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Everything posted by Rocketbusta

  1. If I'm the captain of this boat, then all my shipmates are fools.

  2. I'm just here to hold your hand when you die.

  3. And sometimes I wonder if suicide is truly my only option.

  4. Based on my current listening habits, these change virtually every other week or so. 1. Alkaline Trio 2. Green Day 3. Social Distortion 4. George Strait 5. Clint Black 6. ABBA 7. The Statler Brothers 8. Creedence Clearwater Revival 9. Rancid 10. The Offspring 11. Run DMC 12. Muse 13. The Tea Party 14. (Jeff Martin and) The Armada 15. Silversun Pickups
  5. I'm up for an Online Dynasty on 360 as I've mentioned, if anyone else is up for it, maybe we should figure something out.
  6. Picking my copy up on the way home from work.
  7. I've got a regular problem so my standard break from life is in order.

  8. And at some point I reversed course, I think I am picking up Madden 11... perhaps another online franchise for 11 is in order, considering this one turned out pretty well overall. And I just found out the girlfriend bought a puppy, so looks like I'll be trading in Madden 10 a little earlier than planned. Means I'm out of the franchise. It was a lot of fun guys, looking forward to playing in another one with you guys real soon.
  9. I've been playing the Demo... I'll be picking it up Tuesday on 360. Might be interested in an online Dynasty if anyone else is up for it.
  10. 27-13 over Jacksonville, Markus Brooks ran for over 150 yards... and had no touchdowns.
  11. So, probably picking up a PS3 in the next month or two, just wondering what accessories that would be consider necessary? Since I've got most of the PS3 Exclusives I want already in mind.
  12. Done... 31-7 over the Panthers.
  13. I'm here to spread the good word about how you, too, can accept Randy Savage as your personal lord and savior. SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM! OH YEAH!

    1. C-MIL


      FREAK-OUT FREAK-OUT, yeeeeeah.

    2. Fitzy
  14. To be a winner, you must not lose.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DJ Ice

      DJ Ice

      I have never been so confused. Well there was that WWE Parrell diary thing

    3. Invader Z

      Invader Z

      Where is that? i wanna read it!

    4. Invader Z
  15. I'll break out the Battle Red tomorrow.
  16. If someone signs Slaton, good for them. I'm fine without him.
  17. I bought Marvel: Ultimate Alliance for PS2, and again when I upgraded to the Xbox 360.
  18. I'm here to spread the good word about how you, too, can accept Randy Savage as your personal lord and savior. SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM! OH YEAH!

  19. Next week, I have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday off... although most of that will be spent cleaning up the old apartment.
  20. I'm moving this Saturday, but just about anytime next Tuesday would work for me.
  21. Late to the party, but if there's a posse in need of an extra rider, I'll be game. HoodedMandarin is the gamertag on the 360
  22. If we do a third season, I may be absent for the first couple weeks, moving and getting new internet and such set up may take a little time.
  23. If he was, I wasn't risking losing another offensive piece. After losing Slaton I'm more careful with players.
  24. Lost to Denver 27-14... if I had just kept throwing the ball to my own team, might have made it a more competitive game.
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