be announced during/after Facing The Odds for Make Or Break. MPW guarentees both shows will be filled with action with the main theme of both being to give more faces a chance to shine.

    - Bill Geoff is said to be at the boiling point with what J.F. & Associates have been doing to MPW talent and plans on bringing in an assitant GM who will look over the shows and decide on fines for anyone who disrespects the MPW name, officials, and staff.

    Midwest PRO Wrestling Presents...

    Facing The Odds

    February 28 @ Geoff-Partice Warehouse

    Main Event

    MPW Title

    Vito Thomaselli © vs. Matt Sydal

    Brandon Thomaselli vs. Kevin Krueger

    Josh Abercrombie vs. Salvatore Thomaselli

    Tag Team Title #1 Contendership

    Delirious/Danny Daniels vs. Jimmy Jacobs/DARKNESS Egotistico

    XXX-Plicit Content vs. PRO Lions


    - The debut of former WWE superstar Keiji Sakoda.

    Midwest PRO Wrestling Presents...

    Make Or Break

    March 1 @ Geoff-Partice Warehouse

    Main Event

    Brandon Thomaselli/Josh Abercrombie vs. J.F. & Associates


    Vito Thomaselli vs. Winner of 4CE

    Four Corner Elimination

    Eric Priest vs. Zero vs. Trik Davis vs. Justin Kage

    - Winner faces Vito Thomaselli in a non-title match.


    - MPW Tag Team Champions Josh Daniels and Halo defend their titles against either Delirious/Danny Daniels or Jimmy Jacobs/DARKNESS Egotistico

  3. [MPW] "Champions Of The Tag", 1/31/06

    Geoff-Partice Warehouse

    67 Fans

    - The opening match surprised a few of the audience members as the teams made very few mistakes, keeping everything simple to hide the inexperience of both teams. Ashley Howard was able to counter Krueger for most of the match and this rubbed off on Sean Nelson who was able to avoid many pinfalls due to his attentiveness. In the end, Krueger was still able to beat Nelson with a Lady Thriller after a hard fought match.

    Overall: F (40) Crowd: F (25) Match: D (66)

    - Ryan Boz yet again proved how low he can be by baiting his former tag team partner Trik Davis into what was billed as friend vs. friend, only to quickly lay in a beating to Trik. After faking a handshake Boz stunned Davis with a right hand and then unleashed a flury of moves targeting Trik's back. Then, as if he couldn't do anymore damage, Boz carried Trik on his back to the top turnbuckle where locked in an argentine back breaker and then jumped off to do more damage. MPW staff rushed to the ring and after trying to keep Trik down walked him to the back where he was checked out by paramedics.

    Overall: F (34) Crowd: F- (16) Match: D- (60)

    - The MPW tag team title semi-finals started with XXX-Plicit Content taking on Zero and has hand choosen partner Josh Abercrombie. While this was the first match both teamed in they showed their knowledge of tag team wrestling by being able to hang around with XXX-Plicit Content to the very end. Abercrombie did his typical high impact dives while Zero was more of the traditional light weight. Bailey Mannix seemed to have trouble with Abercrombie which led to a near victory when Abercrombie ducked a Mannix clothesline and came back with a head scissors takedown right into a pin attempt. Danny Scott was able to get the tag and after working on Abercrombie used a pump handle driver for the victory.

    Overall: F (47) Crowd: F (30) Match: C (76)

    - The semi-finals came to a close when Josh Daniels and Halo were able to defeat Team IWA in what was a decent match which saw McClure and Priest manhandled by the new tag team. Daniels easily dominated McClure with stiff chops and technical wrestling. Halo and Priest eventually were tagged in which allowed Team IWA to get some offense but in the end they quickly met defeat after a Daniels' dragon suplex followed by Halo's own Halocination.

    Overall: F (46) Crowd: F (32) Match: C (73)

    - "Blunt Force Trauma" by Damageplan took over the PA as Brad "Smash" Bradley made his way to the ring. As soon as he got in the J.F. & Associates theme song "When Worlds Collide" by Powerman 5000. Jim Fannin finally showed his face for the first time in the night, much to the dismay of the MPW fans. Fannin stopped midway to the ring with the microphone in his right hand.

    Fannin: Bradley, I've warned you before and you didn't take heed to what I've been telling you. The night you decided to stick your nose into the business of Jim Fannin and my employees is the night you signed you started seeing red. You signed your death certificate and now I'm here to collect on what belongs to my collection of things accomplished here in MPW.... I'm here to collect your life. And you see, I wanted to do it in such a way that people would not only remember me but in a way that would make the next addition to J.F. & Associates. I wanted to get someone who is so close to you but so far that they'd do anything to get some payback like I've been wanting. And now, I've found that person and I'm here to deliver you to them.

    "When Worlds Collide" starts again as Fannin looks at the entryway. 40% of the crowd is standing waiting to see who it will be when.... RYAN BOZ... walks out of the black curtain. Brad Bradley smirks in the ring as Fannin shakes Boz's hand and hands him a t-shirt. Boz opens it up to reveal the "J.F. & Associates" logo. The two shake hands again and Boz finally enters the ring and the bell rings.

    - Ryan Boz and Brad Bradley had the most intense eye shiner for eye shiner match yet in MPW. Both men held nothing back as they tried to knock the piss out of each other followed by some scary chair shots and table spots. Bradley seemed to just be completely in a zone as he took a brutal chair shot and kept on his feet which seemed to freak even Boz out. Boz tried putting Bradley through the announcers table but Bradley blocked it and came back with a running powerbomb off the apron through the tables thus starting a "Holy Shit" chant throughout the building. Boz was able to kick out of the move but not too long after met a lariat that kept him down for the three count. Bradley celebrated in the ring while Fannin sneakishly slid a chair into the ring which Boz grabbed. Bradley turned around and received another chair shot, this time busting him wide open. Boz grabbed Bradley's head and used his fingers to tear open the cut more while Bradley screamed in pain.

    Overall: F (53) Crowd: F (32) Match: B (86)

    - Vito Thomaselli took on Justin Kage in what was a completely dominating performance by Vito. Justin put his heart into the match and proved he was a strong fighter but in the end he just couldn't find enough in him to beat the reigning and defending MPW champion. Vito was able to control the match from the opening and aimed right for Kage's head, softening it for his super kick. Kage was able to black Vito's first super kick and immediately took the opening and used his speed to knock the champion down to get the upperhand. Kage however took too much time to do a leg drop from the top turnbuckle which allowed Vito to get out of the way. From there on, Vito was able to use a cravate into a sleeper hold to work on Kage's head even more. This lead to Vito's next super kick caught which Vito was able to pull off an enziguri followed by a super kick for the W.

    Overall: F (50) Crowd: F (34) Match: C+ (78)

    - The MPW tag team champions would finally be decided when Josh Daniels and Halo took on XXX-Plicit Content. XXX-Plicit Content were the more experienced team while Daniels and Halo seemed to have the better skills combined which lead to an all out fight to see who would walk out with the titles. Bailey Mannix was the real selling point during the match as he really seemed fired up to walk out as a champion while Danny Scott was more on the coaching side/saving his partner. Halo had one of the best spots of the night when XXX-Plicit Content were on the outside arguing when Daniels got on his hands in knees inside the ring and Halo jumped onto his back over the rope to hit a twisting senton onto Mannix and Scott. Scott was able to fight back and hit a powerbomb to Halo on the outside thus taking him out of action for a majority of the rest of the match. Daniels was able to exchange with Scott until Mannix got involved and the duo hit their XXX-Plicit Factor but luckily Halo was able to break the pin attempt. Daniels, still feeling the effects of the XXX-Plicit Factor, was able to use his fighting spirit to pull of a dragon suplex on Scott... but it wasn't enough to put him away. Daniels the blocked a discus punch and quickly locked in a dragon sleeper which after a little struggling made Scott submit. Halo and Daniels were handed the tag team titles while the crowd gave both teams a standing ovation.

    Overall: F (54) Crowd: F (39) Match: B (82)

    [Quick Results]

    1. J.F. & Associates d. PRO Lions when Kevin Krueger used the Lady Thriller on Sean Nelson.

    2. Ryan Boz d. Trik Davis with an Argentine Back Breaker

    3. MPW Tag Team Title Semi-finals: XXX-Plicit Content d. Josh Abercrombie/Zero when Danny Scott used a pump handle driver on Josh Abercrombie.

    4. MPW Tag Team Title Semi-finals: Josh Daniels and Halo d. Team IWA when Halo used the Halocination on Eric Priest.

    5. Brad Bradley d. Ryan Boz with a Lariat.

    6. MPW Title: Vito Thomaselli © d. Justin Kage with a superkick. (Third Defense)

    7. MPW Tag Team Titles: Josh Daniels and Halo d. XXX-Plicit Content when Josh Daniels used a dragon sleeper on Danny Scott.

  4. Music

    Best Band: Opeth

    Best Solo Artist: Kanye West

    Best Album: "Ghost Reveries" by Opeth

    Best Single: "Remedy" by Seether

    Best Live Act: N/A

    Best Newcomer: 10 Years

    Worst Band: Fall Out Boy

    Worst Single: "Beverley Hills" by Weezer

    Next Big Thing: 10 Years

    Hall of Fame Entrant: Alice In Chains


    Best Comedy Show: Family Guy

    Best Drama: Lost

    Best Sitcom: 2 And A Half Men

    Best Storyline: Lost - Michael trying to find Walt

    Best Channel: FOX

    Best Reality Show: The First 48

    Best Quiz/Gameshow: Family Feud

    Worst Show: Desperate Housewives


    Best Game: God Of War

    Worst Game: Dragon Ball Z Sagas

    Best Game Character: Kratos

    Best System: PS2

    Most Anticipated Release: Resident Evil 4 (PS2)

    Best Soundtrack: Madden NFL 2006

    Best Developer: N/A


    Best Team: Chicago White Sox

    Best Sportsperson: Peyton Manning

    Best Sporting Event: World Series

    Best/Favourite Match: Indianapolis Colts vs. Carolina Panthers

    Most Overrated: Pittsburgh Steelers

    Hall Of Fame: Walter Payton

  5. I have quite a few CDs released this year so I decided to do a Top 10 and also give props to the CDs I still think are really good.


    Trivium - Ascendancy: Some people hate them, personally I really enjoy the latest CD and that's all that really matters, right? Trivium have been called one of the most solid acts in metal around today and while they are my favorites I still have yet to really say that they deserve high regard.

    Favorite Songs: Like Light To Flies, Departure, Pull Harder On The Strings Of Your Martyr


    Shinedown - Us and Them: I've heard many say this CD isn't that great but personally I like it. I always believe that less is sometimes more and Shinedown fit the mold perfectly. If you're looking for a solid hard rock band then try out this CD. Sure, it may not be the best music lyrically but the instrumentals remind you of what rock music is supposed to feel like.

    Favorite Songs: Heroes, Save Me, Shed Some Light, Atmosphere


    Seether - Karma And Effect: I've been a fan of Seether since Disclaimer, and this CD absolutely eclipses Disclaimer in every way possible. Fun rock tracks mixed with some emotional lyrics.

    Favorite Songs: Remedy, The Gift, Plastic Man, Burrito, Tongue


    Taproot - Blue Sky Research: Taproot is one of those bands who many people classify as either metal or emo but no matter which, they have an appeal and sound that can't be matched.

    Favorite Songs: April Suits, Violent Seas


    Mudvayne - Lost and Found: I'll admit, while this CD isn't as good as The End Of All Things To Come it certainly isn't shitty like some people want to make it out to be. I enjoyed a few songs from here and it still is solid through the board with only a few songs I really don't care for.

    Favorite Songs: Happy, Fall Into Sleep, TV Radio, All That You Are, Pulling The String, Choices


    Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth: NIN, a band many people know and either like or don't care for. This CD had so much hype around and which has caused some to find is disappointing when it really is one of the top to be released this year.

    Favorite Songs: The Collector, All The Love In The World, Getting Smaller, The Line Begins To Blur


    Slipknot - Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses : I know many people hate Slipknot. This CD though caught me with a right because it showed a band progressing more into not just making metal for the sake of drumming and using guitars. Slipknot really tried some different things during these recordings and I really have to give them props for doing so and being able to pull it off.

    Favorite Songs: Before I Forget, Vermillion Pt. 2, Danger - Keep Away, Scream (B-side track that comes with the Special Edition CD)


    Audioslave - Out Of Exile: What do you get when you add Chris Cornell and 3 out of the 4 members of the former Rage Against The Machine? A band full of talent who both made an impact in music. Audioslave's first CD was called really good by many but also saw the band struggling to find it's own groove to keep it from being called a Soundgarden/Rage lite. The 2nd CD comes off as the guys really gelling and finally proving that they can play songs that don't steal from Rage or Soundgarden.

    Favorite Songs: Out Of Exile, Doesn't Remind Me, Your Time Has Come


    Opeth - Ghost Reveries: I'll admit, I didn't give Opeth a chance until this CD and I'd like to shoot myself as it has some beautiful songs that stay metal but also incorporate jazz blues and other styles of music. Opeth is one of the most talented bands around and after listening to this CD is in the top 3 bands which I really enjoy.

    Favorite Songs: Reverie/Harlequin Forest, Hours Of Wealth, The Baying Of Hounds


    10 Years - The Autumn Effect: I downloaded their single Wasteland earlier this year and from then on I absolutely fell in love with the band. Some might call them prog rock but I just think they're a very solid rock band.

    Favorite Songs: The Recipe, Seasons To Cycle, Half-life, The Autumn Effect.


    Adema - Planets

    Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists

    Foo Fighters - In Your Honor

    Ill Nino - One Nation Underground

    Ra - Duality

    Smile Empty Soul - Anxiety

    Staind - Chapter V

    Thrice - Vheissu

  6. You are a promotional designer for a firm based in LA. Recently, Mudvayne, Slipknot, and The Agony Scene have announced plans for a huge metalfest where all three bands will be co-headlining. You have been choosen to create a poster for the first show of the tour on January 29th at 4:00PM. The show will be held at the Peoria Civic Center in Peoria, Illinois. The poster must include Mudvayne, Slipknot, and The Agony Scene along with supporting acts (which you can decide on just because they aren't the focus of the idea.)

    They already decided on the rules...you didn't need to post these, lol

    I posted that 11 days ago Norris, I know that it's hard to read how far back a post was posted. I still lova ya though. :P

  7. Opeth are probable one of the most loved bands in the more cult metal circles, so I can't see how you can list them.

    They don't have massive mainstream backing, but thats because thier music isn't accessible enough for that.

    Well, my experience with tons of EWB members makes me feel as if people just don't like them at all. Off the top of my head, Tristy is the only one who I remember actually commenting on how he listens to them.

  8. I have atleast 400 of those cards, including Obi-wan, C-3PO, R2-2D, Chewie, Leia and others. It really was a neat card game and it's a shame how quickly it burnt out. I've been wanting to get back into it but finding people to play is such a hassle...

  9. I'm a fan of Ill Nino.

    I'd have to say I really enjoy Opeth and Shinedown which are bands tons of people seem to not care for. Sure, Shinedown isn't filled with the greatest musicians but they have the feel of a rock band and Opeth can just go all around the board with influences of style and pull each of them off well.

  10. The only problem I have is that it's a pain in the ass to get scripts to match what I see a scene looking like in my head. I tried to have my actor carry the actress but she was carrying him so I ended up having to switch their parts, and now trying to make a scene with just one of them doesn't seem possible (I was aiming to have the actor fighting in a war and leave her out but I couldn't find out how I might be able to do that).

    It's a decent game but still has some areas that could improvement.

  11. You are a promotional designer for a firm based in LA. Recently, Mudvayne, Slipknot, and The Agony Scene have announced plans for a huge metalfest where all three bands will be co-headlining. You have been choosen to create a poster for the first show of the tour on January 29th at 4:00PM. The show will be held at the Peoria Civic Center in Peoria, Illinois. The poster must include Mudvayne, Slipknot, and The Agony Scene along with supporting acts (which you can decide on just because they aren't the focus of the idea.)

  12. PRO Wrestling Strongest Digest

    January 2005

    - MPW heads into the next event to crown the 1st holders of the tag team titles. There has been a slight change as AM Vishion (of Void Effect) suffered a bicep rip and will be out of action for at least 6 months. Zero has announced Josh Abercrombie as the guy who will replace AM Vishion. Even though these two haven't teamed both are experienced in tag team matches and could easily use this as an advantage to outsmart competing tag teams. Who will be crowned the MPW Tag Team champions? We know it can only be one of XXX-Plicit Content, Team IWA, Josh Abercrombie and Zero, or Josh Daniels and Halo.

    - Ryan Boz is bringing in his former tag team partner Trik Davis as another opponent to prove he has changed as a person. Boz is said to be hoping to reconcile with someone who had good times with and this should be an extremely emotional match, with Davis possibly winning a spot on the roster depending on his performance.

    - PRO Lions will face J.F. & Associates as both teams were eliminated last month at Reviving The Tag In Tag Team. Both teams are desperately looking for a W. Jim Fannin is said to be nearly through with the current team as they haven't succeeded like he had envisioned.

    - MPW will hold it's year long running celebration Reviving The Midwest: Season 2 on May 23. Bill Geoff is already saying that the card will be stacked with tons of matches which can change the face of the company. MPW will host a round robin tournament with Sean Nelson, Ashley Howard, and Randy Ortiz with the winner receiving the PRO Lion Cup. This will be something to look forward to as all three are looking for thier big breakout.

    - There has been alot of heat recently with Brandon Thomaselli as he's been no showing appearances and generally has had a negative attitude. It is being rumored that he may be on his last straw and could be gone within the coming months if he doesn't get right.

    - MPW is holding a doubleshot for February and March. Five matches have already been announced with more coming up in the near future.

    Midwest PRO Wrestling Presents...

    Facing The Odds

    February 28 @ Geoff-Partice Warehouse

    Brandon Thomaselli vs. Kevin Krueger

    Josh Abercrombie vs. Salvatore Thomaselli

    XXX-Plicit Content vs. PRO Lions

    Midwest PRO Wrestling Presents...

    Make Or Break

    March 1 @ Geoff-Partice Warehouse

    Main Event

    Jimmy Jacobs vs. Delirious

    Brandon Thomaselli/Josh Abercrombie vs. J.F. & Associates

    Midwest PRO Wrestling Presents...

    Champions Of The Tag

    January 31 @ Geoff-Partice Warehouse

    Main Event

    MPW Tag Team Title Finals

    Winner of XXX-Plicit Content/Josh Abercrombie and Zero vs. Winner of Team IWA/Josh Daniels and Halo

    MPW Title

    Vito Thomaselli © vs. Justin Kage

    Brad Bradley vs. X

    MPW Tag Team Title Semi-finals

    Team IWA vs. Josh Daniels and Halo

    Josh Abercrombie and Zero vs. XXX-Plicit Content

    Ryan Boz vs. Trik Davis

    PRO Lions vs. J.F. & Associates

    PLUS: Jim Fannin and MORE!!!

    *Card subject to change

    Tickets $10 at the door

  13. [MPW] "Reviving The Team In Tag Team", 12/13/05

    Geoff-Partice Warehouse

    40 Fans

    - Randy Ortiz would finally get his first win in MPW in a Bare Knuckles match against his main foe Ryan Boz. Boz tried to take Ortiz down early to stay away from Ortiz's strikes but Ortiz was actually able to show a little defense and after getting in a top guard allowed Boz to get up. Boz hit a few bombers but Ortiz was able to catch Boz with a right uppercut and immediately took the opening to hit a high kick which sent Boz down to the mat. Ortiz quickly went for the pinfall and was able to finally defeat Boz.

    Overall: F (41) Crowd: F- (18) Match: D (64)

    - Chandler McClure and Eric Priest made their tag team debut in a big way by completely dominating 2/3 of MPW's Pure Lions Club. Howard kept up with Priest when the match started, and after Priest tagged out was able to get the advantage against McClure. Howard then tagged in Nelson who seemed to not be able to stay up against McClure and then eventually Priest, which led to Howard trying to make a save only to be caught by McClure and thrown out of the ring while Priest hit his Kiss Of Death to Nelson for the 3-count.

    Overall: F (40) Crowd: F- (19) Match: D- (61)

    - The BJ Express weren't able to have such a stellar outcome as Team IWA in their debut match, but put on a good tag team match. XXX-Plicit Content used their anger towards not winning last month as their fuel in this match which wasn't a good thing for BJ Express. Danny Scott and Abercrombie started the match with some crisp back and forth drop kicks until Mannix distracted the ref to allow Scott to hit a low blow. Brandon got into the ring and clotheslined Scott from behind and while the ref put Brandon back into the BJ Express corner Scott tagged in Mannix. Mannix dominated Abercrombie but after a failed sunset flip Abercrombie tagged in Thomaselli. Brandon quickly took down Mannix and knocked Scott off the apron, but when he turned around was quickly rolled up for a shocking 3 count. Bailey and Mannix celebrated while Abercrombie walked to the back alone, leaving Thomaselli in the ring.

    Overall: F- (51) Crowd: F (26) Match: C (76)

    [Justin Kage Promo]

    Justin Kage makes his way to the ring to a small pop from the crowd. He steps through the ropes and grabs a mic. The promo seemed to barely reach anyone and merely only indicated the next title shot to the fans.

    (clipped as if it was shot and then edited out for the sake of keeping it simple and to the point)

    Kage: Tonight I'm hereby announcing my title shot next month against Vito Thomaselli, if Vito can survive Danny Daniels. Now, I know many of you are wondering how can I make a challenge when I've only had a couple of matches. The simple fact is I along with Matt Sydal beat The Iron Saints cleanly, meaning we proved our worth. The MPW bookers and Jim Fannin agreed on giving me a title shot and Matt Sydal can take his whenever. So next month at Champions Of The Tag, Justin Kage will finally rid J.F. & Associates of a title they've manipulated since Champions Night Out.

    - J.F. & Associates came to the ring with the sole intention of getting the tag titles to add a seal of power to the group but in the end Halo and Josh Daniels were able to pull together and get a win to catapult their team into the fans hearts. Daniels continued his hard chops which quickly tore away to J.F. & Associates until Fannin called the two out, which lead to Halo pleading to be tagged in and Daniels accepting the gesture. This set up J.F. & Associates doing a beat down and nearly getting a 3-count but were chased away by Daniels, who dragged Halo over to their respective corner and tagged himself in. Salvatore tagged Krueger in who met the blunt force of Daniels' chops followed by a dragon suplex, but instead of going for the pin Daniels tagged in Halo who hit a springboard legdrop on Krueger for a 2-count. This led to Krueger getting the upperhand but eventually meeting his own downfall after attempting a Lady Thriller which Halo turned into a headscissors takedown and followed it up with a beautiful top rope hurricanrana for the 3-count. After the match, J.F. & Associates went for the beatdown but were saved by Brad Bradley and Delirious, who were attacked from behind by Jimmy Jacobs and the returning Egotistico Fantastico, who was announced as DARKNESS Egotistico.

    Overall: F (56) Crowd: F (35) Match: C (77)

    - Jimmy Jacobs and Delirious immediately brawled outside the ring while Brad Bradley easily dominated DARKNESS Egotistico. Jacobs quickly took Delirious down after a poke to the eye followed by a sick chair shot which eventually led to a chairshot to Bradley from behind to cause the DQ. Delirious slowly got back into the ring to check on Bradley but was again humiliated when Jacobs lifted him up and hit a Contra Code. To put more salt into Delirious's wounds Jacobs went for a pinfall as Egotistico made the 3-count.

    Overall: F (55) Crowd: F (36) Match: C (75)

    [Fannin's Challenge]

    Jim Fannin jumped into the ring with the mic, immediately getting the fans to boo him. Egotistico and Jacobs shook his hands and exited the ring while Fannin had a cocky smile on his face.

    Fannin: Tonight I proved once again that I'm able to take out anyone and everyone who steps up to me. It doesn't matter if you're Danny Daniels, Matt Sydal, Justin Kage, Delirious, or....Brad Bradley. Anyone who comes into this company thinking they're going to take the title from Vito is clearly mental and needs to be checked into a padded cell. I helped build this company and I'll die before I see the day that Vito is cleanly beat for the title.

    As you all know by now, next month Justin Kage will sadly face Vito Thomaselli for the MPW title. The outcome is easy to predict but rest assured, Vito will make sure the match is still worth the money and that's all that matters to you, the beloved fans of MPW.

    Now, I have one more thing to say before I go to the back and get Vito ready for his match coming up next. Brad Bradley decided that he's be the gate keeper of MPW and try to put J.F. & Associates into check. That big stupid son of a bitch just involved himself in something he won't ever be the same after it's all through. Bradley, as I look at you right now I see a man who is helpless and clearly under-estimated who he was up against. But, you still aren't dead. No worries though, next month I'm giving you a singles match against another guy who is hoping to join J.F. & Associates, only this time he'll definitely have your number and end your stupid regime before it can even get underway. Be ready Bradley, because after next month you're going to be taking welfare and assisted living as accommodations to your life.

    - The main event was quickly hailed as a 4 1/2 star classic as Danny Daniels again took Vito Thomaselli to the limit. Vito started the match trying to flash pin Daniels but failed, resulting in Daniels being able to hit an early cradle piledriver for a two count. After Daniels missed a senton from top turnbuckle Vito started working on the back, using many of kicks and submission holds until Daniels was able to roll into the ropes thus breaking the hold. Vito went for an early superkick but Daniels was able to catch the leg and worked on it. Vito eventually regained control (as the heels always seem to do) and began his cheating ways with using Fannin as a distraction to allow Salvatore to interfere to put Daniels in a danger zone. Vito went for another superkick but Daniels ducked it which ended up catching Fannin, who was on the apron arguing with the ref. Daniels quickly executed a half-nelson suplex...1...2..kickout. Daniels then took Vito to the top turnbuckle but was pulled off by Salvatore, who ended up getting a nasty uppercut for his efforts. Vito then went for a crossbody on the apron but was caught and thrown into the audience. Daniels ended up hitting another cradle piledriver through a table but the ref finished the 10-count, thus making the match a double countout. The fans errupted with boos as the show was brought to a close.

    Overall: D (66) Crowd: F (41) Match: A (92)

    [Quick Results]

    1. Bare Knuckles Match: Randy Ortiz d. Ryan Boz with a high kick.

    2. Tag Team Tournament - Round 1: Team IWA d. PRO Lions when Priest used the Kiss Of Death on Nelson .

    3. Tag Team Tournament - Round 1: XXX-Plicit Content d. The BJ Express when Mannix used a roll up on Thomaselli .

    4. Tag Team Tournament - Round 1: Josh Daniels and Halo d. J.F. & Associates when Halo used a top rope hurricanrana on Krueger.

    5. Brad Bradley/Delirious d. Jimmy Jacobs/DARKNESS Egotistico via DQ .

    6. MPW Title: Vito Thomaselli drew Danny Daniels via double count-out.

  14. Standings after Week 4

    Standing-Name-Total Points (Points Earned From The Week)

    01 SkinMySenses...............................35 (12)

    01 Team NAIWF.................................35 (11)

    01 Matbar..........................................35 (9)

    04 Cole's Killa's..................................34 (10)

    05 Brimstone......................................33 (8)

    06 Wolverines.....................................32 (5)

    06 EWRFan.........................................32 (9)

    08 Curmudgeon..................................31 (6)

    08 Ekins Exuberantly Edible Picks.........31 (9)

    10 Chim Chim.....................................30 (8)

    11 MrX................................................27 (11)

    12 Laces Out........................................23 (11)

    13 Mortified Penguins............................19 (8)

    14 Packers...........................................13 (0)

    14 EScarWFaceB..................................13 (0)

    16 THE Pick Set.....................................8 (0)

    17 Morecello's Terror Teams...................7 (0)

    18 Adda2ude.........................................0 (0)

    Top 5 Predictors Of The Week:

    1) SkinMySenses (12)

    2) MrX, Laces Out, and Team NAIWF (11)

    5) Cole's Killa's (10)

    Bottom 5 Predictors Of The Week:

    1) Wolverines (5)

    2) Curmudgeon (6)

    3) Brimstone, Chim Chim, and Mortified Penguins (8)

  15. Standings after Week 3

    (Hopefully you don't mind me posting this Cole)

    01 Wolverines-------------------------27

    02 Matbar------------------------------26

    03 Curmudgeon-----------------------25

    03 Brimstone--------------------------25

    05 Cole's Killa's-----------------------24

    05 Team NAIWF-----------------------24

    07 SkinMySenses---------------------23

    07 EWRFan----------------------------23

    09 Chim Chim-------------------------22

    09 Ekins Exuberantly Edible Picks-22

    11 MrX---------------------------------16

    12 Packers-----------------------------13

    12 EScarWFaceB----------------------13

    14 Laces Out---------------------------12

    15 Mortified Penguins-----------------11

    16 THE Pick Set------------------------08

    17 Morecello's Terror Teams---------07

    18 Adda2ude---------------------------00

    If I would've listened to my head and not the fan in me I probably would be about 19 or 20 now. I'm still not doing bad seeing as I missed the first week.

  16. Does anyone watch this? I know it's not a masterpiece but the part of me which is interested in the paranormal can't help but watch this show.

    There's something about this show though that I think is lacking, it seems like everything for Sam and Dean is just simple and we haven't seen much of them struggling to defeat anything they've been put up against. Maybe it's to make future encounters terrifying but still, the Wendigo should've been tougher than it was. I'm rooting for this show to get better as people get comfortable with the story and characters so I still say it's something to check out.

    Hopefully this'll spark some people to watch and chat as it seems like no one around here (in the US seeing as it won't be airing anywhere else for atleast awhile) has watched the show.

    Episode V Preview

    [9/27/05 @ 9/8c]

    Dead In The Water

    Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) investigate a series of mysterious drownings written off as suicides. They discover the spirit is an angry little boy with the power to travel through water who is taking revenge on certain town inhabitants for a dark secret buried long ago. Dean forms a bond with a young boy who seems to have the power of premonition.

  17. Yes, because Nintendo doesn't release a new Gameboy every 2 years to get money from the consumers, it's because they absolutely need to update the hardware. :pervert:

    Nintendo let me down with the Gamecube so naturally I'm hesitant with Revolution. The current look of the controller really doesn't help matters as videogames aren't about who can add the most buttons and features. They should mirror what kind of gameplay you want out of your games and adding all these features can/will get in the way of developers.

    I can only name a select few Gamecube titles that I actually enjoyed while I have a number from PS2 that I prefer. Why? Because PlayStation's controller was smooth and tons of games utilized the setup which helped the gameplay. When I played Madden on GC it wasn't nearly as fluid as it is on PS2 and X-Box. Nintendo wants to be "innovative" but that isn't what gamer's are looking for when it comes to controllers. We want a system that can bring the best gameplay and the graphics are only a plus.

    I really want to see RPGs make a strong comeback as they are a genre that I really love but there hasn't been anything great to come out since god knows when. Instead of companies trying to bring out these oh so innovative systems why not try to bring forward innovative games that don't rely on a system that'll only be supported minimally?

    I'm tired of people who just don't care about games anymore and just want a system that can do x, x, x, x, and x because "it wuld b kewl".

  18. The pilot set up what could be an interesting series. The "Woman In White" was a decent glimpse of what Dean and Sammy have in store for them. Hopefully the stories get better from here on out as if that area is improved this could be a really good series. I've been waiting for a decent ghost/urban legend series and this so far seems like it might be able to pull it off. The pilot didn't drop my jaws but it interested me so if the writing and characters get better this could end up being a gem.


    I was thinking maybe there is some sort of curse on Sammy because as far as we know it has been 2 important female figures in his life who have died. The ending was needed as it gave more reason for Sammy to hunt and also adds a bit more to hunting for the thing that killed his mom as it was identical to what killed his girlfriend.

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